Kefir with cucumber for weight loss - rules and recipes, diet and fasting

Today I want to talk about a diet based on cucumbers and kefir for weight loss and removal of toxins. This is one of the few diets that can be followed in different variations for 1, 3, 7 days and which gives quick results without causing harm to health. I will give recipes for low-calorie dishes and write a list of allowed and prohibited foods while losing weight. A list of contraindications and reviews from people will help you understand whether a diet based on fermented milk drink with cucumbers is right for you or not.

Advice right away! All kefir diets do not promote full-fledged mental work, therefore, to combat excess weight, you should wait for a vacation or weekend.

Why kefir and cucumbers help you lose weight

A hard way of fasting is the kefir-cucumber diet. It is often considered two independent mono-diets: kefir and cucumber, which are difficult to maintain even for a week.

Kefir is an easily digestible product that is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and the removal of waste and toxins.

With the help of tartronic and lactic acids, which are included in this drink, metabolism is accelerated and fat deposits are burned.

The low calorie content prevents extra pounds from being put on. Considered a nutritious product, the drink satisfies, so you don’t feel hungry.

The main component of cucumber is water: 80-90%, the rest is fiber, which absorbs toxins and waste, removing them from the body. By improving metabolism and intestinal motility, fiber substances have a diuretic and laxative effect, helping to lose weight. The low calorie content does not affect weight gain, and the presence of tartronic acid, vitamins B and C prevents the accumulation of fat reserves. Cucumber contains 2.5% carbohydrates, but these are slow carbohydrates that are not absorbed immediately, so they are not stored in reserve. Due to the large volume of water, cucumber fills the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness.


A diet with cucumber and herbs on kefir involves using the latter as the main ingredient. Some people really like this product, others cannot be persuaded to drink even a sip. The cucumber and herbs in the composition will help dilute the sour taste of the dairy product.


It is prepared from regular milk with a special starter. Kefir contains beneficial fungi and bacteria that have a healing effect on the entire body. Due to its medicinal properties, there is a positive trend in weight loss. Effect of kefir on the body:

  • The composition of the drink allows it to be absorbed by 90% within an hour after consumption. This helps improve metabolic processes in the intestines and facilitates digestion. Kefir supports the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and promotes food absorption;
  • destroys microbes;
  • improves the microflora of the stomach and intestines.

What should kefir be like for a diet with cucumber and herbs:

  • not cold and not warm. The drink should be at room temperature so that the effect on the stomach is safe;
  • There is no need to drink it in one gulp. Slowly, in small sips. This is how the fermented milk product envelops the stomach and gradually dissolves in it, and does not fall like a dead weight;
  • If the taste of the drink seems completely intolerable, adding a sweetener is allowed. For weight loss in a cocktail of cucumber, herbs and kefir, the best supplement option would be salt, but this is not for everybody.

How it helps you lose weight:

  1. The minimum calorie content is from 53 kcal per glass of product.
  2. Promotes satiety - dulls the feeling of hunger for a while.
  3. The glycemic index is reduced, which means the body will spend more energy on digesting it.

Using green kefir for weight loss at night, in the morning you will feel healthy hunger and breakfast will only be beneficial. The desire to eat at night will also disappear, besides, dairy products at night calm you down and normalize the functioning of the whole body. Your sleep will be sound and restful, which is also of fundamental importance when dieting.


This vegetable is 95% water. When losing weight, cucumbers and kefir give the latter a more liquid consistency, which affects the absorption of the cocktail. The green fruit itself is rich in potassium, iodine and fiber. Beneficial features:

  • The composition of the water is as similar as possible to mineral water. The vegetable contains virtually no carbohydrates or fats. This means that the product is quickly digested and beneficial substances are absorbed much faster;
  • fiber lowers cholesterol levels. Improves well-being, removes toxins and waste from the intestines;
  • the vitamins in the composition have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, increase immunity and have a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • potassium, copper, zinc – enrich blood cells.

The effectiveness of cucumber for weight loss is that it has a diuretic property. It also improves complexion, and all this with minimal calorie content - only 15 kcal per 100 g.


Another ingredient in a weight loss cocktail. The combination of greens with kefir for weight loss is a vitamin bomb for the body. The grass is rich in dietary fiber, which cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances on the walls. Greens create a feeling of satiety and the stomach feels full.

Benefits during the diet:

  • toxins from the intestinal walls, excess fluid - all this is naturally removed from the body with the help of fresh herbs;
  • food is digested and absorbed faster. Metabolism improves;
  • fat cells in the body are broken down and eliminated;
  • normalizes insulin levels. Controls the amount of glucose in the blood, which means it blocks the feeling of hunger;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen. This property is manifested due to chlorophyll in the composition of the herb.

The combination of kefir and dill for weight loss helps the liver cleanse the blood and has detoxifying properties. Celery expels fluid and calms the nervous system. Arugula reduces swelling and effectively breaks down fat deposits. Parsley is a known diuretic and reduces appetite. Sorrel has a mild laxative effect and stimulates intestinal function. Cilantro removes toxins and relieves constipation. Green onions promote digestion and strengthen the immune system. According to reviews, kefir with dill for weight loss promotes a healthy complexion.

Are cucumbers compatible with kefir?

Those who like to add cucumbers and kefir to their daily diet claim that their weight is always normal. If you have gained a couple of kilograms over the winter, this excess weight will go away soon. Vegetables and fermented milk drinks are consumed separately and in combination with each other. More often, the body is not against such compatibility and accepts it with ease, which cannot be said about replacing kefir with milk, or replacing fresh cucumber with pickled cucumber. It's even dangerous.

It is difficult to predict the body’s reaction to foods, so to be on the safe side after the first serving of a drink with cucumber, it is recommended to protect yourself by taking Polysorb or Activated Charcoal.

After 2 hours, take Linex - at least 2 capsules.

Rules and calorie diet

When following a diet, eat 4-7 times a day every 2 hours, adhering to the norm - no more than 700 kcal. Moreover, in a diet composed of these low-calorie foods:

  • fat – no more than 1.2 g;
  • proteins are 56 g;
  • carbohydrates – 103 g.

Dishes made from kefir and cucumbers are allowed to be seasoned with herbs or boiled fish (no more than 120 g) can be added to the menu if weakness or discomfort is felt.

You need to drink 2 liters of fermented milk drink per day, and not low-fat, 30-calorie, but 2 or even 3.2% fat, as the most healthy. 100 g of this drink contains from 53 to 59 kcal. In 1-2% - up to 50 kcal.

Cucumbers are eaten with kefir when preparing salads, soups and other dishes. You need to take 2 kg of vegetables, which is 150 kcal (100 g contains only 10-15 kcal).


Kefir soup with cucumber has a pleasant taste and light texture. The dish is ideal for lunch and dinner, especially on hot summer days. It is also very beneficial for the body, helping not only to lose weight, but also to start metabolic processes and fill with energy.

Peculiarity! Kefir soup with cucumber has a mild laxative effect. Due to this, you can lose weight quickly and easily. Nutritionists around the world recommend this recipe for anyone who wants to lose a few kilograms.


The Tarator dish is perfect for a summer day. It will refresh, fill you up during your lunch break and help you find lightness.



Before serving, garnish each serving with chopped walnuts and a parsley leaf. Add a few pieces of ice to each serving.

Important! You should not sit on kefir soup with cucumber for more than two weeks. Due to the laxative effect, you can harm the gastrointestinal tract by consuming the dish for longer.


The unusual combination of kefir and fresh vegetables will appeal to many, especially if you like dishes such as cold beetroot or okroshka. At their core they are very similar. The only difference is that kefir soup is a dietary dish.



Serve the soup chilled. “Freshness” goes well with croutons or croutons. You can also add any salad dressing for taste. It will take no more than 15-20 minutes to prepare the dish.

Interesting! Kefir and cucumber soup helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, breaks down fats, has antimicrobial properties, and also provides a minimum daily amount of protein.

"Summer Lightness"

Kefir soup with cucumber will help you lose several kilograms in a matter of days. You can safely add any herbs or fresh vegetables to it, thereby changing its taste and consistency.

Reader review! The dish is prepared very easily and quickly. I make it during my lunch break or as a quick snack at work.



Serve the soup chilled. When serving, add a few pieces of ice and finely chopped fresh dill. Cucumber-kefir “Summer Lightness” is suitable for a full lunch or snack.

Interesting! Freeze vegetable juice cubes. This ice is perfect for adding freshness to cold kefir soup. You can use the juice of carrots, beets, cucumbers, etc.

Fasting days with cucumbers and kefir

The kefir-cucumber mini-diet is used to unload from heavy feasts, as well as to prepare for them. It's better if it's a day off. You will need 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers (preferably not greenhouse), the same amount of kefir and divide into 8 daily servings. You can add lean boiled meat to cucumbers, no more than 300 g, two apples or grapefruit. Steamed buckwheat will also work. Between meals, you are allowed to drink unsweetened tea and mineral water.

One-day diet - this is what they call the day of fasting on kefir and cucumbers. During the day of the diet you need to eat at least two kilograms of vegetables with the addition of herbs. Cucumbers may be seasoned with dill, cilantro, basil and celery. You need to drink 1 liter of kefir. Make a salad from vegetables, but without salt. To season, take lemon and olive oil. The result is minus 500 g or even a kilogram.

Hudeem-bez-problemru advises starting the next day with a glass of clean water. After 30 min. – have breakfast with vegetables, berries, fruits, eat eggs or cottage cheese. During the day - kefir, light soup, sliced ​​vegetables, porridge, white meat and lean fish.

On a fasting day, add your favorite greens to cucumbers.

A one-day diet is useful:

  • when switching to fractional meals;
  • for obese people;
  • with edema;
  • if the intestines are clogged;
  • often to “shift” weight by accelerating metabolism, causing weight to begin to decrease.

It is recommended to do a fasting day weekly, not forgetting to drink 1.5-2 liters of water at this time. Start your morning by drinking a glass of clean water. Drink kefir or a glass of yogurt at night. You should not perform intense physical or mental stress on this day.

Is it possible to have kefir and cucumber at night?

There is a lot of controversy about drinking kefir and cucumber at night. Some argue that this is extra stress for the stomach, excess fluid - waking up at night to go to the toilet and morning swelling, night fermentation will cause bloating.

Opponents of the former argue that this combination is a strong fat-burning agent due to its calcium content. At the same time, it is a tasty and nutritious drink that is easier to digest in the evening. In addition, restful sleep comes sooner, and work on losing weight continues.

Just don’t take a fatty drink; a suitable option is 1 percent kefir. In this case, add no more than 2 cucumbers. And don’t drink it, but eat it slowly with a spoon, holding it in your mouth. The cocktail should not be drunk cold; it should be heated to 18-20 degrees.

Diet for 3 days

This diet is considered the optimal way to get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body without harming your health.

The kefir-cucumber diet for 3 days suggests eating only kefir, cucumbers and herbs during these days; other foods cannot be consumed. It is acceptable to drink herbal tea with still water. If you feel weak and have a strong desire to eat, you are allowed to eat boiled eggs, no more than 2 pieces, and whole grain bread. You can also eat low-fat cottage cheese or drink yogurt.

The main thing is to drink a kefir-cucumber cocktail or eat a cucumber salad with herbs and the addition of olive oil or lemon juice and salt.

To prepare a cocktail, take a fermented milk product (1.5 l) and beat it, adding salt and adding 1 cucumber. For smoothie 250 ml kefir 2 min. beat in a blender with pieces of 2 cucumbers. A serving that is drunk immediately contains only 140 kcal.

The results of a 3-day diet are minus 3-5 kg, but this diet cannot be followed for longer than the specified period. In addition, you should not exercise.

To choose a kefir diet, consult a nutritionist

Fully or partially limited products

The kefir-cucumber diet excludes from the diet:

  • Bakery products made from wheat flour, pasta, white rice, porridge, products made from any dough.
  • Red meat, animal/cooking fats, fast food products, semi-finished products, meat products (offal, sausages, canned meat, smoked meats).
  • Pickles and pickled vegetables, salt.
  • Fermented milk products with high fat content.
  • Sweets (confectionery, sugar, ice cream, jam, chocolate, honey, products containing cream, preserves).
  • Carbonated sweet drinks, coffee, alcohol.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables legumes9,11,627,0168
boiled peas6,00,09,060
Brussels sprouts4,80,08,043
red onion1,40,09,142
bulb onions1,40,010,441
canned cucumbers2,80,01,316
pickled cucumbers2,80,01,316


baked sweet and sour apples0,50,512,359





Nuts and dried fruits



potato chips5,530,053,0520

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
oatmeal with water3,01,715,088
wheat bran15,13,853,6296
white rice6,70,778,9344

Flour and pasta


Bakery products

wheat bread8,11,048,8242





Raw materials and seasonings



milk 3.2%2,93,24,759
condensed milk7,28,556,0320

Cheeses and cottage cheese

amber processed cheese7,027,34,0289
cottage cheese 18% (fat)14,018,02,8232

Meat products

pork fat1,492,80,0841
boiled beef tongue23,915,00,0231


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage28,227,50,0360
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608


smoked chicken27,58,20,0184

Fish and seafood

salted fish19,22,00,0190
cod roe24,00,20,0115
canned fish17,52,00,088
semi-finished fish products12,56,714,7209

Oils and fats

creamy margarine0,582,00,0745
coconut oil0,099,90,0899
linseed oil0,099,80,0898
vegetable-fat spread0,040,00,0360
animal fat0,099,70,0897
cod liver oil0,099,80,0898
cooking fat0,099,70,0897

Alcoholic drinks


Non-alcoholic drinks

energy drink0,00,011,345

Juices and compotes

rose hip juice0,10,017,670
* data is per 100 g of product

7-day diet

By following a strict and complex diet, the figure gets rid of 8 to 10 kg of weight. Every day you need to drink or eat up to 2 liters of kefir with cucumbers. In this case, 1.5 kg of cucumbers are taken. It is recommended to drink 1.5 liters of water and weak tea. If you feel very weak, it is not forbidden to add 150 g of steamed or baked fish.

Monotonous version of the weekly menu:

  • for breakfast a glass of drink and salad;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers for a snack;
  • after 1 hour – kefir;
  • for lunch - a cocktail;
  • snack on cucumber;
  • have a salad for dinner and drink sour milk;
  • at night - also drink a drink, but no later than 3 hours before falling asleep.

7-day menu option: in the morning, eat 1-2 cucumbers and rye bread (1 slice) daily.

  1. At lunch on the first day, eat soup with cucumber, radish and carrots, but without meat, and eat a green apple. For a snack – cucumber or orange. Have a salad with lemon juice for dinner. Beat your night hunger by eating 2 cucumbers.
  2. On Tuesday, have lunch with meat broth soup, potatoes and cucumber salad. Snack: cucumber and apple. Have dinner by preparing a green salad with lemon juice.
  3. On Wednesday, for lunch, eat fish rice soup with two 2 cucumbers. Also 2 cucumbers for a snack. Dine with a salad of cucumbers and herbs; tomatoes are prohibited. At night, satisfy your hunger with two cucumbers.
  4. The 4th day menu for lunch consists of rice soup, cheese and cucumbers. Have a salad with an apple and lemon juice for dinner.
  5. On Friday, for lunch they eat a salad of cabbage, carrots, adding cucumbers, radishes and herbs. Dinner is cheese and cucumber salad with herbs.
  6. On the 6th day, they have lunch with vegetable soup or a salad, and also have dinner with a salad with cucumbers.
  7. The menu of the last day is the same as the 6th day.

The feeling of hunger that appears on any day can be satisfied by eating 1-2 cucumbers or apples. It is allowed to add boiled beef or fish, but only 100 g. In addition, it is recommended to supplement the menu with a vitamin complex.

Reviews about weight loss

Olga, 26 years old: The taste is unique and not everyone will like it. I didn’t appreciate it, since I’m more used to classic soups. I ate it forcefully, and on the third day I got used to it. After a week of such dinners, the scale showed a result of minus 2 kg. A great achievement for me, I'm glad. The only thing is that you should only consume this soup on a day off or on vacation, as the laxative effect makes itself felt.

Elena, 54 years old: I’ve known about kefir soup with cucumber for a long time. Every year I lose weight on it before the holidays. Yes, it's hard, but it's worth it. A week of strict nutrition + kefir soup and voila! In a week you can lose from 2 to 4 kg. The swelling goes away and I feel lighter. I have been using this soup recipe for over 10 years and it has never let me down.

Oksana, 38 years old: I first heard the recipe from a friend. To be honest, for a long time I did not dare to try this combination, which was strange to me. Everything changed during the period of my active preparation for the wedding. Then I tried more than a dozen diets, and all I managed to lose was 3 kg. But we needed 10! And then I remembered about kefir soup. I decided to try it. And a miracle happened, in a month I lost 8.9 kg! This is my personal record! Now I advise everyone only this method of losing weight. I don’t argue that the taste is unique, but I also can’t say that the dish is nauseating and disgusting. Rather, this is an unusual combination for everyone.

Yulia, 23 years old: The problem of excess weight has been familiar to me since childhood. I tried many diets, but I couldn’t stick with any of them. Thanks to this soup, I can maintain my optimal weight without extra effort. I prepare the dish 1-2 times a week. I liked the taste, easy to prepare. The perfect inexpensive soup for weight loss.


Doctors do not allow you to choose a kefir-cucumber diet:

  • patients with worsened gastritis, stomach and kidney diseases;
  • if an ulcer and colitis are detected;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with exhaustion of the body and anorexia;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus and acute respiratory infections;
  • at low blood pressure;
  • if you are menstruating or have had food poisoning.

This diet is not recommended for chronic diseases, for those who often experience diarrhea and heartburn. A diet based on kefir and cucumbers is also not recommended for athletes.

The first question for someone “on a kefir-cucumber diet” is what is the result, how many grams or kilograms have you lost? And the most common answer is: 500 g per day, and some lose even 1 kg. But the site advises focusing not on reviews, but on health benefits - as you know, they are more expensive!

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