Fitness myths: during training, fat begins to burn only after 20 minutes

November 25, 2009

In the struggle for an ideal figure or at least a normal weight, first place is given to a process called fat burning. There are a lot of myths about quickly and efficiently getting rid of excess fat.

In the struggle for an ideal figure or at least a normal weight, first place is given to a process called “fat burning.” That is, ridding the body of excess fat deposits that have formed as a result of an unbalanced diet.

There are a lot of myths about quickly and efficiently getting rid of excess fat. For example, that only diets or special nutritional supplements can get rid of fat. Or that in order to get rid of your own fat, you need to stop eating any “foreign” fat. Or that for “fat loss” there are special machines or exercises for certain parts of the body.

But any diet is a lot of stress for the body.

, and for some reason fat “goes away” last. Dietary supplements disrupt metabolism, and a complete lack of fat in the diet can lead to serious diseases. Well, the dull “swinging” of the press is unlikely to make the stomach flat if you mark its end with a sausage sandwich.

What is fat and why does the body need it?

Full human existence is possible only if the body is sufficiently supplied with energy. Energy in the human body is presented in the form of glycogen carbohydrate, deposited in the liver and muscles, and also in the form of fat.

Fat is a concentrate of the body’s vitality, which begins to be consumed in conditions of low nutrition. That is, during a full meal, part of the reserves is stored in reserve. So to speak, for a “rainy day”. When such a period comes, and the body begins to receive less of the food it is supposed to, it begins to process its own reserves. It should be taken into account that fat is a very convenient form of energy storage. From one kilogram of fat, you can get up to 8750 kilocalories.

Studies have shown that obese people can stay longer in cold temperatures. In addition, plump young ladies were more valued in past centuries. After all, it was believed that they would be able to feed babies during periods of food shortage.

Medical errors

This was shown by a British Medical Journal survey among doctors, nutritionists and fitness trainers.
This is one of the most popular scientific and medical journals in the world. Here are the most common answers: Related article How much will you weigh in two years? Test

1) fat is converted into energy,

2) fat is excreted in feces,

3) fat turns into muscle,

4) fat is excreted through sweat and urine.

Where does he really go?

Conversion into energy seems to be true, because when fat is burned, heat is released. But where do the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen—those building blocks that make up fat—go?

The feces version doesn't just smell bad. Its supporters do not know the basics of physiology; practically nothing is released from the blood back into the intestines. And if fats again entered the intestinal lumen, this would lead to confusion - stool incontinence. This happens when taking medications that block fat absorption.

If fat turned into muscle, it would be a bodybuilders dream. But muscle is a protein, which must contain nitrogen, and some amino acids also contain sulfur. Fats do not contain these elements. Unfortunately, burning fat and building muscle are two different processes.

The version that fat is excreted through sweat seems probable and obvious. After all, when shedding extra pounds, we sweat a lot, but mostly water and salts come out through the sweat glands - and never fats.

Lack of sleep, hormone surges. What factors prevent you from losing weight? More details

Human fat reserves, types of adipose tissue

In order to talk about fat in general and about fat accumulated by a person, you need to know where it is located. There are two types of fat in the human body: white and brown. By the time you grow up, the amount of white fat is many times higher than the content of brown fat. Therefore, further we will talk exclusively about white fat. White fat, or “adipose tissue,” is a community of fat cells called adipocytes. The structure of the adipocyte is such that it is capable of accumulating triglycerides, represented by white fat. In this case, the fat cell cannot stretch indefinitely. And since the body receives abundant nutrition, the excess needs to be stored somewhere. And here, auxiliary cells come to the aid of adipocytes, which, transforming into fat cells, begin to accumulate free fat.

Beware of drastic reductions in calorie intake

You may think it makes sense to drastically cut your calorie intake to achieve a reduction in fat percentage, but this decision will lead to a completely different result . This method of eating is very close to a hunger strike, and the lack of energy in the diet forces the body to obtain energy from muscle tissue. In addition to muscle breakdown, intake of vitamins and other nutrients will be significantly reduced, leading to poor muscle regeneration after exercise. Drastically cutting calories will make you feel hungry, you will become impatient , and you will constantly think about food . Hunger is not the only problem that arises when there is a sudden and drastic reduction in daily caloric intake. Such diets also lead to [1] [3] [4]:

  • slow metabolism
  • poor sleep quality
  • lethargy, fatigue
  • water retention in the body
  • decreased libido and reproductive functions

When reducing your calorie intake, it is important that it does not “shock” your body . Start moderately reducing your calorie intake, preferably reducing your calorie intake by 200-500 kcal. [1]

In what places does fat disappear first?

Now it’s worth talking about the process of synthesis and consumption of existing fat. For this, adipocytes have two types of receptors.

If the body receives enhanced nutrition, the human blood is saturated with necessary nutrients to the maximum permissible level, and here the Alpha receptor, which is responsible for the synthesis of fat, comes into play. This process is called lipogenesis.

If, however, the body finds itself in conditions of low nutrition, and the blood does not currently contain substances necessary for the body, the fat consumption phase begins, or, according to scientific terms, the lipolysis phase. The Beta receptor comes into action, and fat is broken down, producing the energy necessary for existence.

It should also be noted that adipocytes, fat cells, differ in the presence of receptors. Cells located in the thighs and buttocks contain predominantly alpha receptors. Therefore, they quickly accumulate fat. The upper part of the body, on the contrary, is rich in cells whose main function is to give. Therefore, during fasting, the upper half of the body loses weight first.

The reason that can cause both fat synthesis and its breakdown is the level of adrenaline, glucose and insulin in the blood. It is this wonderful three that is responsible for our appearance.

What is needed to start the fat reduction process?

In order to prevent weight gain, it is necessary to establish a balance between lipogenesis and lipolysis, that is, the process of creating and breaking down fat.

Therefore, when eating food, it is important to know what result can be achieved in this case. If there is a lack of adipose tissue, you can eat what will be stored in reserve. And if it is necessary to reduce fat synthesis, the consumption of foods that promote lipogenesis should be excluded from the diet, or at least limited. First of all, you should pay attention to the presence of fats (especially harmful ones) and simple carbohydrates (white sugar, premium flour products and other refined products) in food. It is advisable not to combine fatty meat, lard, butter, cream with the consumption of white bread, sugar, condensed milk and any other refined carbohydrate foods.

It is also necessary to follow a diet. If you consume the above foods in the first half of the day, before increased stress, fat will not be deposited. However, eating these foods before bed will lead to the formation of additional fat cells.

Training intensity

Increasing the number of repetitions and duration of the workout is one way to achieve better results, but it will require more time, which is not always acceptable. Often, the only way to fit as much exercise into the amount of time as possible and get the maximum benefit is to increase the intensity of each workout.

It's simple: work against the clock and set a goal to improve the previous result in each approach. You constantly challenge yourself to burn more fat and continue to do so throughout the day.

This is why high-intensity interval training is so popular among busy people. In a short period of time, you can burn more, and the burning process will continue for several more hours, thanks to the accelerated metabolism. This approach requires exerting yourself to the limit of your abilities, that is, a pace that is comfortable for you is not considered in this case.

Another way to achieve this energy expenditure is through long, steady burns, such as long runs or regular but consistent daily exercise. It all depends on your goals and circumstances. Some people can only devote 30 minutes a day to training, others can only do it during the day, and there are those who manage to find 2 hours for training. Therefore, it is so important to find the right approach based on your capabilities.

How to remove fat from buttocks, thighs, abdomen?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to selectively remove adipose tissue with the help of sports training and diets alone. This is due to the fact that fatty tissue located on the buttocks, abdomen or thighs is part of the human body. The human body is not able to limit or, conversely, increase nutrition in one or another area of ​​the body. But every rule has its exceptions. For example, in order to reduce belly fat, you should give it a good workout (for example, pump your abs), but at the same time limit yourself in nutrition. In this case, the energy needed to perform exercises will be taken from abdominal fat reserves. True, this process is long and it is important to prevent the formation of new fat cells - adipocytes.

How exercise works

The need for exercise and physical education arises due to the fact that our lifestyle has recently changed dramatically - we move less and less, if we move at all, and everything is optimized so that energy consumption is reduced to a minimum. We have cars, elevators, escalators, and sometimes even food is delivered to our home. Much has changed since the days of hunting and gathering, when we were forced to walk miles in search of food and fight for prey, but we inherited the characteristics of our bodies from our ancestors.

We are gaining excess weight and the mechanism developed to protect us is now having a detrimental effect because, unfortunately, evolution has not kept pace with technological progress.

Is it possible to lose only fat when losing weight?

If anyone thinks that during fasting only the amount of fat will decrease, they are deeply mistaken. The stress associated with fasting affects the entire body. And since muscles do not have their own sources of energy, they lose weight first. As for the training described above, muscle mass in this case simply changes the cross-sectional shape of muscle fibers, the number of which is the same in both a newborn and a bodybuilder.

Unfortunately, some workouts still burn muscle tissue instead of fat in the pursuit of weight loss. You can recognize such a coach’s policy by his prohibitions on eating protein foods 2 hours before and after training.

Fat burning formula[edit | edit code]

Once you have determined your body composition using Body Expert, the next step in creating a fat loss program is to calculate the number of pounds you need to lose to reduce your body fat to your target level. This is done according to the formulas:

  1. Current body weight x current body fat percentage = fat weight.
  2. Current body weight - fat weight = body weight without fat component.
  3. Fat-free body weight / desired percentage of lean muscle mass = desired body weight.
  4. Current body weight - desired body weight = required weight loss.

As an example, let's say you weigh 63.5 kg. The share of subcutaneous fat is 12%. Your goal is to have 7% subcutaneous fat and, accordingly, 93% lean muscle mass. How many kilos do you need to lose? Let's do the math:

63.5 kg x 0.12 = 7.6 kg fat.

63.5 kg - 7.6 kg = 55.9 kg of lean muscle mass.

55.9 kg/0.93 = 60.1 kg.

63.5 kg - 60.1 kg = 3.4 kg.


to burn fat down to 7%, you need to lose 3.4 kg. I'm guessing: you'd like those 3.4kg to be fat.

How much fat can you burn per day?

Quite a bit, about 100 grams per day, in rare cases, up to 200 grams. But if you train regularly, the results will be noticeable.

After all, that’s 3 kilograms of fat per month! Why not more, read on...

In order for a person to perform the work he needs, it is important to provide the body with sufficient energy. At the same time, the body’s fat reserves cannot be transformed so quickly into the substances it needs. Therefore, when a person uses up his entire glycogen supply, he begins to process the food that is most digestible for him. And this food is muscles. To prevent this type of “sabotage”, a person should consume a sufficient amount of protein. That is why stores that cater to bodybuilders sell a variety of protein products.

Example of a fat burning menu

In addition to the products you choose from the menu, you should definitely drink a cup of green tea a day, and you can also take vitamin and mineral complexes or use herbal remedies for weight loss.

The menu is designed for the week:

  • 7:30 – glass of water (at least 250 ml);
  • 8:00 – oatmeal and fruit;
  • 10:00 – rice or buckwheat porridge, egg, vegetables;
  • 12:00 – soup, chicken or beef, vegetables;
  • 14:00 – low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables;
  • 17:30 – rice porridge, turkey or rabbit meat, vegetables;
  • 20:00 – fish fillet, vegetables;
  • 22:30 – 100g low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.

If you can’t create a diet that suits your own body, you can contact a nutritionist.

What needs to be taken into account in order not to lose the beauty of your skin after losing weight?

In order for the skin to retain its beauty and not hang in folds after losing weight, it also needs the presence of water. This is due to the fact that the protein collagen, which makes the skin look healthy and elastic, requires water. With the help of water, collagen fibers are tightened, and the skin becomes smooth and silky. Experiencing a lack of moisture, the skin takes on a flabby appearance and begins to peel off. A similar effect can be observed in fruits and vegetables. Let's say that a freshly picked cucumber has a smooth, elastic skin that corresponds to the characteristics of the variety. But just enough for a cucumber to lie for a day or two in the sun, its skin wrinkles, it becomes ugly.

Why does one “not lose weight” in a sauna?

The main physiological task of sweating is to support the body's thermoregulation. The excretory function is activated only when the main (urinary) system cannot cope with the responsibilities assigned to it. After a person's stay in the sauna, his body becomes covered with sweat. But sweat only protects the body from overheating and does not take on any other responsibilities. And in order to maintain optimal temperature in the body and not develop thermal stroke, it is necessary to maintain water balance by drinking as much water as you want.

What is aerobic exercise (cardio)?

We all remember from our school physics course that “aero” means air. This is what is needed now to control body fat.

In order to reduce the amount of fat in the body, oxygen is needed, which, as a result of lipolysis, releases energy, which is then used by the body. Good blood circulation, the main supplier of oxygen, depends on the proper functioning of the heart. If the heart is not trained, it cannot work under increased load for a long time. Good results in cardio training are provided by running, swimming, rowing, and cycling. You should train with such a load that the heart rate during exercise corresponds to the formula (220-age).

In order for the process of fat breakdown to begin, it is necessary to correctly distribute the load on the muscles. Large muscles involved in training consume more energy, and, therefore, begin to feel a lack of food faster. At this moment, lipolysis begins, which reduces the amount of fat deposits.

But in order to achieve lasting results in reducing adipose tissue, muscles must contract regularly, alternating periods of rest and tension. Only in this case, fat breakdown products will be able to leave the area of ​​“combat operations” completely, otherwise the result will be short-term.

As for static loads (calannetics, yoga, Pilates), they do not take any part in the breakdown of fats, and such loads do not allow the evacuation of lipolysis products from the work area, preventing the supply of oxygen. Thus, static exercises are not aimed at reducing fat mass, but simply at endurance, developing flexibility and other physical and spiritual qualities of a person.


We know from theory, and practice shows, that if adequate lymphatic drainage is not provided, decay products, remaining in the tissues, can be deposited again in the form of fatty deposits. That is why, after the procedure, means and methods are used that ensure further metabolism of the breakdown products of adipose tissue and have a lymphatic drainage effect. Mesotherapy has long been recognized and the most effective of these methods. L-carnitine is traditionally responsible for metabolic transformations, which ensures the transport of free fatty acids into mitochondria. To enhance lymphatic drainage, drugs are used that include rutoside, extracts of sweet clover, green tea, artichoke, etc. It is advisable to include active ingredients with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects (vitamins C and E, extracts of walnut, sarsaparilla root).

Examples of such drugs are Liporeductor RC-2 (Dietbel, Spain), Rutin + Melilot extract (ID Farma, Spain), Alkafit, Camesin (Skinasil, Russia). They provide lymph flow and lymphatic drainage, have an anti-edematous effect, accelerating and enhancing the utilization of final metabolites - free fatty acids and water.

In case of severe microcirculation disturbance, it is advisable to conduct mesotherapy sessions using extracts of ginkgo biloba and arnica. They eliminate spasm of precapillary sphincters, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and restore microcirculation.

What is cellulite and how to get rid of it?

Cellulite is fat deposits in the upper layers of the skin. And since cells that accumulate fat in reserve are located between collagen fibers, the appearance of skin with signs of cellulite development resembles an orange peel. With little physical activity and with reduced blood flow through the capillaries, fat cells “swell” is observed. As a result, lipolysis in them stops, and new cells come into action.

Therefore, in order not to completely turn into an “orange”, you should take care of the normal blood circulation of the upper layers of the skin. A good option for this is alternating aerobic exercise with rubbing gels containing caffeine or aminophylline into problem areas. To the composition used, it is necessary to add a couple of drops of dimexide, which will successfully deliver caffeine or aminophylline molecules deep into the tissues.

The presence of these substances in problem areas of the body will lead to dilation of blood vessels and ensure the normal functioning of capillaries, which will improve the outflow of harmful substances and the full delivery of useful ones. The use of these drugs is necessary because otherwise, these substances simply will not be able to penetrate the area of ​​their intended purpose, and everything will remain as it was.

PS: Before using gels with the above components, you should definitely consult your doctor! The above drugs should only be purchased from pharmacies.


Thus, the combination of hardware influence (ultraphonophoresis + ultrasonic cavitation + infrared irradiation) and mesotherapy leads to the following results.

  1. Infrared irradiation has a thermal effect, which accelerates metabolic processes and activates redox reactions. Metabolic products are removed from cells faster.
  2. The combination of various therapeutic effects of ultrasonic waves (mechanical, thermal and physicochemical) has a complex effect on tissues. Microcirculation and the supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen are improved, and the removal of metabolites from the intercellular fluid is ensured.
  3. Cavitation lipolysis allows you to permanently remove fat cells, which leads to an immediate reduction in the volume of subcutaneous fat tissue and a decrease in waist circumference by 1-4 cm per procedure.
  4. Mesotherapy strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates lymph flow and lymphatic drainage, restores microcirculation, removes metabolic products and excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling and smoothing the skin texture. Sessions can be carried out no more than once a week, since it takes several days to utilize the products of fat metabolism. The course is selected individually. As a rule, this is 7-10 sessions.

So, the operating time on the LIPO-CAVITATION SYSTEM device is 20 minutes, and the entire procedure lasts 40-60 minutes. When the procedure is performed correctly, the waist circumference is reduced by 1-4 cm at a time (Fig. 7 and 8). Correction of local fat deposits takes time, and the final result depends on many factors: the skill of the doctor, the technical characteristics of the equipment, and also, without a doubt, on the regularity of the procedures and the patient’s compliance with all recommendations [4].

If all conditions are met, at the end of a course of 7-10 procedures, all patients note a decrease in waist circumference by 15-20 cm. Since cavitation does not reduce in size, but completely destroys fat cells, they will not recover: something larger cannot appear No! And although there is no panacea among the methods of treating local fat deposits, perhaps the panacea lies in the correct combination of them.

Is there any sense in the advertised “miracle remedies” and weight loss diets?

Well, at the end of the article, we should talk about commercial newfangled diets, methods and pills. According to some medical dealers, a person who buys a “miracle remedy” or a recipe for some new-fangled diet from them is able to lose excess weight forever. At the same time, they assure everyone that they used to be as fat as a barrel, but now they are as slender as a birch tree. Of course, it’s hard to argue with the quality of photo processing in Photoshop. But life is life, and the statement that up to 400% of fat will disappear sounds to a person who has studied at least the first three grades in school simply like a mockery of his intelligence. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the law of conservation of energy, from which it follows that the energy released during the breakdown of fats must be spent on something. And when burning fat in such a short period of time, as stated in advertisements, the body would simply burn out from the abundance of energy released! Therefore, most new products for weight loss only add funds that end up in the pockets of cunning charlatans, but do not bring any benefit to the citizens deceived by them.

The result is the following. In order to gain an elegant body shape, you need to: introduce aerobic exercise that is optimal for the body into your life, adjust your diet, minimizing the consumption of simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, and also use special creams to combat cellulite.

Attention! The information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to make a diagnosis or prescribe treatment. Always consult a specialized doctor!

Tatyana Eliseeva chief editor of the Food+ project

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