Ketogenic diet: weekly menu for weight loss with recipes, reviews

The low-carb ketogenic diet is of great interest to those who want to lose weight. Many people want to receive a weekly menu for weight loss with recipes made from foods with a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Before you sit down on it, you should understand the principle of such nutrition and get acquainted with the reviews of specialists in the field of nutrition and medicine.

The essence and basic principles of the diet

The ketogenic diet, which show business stars are so fond of today, is based on the consumption of foods containing a minimum amount of carbohydrates, a lot of fat and a sufficient amount of protein.

According to this diet, a person’s daily diet should contain this type of nutrient in the following ratio:

  • 10% carbohydrates;
  • 50-60% fat;
  • 30-40% protein of animal and plant origin.

This ratio of nutrients should induce a process of ketosis in the body, in which, with a minimal intake of carbohydrates, during metabolism, fats will be converted into fatty acids, which will become an alternative to glucose, which the brain needs as an energy source. Due to the use of the principle of ketosis in metabolism in the human body, the diet got its name.

When following such a diet, it is necessary to completely exclude from the daily menu all easily digestible and complex carbohydrates, including sugar and starch. You should also avoid coffee and caffeinated products. They should be replaced by meat products saturated with fat.

Avoiding complex carbohydrates puts stress on the body, which leads to the production of ketone bodies or acetone. Ketone bodies reduce the feeling of hunger, and the body begins to actively use subcutaneous fat deposits as a source of energy.

During such a diet, it is forbidden to subject the body to strong physical stress. You need to enter the diet smoothly and also smoothly exit it.

And also during the diet, you need to drink more than usual water per day, bringing its volume to 3 liters per day.

You need to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet in the first 8-14 days, eventually bringing them to 10% of the amount of food eaten every day. In this case, you should eat fractionally - 5-7 times a day every 3-4 hours. Portions should be small. You can't have a snack between meals. You can get the desired effect from such a diet only if you strictly follow all the rules.

What does my ketogenic diet plan consist of?

To maintain the effect on the keto diet, I calculated the daily requirement of kilocalories. Individually calculated dietary supplements in my daily diet are divided into 2-3 meals, in addition, I drink a lot of water (at least 1.5 liters), as well as vitamin supplements.

Here is a sample keto menu:

  1. The main sources of carbohydrates are non-starchy green vegetables, herbs and lettuce, and not very sweet fruits. You will see this in the example of the daily menu in this article below.
  2. Protein comes from dairy products, fatty and lean meats, nuts, eggs and cottage cheese.
  3. Healthy fats are found in fatty fish, nuts and nut flours, dairy products and cheeses, oils and avocados. Nut flour is used for keto bread and “sweet” baked goods, such as keto charlotte.
  4. It is impossible to do without taking vitamin complexes, especially in a big city, where the quality of vegetables and fruits leaves much to be desired. In addition, I grow microgreens on my windowsill and actively use them with all meals.

Traditional Low Carb Snacks

The keto diet for beginners may create the need to consume more food than normal in the first days. While the body is adjusting to a new regime, it is necessary to help it make the adjustment to ketosis easier and faster.

If you feel hungry or need to eat something harmful, be sure to take note of the list of snacks that satisfy your hunger and temptation to junk food:

  • stuffed eggs;
  • cheese salad;
  • ham rolls;
  • sprats;
  • squid;
  • Mozzarella;
  • olives;
  • marinated fish;
  • julienne;
  • stuffed mushrooms;
  • fat bombs.

The ketogenic diet is based on fats, so adding oils, fatty cheeses, dairy products and nuts will help make your meals more filling.

Types of Ketonic Diets

There are different types of ketone diets that can be used at different levels of exercise:

  • classical;
  • targeted;
  • cyclical.
  • The classic or basic diet is based on minimal carbohydrate consumption and light physical activity.

    A targeted ketone diet involves consuming carbohydrates at specific times. At the same time, their volume is strictly dosed. They are usually consumed immediately before or immediately after workouts.

    When there is no physical activity, carbohydrate intake stops. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat so as not to increase the amount of calories.

    With a cyclical ketone diet, carbohydrate feeding is possible throughout the entire period of ketone production. Constant intake of carbohydrates on certain days causes the ratio of fats and proteins to change. Carbohydrate consumption should occur within 8-36 hours, after which you should take a break. This type of diet is used during heavy physical activity.

    Formula for calculating nutritional value and calorie content

    We decided to check how the keto diet goes for you - you know how to create a menu - be it specialized education, extensive experience, or just love to cook. But the first step is to calculate the KBZHU indicators and hang a reminder on the refrigerator to adhere to the setting.

    The example is a 30-year-old woman, weighing 70 kilograms and height 165 cm.

    Action 1.

    Using the Mifflin San Geor formula, we calculate the basal metabolic rate:

    Action 2.

    To find out the recommended daily caloric intake, we multiply the basal metabolic rate by the activity coefficient.

    If you want to lose weight, the calorie deficit will be 20%; with a sedentary lifestyle, the activity coefficient will be 1.2.

    Action 3.

    We calculate the norm of BJU in grams at the most strict keto proportion of 20/75/5:

    Let's calculate using an example:

    With a keto diet, for a woman with the above parameters, it is necessary to consume kcal per day - 1648, fats - 309 g, proteins - 82 g, carbohydrates - 20 g. It is practically very difficult to stay within 20 g of carbohydrates per day, especially for men.

    In practice, a maximum of 10 g of carbohydrates per meal is assumed. On average, based on 3 doses, you get no more than 30 g of carbohydrates per day. In practice, the keto proportion BZHU 20/70/10 is more feasible to maintain without disruptions and special efforts.

    If on some day you went a little beyond the limits, you should not reproach yourself - the main thing is to follow the principle of the keto diet as a whole, do not expect quick results and do not break down for several days, going on a carbohydrate “binge”.

    For those who do not have enough time or self-discipline to constantly calculate BZHU, it is enough to follow simple rules:

    1. Without overeating, but also without starving, take 3 meals a day containing no more than 10 g of carbohydrates in each. Numerous keto dishes here on the site will help you;
    2. According to the table in this article and also here, exclude high-carbohydrate vegetables, flour, sugar, sweet juices and lemonades from the diet and replace them with low-carbohydrate vegetables;
    3. Train yourself to read food labels and estimate how many carbohydrates they contain. A guide to reading labels can be found to the right of the main text, on any page under the news section and advertising block.
    4. Based on your previous experience of a high-carbohydrate diet, in which you consumed an average of 500-600 g of carbohydrates per day, take into account that when excluding 2 grams of carbohydrates from the diet, it is necessary to replace them with 1 gram of fat so that the body does not experience hunger;
    5. Drink more water, much more clean water, than you are used to. But not in large quantities and in the intervals between meals;
    6. Use fat bomb snacks, drink coffee or other hot drinks with butter so as not to go hungry if you can’t adhere to the temporary regime.


    Despite little research and conflicting information regarding the benefits of such a diet, the ketone method of losing weight has undeniable advantages:

    • You won’t have to experience a painful feeling of hunger with such a diet;
    • the process of losing weight occurs faster than with other types of diets;
    • The menu with such a diet can be varied and tasty;
    • the diet can be used by people suffering from cancer, epilepsy and a number of other serious diseases.
    • Are you on a diet?


      No time for this

      I already have a perfect figure


    During such weight loss, there is no decrease in muscle mass, but only fat is burned, subject to all the rules of the ketogenic diet.

    It is also important that a minimum amount of foods with a high glycemic index in the diet allows, in addition to weight loss, to achieve a number of concomitant therapeutic effects. So, in the process of producing ketones, you can get rid of acne.

    Electrolytes on keto

    It is necessary to take additional Mg, Ca and K if you are not getting enough of them from foods. Plus, be sure to salt all food, or add the trace element Na to the list. Calcium is usually not a problem on Keto, but many people are deficient in magnesium and potassium.

    Sources of magnesium, percentage of daily requirement indicated

    Daily value for women:

    • magnesium - 310-320 mg (depending on age),
    • potassium - 2.5 g,

    The balance of potassium and sodium (K:Na) in the diet should be at least 2:1. That is, you need to eat more potassium. Read about the sodium-potassium pump online.

    • calcium - 1 g,
    • 7-17 g table salt, which is 3-7 g pure sodium.


    This is one of the most controversial diets, which, in addition to its advantages, has a large number of disadvantages:

    • as a result of the launch of ketone processes, the taste of acetone begins to be felt in the mouth;
    • the skin also begins to smell like acetone;
    • this type of diet is unbalanced, so a person experiences a lack of many microelements and vitamins;
    • in a state of ketosis, a person’s performance and activity sharply decrease;
    • a side effect of such a diet is constipation, which occurs due to a lack of crude fiber;
    • This diet is not available to all people due to contraindications.

    In general, the keto diet has not yet been studied enough, and the best results are achieved only if all requirements are strictly followed. It is unacceptable to sit on it uncontrollably, as you can harm your own health.

    Stages of adaptation of the body to ketosis

    1. Stage 1.

      The entire volume of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day. In this case, the energy from them will be completely recycled. Then glycogen will begin to connect, which will produce its own glucose.

    2. Stage 2.

      Carbohydrate foods are kept to a minimum. Now glycogen from the liver and muscles is entirely responsible for energy production. After another 2-3 days, the body will begin to look for alternative sources of energy.

    3. Stage 3.

      After three days, all glycogen reserves will be depleted. The body has 2 sources left from which it can get energy - proteins and fats. Fats will begin to burn, but full-fledged ketosis has not yet occurred at the third stage. The body begins to process proteins that come with food into glucose. If a person does not receive enough protein products, the body will burn muscle, which is very bad. Therefore, the keto diet involves doubling the proteins in the menu. That is, instead of 2 g of protein, for each kilogram of weight you will now need to eat 4 g.

    4. Stage 4.

      After a week, the body understands that carbohydrates will not be supplied with food. Then he begins to draw it from fat deposits. Only from this moment can we consider that ketosis is fully started.

    Who can benefit from the keto diet?

    People who need to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, bodybuilders who create a sculpted body, and patients with cancer and epilepsy can go on such a diet. It is better if a person during the diet is under the supervision of a physician or sports doctor.

    Medical supervision is necessary due to the fact that the system of such nutrition itself requires a good knowledge of human physiology. Achieving the desired result - losing 1 to 3 kg per week - is possible only if you follow all the rules. Even a basic diet of this type is quite difficult for untrained people.

    Beginners should not carry out a targeted and cyclical nutrition system on their own, since in this case you need to be especially careful in calculating the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins on the days of taking and on the days of refusing carbohydrates.

    Pros and cons of the keto diet

    This point is a must-read for anyone who wants to try this option for losing weight and volume.

    Let's start with the pleasant things.

    Undoubted advantages

    • reduction of centimeters without a constant feeling of hunger. You always feel full and your diet includes a varied menu,
    • I don't really want sweets. When you eat a full meal, the desire to snatch a cookie or candy does not arise. By the way, cashews or almonds perfectly satisfy the passion for fast carbohydrates,
    • Lots of room for creativity in the kitchen. The keto diet has a number of restrictions, but leaves a lot of menu options,
    • weight and volumes go away forever and do not return (albeit, provided that the system is maintained),
    • it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with sports, it is more important to monitor the amount of calories and nutritional supplements,
    • suitable for ongoing compliance (with some restrictions),
    • you get almost all the necessary microelements for health,
    • There are no restrictions on meal times.

    Disadvantages of the diet

    And we will dwell on them in detail.

    • There are a number of contraindications. Total consumption of fatty foods is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women who are allergic to the described ingredients. For people with diabetes, liver diseases, and gastrointestinal tract diseases, it is worth consulting with your doctor.
    • The diet has a number of temporary consequences. For some they go unnoticed, for others they are pronounced.
    • Ketoflu may occur . The symptoms are similar to a cold: the temperature rises for a short time, chills and weakness occur. Typically, ketosis flu appears in the first couple of weeks. Then it goes away on its own without treatment. It is important at this moment not to get too cold and drink a lot of mineral water.
    • Also an unpleasant temporary consequence is the smell of acetone from the mouth or skin. This happens when the body adapts to a new system of work. Drinking plenty of fluids helps ease temporary difficulties. When the body readjusts itself, the smell will disappear.
    • If you decide to eat fatty foods, it will last for a long time. Cravings for sweets are unacceptable (but, as I said above, you most likely won’t even want to). Otherwise, you will recover quickly and will not start the metabolic mechanism. The body will understand that if light fuel has already arrived once, it means it will come again. He will wait and be reluctant to waste subcutaneous reserves.
    • The price of such a diet. Let's face it, eating the foods on the list can be expensive. The cost of avocados in different stores can be from 70 to 250 rubles per piece, or even higher. Nuts are also not a cheap pleasure.

    Of course, meat, fermented milk and eggs are regular guests on many people’s tables, but for variety we also need mushrooms and fish. Keep in mind, the price of your grocery basket may increase.

    Remember, the pounds don't go away instantly. On average, during the first 2 weeks, water is drained (2-3 kg), and then the process progresses more slowly. It takes weeks for the volumes to start going away. But further results will be pleasing. Read the reviews of those who switched to such a power system. Be patient.

    Be attentive to the listed contraindications and do not harm yourself!

    What you need to do before dieting

    Before starting a keto diet, you should be examined by a doctor and consult with him. During the examination, it will become clear whether or not you can go on a ketogenic diet.

    In this case, the doctor will recommend a suitable complex of vitamins that will need to be taken while reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet.

    Calorie counting apps for Android and IOS

    It is very convenient to calculate daily caloric intake using special applications. They are designed for both Android and IOS operating system users. You can download them from PlayMarket and AppStore.

    The applications are freely available and there is no need to pay for them. However, some of them are supplemented with special paid options that allow you to expand the capabilities of the program you are using. Although the standard version will be enough to count kilocalories.

    List of the most convenient and frequently downloaded applications for counting calories:

    • My Fitness.
    • Fat Secret counter.
    • Lifesum counter.
    • YAZIO.
    • Calorie counter from Dine4Fit.

    Selecting products for the menu

    The choice of products for such a diet is quite wide. The following should be excluded from the menu:

    • vegetables containing starch;
    • bread, flour, pastries, noodles and pasta;
    • cakes, cookies and other confectionery products;
    • sweet fruits and juices;
    • carbonated drinks, coffee;
    • alcohol;
    • sweet milk drinks.

    The diet should include fatty meat, butter, fatty fish, and fatty poultry. You can eat nuts and olives, fresh tomatoes and fatty cheeses. The recipes below will help you choose the right dishes on the menu.

    What foods can and cannot be eaten

    The list of permitted products looks like this:

    • chicken, beef, turkey;
    • seafood;
    • fatty fish;
    • green vegetables and herbs;
    • olive and vegetable oils;
    • eggs;
    • milk and fermented milk products;
    • nuts;
    • berries.

    It is important to exclude the following products from the menu:

    • sugar and all products containing it;
    • potato;
    • rice;
    • pasta;
    • bread;
    • soda;
    • baked goods and baked goods;
    • margarine;
    • alcohol;
    • sweet fruits;
    • beets;
    • carrot.

    Judging by the list of permitted and prohibited foods, your usual diet will have to change significantly.


    A weekly menu for weight loss with recipes will help you eat properly during the keto diet. For men and women, the nutritional composition is approximately the same. Here is an example of a menu without carbohydrate dishes:


    Prepared dishes in gr.


    1: omelette – 80 g, beef chop – 120 g, tea – 120 g

    2: boiled chicken – 130 g, vegetable salad – 130 g, jelly – 230 g

    3: cottage cheese – 160 g

    4: baked fish with herbs – 120 g, brown rice – 80 g, tea – 200 g

    5: protein shake – 200 g


    1: brown rice pudding – 160 g, toast, tea – 120 g

    2: meat borscht – 240 g, chicken zrazy – 80 g, cabbage salad – 80 g, jelly – 150 g

    3: protein shake – 300 g

    4: seafood salad – 180 g, toast with cheese – 70 g, tea – 200 g

    5: casein


    1: scrambled eggs with ham – 150 g, crackers – 15 g, tea – 120 g

    2: chicken soup – 180 g, beef steak – 90 g, vegetable salad – 140 g, tea – 180 g

    3: cheese – 80 g

    4: oven-baked mushrooms – 120 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, tea – 200 g

    5: unsweetened kefir – 230 g


    1: steamed fish cutlets – 160 g, vegetable salad – 130 g, tea – 120 g

    2: borscht – 270 g, meat salad – 110 g, jelly – 100 g

    3: omelette – 120 g

    4: red fish – 110 g, toast with cheese – 60 g, tea – 200 g

    5: protein shake – 250 g


    1: boiled eggs – 3 pcs., baked fillet – 120 g, vegetable salad – 110 g, tea – 120 g

    2: puree soup – 260 g, meat salad – 130 g, jelly – 200 g

    3: rosehip tincture – 250 g, crackers – 20 g

    4: baked fish – 180 g, vegetable salad – 120 g, tea – 200 g

    5: casein


    1: omelette – 120 g, cottage cheese – 110 g, tea – 120 g

    2: fish soup – 260 g, vegetable salad – 130 g, chicken cutlets – 80 g, tea – 200 g

    3: green apple puree – 70 g

    4: seafood salad – 160 g, boiled chicken – 110 g, tea – 200 g

    5: protein shake – 200 g


    1: casserole with mushrooms – 180 g, crackers – 10 g, tea – 200 g

    2: chicken soup – 160 g, beef cutlets – 160 g, vegetable salad – 80 g, jelly – 200 g

    3: cottage cheese – 80 g

    4: boiled fish – 130 g, vegetable salad – 110 g, tea – 200 g

    5: unsweetened kefir – 180 g

    For those who cannot refuse to eat bread during meals, you can prepare special pastries.


    It will require:

    • 3 egg whites;
    • almond flour made from almonds – 100 g;
    • water – 100 ml;
    • 50 g of dry and chopped plantain;
    • 10 g baking powder;
    • 10 g apple cider vinegar;
    • sesame seed.

    Cooking method:

  • Flour, plantain and baking powder need to be mixed and poured with boiling water. When the mixture has cooled a little, add egg whites and apple cider vinegar. Everything needs to be kneaded well. You can use a mixer for this. The mass should become homogeneous and not stick to your hands.
  • Make cakes from the dough, sprinkle sesame seeds on top and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes, placing the baking sheet on the bottom shelf. The finished loaf should make a hollow sound when you tap the bottom with your finger.
  • In addition to meat, you can eat fatty fish.

    Baked salmon

    To prepare the dish you will need:

    • 1 kg of any fish from the salmon order;
    • 130 g asparagus;
    • 250 g mushrooms;
    • 1 onion;
    • soy sauce 300 ml;
    • a couple of cloves of garlic;
    • 10 ml sesame oil;
    • 20 g butter;
    • 3 g basil.

    Cooking method:

  • The fish should be cut into pieces and placed in a baking bag. In a cup, prepare a filling of soy sauce, garlic and basil. Pour the prepared mixture over the fish in the bag. Place the bag of fish in the refrigerator for an hour to marinate.
  • The oven should be heated to 180 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil. Place fish and asparagus on it. Place everything in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • In a frying pan, fry mushrooms and onions in butter. Place the fried mushrooms on the fish and bake for another 10 minutes.
  • Casserole

    You can prepare a delicious chicken casserole with olives.

    For this dish you need:

    • 700 g chicken meat, breast is best;
    • 90 g pesto sauce;
    • 400 ml cream;
    • 250 g feta cheese;
    • 200 g pickled olives;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 40 g olive oil;
    • vegetable oil for frying;
    • greenery;
    • salt.

    Cooking method:

  • Wash the chicken fillet well, cut it, add salt and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.
  • Mix pesto and cream in a bowl.
  • Place chicken pieces in a baking dish.
  • Place chopped cheese, garlic and olives on it.
  • Pour everything with cream mixed with sauce and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • To prepare this dish, the oven must be preheated to 200 degrees.
  • Roast beef or pork

    Another dish for the keto diet is roast beef or pork.

    To prepare it you will need:

    • 400 -500 g boneless meat;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 medium-sized tomatoes;
    • 50 g apple cider vinegar;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 30 g olive oil;
    • dry ginger;
    • salt.

    Cooking method:

  • Rinse the meat well and dry with a paper towel. Make several shallow cuts on top of the pieces.
  • Finely chop the peeled onion and chop the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil and place the meat on it, which should be fried on both sides until golden brown. After this, tomatoes, onions and chopped garlic are placed in the frying pan. Everything is fried for 5-7 minutes.
  • Pour ginger into a cup, add salt and vinegar. Pour the prepared sauce over the meat and simmer over low heat, covering it with a lid. There should be no liquid left in the finished dish. Before serving, sprinkle the meat with fresh herbs.
  • What supplements should I take?

    Exogenous ketones

    Exogenous ketones are typically bioavailable salts of beta-hydroxybutyrate, a source of exogenous ketones that quickly induce ketosis (usually within 30 minutes).

    How it works?

    Causes acute nutritional ketosis within 15 minutes of ingestion. Acute ketosis occurs when blood ketone levels simultaneously rise above 0.5 millimoles per liter.

    TSC oil

    MCT oil is a mixture of caprylic (C8) and capric (C10) triglyceric acids, special types of medium chain triglycerides. TSC may help support cognitive function, and preclinical studies suggest that TSC may also help mitochondrial function. TSC oil supplements also temporarily increase ketone levels, which serve as an alternative energy source for the brain and muscle tissue.

    How it works?

    Helps increase ketone production and provides energy. Medium triglyceride supplements may temporarily increase ketone production compared to regular long chain triglycerides.


    Until recently, this kind of treatment was considered therapeutic. Doctors prescribed it to patients with cancer and epilepsy. They began to use it for weight loss not so long ago, so there is no accurate information about its effectiveness.

    With the growing popularity of this method of losing weight, anyone can take part in the Channel One project by trying the ketogenic diet from Elena Malysheva. The host of a popular health program invites everyone to take part in the “Fat vs. Fat” project.


    The keto diet cannot be followed in the following cases:

    • Acute or chronic pancreatitis.
    • Gallbladder diseases.
    • Liver failure.
    • Steatorrhea.
    • Presence of a tumor in the abdominal cavity.
    • Gastric bypass surgery.
    • Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Kidney failure.
    • Breastfeeding, pregnancy.
    • Porphyria.


    1. National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. National Institutes of Health. Very low-calorie diets. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2022. Vol. 270.
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    3. David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox. Lehninger Principles of biochemistry. Fifth edition. New York: W. H. Freeman and company, 2008. 1158 p.
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    7. V. S. Lukyanchikov. Ketosis and ketoacidosis. Pathobiochemical and clinical aspect. Russian medical journal. 2004., No. 23., p. 1301.
    8. Gershuni VM Nutritional Ketosis for Weight Management and Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome Current Nutrition Reports. 2022., Vol. 7, no. 3.
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    10. Nadjarzadeh A., Firouzabadi RD, Vaziri N., Daneshbodi H., Lotfi MH, Mozaffari-Khosravi H. The effect of omega-3 supplementation on androgen profile and menstrual status in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomized clinical trial. Iran Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2013, August, 11(8): 665–672.
    11. Joseph Mercola "The Cell on a Diet" Scientific discovery about the effect of fats on thinking, physical activity and metabolism. (Discoveries of the century: the latest research into the human body for the benefit of health). Moscow: Publishing House “E”, 2022., 400 p.
    12. Di Ciaula A., Garruti G., Frühbeck G., De Angelis M., De Bari O., Wang DQ, Lammert F., Portincasa P. The Role of Diet in the Pathogenesis of Cholesterol Gallstones. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2022, 26(19):3620-3638.
    13. Hall KD, Chen KY, Guo J. Energy expenditure and body composition changes after an isocaloric ketogenic diet in overweight and obese men. American journal of clinical nutrition. 2016., Vol. 104, no. 2 (August), pp. 324 − 333.
    14. Mikhailova E.A., Lokoshko D.V., Bolshakova E.M. The use of controlled ketosis and exoketones as part of adjuvant therapy for various pathologies and as a means to improve quality of life. Eurasiascience. Collection of articles of the XXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2022, pp. 35-40.
    15. Bueno NB, Melo IS, Oliveira SL, Ataide T. Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. British Journal of Nutrition. 2013, 110, 1178–1187.

    The Solution – Exogenous Ketones

    The conclusion from the above is clear: starting physiological ketosis becomes a serious test for the body. This opinion of scientists is confirmed by those who periodically adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet. There is even a special term here - “keto flu”. They describe the deterioration of a person’s condition in the first weeks after the development of carbohydrate deficiency.

    And this is where ketone bodies introduced from the outside, that is, exogenous ketones, come into the picture. Taking them allows you to switch to the LCHF nutrition plan as smoothly and effectively as possible to lose weight without acute consequences.

    Recent studies have shown that the optimal way to induce exogenous ketosis is by taking functional healthy foods that contain ketone bodies [14]. As we have already said, β-hydroxybutyrate becomes the basis of such products, as the most stable compound. Scientists are mainly considering two options for its use: in the form of esters and in the form of salts. However, β-hydroxybutyrate esters have a strong and not very pleasant taste and odor. But its salts do not have such disadvantages and today they are becoming the main type of exogenous ketones intended for oral administration [15].

    The domestic leader in the production of functional healthy food products based on exoketones is VILAVI INT LTD. The basic product is the development of its specialists called T8 ERA EXO. This is a concentrate containing sodium, calcium and magnesium salts of β-hydroxybutyrate and intended for self-preparation of an energy drink.

    In addition, VILAVI also produces a number of products that will help you comfortably follow a low-carb diet. These are, for example, T8 Manana berry desserts, a line of T8 Bang light snacks based on flaxseeds, and T8 Tute sugar-free cookies.

    All of these products are specifically designed to be used together. They will allow you to gently and without any physiological or psychological problems switch to the LCHF nutrition plan, and then stay on it without denying yourself “delicious food”. This is an extremely important point for successful weight loss. According to statistical studies, in more than half of the cases people give up their diet precisely because of growing dissatisfaction with their diet. Low-carbohydrate products from VILAVI effectively solve this problem.

    Menu for the week

    A detailed weekly menu for the keto diet, which is suitable for weight loss for both women and men: (you can download the menu in table form from the link)

    Time of day/weekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
    • 2 boiled eggs,
    • 30 gr. cheese,
    • protein shake 50 gr.,
    • coffee
    • 3 egg omelette,
    • beet salad
    • 150 gr., coffee
    • 1 egg
    • half an avocado,
    • 150 gr. baked salmon with vegetables
    • Two egg omelette with fried bacon and cheese,
    • coffee
    • Scrambled eggs of two eggs with mushrooms and cheese,
    • coffee
    • Three egg omelette with cheese
    • green salad,
    • coffee
    • Smoked salmon with baked tomatoes 250 gr.,
    • 1 boiled egg
    • 30 gr. almonds,
    • apple
    Smoothie with nuts, milk and cottage cheese (30 g nuts, 200 ml milk, 50 g cottage cheese)Cheese balls with yogurt (150 ml yogurt, 30 g balls)
    • Protein shake 40 gr.,
    • grapefruit
    Vegetable sticks (3-5 pcs.)30 gr. pistachios Smoothie with milk, nuts and cottage cheese (50 g cottage cheese, 30 g nuts, 200 ml milk)
    • 170 grams of stewed chicken breast,
    • 150 gr. salad
    • 200 gr. fried beef,
    • stewed zucchini 150 gr.
    200 gr. baked turkey with cheese and herbs
    • 200 gr. baked meat,
    • salad 150 gr.
    • Pork steak 200 gr.,
    • stewed vegetables 100 gr.
    • 170 gr. beef stew,
    • boiled broccoli 150 gr.
    150 gr. fried pork with vegetables
    • 150 gr. salmon,
    • cucumbers 1-2 pcs.
    • 150 gr. tuna,
    • boiled asparagus 50 gr.
    Seafood salad (40 g shrimp, 40 g squid, 10 g olive oil, cucumber, 20 g cheese, 1 boiled egg)
    • 200 gr. grilled shrimp,
    • spinach salad with cheese 100 gr.
    Baked flounder with vegetables and cheese 200 gr.Salmon steak with vegetables and cheese 200 gr.Hot salad with olives, eggs and smoked salmon 200 gr.
    Second dinner150 gr. cottage cheese Casein 30 grams150 grams of cottage cheese
    • Casein 50 gr.,
    • 100 gr. cottage cheese
    • A glass of kefir,
    • 100 gr. cottage cheese
    Cottage cheese 200 gr.
    • Casein 50 gr.,
    • 100 gr. cottage cheese

    Recipes for healthy eating

    Chicken noodle soup (without potatoes)

    • 21.3 g Protein
    • 18.8 g Fat
    • 10.4 g Carbohydrates
    • 297 kcal

    30-45 min.

    • #chicken
    • #carrot
    • #dinner
    • #onion
    • #spices
    • #soup
    • #dill
    • #egg noodles

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