Eating 3000 calories a day: benefits, weight gain, menu

However, depending on your activity level, body size, and goals, you may need more.

This article discusses everything you need to know about the 3,000-calorie-a-day diet, including reasons for doing it, what foods to eat and limit, and a sample meal plan.

Who Should Follow a 3,000 Calorie Diet?

Your daily calorie needs are based on several factors, including:

  • Floor . Women typically burn 5–10% fewer calories at rest than men of the same height ().
  • Age . The number of calories you burn at rest decreases as you age ().
  • Height . The taller you are, the more calories you need to maintain your weight.
  • Physical activity . Physical activities, such as yard work and sports, increase caloric needs ().

Daily calorie needs range from 1,600–2,400 calories per day for adult women to 2,000–3,000 calories per day for adult men, with the lower end of the ranges being for sedentary individuals and the upper end being for active individuals ().

These estimates are based on equations using average heights and healthy weights for adult women and men. The 163 cm tall reference woman weighs 57.3 kg, while the 178 cm tall reference woman weighs 70 kg.

Depending on your body size and level of physical activity, you may need 3,000 calories or more per day to maintain your weight.

Although athletes generally have higher caloric needs than the general population, people with physically demanding jobs, such as farm workers and construction workers, may also need large amounts of calories to maintain their weight.

Conversely, if you do moderate-intensity exercise a few days a week and are sedentary in between workouts, you probably won't need as many calories since exercise burns far fewer calories than most people realize (, , )


Factors such as gender, age, height and physical activity level influence whether you should stick to a 3,000-calorie-a-day diet.

How to eat to gain muscle mass

It is important not to skip meals and not to fast for more than 3 hours.
The ideal nutrition option for a man to gain muscle mass would be to eat according to the clock, so the body will quickly adapt to the system and itself will give a signal that it is time to eat. On average, the body's adjustment to a new regime takes about 3-4 weeks. Another secret to maintaining a routine is planning your meals in advance. At first you will have to weigh everything and keep a food diary, but over time this will no longer be necessary. There are special services for this on the Internet, or you can install applications on your phone.

For those who have not exercised before and have decided to gain weight, increasing physical activity within reasonable limits has a beneficial effect on appetite and nutrient absorption. Therefore, to accelerate weight gain, you need to use the muscles of the body. A set of exercises for boys and girls at home and in the gym. And for those who are especially thin, it’s worth reading this article.

When starting the period of weight gain, a list of necessary products is compiled and purchased for the first week. It’s better to create a menu and prepare food for the whole day at once; this will help you distribute food correctly, so that you don’t add calories at the last moment with anything.

The time to gain weight takes different amounts of time for everyone, so you should clearly define the result.
It is better to increase the calorie content and volume of food gradually, this way you can avoid discomfort and confidently move towards your goal. There is no need to rush in this matter, as they say, .
Listen to your body and you will soon see positive changes. The most difficult thing about organizing meals is maintaining the timing and number of meals. It's always easier to sit down at the table once a day and eat to your heart's content. When everything happens randomly, the result may not be pleasing at all. Been through this before. And when I decided to start gaining weight more closely and began to follow all the rules, after about a month I began to notice an improvement.

It turned out to be easy to adapt to the system of 6 meals a day, but what’s annoying about the proper nutrition system is constantly figuring out what to cook, because... the same thing is already boring. I had to expand my culinary skills because... It’s just that chicken breast and cottage cheese have become sooooo boring after a month. And why is there nothing about protein and vitamins? Vitamins are very important when gaining weight: muscle weight increases and the load on joints also increases, so you need to nourish your bones as well. If not expensive collagen, then at least more gelatin and more regularly)

My trainer constantly told me that I need to eat as much protein as possible. Many people used special pills, but I am not a supporter. I ate only natural foods containing protein. After three months, the result was already visible. I’ve been training for two years now, without stopping eating protein foods. You can read her list on any fitness website.

May Help You Gain Weight

While many people strive to lose weight, others strive to gain weight.

Weight gain occurs when you consistently consume more calories than you burn each day. Depending on your level of physical activity and body size, 3,000 calories may be more than your current caloric needs, causing you to gain weight ().

Why You May Want to Gain Weight

There are several reasons to want to gain weight.

If your body mass index (BMI) classifies you as underweight, your doctor or dietitian may recommend that you gain weight.

Alternatively, if you're an athlete, you can gain weight - ideally in the form of muscle mass - to perform better in your sport.

Likewise, if you are a bodybuilder or powerlifter, you may want to gain weight to increase muscle size and strength.

In other cases, you may have a medical condition that increases your caloric needs, such as cancer or infection, or you may be recovering from major surgery (,).

Safe rate of weight gain

While research on this topic is sparse, an acceptable rate of weight gain is 0.2–0.9 kg per week ().

However, in people with severe malnutrition, weight gain of approximately 2 kg per week is considered safe ().

Rapid weight gain can lead to unpleasant side effects such as bloating, stomach upset, and fluid retention. If you are an athlete, these side effects may impair your performance by negatively impacting your training ().

Moreover, rapid weight gain can increase triglyceride levels, which may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (, ).

How quickly you gain weight depends on how many calories you need to maintain your weight.

If you maintain your weight by eating 2,000 calories a day, you will gain weight much faster on a 3,000-calorie diet than someone who maintains their weight by eating 2,500 calories a day.

For example, one 8-week study found that when 25 healthy people ate an extra 950 calories above their weight maintenance calorie needs, they gained an average of 5.3 kg, 3.5 kg of which was fat ().

If the same participants ate just 500 calories more than their calorie needs over the same duration, they would likely gain much less weight.


For some people, 3,000 calories may help them gain weight. An acceptable, safe rate of weight gain is 0.2–0.9 kg per week.

Fractional meals

Change your usual three meals a day to 5-6 meals a day. Reduce the intervals between meals to 3-4 hours.

At the same time, remember that you cannot overeat. Gaining weight is not about eating for two, but about eating correctly and thoughtfully.

Eat small meals. One approach to the table should deliver an average of 300-350 kcal to the body. The value may be less for a snack and more for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Compliance with the regime

If you want to become beautiful, watch what you eat. Now you can no longer grab indiscriminately just to satisfy your hunger. The quality of the food is important.

For example, complex carbohydrates can and should be eaten, but simple ones should be avoided.

Healthy carbohydrates are grains and legumes:

  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • quinoa;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • oatmeal;
  • rye and whole grain bread;
  • lentils;
  • beans;
  • quinoa;
  • chickpeas

Considering the “complicated relationship” the female body has with carbohydrates, it is worth including them in the menu for the first half of the day, trying not to eat them after 17:00. There shouldn't be any of them in a late dinner at all.

The exception is evening training. It is before exercise that it is important to refuel with the energy that carbohydrates provide.

Sufficient amount of water

Water is necessary for the body as a means of improving and accelerating metabolic processes, and, most importantly, as a transport that removes decay products, which become more abundant during intense sports activities. If this does not happen in time, stagnation forms, condensing into waste, polluting the intestines and poisoning the entire body.

Regarding water, the principle is simple - always drink as much as possible. The daily norm can reach up to 3 liters.

Be sure to drink during intense training, without waiting for signs of dehydration: dryness, weakness, dizziness, weak pulse.

What exactly to drink? Plain water, preferably not boiled. If it is possible to quench your thirst with liquid from a natural spring, a well is the best option.

But if such a luxury is not possible, mineral water without gas is suitable.

Please note that adding flavors in the form of sugar, jam, honey to the liquid is not allowed. From the point of view of healthy eating, such a “cocktail” is equivalent to food, not drink.

Sufficient amount of proteins

The protein component is an important component of nutrition when the goal is to form a beautiful body.

How to Eat a Healthy 3,000 Calorie Diet

The calories in your diet come from three macronutrients - carbohydrates, fat and protein.

Protein and carbohydrates provide four calories per gram, compared to nine calories from fat.

Here are the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMRs) established by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies ():

  • 45–65% calories from carbohydrates
  • 20–35% calories from fat
  • 10–35% calories from protein

The table below applies these percentages to a 3,000 calorie diet:

Calories3000 kcal
Carbohydrates338–488 grams
Fat67–117 grams
Protein75–263 grams

When combined with resistance training, protein intake at the upper end of RPW has been shown to reduce body fat gain due to excess caloric intake and increase muscle mass (, , ).

Resistance training may promote muscle gain rather than fat gain on a high-calorie diet ().

Consume protein during your workouts and spread it evenly throughout the day to improve muscle recovery and growth (,).


Higher protein intake combined with resistance training can help optimize your body composition.

Basic nutrition rules

It is necessary to change the approach to food intake, considering it as a source of building material for the formation of a beautiful body.

The first rule is caloric content. It should be 200-300 kcal more than the amount required to maintain the existing weight.

Your figure can be calculated using the formula:

10 x B + 6.25 x P - 5 x D, where

  • B - weight in kilograms;
  • P—height in centimeters;
  • G—age in years.

Low-calorie foods should be avoided. You can gain muscle mass if the number of calories you consume exceeds the calories you burn.

Knowing how many calories you need to get per day, as well as the standard distribution of nutrients, you can choose products for gaining muscle mass for girls and establish effective nutrition, following the basic principles. About them below.

What foods to eat and what to avoid

Getting 3,000 calories a day from whole, unprocessed or minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins can be challenging.

This is because these foods are high in nutrients but relatively low in calories, requiring you to eat a much larger volume of food.

Conversely, it would be relatively easy to consume 3,000 calories from highly processed foods such as bacon, potato chips, candy, cookies, sugary cereals and sugary drinks, since they are very tasty and high in calories.

However, because these unhealthy foods lack important nutrients for health, it is vital to get the majority of your calories from nutrient-dense whole foods, including:

  • Animal proteins : fish, chicken, turkey, pork, whole eggs and lean cuts of beef such as sirloin
  • Plant proteins : tofu, edamame, tempeh, peas and chickpeas
  • Grains : oats, rice, bread, pasta and quinoa
  • Dairy products : milk, cottage cheese, kefir and Greek yogurt
  • Fats and oils : almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, olive oil and nut butters such as natural peanut butter or almond butter
  • Fruits : avocados, berries, apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapes, etc.
  • Vegetables : pumpkin, sweet potatoes, peas, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, etc.

Additionally, protein powders, including whey, casein, and plant-based powders such as rice, soy or pea, can be added to smoothies for a nutrient- and calorie-rich snack.

Finally, weight gain supplements called "gainers," which often provide 1,000 calories per serving, are a convenient option, but it's best to meet your calorie and nutrient needs through your diet first.

Highly processed, low-nutrient foods that should be avoided or limited in your 3,000-calorie-a-day diet include:

  • Fried foods : French fries, onion rings, donuts, chicken fingers, cheese sticks, etc.
  • Fast food : tacos, burgers, pizza, hot dogs, etc.
  • Sugary foods and drinks : soda, candy, sports drinks, sweet baked goods, sweetened tea, ice cream, sweetened coffee drinks, etc.
  • Refined carbohydrates : cookies, chips, sugary cereals, baked goods, etc.

If the majority of your diet consists of whole, nutrient-dense foods, you can enjoy your favorite treats in moderation.


Make sure the majority of your calories come from nutrient-dense, minimally processed foods, and only use sweets and junk foods as occasional treats.

List of carbohydrate products

Carbohydrate foods should account for more than half of all food consumed. You need to use slow carbohydrates in food, and try to eliminate fast ones as much as possible.

You can get it from:

  • Mushrooms.
  • Cereals.
  • Durum pasta.
  • Legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas.
  • Brown rice
  • Potato.
  • Vegetables.
  • Bread.
  • Greenery.
  • Garlic.
  • Fruits, excluding grapes, pears.

It is better to eat the above foods in the first half of the day, 1.5 hours before training. Some carbohydrates can be replaced with a cocktail immediately after training.

List of foods containing fats:

  • Almond.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Walnut.
  • Brazilian nut.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Mackerel.
  • Applesauce pastille.
  • Sardines.
  • Anchovy.
  • Salmon.
  • Red meat.
  • Ghee, butter.
  • Sour cream.
  • Cream.
  • Salo.
  • Crackers, homemade chips.
  • Cheese.
  • Sausage, balyk.

Sample menu for 3000 calories per day

Here's what 5 days on a 3,000 calorie diet might look like.


  • Breakfast : 1 bowl (80 grams) oats with 1 cup (240 ml) animal or plant milk, 1 sliced ​​banana, and 2 tablespoons (33 grams) peanut butter
  • Snack : a mixture made from 80 grams of dry cereal, 30 grams of muesli, 35 grams of dried fruit, and 20 nuts
  • Lunch : 1 bowl (100 grams) spaghetti with 3/4 cup (180 grams) tomato sauce and 110 grams cooked ground beef, plus 1 medium slice of bread with 1 tablespoon (15 grams) butter
  • Snack : 1 bowl (225 grams) cottage cheese and 1/2 bowl (70 grams) blueberries
  • Dinner : 110 grams of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, etc.), 1 bowl (100 grams) of brown rice and 5 stalks of asparagus


  • Breakfast : Smoothie made with 2 cups (480 ml) animal or plant milk, 1 cup (230 grams) yogurt, 1 cup (140 grams) blueberries, and 2 tablespoons (35 grams) almond butter
  • Snack : 1 granola bar, 1 piece of fruit and 2 pieces of cheese
  • Lunch : 12-inch meat, cheese and vegetable sandwich with 85 grams baby carrots, 2 tablespoons (30 grams) hummus and apple slices
  • Snack : 1 scoop whey protein powder mixed in 1 cup (240 ml) animal or plant-based milk
  • Dinner : cooked piece of lean meat (110 grams), 1 medium baked potato (170 grams) with 1 tablespoon (15 grams) butter and 1 bowl (85 grams) broccoli


  • Breakfast : 3 whole wheat waffles with 2 tablespoons (35 grams) peanut butter, 1 orange, and 2 cups (480 ml) animal or plant milk
  • Snack : 1 nut-based bar and 30 grams of almonds
  • Lunch : sandwich on 170 gram whole grain bread with 1 slice of tomato and lettuce, and 90 grams of fried potatoes cooked in olive oil
  • Snack : 1 cup (230 grams) Greek yogurt and 1 bowl (140 grams) strawberries
  • Dinner : 110 grams chicken breast, 1/2 bowl (90 grams) quinoa and 1 1/3 bowls (85 grams) sugar snap peas


  • Breakfast : 3 egg omelet with chopped onions, red and green bell peppers and 1/4 bowl (30 grams) shredded cheese with 2 cups (480 ml) animal or plant milk
  • Snack : 2 tablespoons (35 grams) peanut butter and 1 banana on 1 slice whole wheat bread
  • Lunch : 230 grams tilapia fillet, 1/4 bowl (35 grams) lentils and salad with 1/4 cup (30 grams) walnuts
  • Appetizer : 2 chopped hard-boiled eggs added to a mixed green leafy vegetable salad
  • Dinner : Chili made with 115 grams turkey breast, chopped onion, garlic, celery and bell peppers, 1/2 bowl (125 grams) canned, diced tomatoes and 1/2 bowl (120 grams) beans, topped with 1/4 bowl (30 grams) grated cheese. Also add oregano, bay leaf, chili powder and cumin to taste.


  • Breakfast : 3 whole eggs, 1 apple, and 1 bowl (80 grams) oatmeal cooked with 1 cup (240 ml) animal or plant milk
  • Snack : 1 cup (230 grams) plain yogurt with 1/4 cup (30 grams) granola and 1/2 bowl (70 grams) raspberries
  • Lunch : Chicken breast (170 grams), 1 medium sweet potato (150 grams), 3/4 bowl (85 grams) green beans and 30 grams nuts
  • Snack : 1/2 bowl (130 grams) chickpeas on top of greens
  • Dinner : Burrito with 170 grams shredded beef, 1/2 bowl (130 grams) black beans, 1/2 bowl (90 grams) brown rice, 1 bowl (35 grams) shredded lettuce and spinach, and 2 tablespoons (16 grams) salsa sauce


This 5-day, 3,000 calorie per day menu includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables.

Protein Shake Recipes

Cocktail of oranges and bananas


  • orange juice concentrate (250 ml);
  • vanilla low-fat yogurt (100 g);
  • banana (1 pc);
  • six ice cubes;
  • milk 1% fat (100 g).

Place all ingredients from the recipe in a blender and blend.

Cocoa cocktail


  • kefir (500 ml);
  • cottage cheese (300 g);
  • natural cocoa powder without additives (5 tsp);
  • water (100 ml);
  • sweetener.

How to cook:

  1. Dilute cocoa powder and sweetener with water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  2. Cook for a minute, stirring, then cool. Add the chocolate mixture to the cottage cheese and kefir mixture and beat until smooth;
  3. Drink chilled.

Soy Protein Shake with Almonds


  • protein (1 scoop);
  • soy milk (1 tbsp);
  • crushed almonds (1 tsp);
  • maple syrup without sugar (1 tsp);
  • vanilla extract (3 drops);
  • ice;
  • Greek yogurt (1 tbsp.)

Mix all the ingredients of the cocktail and blend in a blender.


  • Depending on several factors, including your level of physical activity and body size, eating 3,000 calories a day may help you maintain or gain weight.
  • Whole, unprocessed or minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins should make up most—if not all—of your diet.
  • On the other hand, consumption of highly processed foods such as bacon, potato chips, candy, cookies, sugary cereals and sugary drinks should be limited.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: weight gain

About the author: Anastasia Sheveleva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant. More about the author.

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How to customize the menu for yourself?

First of all, you need to calculate your calorie intake for weight maintenance. Use, for example, the Harris-Benedict equation for this. Then add another 15% to the resulting number to get the number of calories for weight gain.

Then download this file which contains the diet plan above. You will only need to adjust the amount of BJU dishes in meals to get the amount of calories you need. It is enough to change only the BJU, the calorie content and the final numbers are calculated automatically. You can also replace the dishes themselves, then you will also need to manually enter their composition by proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Recipes for dishes that can be prepared to gain weight

Protein cookies


  • chopped oat flakes (375 g);
  • chocolate protein (1500 g);
  • peanut butter (375 g);
  • organic coconut oil (450 ml);
  • dates (60 gr);
  • water (1350 ml).

How to cook:

  1. Mix oatmeal and chocolate protein powder.
  2. Combine peanut butter, coconut oil, dates and water and stir until smooth.
  3. Combine the two mixtures.
  4. Roll the resulting dough into small balls.
  5. Give them a flat shape and place on a plate.
  6. Place the plate in the refrigerator for an hour.

Salmon burger


  • burger bun (1 pc);
  • processed cheese (1 tbsp.);
  • smoked salmon (2 slices);
  • pepper and salt to taste;
  • radishes (2 pcs);
  • dill to taste.

How to cook:

  • Cut the bun in half;
  • Toast the bun halves in a frying pan or toaster until crisp;
  • Spread cream cheese on bun;
  • Add salmon slices;
  • Garnish with radishes and dill;
  • Add salt and pepper;
  • Connect the bun halves.

Daily calorie intake for weight loss

The calculator relies on the individual needs of the body to provide basic functions and daily activities. When determining the optimal amount of kcal consumption. it is necessary to rely on the following recommendations:

  • The calorie content of food must correspond to the costs of the human body;
  • It is necessary to adhere to the BJU ratios;
  • You should choose foods that are easily digestible and properly cooked;
  • To burn fat mass, you must maintain a calorie deficit. It is important to note that the energy value should be reduced gradually, otherwise there is a risk of illness.

Attention! Do not deprive your body of essential substances. The diet should not completely exclude proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

For men

We present the calorie intake for men based on age and activity.


15 — 183000
19 — 342600
35 — 502400
51 — 652200

Calorie content should be determined not only by age, but also by a person’s physical activity:

Active lifestyle: from 2400 to 3000 kcal;

Moderate activity: 2400-2600;

Sedentary lifestyle: 2000-2400.

For women

The calorie intake for women is also determined based on age and activity. In addition, there are additional calorie factors, such as a woman’s pregnancy and lactation.


15 — 182500
19 — 342200
35 — 502000
51 — 651800

Active lifestyle: 2800-3000 kcal;

Moderate activity: 2600-2400;

Sedentary lifestyle: 2200-2400.

Pregnant women should add 300 kcal to the age norm. During breastfeeding, 650 is added to the daily energy value standard.

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