Mega Gainer from Maxler is a worthy contender in the sports nutrition market

Features and benefits of Mega Gainer from Maxler. How to take it correctly, dosage and method of preparation. The question of choosing a supplement (be it a gainer, protein, amino acids, etc.) is one of the most important for an athlete. I want to buy a product that will give the expected effect and will not harm the body. At the same time, the most difficult thing is with a gainer, which is in maximum demand and is produced by almost all sports nutrition manufacturing companies. But why think for long if there is a guaranteed high-quality and time-tested product - Maxler MEGA GAINER.

Pros and cons of Mega Gainer Maxler

The Mega Gainer product quickly provides the athlete’s body with the necessary energy for the duration of the entire workout. The big advantage of this gainer is a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. The amount of high-quality whey protein reduces catabolic processes, and thereby accelerates the process of muscle growth.

This sports supplement contains a minimum of protein and a maximum amount of fast and slow carbohydrates, which makes it one of the best sources of energy for an athlete’s muscles, as it contains 80% carbohydrates and has more than 500 kcal in one serving!

The disadvantages include the high consumption of the gainer, since a serving is as much as 75 grams of dry product, which must be mixed with 500 grams of low-fat milk or water, which can create discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract before the training process.

Application results

Special Mass Gainer is a complex product that has a diverse effect on the athlete’s body. Thus, regular use of the supplement causes the following positive effects :

  • accelerated gain of total body weight;
  • increase in muscle mass and strengthening of strength parameters;
  • strengthening the athlete’s endurance (cardio, aerobic, strength, etc.);
  • increased mental concentration and attention ;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • acceleration of rehabilitation after heavy loads, reduction of symptoms of sore throat;
  • suppression of catabolism ;
  • improving overall training productivity.

Results of using the gainer

How to use

  • The manufacturers of the Maxler Mega Gainer supplement recommend taking the gainer 15-20 minutes before training or immediately after physical activity. A 75 gram serving (four scoops) should be mixed with 500 mg of water or low-fat milk.
  • also take a protein-carbohydrate complex directly during training. But to take it during physical activity, you should give preference to water for mixing, increasing the volume of the cocktail by 100 ml.


The Mega Gainer nutritional supplement can be prepared using water, juice or milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5%. One serving is designed for a volume of about 0.5 liters.

To prepare, you need to pour 4 tbsp. l. with a slide (70-75 g) 0.5 liters of liquid and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. You can mix the powder in a blender with some ice.

Tip: when dissolving the gainer in juice or milk, you must also take into account the calorie content of these products.

The finished cocktail retains its beneficial properties for an hour or two after preparation.

We also recommend studying this topic:

Recipe for homemade carbohydrate-protein gainer for weight gain

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This material will be perfectly complemented by the following publications:

  • Gainer Serious Mass to help beginners build their body
  • Composition and dosage of carbohydrate-protein gainer Mutant Mass


  1. Olimp Gain Bolic 6000 is a well-known product that has proven itself in the sports nutrition market. Among its advantages: the presence of auxiliary ingredients (creatine and taurine). Disadvantages include mediocre taste and poor solubility in liquid.
  1. ON Serious Mass. One of the leaders of similar products is the product. This product combines the best qualities of protein-carbohydrate cocktails. Excellent taste and an impressive list of ingredients: 10 minerals and 12 vitamins. One of the features of this gainer is the highest amount of protein (50 mg) in one serving. The manufacturer uses a complex of proteins, which includes: whey, casein, egg white.
  1. Gain Fast 3100. One of the first protein-carbohydrate shakes to appear on the market. He immediately established himself and continues to do so to this day. If an athlete is hesitant when choosing a sports supplement for gaining weight, he can choose the proven and proven Gain Fast. The daily dose, which manufacturers recommend divided into three doses, contains 114 grams of high-quality protein, 468 grams of carbohydrates and 11 grams of fat. In addition to BJU, the gainer is rich in minerals and vitamins (6/10), as well as products that increase performance (Korean ginseng, beta-alanine).

What's included

The main active ingredients of the Special Mass Gainer supplement are combined into 5 groups , each of which delivers nutrients to the body in the required quantities.

Additive composition

  1. MuscleFue is a complex of carbohydrates (simple and complex) that quickly replenish glycogen reserves, improving energy metabolism in the body and promoting muscle development.
  2. MultiStage . A complex of proteins from various sources. Thus, the Special Mass Gainer supplement contains whey isolate, concentrate and hydrolysate, egg white albumin, milk isolate, micellar casein. Nutrients have different periods of absorption and breakdown, due to which their prolonged effect on the body is observed. So, your muscles grow and develop even at night, as they steadily receive the necessary building material.
  3. EnergyCore . The combination of special ingredients allows you to significantly increase the duration of training sessions and increase the load for more quickly achieving sports goals.
  4. PowerMax . A powerful complex of substances accelerates metabolism and promotes the rapid formation of new muscle fibers.
  5. MyoRecovery . A complex of amino acids (including BCAAs) promotes rapid muscle regeneration and the prevention of catabolic processes.

The Special Mass Gainer protein matrix contains high-quality proteins in various forms that provide regular nutrition to the athlete's muscles. The complex is also enhanced with food additives, such as flax and coconut , sweeteners, and flavorings.

Combination with other sports supplements

As for the possibility of combining a gainer with another sports nutrition, Maxler experts recommend paying attention to the following options:

  • Amino X-Fuzion – a complex of amino acids that accelerate regeneration and slow down catabolism;
  • Amino BCAA 4200 - amino acids with BCAA, which accelerate the growth of pure muscle mass and increase the performance of the training session.

You can also add l-carnitine , glutamine, and various types of amino acids to the Special Mass Gainer nutritional cocktail.

Experts note that during the carbohydrate window , you can take a gainer simultaneously with BCAA amino acids and protein, as well as with post-workout complexes.

Combination with other sports supplements

But combining a gainer with lipotropic products (fat burners) and pre-shadow supplements is strictly not recommended , since their target effects are radically opposite.


Mega Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture from Maxler. To build muscle mass, you need not only proteins, but also carbohydrates, even in large quantities, to provide the body with the necessary energy. This explains the 80:10 ratio of carbohydrates and proteins in the supplement, which makes it a high-calorie product that guarantees rapid weight gain.

Buying Mega Gainer is recommended for athletes who are not prone to obesity or have a high metabolic rate. The gainer will help fill the energy deficit that inevitably occurs at the end of each workout and speed up the processes of protein synthesis for subsequent muscle growth.


The manufacturer claims that the supplement is truly effective. What do you need? Take a gainer correctly, taking into account your goals, body composition and training intensity. At the same time, remember that each component of the special mass works from the first days to create your new body:

  • a powerful carbohydrate mixture represented by fructose, maltodextrin and waxy maize. This is a group of high-quality carbohydrates that have varying degrees of digestibility and a high glycemic index. They are absorbed into the blood within a few hours after consumption, feeding the body with energy, increasing insulin secretion and blood sugar levels. Due to the slowest possible conversion of them into energy, thickening of the excess fat layer is unlikely;
  • a powerful group of proteins, which includes whey and milk protein isolate, whey protein concentrate and hydrolysate, as well as egg white and micellar casein. Thanks to such a rich composition, special mass is not only a source of energy, but also a powerful builder for muscle fibers. This gainer can be taken not only after exercise, but also throughout the day - it will provide the muscles with amino acids within 10-15 minutes after consumption, and then for another 5-6 hours. This is possible thanks to the combination of “slow” and “fast” proteins.

Of the additional components of the special mass, it is worth highlighting:

  • balanced mixture of fats (linseed oil, triglycerides, CLA);
  • amino acid mixture of BCAA and creatine;
  • mixtures of enzymes and gums;
  • flavorings (artificial and natural).
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