Detox diet for 10 days: personal experience, diet features, what to look for, menu for every day

Where it all started

If you look at my photo, you will see that even now, at 42, I am quite a large man. But until I was 34, I didn’t notice any problems with my health or my energy level. But somehow, imperceptibly, a change in the facade occurred, well, bags under the eyes, the complexion of the skin darkened, the tummy began to bulge and hang over the trouser belt, lethargy and weakness in the mornings, I began to scratch the back of my head and wonder - why is this? I don’t smoke, I regularly go in for sports, but my work is mostly sedentary, and I’m not used to watching my diet, I live by the principle, “Whatever you have, you can eat...”

In my free time from my main classes, I began to become interested in the topic and began searching for a source of information, where, without any special medical frills and terms, in a form that was understandable and accessible to my brain, they explained how to deal with this, without resorting to the services of narrowly focused specialists.

One of the doctors, using a purely medical term, detoxification, that is, removing toxins and other harmful and debilitating things from the body, introduced a new direction - DETOX diet. It suited me like no other, because during the food restriction I did not have to experience a loss of strength (but I really wanted to eat, to be honest) and did not leave my usual working pace.

Why detoxification is not enough

Most addicts return to treatment after detoxification even in worse condition than before. Having experienced relief after the procedure, they return to the addiction, but the body, cleansed of toxins, is much more difficult to accept a new dose of toxic substances.

A dependent person is unable to break this vicious circle of salvation from poisoning to a new crisis on his own. The explanation for this behavior is psychological dependence.

Detoxification only relieves physical suffering, while the addicted person cannot control his craving for chemicals. He feels the need for euphoria and other pleasant feelings that his addiction brings him. Therefore, only comprehensive treatment, which includes restoration of health, psychological work and a period of rehabilitation, can return a person to a normal life in sobriety without drugs.

If your loved ones need help in treating drug addiction, then sign up for a free consultation by calling the hotline of the Zdravnitsa professional treatment and rehabilitation center: 8-800-200-27-23 . Our specialists will select an effective treatment plan and accompany you throughout the course. We guarantee results if all our recommendations are followed.

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How to properly enter a detox diet

All the main provisions of the detox diet are very similar to others that do not bear this sonorous and alluring term. Before starting a diet, you should definitely see a therapist. The detox diet is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. You cannot enter it if you have an inflammatory process somewhere or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

First, you need to understand and accept that without overclocking, without preliminary preparation, you cannot put the full load on yourself. It is not right. Everything needs to be done smoothly, in a gentle manner, so that the body gets used to the new regime, no, not nutrition, life. Therefore, they begin detox one day a week for a month. Then, for the next three months, practice a 3-day diet, once every two weeks, and then you can switch to a 10-day detox regimen, 2-3 times a year.

Indications and restrictions

An unhealthy lifestyle, limited mobility, smoking and alcohol, and excess consumption of fast food are the causes of many diseases of the digestive tract.

When the body cannot cope on its own, it begins to send signals in the form of:

  • skin rashes, acne, eczema;
  • fatigue and apathy;
  • bad breath;
  • digestive disorders;
  • foul-smelling sweat;
  • persistent runny nose or cough;
  • discharge from the genitals.

Pregnant women, children and teenagers are strictly prohibited from using detox. People who are underweight should carefully choose their diet. Consultation with a doctor is necessary if you have chronic diseases or take pills.

It is forbidden to begin cleansing after a serious illness, since the immune system is too weakened and needs time to recover. People with gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes cannot use this diet.

Detox diet - prohibited foods

I won’t write much about what you should give up. If you've ever been on a diet, you know that:

  • sugar,
  • salt,
  • smoked-fried,
  • fish-meat,
  • tobacco-alcohol,
  • bread, buns, pastries

is strictly prohibited.

The main products to support the strength of our body will be fruits and vegetables, cereals, fermented milk products, chicken fillets and eggs. This is the base.

Well, then everything depends on you. There is no need to follow someone’s advice that offers ready-made menus planned for ten days. These are their passions. They felt this for themselves, and this does not mean that such a regime will be good for you. The main thing is to listen to your body, what it wants to consume today and right now.

Cleansing enemas

Another popular cleansing technique is colon douching. In theory, this procedure should cleanse it of parasites and feces that remain on the walls. Various solutions are injected into the rectum: from herbal infusions to coffee grounds and laxatives.

“Frequent use of enemas is not recommended even in patients with chronic constipation until nutrition is normalized, laxatives and exercise are used, not like in healthy people. It can cause digestive disorders - the so-called “lazy intestines”, disrupt the microflora and even cause injury,” warns gastroenterologist Nurmatov.

There are no studies proving the effectiveness of such cleaning. Feces do not stick to the intestinal walls and there is no need to clean them out. Only medications and a doctor can help you get rid of parasites.

Svetlana Artemova warns that such enemas can easily lead to burns of the rectal mucosa.

How to start a detox diet day

Any day out of the next ten should start with fruit. Not with tea, coffee, cocoa, they are also prohibited, but with a herbal decoction. There are many different herbs growing in our country and there are real magicians. This is St. John's wort, thyme, mint, fireweed, and many others that you already know.

During the day, you can organize porridge snacks several times, the main thing is a little at a time. Porridges made from the following cereals suited me very well as a snack:

pearl barley,



The main thing is not to sugar the porridge when preparing it, add a little salt, and do not use butter. If it’s too difficult to snack on lean buckwheat, add a spoon (no more) of olive oil to the porridge.

Several times during the course, you must definitely eat lightly sprouted grains. They contain special substances not available from other sources. And they are very, very useful and necessary for our body. Also, several times per course you need to consume low-fat kefir, yogurt, up to 100 grams. cheese, a little chicken fillet, cooked without salt and a few chicken eggs.


The first principle is the use of foods in the diet that help neutralize toxins and remove toxins, normalize digestion and metabolism.


  • Every morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink 1 glass of cold water;
  • Eat fruits twenty minutes before the main meal to avoid fermentation in the stomach;
  • You need to eat in portions of ¾ of your usual norm;
  • Maintain a 3-hour break between meals;
  • Use steamed dishes, baked in foil, with a minimum of processing;
  • Drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day (including night) in small portions. Partial water can be replaced with green tea. If swelling appears - this is a symptom of poor kidney function, get tested; if there is no kidney disease, the swelling will disappear within a week (if the same volume of water is maintained);
  • Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water or warm green tea;
  • While eating, do not solve problems, be calm and peaceful. Take your time and chew your food thoroughly;
  • Have dinner 2-2.5 hours before bedtime (and not just before 18.00);
  • Additional benefits during the detox diet will be provided by yoga exercises, baths, and massage. Long-term fitness training is undesirable;
  • Be sure to include in the diet natural vitamin complexes and specialized dietary supplements that help normalize metabolism.

When I saw the result

If you follow my recommendations, then, like me, you will see and feel the results after the second ten-day course. And this is in 3 months. My wife didn’t want to wait SO LONG and, along with a 3-day detox diet, she took special dietary supplements 2 times a month. It took a long time to choose dietary supplements and settled on Reduxal weight loss capsules. Because they do not contain a single gram of synthetic vitamins, only plant extracts. My wife’s results became noticeable after a month and a half, she became slimmer and lost 9 kg.


My result is more impressive - 15 kg, but I also gave myself the maximum detox program. By the way, after the weight dropped, my belly didn’t disappear anywhere... Workouts that weren’t exhausting helped me reduce my trouser size; a 15-minute jog once a day was enough. No, now, instructions.

Personal top: what's inside? The most popular ingredients and their meaning

  • Citrus fruits
    contain a rich multivitamin composition and are among the leaders in vitamin C content. They contain a sufficient amount of fiber to actively launch digestion.
  • Celery
    is often used in detox programs due to its content of vitamins A, E, K and group B, as well as a large number of microelements. Contains a large number of antioxidants that enhance the body's natural cleansing functions, as well as certain substances that have a positive effect on blood viscosity.
  • Green apple
    contains a large amount of pectin substances, which, being in the intestines, perfectly draw out harmful toxins from the body.

What foods can you use during a detox diet?

The main cleanser of the body is plant foods, so many consider detox to be one of the types of vegan nutrition. What foods can you eat without restrictions? By the way, “without restrictions” does not mean without measure, listen to your body, it is your best assistant.

Cauliflower, broccoli .
My wife and I immediately refused fresh white cabbage. Neither her nor my stomach is friendly with this vegetable. But we took out a 3-liter jar of sauerkraut and used it as an additive to porridge in the first half of the day. Broccoli and boiled cauliflower turned out to be my favorite vegetables. Beet . A necessary vegetable for proper liver function, it quickly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and saturates the blood with iron.

Asparagus . You can eat asparagus without restrictions and without measure, as well as parsley and dill, if you want. Asparagus is rich in a substance such as coumarin, which normalizes sugar levels, vitamin B6 strengthens the walls of the heart.

Citrus fruits . Anything: oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit. Personally, I eat citrus fruits only during the ten-day course; on other days my body craves tomatoes more.

Bell pepper . For our family, this is a unique vegetable, in addition to the fact that it is not addictive; during a diet, pepper gives a feeling of vigor, it contains a lot of vitamin C and A.

Bananas, apples, pears . Apples saturate the body with quite rare vitamin P, iron and fructose, which is necessary for brain function. Bananas remain a source of magnesium and potassium.

Artichokes . They have choleretic properties, improve metabolic processes and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sea kale . This is probably the only product that can provide our body with a sufficient amount of iodine. I will not discover America if I say that ALL residents of the metropolis experience iodine starvation, hence all thyroid diseases. Our shield, which serves as a reliable barrier against viruses and is responsible for the production of hormones from a constant iota deficiency, cannot cope and the first thing you feel is a chronic loss of strength.


Iodized salt does not help the situation. Firstly, there is a minimal amount of iodine in such salt, secondly it evaporates naturally, and thirdly, at temperatures above 40 degrees it leaves the salt completely.

Sprouted grain. To obtain sprouts, a sufficiently pure grain of wheat and barley is required. Pour water over the oats and place in a warm place. In a day you will see that the grain is growing; within two days you should eat the sprouts. This is a unique natural dietary supplement that will saturate the body with ALL microelements.

Smoothies and herbal tea are part of the detox diet; on the menu for 10 days I prepare various smoothies 5-7 times a day, in between I snack on porridge and sprouts. My wife eats (or drinks) only smoothies for three days, eats sprouts, and refuses porridge.

All these products are very effective for cleansing the body and have no contraindications, unlike juice therapy, when juices must be taken in strict proportions and strictly according to the regimen.


Stages of cleansing detox program

First week: liver cleanse

  • In the first week of detox at home, the liver is cleansed. The organ is constantly under stress from stress, so the ducts narrow, and as a result, bile stagnates and the liver becomes tense.
  • To unload the organ, you should stop eating confectionery, fatty foods, sausages and smoked meats for 28 days. If you really want to enjoy delicious hunting sausages, you can allow yourself to eat a small piece, but without fanaticism. According to research results, it is in such products that oxidants accumulate, which interfere with the full functioning of the body and promote aging. The liver will respond with gratitude to the inclusion of rosehip drinks in the diet menu.

Second week: kidney cleanse

  • The kidneys are stressed not so much from the abundance of liquid drunk, but from the salt absorbed in excessive quantities. The formation of kidney stones is caused by taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Aspirin has been proven to be harmful because, in addition to thinning the blood, it gradually destroys the kidneys.
  • Meat products also serve as a load, because the result of protein processing is urea, which causes an increased load.
  • It is necessary to drink chamomile and hawthorn teas.

Third week: lymph cleansing

  • Drinking water will help cleanse the lymph.
  • The body itself signals the desire to replenish the water balance; you should not ignore its needs.
  • Start the morning with a glass of water, and then drink liquid as desired.
  • Circulating lymph constantly cleanses the organs of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, filters out and washes away dead cells.
  • We cleanse the lymph with teas made from lemon balm, licorice and hawthorn. Don't forget to soak in the jacuzzi and have water massages.

Week four: skin cleansing

  • When the kidneys, lymphatic system and liver cease to cope with their functions, the skin bears the entire load.
  • The condition of the whole body can be judged by the skin; if it is covered with rashes, swollen, has a gray tint - it’s time to start a detox program to cleanse the body.
  • Before visiting the sauna, you need to rub a mixture of 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and half a glass of salt into your body.
  • A visit to the spa, lymphatic drainage procedures, manual and water massage are welcome.

Detox diet recipes for 10 days

I prepared several recipes to diversify the table during the diet. I know from myself that the first time is always difficult, but if you approach such fasting days as a holiday, and not as a problem, you will be amazed at the result and you will like it.

Don't forget to eat a boiled egg or a steamed omelet once a day if you decide to fast for 5 days or more. For men, I recommend that on days 7, 8, 9 and 10, in addition to one egg, eat 100 grams. boiled chicken fillet once a day.

Detox grilled zucchini recipe

Mix 50 g of olive oil and chopped herbs - oregano, basil and rosemary - in a bowl. Cut the zucchini into slices 1–1.5 cm thick, toss with oil and leave for 20 minutes. Place the herb-infused zucchini on the grill (a grill pan will do) and cook until soft, without adding oil.

Detox salad

Mix a cup of finely shredded red cabbage, half a cup of boiled chicken breast cut into strips, grated apple, cucumber and carrot. Add a few pinches of crushed almonds and dress the salad with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.

Very useful are porridge recipes with quinoa, which itself is a source of most vitamins and minerals and can replace many foods.

Results: they won’t tell you about this on the review pages.

It wasn't easy at first, but the results were worth it. And this is not a rave review for the sake of a review. I, as the most unsystematic person in terms of nutrition, managed to at least partially discipline myself and learn to eat by the hour. Yes, at first it was juices and smoothies, but I’m sure that I will be able to repeat a similar trick with regular meals, like lunch, which I always don’t have time for.

In the meantime, I won’t bore you and tell you that the scales showed minus 2.5 kg. So I'm quite pleased with the result. Of course, it is worth noting that it is not the fat that has gone away, but the excess water, waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body. Therefore, if, after completing the detox, you return to a disordered diet and systematic “binges” on fast food, do not be surprised that the result was short-lived.

I plan to open a new chapter in my relationship with food and cure myself of the now fashionable diagnosis of “eating disorder.” And the motivation and ease given to me after a total cleansing of the body will be an excellent foundation for changing my habits.

Detox diet options for 1 and 3 days menu for every day

I repeat once again that you should listen to your body and not stuff it with cabbage if it suddenly wants a cucumber. Determine for the day how many times you will snack and how many times you will drink smoothies. I can only offer an approximate menu by day.

Detox for 1 day

Breakfast: smoothie made from apple, celery and lemon juice.

Lunch: vegetable soup of carrots, zucchini, celery, tomatoes and cabbage. For taste, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic, parsley and black pepper.

Afternoon snack: banana, strawberry and apple smoothie.

First dinner: grain bread with grilled zucchini and sweet peppers, a glass of chamomile infusion.

Second dinner: apple baked with raisins and prunes.

Detox diet for 3 days menu by day

The first day

Breakfast: a whole grapefruit, two oranges, three to five tangerines.

Lunch: boiled brown rice or buckwheat porridge, seasoned with any boiled vegetables.

Afternoon snack: smoothie made from half a banana, kiwi and sour apple.

First dinner: fruit salad of kiwi, apple, grapes and pineapple. Use lemon juice as a dressing.

Second dinner: boiled egg, glass of thyme tea.

Second day

Breakfast: unsweetened yogurt with cereal flakes and dried apricots.

Lunch: light vegetable soup.

Afternoon snack: two medium-sized oranges.

First dinner: salad of different types of leafy vegetables with cucumbers, carrots and olive oil and dill dressing.

Second dinner: a glass of pomegranate juice.

Shopping list for cleansing the body

  • Fruits such as bananas, strawberries, blueberries, apples, oranges, avocados;
  • Vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, onions;
  • Proteins such as chickpeas, nuts, seeds, chicken, beef, eggs;
  • Grains such as brown rice, quinoa;
  • Dairy products such as limited amounts of cheese, Greek yogurt;
  • Green tea or drinks (natural or herbal to suppress appetite).


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