Desserts according to the Dukan diet 13 delicious simple recipes 2022 photos

What rules does the Dukan diet dictate for those losing weight? What simple and delicious desserts can be prepared at the first stage of this diet.

Remove simple and complex carbohydrates with a high and medium glycemic index, fats, leave proteins and vegetables - these are the rules dictated by the diet . According to Dukan, recipes for the first stage step by step describe the use of bran, sweeteners, guar gum, and gluten in cooking. In fact, familiar foods, digested in the traditional way with the help of insulin, are replaced by fiber-based foods that are practically not absorbed by the body. This is necessary in order to:

  • remove symptoms of constipation due to excess protein in the diet;
  • reduce appetite by controlling blood sugar;
  • reduce the risk of increased cholesterol even when consuming meat.

Abuse of protein foods worsens the acid balance of the body, increases the load on the kidneys, causes the accumulation of urea in the joints, and weakens the immune system. Despite the proven harm of long-term carbohydrate-free diets, people around the world follow Dukan's rules. Most often, fans ask two questions:

  • What would you like to have a snack?
  • What desserts can you have on a diet?

The answer to these questions is provided by unusual ingredients (guar gum, starch and sweeteners) in recipes that allow you not to break the rules and lose weight without giving up delicious food.

Dukan cheesecakes simple recipe with photos 2022

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 tablespoons oat bran;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • Sweetener for taste.


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  1. 2 types of bran can be ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour, but Dr. Dukan advises using bran in an unground form. In this case, they retain all their beneficial properties and have a positive effect on intestinal function.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make the cheesecakes more tender and airy.
  3. Mix all ingredients until smooth and form cheesecakes.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes until done. Instead of sour cream, you can pour them with natural yogurt without additives.

Pie "Carrot"

Your favorite carrot can be used not only as a tasty addition to soup or salad, but will also become an indispensable baking ingredient for many housewives.


  • 5 g salt;
  • 10 g cinnamon;
  • 22 g baking powder;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 165 g soy flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 450 g carrots.


  1. Grate the peeled and thoroughly washed carrots on a fine grater.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer with sugar and combine with the carrot mixture.
  3. Add salt, baking powder, cinnamon, soy flour. Stir with a spoon or spatula until smooth.
  4. Pour into the mold prepared with butter and semolina. Bake for half an hour in a hot oven.
  5. Chilled baked goods are generously sprinkled with powder or filled with your favorite glaze (instead of sugar, it is better to take sweetener tablets).

Dukan jelly recipe for “Attack” with photo

The recipe for Dukan jelly is very simple. We will need:

  • Gelatin;
  • 5 teaspoons of sweetener (less possible);
  • 450 ml of water (instead of water you can take hibiscus fruit tea);
  • 1 lime;
  • Mint leaves.


Dissolve gelatin according to the recipe indicated on the package. We also dissolve a sweetener in hot water or tea, add finely chopped mint leaves, lime zest, and the juice of half a lime to the liquid. Then let the jelly cool slightly and strain through a sieve. Pour the finished mixture into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely hardened. By the way, you can pamper not only yourself but also your loved ones with this jelly.


The results of the Dukan diet are simply impressive. Looking at “before” and “after” photos on the Internet, it’s hard to resist trying to lose weight according to the recommendations of a famous nutritionist. Before you start this path to your beauty and health, make sure that the contraindications of the Dukan diet do not apply to you. It is not recommended to limit yourself in food in the following cases:

  • for heart disease;
  • for problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • for cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Dukan cottage cheese casserole step-by-step recipe with photos 2022

Dukan cottage cheese casserole can be eaten at any stage of this weight loss system: attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization. The dish will be dietary if prepared correctly. There are several processing methods: baking in the oven, in the microwave, in a slow cooker. In addition, various additives are used: bran, starch, vegetables, fruits, chicken fillet. Due to the richness of the casserole, saturation occurs quickly and for a long time.

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese (0-1%) – 250 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • bran from oat flakes or grains - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch; sweetener - to taste.


  1. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients well until smooth, adding oat bran last.
  2. Transfer the mixture into a microwave-safe form and cook at 500 W for about 4.5 minutes.
  3. If desired, cover the pan with a lid, but then increase the time to 6-7 minutes. Together with natural yogurt, the casserole turns out very tasty.
  4. To make the dish airy, separate the egg white from the yolk. Together with a pinch of salt, beat the protein to stiff peaks and add it to the total mass last, stirring with a spatula from bottom to top. This technique should be used in all recipes. Only the list of products and their quantity changes, but the cooking principle remains the same.

Desserts and diet

At each stage of the Dukan diet, you are allowed to eat baked goods. This is undoubtedly a big plus for those who cannot live a day without sweets. The main condition is that the dish must contain only those products that are on the list of permitted ones.

Cakes, muffins, cookies and buns can be eaten without remorse and without harm to your figure. Dr. Alan Hirsch has proven that the aroma of baked goods not only provides aesthetic pleasure, but also has a powerful effect on memory. A delicious-smelling bun can refresh memories and involuntarily awaken nostalgia for childhood.

Lemon pie according to the Dukan diet recipe with photos 2022


  • 3 eggs
  • 300 ml cold water sweetener
  • 1 lemon
  • a pinch of salt


Beat the yolks with sweetener. Add water, juice and zest, cook in a water bath over low heat until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Add salt, add egg whites, sweetener if necessary, and beat everything into a thick foam. Combine the whites with the warm mixture. Place in a baking dish (about 25 cm) and bake at 180C until golden brown.

Chocolate cupcakes according to Dukan recipe step by step with photos


  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbsp. l. (75 g) skim milk powder
  • 2 tbsp. l. (18 g) oat bran
  • 3 tbsp. l. (50 g) soft pasty cottage cheese 0%
  • 0.5 tsp. baking powder
  • 6-7 grams of Fitparad sweetener
  • 3 tsp. cocoa 11%
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs with a mixer for 3-4 minutes until thick foam, then add cottage cheese and beat too. Weigh and mix all the remaining dry ingredients and add them to the egg-curd mass. Mix everything thoroughly (DO NOT WHIP). Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with dry milk. If desired, you can add orange zest.

Gingerbread "Appetizing"

Preparing these dietary gingerbread cookies will take about an hour, but the result is worth it. Aromatic herbal tea with this addition is perfect for pleasant gatherings with girlfriends.


  • 250 ml natural thick yogurt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 30 g spices for gingerbread;
  • 35 g cocoa;
  • 15 g baking powder;
  • 35 g starch;
  • 45 g milk powder;
  • 55 g wheat bran;
  • 65 g oat bran;
  • 50 g liquid sweetener;
  • 270 g cottage cheese (low fat).


  1. Using a fork, make a paste from the curd. Add all the other ingredients one by one, thoroughly stirring the dough with a spoon after each.
  2. You should get a viscous dense mass.
  3. Roll out the dough into a thick layer, cut out gingerbread cookies with a glass. Place on a prepared baking sheet.
  4. Bake in a low-heat oven until the top of the product is browned.
  5. Chilled gingerbread cookies can be cut with a sharp knife and greased inside with unsweetened jam or cream.

By mixing low-fat cottage cheese, cocoa powder, sweetener and a little dry milk, you can get a wonderful addition to gingerbread, which is recommended to lubricate the entire surface of the finished product.

Nutella Dukan recipe step by step with photos 2022


  • 1 tsp low fat cocoa,
  • 1 tbsp. skim milk powder,
  • 1 yolk, sweetener or vanillin.

Cooking method:

Mix cocoa, milk powder and egg yolk. Add vanillin or sweetener, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to harden. Nutella can be used as a glaze, topping, or just for decoration.

Kefirogl according to Dukan recipe with photos


  • low-fat kefir - 1 glass;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • instant coffee - 0.5 tsp;
  • sweetener - 7 tablets;
  • vanillin;
  • lemon acid.


Beat the yolks with sweetener and vanilla, and the whites with a pinch of citric acid. Add coffee to kefir, pour it and the yolks into the whipped whites. Continue mixing the ingredients using a mixer. Pour the cocktail into a beautiful container.

Chocolate cake according to the Dukan diet recipe step by step with photos

For the biscuit:

  • Dr Oetker pudding – 4 tbsp (4 DOPs)
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • baking powder - 4 tsp.
  • sugars
  • a pinch of salt

For cream:

  • 400-500 g soft low-fat cottage cheese
  • sugars
  • vanilla to taste
  • a little skim milk or natural yoghurt - 50 ml

For the glaze:

  • 2 yolks
  • 1 tsp low-fat cocoa 11% (1 DOP)
  • 1 tbsp. SOM 10 g (1/3 DOP)
  • 1 tbsp. soft cottage cheese
  • sugars


  1. Let's start our Dukan cake by preparing chocolate cakes.
  2. We will bake two cake layers separately, so it is better to prepare the dough for the cakes separately.
  3. For one cake we need 2 tbsp. pudding, 3 eggs, 2 tsp. baking powder, sugar, a pinch of salt.
  4. Separate the yolks from the whites and mix them with the remaining ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  5. Mix the yolk mixture until smooth.
  6. Beat the whites to strong peaks with a pinch of salt.
  7. You should get VERY strong peaks - the spoon should stand.
  8. Carefully fold the whites into the yolk mixture so that they do not fall off. Pour into a suitable mold (mine is 18 cm in diameter) and bake at 180 C until dry.
  9. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.
  10. We also prepare the dough for the second cake layer and bake it.
  11. Cut the cooled cakes in half lengthwise with a sharp knife. We get 4 cakes.
  12. For the cream, beat all the ingredients. If your cottage cheese was thick, add milk or yogurt until the mixture reaches the consistency of cream.
  13. We assemble our cake, greasing each layer with cream. Do not grease the top of the cake with cream.
  14. Preparing the glaze. To do this, mix all the ingredients very thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. Cover the top of the cake.
  15. And put it in the refrigerator to soak and harden!

What is the “alternation” phase?

Unlike the initial stage of the diet, where the emphasis is only on eating foods that contain the maximum amount of proteins, the second phase involves alternating meals with proteins and vegetables. This is where the name “Alternation” (or “Cruise”) comes from.

This stage includes two interconnected sequential cycles - the circle of pure proteins (PB) and the circle of protein-vegetables (VP). The last round requires the consumption of proteins supplemented with vegetables, no matter whether they are raw or cooked.

Features of the “alternation” stage

This phase has a number of features:

  • Compared to the first phase of the Dukan “Attack” nutrition method, the “Alternation” stage is considered more relaxed due to the inclusion of vegetables in the diet.
  • You can include vegetables in the menu according to the “one after another” scheme, that is, one day will be only protein, and the next day - protein and vegetables. If the weight is large, then it is possible to change the alternation to “five through five.”
  • Having chosen the most suitable scheme, you should get the same number of days with pure protein and protein-vegetable days per month.
  • There is no need to focus on increasing the black and white. This can only be done with BO days.
  • The “Alternating” stage lasts until the desired number appears on the scales. On average, in this phase of the diet, weight loss occurs by 1-1.2 kg in 7 days.
  • Whatever pattern of alternation of days is chosen, the result in the form of “lost” kilograms is the same.

Dukan oatmeal cookies best recipe with photo

  • 6 tbsp. l. oat bran
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk powder
  • 4 tbsp. l. corn starch
  • 5 g baking powder
  • 40 ml milk
  • 200 ml low-fat yoghurt
  • sweetener to taste

Mix yogurt with milk and mix with a spoon. Add all dry ingredients. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spoon out the mixture using a teaspoon. Bake cookies for 20 minutes at 175C.

Menu for the week

When creating a menu for each day of the phase, you should be guided by the principles of the diet and the acceptable food list.

An approximate diet for 7 days, alternating between black and white days every other day, is suggested in the table:

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayPancake with branHomemade yogurtSteamed chicken cutletsYogurtBoiled fish
TuesdayOmelette with ham and tomatoesBoiled egg, cucumberBaked chicken with eggplantKefir with bran and herbsEar
WednesdayCottage cheese casserole, teaVegetable salad, seafoodBoiled vealHard-boiled eggsBaked fish
ThursdayBran pancakes, coffeeRadish, onion and chicken saladSoup with meatballs and asparagusCottage cheeseGrilled chicken
FridaySoft-boiled eggs, teaKefir or milkBraised chicken liverYogurt, with added branSteamed salmon
SaturdayCinnamon-curd souffléBaked pumpkinBorscht without potatoes, meatballsKefirTurkey baked with vegetables
SundayOmelet, lightly salted salmonBran bread, low-fat cheeseStew with meat and vegetablesCottage cheese casseroleFish soup without vegetables

The most delicate mousse according to the Dukan diet recipe with photos


  • 300 silken tofu (soft tofu)
  • 200 g curd cheese 0%
  • 4 sheets of gelatin
  • 2 teaspoons Pear flavoring
  • 4 teaspoons low-fat cocoa without sugar
  • 0.5 l skim milk
  • 12 g Canderel vanilla sweetener powder

Cooking method:

  1. Place the gelatin sheets in cold water.
  2. Blend the tofu, cheese, flavouring, cocoa and 400ml milk until the mixture starts to foam.
  3. Heat the remaining milk (100 ml) in a small saucepan. Drain the gelatin and add it to the hot milk.
  4. Add the milk, gelatin and sweetener to the tofu mixture and blend again.
  5. Pour into 4 ice cream cups and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

Dukan coffee and milkshake recipe with photo


  • 400 g soft creamy cottage cheese 0%
  • 500 ml skim milk
  • 4 bags of instant coffee (or 4 spoons of coffee)
  • 4 teaspoons crystalline stevia
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla flavoring
  • 4 coffee beans

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cottage cheese in the freezer for 1 hour.
  2. Mix milk, instant coffee, stevia and vanilla flavoring with a mixer.
  3. Add cottage cheese and mix with a mixer for another 2 minutes. Pour into glasses, add drinking straws and coffee beans for decoration. You can also serve the cocktail with Dukan's signature whipped cream.
  4. Or you can add a scoop of green smoothie to it and then its value will increase significantly.

Easy ginger cookies according to Dukan, simple recipe with photos 2022

You will need:

  • four beaten egg whites;
  • three tbsp. spoons of oat bran;
  • one and a half tbsp. spoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • one and a half teaspoons of dried ginger;
  • sweetener.


  1. Mix ginger, egg whites, bran, cottage cheese and sweetener in a bowl, form a pancake from the resulting dough.
  2. Use a glass to cut out round cookies.
  3. Drizzle oil onto a non-stick frying pan and wipe with a towel.
  4. Place the cookies on the surface and turn them over as they brown.

General recommendations

Sugar and fructose are not allowed on this diet, but baked goods can be sweetened with a natural low-calorie sweetener. For example, Sukrazide, Milford, Stevia, Fitparad. If the sweetener is in tablets, they must first be crushed into powder.

A blender or coffee grinder will help grind the bran into flour. If the cookies need to be crispy, then just crush the bran with a rolling pin. All dairy products should be either low-fat or low-fat.

It is better to prepare baked goods in a silicone mold or on parchment paper, without lubricating the mold with anything. If it is metal, you need to lubricate it with oil using a napkin or brush.

At the Attack stage, you can add flavor to baked goods using vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin, cloves, dried or fresh ginger and cardamom. You can also use fresh and dried herbs - dill, parsley, mint, lemon balm, cilantro, rosemary, green onions. The Alternation stage allows you to diversify recipes with permitted vegetables.

You should not add a lot of salt to savory baked goods. It delays the removal of fluid from the body, which can lead to swelling.

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