Counting calories: where to start? The most comprehensive guide to calorie counting!

Control and constant monitoring of the calorie content of food in practice means counting the calories entering the body over a certain period of time. As a rule, a day is taken as a unit of time. This is the optimal period of time, which provides enough information about the quality of nutrition. In addition, daily indicators are constantly repeated, which allows them to be used as an average unit when calculating data over longer periods. The situation with the calculation methodology is more complicated - there are several options. It is necessary to have a sufficiently complete understanding of them in order to be able to make the most correct and accurate calculation.

What is useful for counting

Any calculation is tedious and rather boring work. You can sit with a calculator every day and do routine calculations, constantly checking tables and reference materials. However, it is easier to use a special application. It is installed on a convenient gadget (for example, a smartphone) and gets the desired results without much effort. Another essential item is a kitchen scale. To make calculations, you need to know the exact weight of the food. There is no point in determining it by eye - the calculation will be just as approximate. If you do not have such scales, it is recommended to purchase them. They are not too expensive, but their benefits are very great, and it is impossible to replace such a device. In addition, you will need to have patience. Especially at first, when such a calculation will be new and not entirely clear. However, over time it will become a habit and will no longer feel like a burdensome and tedious task. When the first positive results are obtained from counting the calorie content of food, the procedure will begin to bring satisfaction and even some pleasure.


1 gram of protein contains 4 kcal.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body; proteins are used to maintain muscles, for strong immunity, and to transmit signals between cells.

On average, it is recommended to consume proteins in the amount of 10-35% of daily calories. Big difference, isn't it? How much protein to consume depends on the nutritional goals a person wants to achieve, as well as age, health, body composition, and much more.

There is a lot of protein, for example, in poultry, meat, eggs, fish, tofu and lentils.

Things to remember

Before you count calories and draw certain conclusions, you need to remember that such a calculation gives very relative results. In any case, certain methods and formulas are used to determine the calorie content of foods. however, it is impossible to completely replace reality with mathematics—an infinite number of corrections will need to be made and subtle effects taken into account. As a result, you can get so caught up in calculations that all their meaning is lost. It's not just about the number of calories. This is only an indicator of the energy value of food, the total amount. It is important to have fairly accurate information about the components that make it up. You can get the same amount of calories from a balanced diet, or eat a certain set of fast food products. In both cases, the same amount of calories will be received, but their quality and degree of impact on the body are completely different. In addition, we must keep in mind the difference in the properties of food depending on its initial state. The same foods can have completely different amounts of nutrients if they are prepared differently, dried, or otherwise processed. Therefore, it is possible to correctly calculate the calorie content of food only taking into account its composition and characteristics.

How much does it weigh in grams?

If you decide to try the method of calculating calories, then even in the process of mastering the program you will have a question - how much do you need to eat to lose weight? The first (and most correct) way is to find out your weight, then write down all your food for a week. Then add up all the calories and divide by seven (according to the number of days). This way you will determine your average daily calorie intake. If during this period your body weight has not changed, then this indicator can be taken as a starting point. And for starters, reduce your caloric intake by literally 10-15%. For those who are very pressed for time and need to start losing weight yesterday, there is a plan “B”. Using the Mifflin-Geor formula (Google to help), you determine your basic energy expenditure, how much your body spends to provide for itself in a state of complete rest. Then multiply the resulting value by the physical activity coefficient corresponding to you: 1.2-1.3 - inactive, mostly sedentary lifestyle; 1.4-1.6 - moderate activity, two or three workouts per week; 1.8+ - very active lifestyle, 3-4 or more workouts per week.


Calorie content of foods

The calorie content of food consists of individual indicators of nutrients, or macroelements, that make up the food. These are fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are general indicators of the energy value of nutrients: • 1g of protein contains 4 kcal; • 1g carbohydrates – 4 kcal; • 1 g of fat – 9 kcal; • 1 g fiber - 1.5 kcal. These values ​​are average. They are widely used to calculate calorie content, but the results obtained may differ significantly from real indicators. Products that look identical often have different properties - it is rare to find two apples or pieces of meat that are completely equal in value. It should be borne in mind that accuracy is always relative, regardless of the methodology used and the thoroughness of the calculation. This is why it is so important to obtain the most correct initial indicators (for example, weigh food on a kitchen scale). If it is possible to reduce the calculation error, it should be used to the fullest.


Reviews from those who counted calories for weight loss:

Counting calories really helped me in terms of willpower and helped me get used to eating normally. Fried foods and flour (except for pizza and spaghetti) left my diet, but not because I forbade them. It’s just that when you are faced with a choice: a piece of cake that you will eat, and after 10 minutes you will want again, or a plate of rich soup, after which you will not feel hungry for the next 3 hours, the choice will become obvious

Those who have lost weight by counting calories are not afraid of the calculator

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