Onion soup recipes for weight loss: diet rules for a fat-burning dish

French women all over the world are considered the standard of beauty, slimness and femininity. For the most part, their figures are perfect. What is this connected with? In fact, many French women prefer not to overeat on Parisian croissants with coffee, but to periodically keep fit with their famous national recipe - onion soup. Previously, it was simply a component of the cuisine of France, but then Marie de Medici, who was a little inclined to be overweight, discovered the fat-burning abilities of such a soup. Since then, its effectiveness has been confirmed, and today onion soup for weight loss is actively used by women all over the world. If prepared and consumed correctly, the results can be stunning.

Health benefits of onion soup

Onion soup is not only very tasty, but also healthy. Nutritionists often recommend that their clients include it in their diet, since this dish contains a minimal amount of calories and eliminates hunger well. Soups are, in principle, good for the stomach, and such a stew is also endowed with the advantages of its main ingredient.

Benefits of onion dishes:

  1. Has an antibacterial effect.
  2. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Contains a large amount of natural sugars and normalizes glucose levels.
  4. Provides the body with folic acid, which improves the functioning of basic systems.
  5. Prevents the leaching of calcium from bone tissue, strengthens them.
  6. Contains the bioflavonoid quercetin, which prevents the development of cancer, heart and vascular diseases.
  7. Phytoncides and essential oils fight infectious diseases.
  8. Antioxidants remove free radicals from the body, which prevents the development of various diseases.
  9. Cysteine ​​reduces the amount of mucus during a runny nose and relieves swelling.

150 grams of onions contain the daily requirement of vitamins A and C, as well as ⅕ of calcium and potassium. Soup based on this ingredient is often given to patients to alleviate their condition during colds, high fevers or viral infections.

Benefits of the diet

When choosing a nutritional system for weight loss, you do not need to cross out this healthy vegetable from your diet. It burns fat perfectly, so nutritionists have created a special diet in which the main dish is onion soup.

Advantages of the diet:

  1. Vegetable broth provides the body with the fluid necessary for the proper functioning of internal organs and cleanses the body of heavy metals and toxins.
  2. The best option for quick weight loss.
  3. Convenience - the soup is cooked for several days, in a thermos you can take it with you to work, training, or study.
  4. Doesn't require a lot of money - the soup is prepared from available and cheap ingredients.
  5. Improves digestion and metabolic processes.
  6. It has practically no contraindications and is not capable of causing harm to the body.
  7. Easy to carry, the dish successfully satiates and eliminates the feeling of hunger.
  8. Boiled vegetables are better absorbed and retain almost the entire volume of nutrients and minerals in their composition.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Some people should not use the onion soup diet for weight loss. This is due to individual intolerance and allergies to individual components of the product. In addition, not everyone likes this vegetable.

The following are considered serious contraindications:

  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers and gastritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • decreased immunity after a serious illness;
  • high blood pressure, hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dystonia;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • thyroid diseases.

Before switching to this way of eating, you should visit your doctor to discuss possible side effects.

Possible negative consequences:

  • headache;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • muscle pain;
  • constant feeling of hunger (with a “stretched” stomach);
  • apathy;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness.


Despite the versatility of celery for weight loss, weight correction with the help of this plant has its contraindications. Since during its digestion the body wastes calories in excess, it is prohibited to combine this method with a water diet.

It is not recommended to use the course during menstruation, due to the risk of dizziness and low blood pressure.

Celery should not often be present on the table after the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the seventh month), as it can provoke uterine contractions and the onset of premature labor.

Also contraindications for celery weight loss are:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • lactation (causes a decrease in the amount of breast milk);
  • perforated ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • kidney stones (may trigger the onset of stone movement);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • epilepsy.

Onion soup diet rules

Quickly getting rid of extra pounds is possible if you follow certain rules: eat only approved foods, exclude high-calorie foods from your diet, and cook according to certain recipes.

The onion diet requires compliance with the following requirements:

  1. It is forbidden to skip meals; you need to eat often, but in small portions.
  2. Chopped herbs, fresh vegetables, pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut should be added to the soup. These components will enrich the dish with vitamins, minerals and saturate the body with them.
  3. Drink clean water, teas and herbal infusions.
  4. Avoid coffee or drink no more than 200 ml per day.
  5. Combine varieties of onions, for example, onions (yellow, white, purple), shallots, leeks. You can choose your favorite variety.
  6. You can use not only the underground part of the vegetable, greens like feathers and arrows can also be useful.

There are many recipes for onion soup; every day you can prepare a new savory dish.

You can use the following vegetables and herbs:

  • celery;
  • any variety of cabbage;
  • parsnip;
  • cilantro;
  • pumpkin;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • dill;
  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • thyme;
  • zucchini;
  • garlic;
  • squash;
  • parsley

Potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants can also be consumed during the diet, but it is important to consider some nuances. As you know, potatoes are a high-calorie product. Two medium-sized tubers contain approximately 140 kcal. The body perceives starch as a polysaccharide and begins to “stock up” on it, which significantly slows down getting rid of extra pounds.

Tomatoes and eggplants are famous for their beneficial composition, rich in vitamins and microelements. However, the former greatly increase acidity, which can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, and the latter are difficult to digest, and therefore can cause bloating and heaviness. These vegetables can be used to diversify your diet, but during the diet it is better to abandon them or reduce consumption to a minimum.

What foods should you not eat?

During the diet, as well as for a week after it, it is important to carefully think through your diet, try not to eat fried, smoked, canned foods, foods containing monosodium glutamate and sugar substitutes.

During this period you should not consume:

  • sweet soda;
  • alcohol;
  • baking;
  • beans;
  • sweets;
  • White bread;
  • fatty foods;
  • fast food.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Guaranteed good results on the scales in a fairly short period of time.
  • Thanks to the constant consumption of liquid hot food, it is psychologically easier to stick to a diet without breaking down and not going hungry.
  • Saving money thanks to a simple low-calorie menu based on vegetables and fruits, which turns out to be even more profitable if you buy it in season.
  • Developing a stable nutrition schedule and a fixed amount of low-calorie food intake - correct eating habits that lead to normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and metabolism in general.
  • Loss of muscle mass due to lack of protein in the diet.
  • Due to salt-free nutrition, a certain part of the weight lost is provided only by the loss of water by the body, which can lead to a rapid gain of kilograms when returning to normal food.
  • A sudden loss of significant weight can lead to sagging and sagging skin, so the entire dietary course should be accompanied by regular walks, physical activity, massage and relaxing baths.

Recipes for making soups with onions

There are quite a few ways to make onion soup, but not all are suitable for weight loss. It depends on the calorie content of the remaining ingredients. Among the many recipes, you can choose those that will help you lose weight and diversify your usual diet.

Lightweight from a minimum of components

The dish has a very strong and pleasant aroma; even neighbors in the stairwell will smell the French delicacy. In addition, the food is quite filling, the body itself will decide when enough has been eaten, so you don’t have to be afraid of overeating.

Product set:

  • onions - 6 large and one small;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • chicken breast - 500 grams;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • thyme - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.

A small piece of butter is often added to the soup. The finished dish can be eaten with a slice of grain bread and low-fat cheese.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Prepare a light chicken broth by adding cold water to the breast, carrots and small onions, bringing to a boil and simmering for 40 minutes over low heat.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse, quarter and chop into thin strips.
  3. Heat the olive oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add the onion and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes.
  4. Raise the heat to medium, add the thyme, salt and pepper to the onions and cook until the vegetable turns a golden caramel color. This will take about 20-30 minutes, do not forget to stir the fry regularly, otherwise it will burn.
  5. Add flour to the onion, mix thoroughly and simmer for another two minutes.
  6. Remove the chicken, onion and carrots from the finished broth. Lay out the vegetables, you can eat the breast for dinner, and pour the rich liquid into a bowl with caramelized onions.
  7. Cook for another 30 minutes.
  8. Taste and add salt if necessary.

Diet soup is best served hot. You can use plain water instead of chicken broth.

For a weightless lunch

This first dish is also called Bonn soup; a diet based on it was compiled by nutritionists from America.


  • onions - 5 large turnips;
  • white cabbage - 1 medium fork;
  • canned or fresh tomatoes - 4-6 pieces;
  • celery - 2-3 stalks;
  • carrots - two pieces;
  • bell pepper - 2 pieces;
  • fresh parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • clean water - 5 liters.

Onions and celery are considered natural fat burners, so they should not be excluded from the soup recipe. The remaining ingredients can be replaced with other vegetables, but it is better to avoid starchy ones.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Rinse the vegetables well, remove the husks and peels.
  2. Cut the peppers and tomatoes into cubes, onions, carrots and celery into slices. Chop cabbage, onion and parsley.
  3. Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add water and boil over high heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Salt, pepper, add your favorite spices.
  5. Cook over low heat until the vegetables are done.

Seasonings that go well with this dish include curry, bay leaf and garlic. The finished stew can be served with Tabasco sauce or turned into a puree soup using a blender.


This recipe is radically different from other options for preparing onion dishes. It has no high-calorie components, so vegetable broth is suitable for those who want to lose weight.

Prepare the following products:

  • onion - 7 pieces;
  • cabbage - half a medium fork;
  • brown rice - 5 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - for sautéing;
  • cauliflower - 300 grams;
  • salt and seasonings.

The given amount of ingredients is enough for 6 servings of soup.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel the onions and cut into thin strips.
  2. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until caramelized and translucent.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add rice.
  4. After 10 minutes, add both types of cabbage and cook until fully cooked.
  5. Season the soup with salt and pepper and add onion.
  6. Wait for the stew to boil, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew for about 30 minutes.

To get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to consume the soup for 10 days.

Low calorie

Preparing fat-burning soup is very easy and pleasant, because it does not contain fried ingredients, which means you don’t have to stand at the stove for a long time. The dish contains a large number of different vegetables, so it is very healthy.


  • cauliflower - 200 grams;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pieces;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • white cabbage - 400 grams;
  • favorite greens - 1 bunch;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • celery root - 200 grams;
  • drinking water - 3 liters;
  • onions - 3 turnips;
  • lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • coriander, bay leaf, basil, salt and turmeric - to taste.

The Austrian doctor Rudolf Breuss believed that vegetable juices and dishes have a high content of all kinds of substances beneficial to the human body. He even developed a diet based on similar foods, designed to rid patients of cancer in 42 days.

Enrich your body with vitamins by preparing the soup according to the following recipe:

  1. Prepare the ingredients: break the cauliflower into small florets and chop the white cabbage.
  2. Grind the carrots and garlic on a grater, coarse and fine, respectively.
  3. Cut celery, tomatoes and peppers into cubes or cubes.
  4. Place cabbage in boiling water, then carrots and peppers, cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Chop the celery, chop the onion and add to the soup along with the tomatoes.
  6. Salt the stew and add spices to it.
  7. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let sit for a while.

Pour the finished dish into plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

With leek

According to legend, King Louis XV invented light onion soup when, after an unsuccessful hunt, he found himself in a forest house alone and without provisions. Therefore, a simple but tasty stew is often called a royal delicacy for the poor.


  • leeks - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • white and black pepper - 5 peas each;
  • coarse salt - to taste.

This unusual leek stew is prepared quickly; step-by-step instructions will tell you how to do it correctly.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Finely chop the onion, cut the leek into large pieces, carrots into rings, and potatoes into cubes.
  2. Place vegetables in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat, add spices and garlic pieces.
  4. Cook for 30 minutes.

Creamy soup

Recently, tender and soft first courses have been gaining popularity. Their consistency resembles baby food, but is prepared from adult products.


  • onions - 1 kilogram;
  • processed cheese - 100-200 grams;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • beef ribs - 600 grams;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • carrots - 1 large;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • allspice and bay leaf.

The dish is also suitable for feeding small children.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the ribs under the tap and place in a pan.
  2. Peel one onion and carrot, place it on the ribs along with bay leaves, peppercorns and cover with water.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook for 60-90 minutes, removing foam with a slotted spoon.
  4. Remove vegetables and ribs from the finished broth, then strain through a piece of gauze.
  5. Pour oil into a thick-bottomed pan, add chopped onion and garlic.
  6. Saute until soft, then add salt, sugar, flour and pepper, mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Pour in the hot broth and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  8. Grind the cheese and add to the soup, stir until the creamy product is completely dissolved.
  9. Remove the dish from the stove, cool slightly and grind the contents of the saucepan using a blender.

This version of the soup is also considered dietary, but is not suitable for a too strict diet. Its main advantages are amazing taste and quick saturation.

Sample menu

The diet will appeal to vegetable lovers. The list of dishes can be changed and supplemented with other low-calorie foods. This method of nutrition is not a mono-diet.

The basic dish is a modified recipe for classic onion soup. All starchy and simply heavy components have been removed from it or replaced with healthy vegetables. The soup is consumed together with vegetable fats, fast carbohydrates and protein foods. The diet is not considered expensive, since its components can be purchased in any supermarket at an affordable price. Drinking regimen - at least two liters of ordinary water without gas.

For a week

The feeling of hunger is interrupted by a large volume of the main dish, which can be consumed with almost no restrictions.

Sample menu for 7 days:

  1. Soup and fruit, except grapes and bananas.
  2. Onion soup, baked or raw vegetables. Leafy greens are best.
  3. Main first course, fruits and vegetables.
  4. On Thursday, preparations begin for leaving the strict diet; at this stage, low-fat kefir or milk is added to the menu.
  5. Soup, tomatoes, cottage cheese and 200 grams of lean meat. The amount of liquid you drink is increased to remove acid from the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. The first course is boiled meat or fish (low-fat), you will have to give up vegetables.
  7. Onion soup, 150 grams of chicken fillet, 3 tbsp. spoons of brown rice, fruit or juice.

For 10 days

It is quite difficult to maintain such a menu for 10 days, since a small amount of calories is consumed. However, an unlimited amount of soup will help get rid of hunger.

Diet for 10 days:

  1. Main course and fruit. In the first half of the day you can treat yourself to baked apples with cinnamon, and in the afternoon you can enjoy watermelon.
  2. Soup and salad of cucumbers, herbs, onions, tomatoes, seasoned with flaxseed or olive oil.
  3. Chowder and vegetable salad, as a dessert - a cup of fresh berries.
  4. On the fourth day, many people experience a worsening feeling of hunger. In addition to fat-burning soup, you can drink natural yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk throughout the day.
  5. First course, 5-7 tomatoes and 200 grams of chicken.
  6. For lunch - Greek salad based on Chinese cabbage and feta cheese.
  7. The main menu is supplemented with milk or juice. If you want something sweet, you can eat a tablespoon of honey.
  8. In the morning, before the first meal, they weigh themselves and evaluate their weight loss. If the result exceeds 6 kilograms, then you can drink green tea with milk. Before lunch, it is allowed to eat a small amount of Adyghe cheese, two tangerines, beef or white chicken meat (150-200 grams).
  9. Soup, like any other day, plus chicken broth with onions and cheese. For an afternoon snack, drink black coffee and 2 raw eggs, and eat a green apple before bed.
  10. The main course is combined with low-fat cheese, chicken breast and an unlimited amount of vegetables.


Elena: I’ve already been on many diets, and I’m almost desperate, because most of them have a big impact on the budget and don’t have much effect. I finally decided to try the onion diet, but I liked it so much that I was inspired again. True, I got tired of soup every day, but other additional products saved the situation. I lost 3 kg in a week and am delighted!

Vasilisa: I only recently learned about this diet, but I really liked it: the product is cheap and easy to prepare. I really like the soup, I generally love onions, but I had no idea that so many dishes can be prepared from it. I’ve been eating only onion soups and fruits for a week, and I’ve lost 4 kg.

Daria: I didn’t follow a specific diet, I just ate right, every day I ate onion soup according to a new recipe for lunch, supplementing it with whole grain bread. For dinner I had vegetables with chicken fillet, and in the morning buckwheat with the same fillet. In 2 months I lost 6 kg, just amazing!

Expected Result

Onion soup is highly effective if eaten warm. Therefore, it is better to take it to work in a thermos - this will help maintain a favorable temperature. There is no need to think that eating the dish will cause bad breath. During cooking, onions lose these properties, so even those who often visit public places can use the diet.

After completing the course, you should reconsider your eating habits so that after leaving the low-calorie diet, the lost kilograms do not return.

Onion soup can be used as a mono-dish for organizing fasting days. In this case, you will be able to get rid of a whole kilogram of excess weight in a day. In a week you can remove 4-6, and in 10 days - 7 kg without harm to health.


The onion soup diet for weight loss includes food with low calorie content, due to which a woman’s volume is adjusted downward.

To increase the effectiveness of your diet, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid baking and pasta.
  2. Do not drink alcohol, as it interferes with the removal of excess fluid.
  3. Grapes, apricots and persimmons are prohibited.
  4. Have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  5. You don’t need to eat only soup, this will reduce the effectiveness of the diet to a minimum. The main course must be supplemented with permitted products.
  6. Every other day you need to do physical exercises, as well as do peelings and body wraps. This will help avoid skin sagging due to excess fluid leaving.

What other foods are included in this diet?

In addition to onion soup, you are allowed to include other healthy foods in your diet . These are mainly fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, and other foods high in fiber, which well cleanses the intestines of waste, toxins, and decay products.

For your dietary regimen, it is advisable to choose fresh and ripe vegetables, fruits, and herbs from your own harvest or those grown in safe conditions. Store-bought or greenhouse vegetables usually contain a lot of nitrates; consuming them in large quantities will cause poisoning and worsen your overall health and well-being.

For reference. Dietary meat in the diet helps normalize metabolism, making it easier to endure a diet without hunger pangs, but it slows down the process of losing weight.

List of permitted products:

  • vegetables and greens - different varieties of cabbage (Peking, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli), eggplant, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, beets, tomatoes, lettuce, celery;
  • fruits and berries - grapefruit, kiwi, tangerine, apple, orange, lemon, pear, apricot, strawberry and others, with the exception of banana and grapes;
  • low-fat meats (veal, young beef);
  • chicken fillet.

For drinks, drink green tea without sugar, still mineral water , freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

Nutritionist opinions

From a nutritional point of view, losing weight with the onion diet is not dangerous if a person does not have serious health problems. In addition, experts consider the presence of a large number of green vegetables on the menu, which contain many useful substances, to be a positive thing. The body spends more calories digesting these foods than they contain.

However, nutritionists note that people switching to this type of diet should first consult with their doctor. This will allow you to identify contraindications in time and avoid side effects.


You can eat soups on a diet, as long as they are not fatty or heavy. Vegetable options, in particular onion soup, are best suited for this. Classic French onion soup is prepared with the addition of butter and baguette, but the recipe can also be adapted for those who want to lose weight: use olive oil instead of butter, and grain bread instead of baguette.

There are a wide variety of recipes for soups with this vegetable, all of them have great benefits and low calorie content. They are very easy to prepare and the ingredients are low cost. Onion soup is suitable for any budget, will help you lose weight and saturate your body with useful substances.

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