Sports diet for burning fat for men: options, sample menu for the week, indications, contraindications, recommendations and reviews

  • July 11, 2018
  • Diets
  • Valieva Olga

Obesity is a common problem in our country. Already from school, many boys suffer from excess weight. After completing their education, many take an office job - a sedentary lifestyle leads to the accumulation of fat in the waist, chest, and arms. According to numerous reviews, physical activity alone will not help with obesity. The main thing is fat burning nutrition for men, which will provide a calorie deficit. It’s worth getting ready for a long and persistent fight against obesity.

Basic principles of nutrition for fat burning

A sports diet for burning fat for men is based on the following principles:

  1. Increase the share of protein foods in the diet to 50%, and these should be proteins of animal origin. You can use sports nutrition - protein shakes, amino acid drinks.
  2. Avoid simple carbohydrates completely. These nutrients are precisely the reason why fat accumulates in the abdomen and sides. Carbohydrates, in particular sucrose, are absorbed by the body instantly and, in the absence of immediate physical activity, are processed by the body into fat cells.
  3. Stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Ethyl alcohol is a simple carbohydrate in its pure form. Beer is a particularly insidious drink that leads to hormone imbalance and the appearance of a so-called beer belly in men.
  4. Give up unhealthy fats, which lead to excessive stress on the liver, the production of harmful cholesterol and the prospect of the appearance of fatty folds on the abdomen.
  5. Drink as much clean water as possible, which will transport the breakdown products of fat cells to exit the body along with urine.

Causes of belly fat

The reasons may be different:

One of them is a stressful state. Due to stressful situations, many processes in the body fail. Moreover, feeling unwell often prompts people to literally pounce on food. Who is not familiar with the expression: “Eat up stress”! If you get carried away with “eating,” you may not notice how the hated tummy appears.

Various types of diseases also cause the appearance of belly fat. For example, diabetes mellitus or disorders of the cardiovascular system lead to the formation of fat deposits. It is not always possible to completely eliminate the problem. If the disease is chronic, then you should take the necessary medications as directed by doctors and follow nutritional rules, as well as, if possible, exercise.

Hormonal imbalance usually occurs after pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives, and can also be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland. In order to cope with fat, taking into account this situation, it is necessary to add correctly selected hormonal drugs to the procedures, adhere to an active lifestyle, and follow the principles of proper nutrition. But various low-calorie diets, on the contrary, can aggravate the course of diseases.

A slowdown in metabolism occurs in men and women after 40 years of age. During this period, metabolic processes in the body slow down. Therefore, first of all, you need to restart the metabolic system in the body.

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Differences between female and male metabolism

Why is a sports diet for burning fat for men different from that for women? It's all about the difference in hormonal balance: guys have the male sex hormone in their blood - testosterone. It is he who makes them a priori stronger and more resilient than women. Also, thanks to it, protein is absorbed much faster and completely, without causing intoxication of the body, as happens in women.

Therefore, fat burning nutrition for men allows you to get rid of problem areas much faster than even the most strict diets for women. It's all about the difference in hormonal status.


Denis, 32 years old: “I like following a healthy diet, as it not only allows you to get rid of excess weight, but also helps maintain and improve the tone of the whole body. Within a week I saw an improvement in metabolism and increased immunity. Thanks to such a diet, after two weeks the desire to use harmful foods in the diet disappears.”

Oleg, 40 years old: “I didn’t see any benefits from using such a diet. This method of losing weight will only result in extra pounds after a short period of time.”

Three nutrients you should have in your diet

Every man’s diet should contain the required amount of the following substances daily:

  • proteins are the building material for cells throughout the body;
  • carbohydrates are a source of energy, while simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly - almost within ten minutes after eating, and complex carbohydrates can be absorbed for hours;
  • fats - there are healthy (polyunsaturated), less healthy (saturated) and trans fats, which only cause harm to the body.

A fat loss diet for men requires the presence of all three nutrients in the daily diet. You can’t give up either fats or complex carbohydrates. You just need to adjust their amount based on physical activity and daily calorie consumption.

The essence

The essence of a sports diet for men is to reduce the calories consumed, replacing them with the right protein and carbohydrate foods.

For some men, it is enough to adhere to only the right diet to get the desired shape. For sedentary men, and those who want not only to remove a loose belly, but also to get sculpted abs and muscles, physical activity is a must. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Typically, a sports diet for men when losing weight takes from 1 to 3 months. However, if you notice a serious deterioration in your health, it is better to stop the diet and consult a doctor.

Proteins in a man's diet

A sports diet for burning fat for men implies the presence of protein in the daily diet based on the formula of 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. You can safely eat the following foods and prepare dishes from them:

  • poultry meat - chicken, turkey;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • salmon;
  • seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid, crabs, oysters;
  • cottage cheese and low fat cheese.

Particular attention should be paid to protein mixtures that are presented on the shelves of sports nutrition stores. Ideal to replace dinner with this drink.

Sports nutrition for a diet to gain muscle mass

Sports nutrition requires a person to strictly adhere to time limits and consume specific products, which is not always possible due to various circumstances. So, it is quite problematic for a working person to eat a variety of dishes 6 times a day. Therefore, athletes come to the aid of supplements that are designed taking into account their goals.

Such additives include:

  1. Improving brain function;
  2. Improved blood supply;
  3. Decreased appetite;
  4. Normalization of metabolic processes;
  5. Preventing muscle burning;
  6. Boosting the immune system;
  7. Prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Foods that contain Omega-3 include: tuna, salmon, mackerel, halibut, herring, trout, flaxseed, oat germ, beans and walnuts. Daily intake of Omega-3 should be equal to 2-3 g per kg of weight. These healthy fats can also be taken in capsules as a food supplement, 2-6 g per day.

Find out more: Interesting Experiments and Research on the Amazing Benefits of Omega 3

Carbohydrates in the diet of obese men

Almost all people make the mistake of cutting out carbs completely. This leads to loss of strength, weakness, and dizziness.

The ideal amount of complex carbohydrates for a regularly training man is 6-7 grams per kilogram of body weight. During the period of drying or losing weight, this number is reduced to 3-4 grams. Under no circumstances should you go on a complete carbohydrate-free diet - this will inevitably lead to a slowdown in metabolism even in a man.

Do's and Don'ts

  1. This diet should not be mixed with any other.
  2. You need to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. At the same time, chew your food thoroughly.
  3. You can't skip breakfast. 30 minutes before meals you need to drink a glass of warm water, this will speed up your metabolism.
  4. Regular exercise is necessary.
  5. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking.
  6. You need to reduce calories gradually.
  7. After physical activity, you should only take light food, and it is better to do this after 1.5 - 2 hours.
  8. It is necessary to maintain a sleep schedule. A good rest will give the body vigor and strength.

List of allowed carbohydrates

You can't completely give up carbohydrates. A sports diet for burning fat for men involves the presence of complex carbohydrates. This:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat porridge;
  • dietary bread made from whole grain flour;
  • muesli;
  • black Borodino bread with bran;
  • almost all vegetables.

Carrots, potatoes and beets are special vegetables; they have a high glycemic index. You should not lean on these root vegetables. It is optimal to consume them once a week in an amount of no more than one hundred grams.

Benefits and harms

If you stick to the diet and follow all the recommendations, the benefits of the diet will manifest themselves in weight loss and improved well-being.

However, with a sharp transition from regular nutrition to dietary nutrition, your health may worsen, hidden diseases may also appear and chronic ones may worsen.

In this case, you need to correctly and gradually switch to a non-diet diet. Also, abruptly quitting smoking and switching to a diet can cause deterioration in health.

List of prohibited carbohydrates

List of simple carbohydrates that should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • baked goods made from white flour - bread, loaves, buns, pies, puff pastries, cookies;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • sugar and all dishes with its addition;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits with a high glycemic index.

The first time will not be easy - most people have a so-called carbohydrate addiction, which forces the body to demand new portions of sucrose. It is worth enduring this period - usually after three weeks the craving for sweets subsides.

When you want something sweet

If women sometimes eat up stress and suffering with sweets and cakes, then men can consume tons of sweets for no particular reason, they just have a sweet tooth for the most part and do not try to deny the obvious. However, sugar in large quantities is just as harmful to the male body as it is to the female. If we return to the issue of calories consumed, the required daily calorie intake for men is 800-1000 kcal higher

than for women, but this does not mean that you need to “catch up” with sugar.
Excess sugar in the body can lead to abdominal obesity
, increased blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and decreased insulin sensitivity.

If you want something sweet, it’s better to choose natural sweets.

: marshmallows, candied fruits, dried fruits or fresh fruits. Natural sugar is healthier than what is used in confectionery production, but if you still cannot deny yourself your favorite cake, then try eating in smaller portions and starting dessert only after the main meal.

Fats and nutrition for weight loss

Although fat has no direct effect on insulin secretion, you should significantly limit your intake of saturated fat. This is fatty meat - pork and lamb, milk, cream, butter.

You should lean on polyunsaturated fats - these are nuts, natural unrefined oils - olive, cottonseed, flaxseed. You can season salads with them and add them to soups. The main thing is not to fry anything in such oil, since after frying it loses all its beneficial properties. In addition, carcinogens form very quickly in fried foods.

A fat burning diet for men involves including monounsaturated fat in your diet. This is a nutrient that does not contribute to the formation of excess weight. Its sources are avocados, pistachios, almonds. You can eat 50-60 grams of these products per day.

Permitted and prohibited products

Foods that should not be eaten during the diet:

  • Fried meat, sausage, ham, frankfurters.
  • Products that contain flavorings, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemicals.
  • Butter, margarine, spread.
  • Salo.
  • Any confectionery and baked goods.
  • Pickles, marinades, products that have undergone the smoking process.

Protein products

Protein foods that can be eaten during the diet:

  • Dietary meats. This kind of meat is the best source of protein. Professional bodybuilders eat two servings of meat of at least 150 g each day.
  • Chicken and turkey fillets can replace beef and lamb, as they contain a very small percentage of fat.
  • Milk. Fat from milk is well absorbed by the body and is not stored “in reserve.”
  • Fermented milk drinks.
  • Eggs. Athletes seeking to build muscle mass eat at least 10 eggs daily. They refuse the yolk.
  • Cottage cheese, which is a source of protein and beneficial microelements.
  • Fatty fish, such as salmon. These products are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Roasted and raw sunflower seeds.
  • Buckwheat grain.
  • Fresh and canned tuna.
  • Lentils.

Carbohydrate foods

Products - sources of carbohydrates that are allowed to be eaten during the diet:

  • Brown rice.
  • Fruits other than grapes, bananas and pears.
  • Garlic.
  • Vegetables, including potatoes.
  • Cereals.
  • Bread.
  • Greenery.
  • Pasta made from flour obtained from durum wheat.


Products - sources of fats:

  • Nuts: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts and Brazil nuts.
  • Fatty fish.
  • Apple marshmallow.

Sample menu for a week by day

According to reviews, a good sports diet menu for burning fat for a week is:

  1. Monday: an omelet from the whites of five chicken eggs with herbs, a snack - a handful of nuts, lunch - lean borscht, chicken fillet goulash, buckwheat porridge, a snack - a portion of a gainer or protein shake, dinner - grilled fish.
  2. Tuesday: a cup of coffee with sweetener, a package of diet bread, a plate of buckwheat with veal, a portion of gainer, a vegetable salad with olive oil, dinner - a seafood salad and a portion of a protein shake.
  3. Wednesday: breakfast - oatmeal with olive oil and berries, snack - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, lunch - okroshka and vegetable stew, snack - a portion of gainer, dinner - chicken aspic.
  4. Thursday: “Moscow” salad with meat and vegetables (fill with low-fat sour cream instead of mayonnaise), snack - a handful of nuts, lunch - lean borscht, snack - a portion of a gainer or protein shake, dinner - grilled fish and a vegetable side dish.
  5. Friday: cottage cheese smoothie with berries, snack - a handful of nuts, lunch - okroshka or cream soup, grilled turkey, a glass of kefir, snack - a serving of protein shake, dinner - seafood salad.
  6. Saturday: a cup of coffee with sweetener, a package of diet bread, lunch - okroshka and vegetable stew, snack - a portion of a gainer, dinner - an amino acid drink or smoothie made from kefir and cottage cheese.
  7. Sunday: diet pizza (on omelet instead of dough), a serving of protein, vegetable salad with olive oil, lean borscht or cream soup, diet minced chicken cutlets with buckwheat porridge, dinner - salmon jellied fish.

The order of meals is indicated approximately - you can swap dishes and days of the week.

Useful vitamins and microelements

A pumped up body and defined muscles are good, but a distinctive feature of a man is his reproductive function

. To support the reproductive system, meat and proteins alone are not enough; you need vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, zinc, selenium and another half of the periodic table, which means that the diet must be varied and balanced.

The most useful vitamins are found in vegetables, fruits and herbs, so men need “vitamin salads” no less than women. In addition, vegetables and herbs can benefit any meat dish. Vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E

, which are used as salad dressings, and
vitamin C is found in fresh berries, fruits and vegetables
. To maintain vitamin C levels, it is recommended to eat fresh fruit every day.

The importance of water regime

A sports diet for burning fat involves a large amount of clean water - at least two liters per day. This is necessary to transport the breakdown products of fat cells to exit the body along with urine.

At the same time, you should minimize the consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, tea and coffee. Beer, cocktails with strong drinks, wines and vermouths should be completely avoided. Ethyl alcohol is a simple carbohydrate that is quickly absorbed and inevitably leads to the formation of a fatty layer.

Procedures for correcting fat deposits in the abdominal area

All these methods use different physical factors that reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat due to apoptosis (destruction) of fat cells. The destruction process is accompanied by the release of lipids contained in fat cells into the intercellular space. Lipids are then excreted primarily through the lymphatic system to the liver, where they are utilized.

The process of removing lipids from destroyed fat cells occurs slowly (over 6-8 weeks), and therefore you will notice the first visible result no earlier than after 4 weeks. Before treatment, it is important to activate lymphatic drainage, microcirculation and venous outflow.

This can be done, for example, using injection lipolysis.

Injection lipolysis is a fairly effective method of body correction, which is based on the injection deep into the patient’s subcutaneous fat tissue of lipolytic drugs that destroy the membranes of adipocyte fat cells and release fat.

Non-surgical ultrasonic lipolysis Ulfit

After the preparatory procedures, it is recommended to move on to more global ones.

The most powerful procedure today for eliminating pronounced local fat deposits and sculpting the figure is the South Korean ultrasonic lipolysis procedure - Ulfit-therapy.

The procedure is carried out using the Ulfit device, which generates highly intense focused HIFU ultrasound. It penetrates deep into the tissue - 6-20 mm, heats them and destroys the cell membranes of the fat cell. Next, the breakdown of adipocytes (fat cells) occurs and, as a result, the breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids.

The destroyed elements of the fat cell enter the extracellular space and are eliminated by the body using the lymphatic system and immune cells. The destroyed adipocytes are absorbed and excreted from the body within 4 weeks. Next, the active process of weight loss begins.

Lymphatic drainage procedures can be used to speed up the removal of broken down fat cells. For example, on the Endosphere apparatus. Vacuum massage, hydromassage, and lymphatic drainage wraps remove fluid and decay products well.

As a rule, the procedure is performed once. But there are no contraindications to undergoing a course of procedures in order to sharpen the contours of the body and make the stomach flat.

It is important to note that Ulfit removes not only subcutaneous fat, but also fights internal fat deposits, which are especially harmful to our health. Ulfit therapy also perfectly tightens the skin. When tissues are heated by the device, not only does the fat cells rupture, but also the active process of production of new collagen by skin cells – fibroblasts – begins. After the procedure, the skin is noticeably tightened and smoothed. And the process will only increase over time.

Liposuction Cellu Program

Ultrasonic Israeli liposuction Cellu Program is based on the use of two types of ultrasound - with high and low wave frequencies.

High-frequency ultrasonic waves freely penetrate to a depth of 8-9 cm and dissolve abdominal (internal) fat. After this, it is eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. This process is called visceral lipolysis. During a course of procedures, you can eliminate 2-3 kilograms of internal fat.

Low frequency ultrasonic waves are also used at the same time. They penetrate the surface layer to a depth of 3 cm and dissolve subcutaneous fat deposits. In this case, Cellu Program works like classic ultrasonic liposuction.

Figure correction using the Cellu Program technology is so effective that in just 3-4 sessions you can reduce your waist size by 4-8 cm and your body weight by 5-7 kg! The maximum effect is obtained from a course of 15 Cellu Program procedures. Body weight decreases by 20-25 kg, and waist size decreases by 12-20 cm.

In addition, cleansing internal organs of fat load improves their functioning and prevents the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys. The action of high-frequency ultrasonic waves improves the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, harmonizes neuro-endocrine regulation. This gives the effect of general health improvement.

Myostimulation Izoja

Izojay is an innovative Italian technology based on physiotherapy.

The delivery of electrical impulses causes tension in individual muscles without changing their length (stretching). This impact is called isometric gymnastics.

The VIP Line Isogei device works muscles in two modes. One corresponds to aerobic exercise, the second to anaerobic exercise. The former burn fat deposits, the latter strengthen and build muscle tissue.

Thanks to strengthening and increasing muscle tone, the chest rises, clear, harmonious contours of the buttocks, hips, and waist are formed. As a result of active lipolysis, fat deposits are burned. The stomach “goes away”, it becomes flat and toned. The skin as a whole becomes more elastic, firm, and youthful.

The effect of myostimulation procedures is persistent and lasts for a long time. This is not just skin improvement and figure correction. Working out the muscles improves blood circulation, which means the inflow and outflow of arterial and venous blood. Muscles play a big role in the overall health of the body. Improving their tone with the help of Isoja has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Mesotherapy for weight loss

This is a maintenance or preliminary injection procedure. Lipolytic cocktails are injected deeper into the skin - 4-5 mm.

Local accumulation of active components in the mesoderm improves metabolism and accelerates the breakdown of lipids.

Another type of mesotherapy for the body is lipomesodissolution. It is also based on the introduction of special cocktails into the dermal layer of the skin (to a depth of no more than 6 mm), which promote the active breakdown of adipose tissue and the removal of fat from the body.

Cocktails do not consist of several components. Lipolytic components break down the fat cell. Drainage components consisting of extracts of various plants - from green tea to artichokes - speed up the work of lymph flow: so that what has been destroyed is better released. L-Carnitine is an amino acid, a natural substance related to B vitamins, which promotes the rapid conversion of fats into energy.

There are so-called basic cocktails that are calcined superficially: along the spine and along the intercostal spaces. With this method of introducing biological products, biologically active points are activated. With their help, weight begins to decrease as quickly as possible.

In addition to the basic ones, there are local cocktails that are injected into problem areas, including the stomach.

Features of training for fat burning

In parallel with the diet, you should regularly engage in aerobic training. Ideally, you can jog at an interval pace every morning. Before each strength training, warm up in the form of a fifteen-minute jog, and after - if you have any strength left - work on the elliptical.

When you give up sugar and simple carbohydrates, you may experience weakness for some time - this is a natural process that will pass without a trace after two to three weeks. Any diet and physical activity are stressful for an unhealthy body. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about possible contraindications.

Down with the disguise!

If the phrase “I have abs, but they work undercover” makes you not so much smile as sigh, this means that your diet needs to change. The so-called drying will help you. What is its essence:

  1. In order not to lose those muscles that you want to finally discover along with fat, you need certain tactics. Drying is not just a diet for weight loss, it is designed specifically to burn subcutaneous fat and preserve muscles. This is essentially a protein diet.
  2. This assumes that you must have gained weight first. In general terms, this is an increased caloric intake when you multiply your weight by 30 and add 500. That is, let’s say you weigh 75 kg. So, 75*30+500=2750. 2750 calories consumed daily for weight gain. Well, plus the BJU ratio: 30:20:50%. If you did this, good. If you are “on the masses” in life, so much the better. For drying, of course.
  3. Drying gradually. As they say, the entrance to the drying, the drying itself and the exit from it. A total of 5 weeks goes out. During the first 2 weeks, we reduce carbohydrates: first 2 g per 1 kg of body, then 1 g, then 0.5 g in the third week. Then, from the fourth week, we go in the reverse order: 1 g, 2 g. Using the same scheme, we increase protein from 2 g per kg of body to 4-5 g, and back. We bring the calorie content to 2300 kcal per day, 400 kcal per serving. The BJU ratio is now 70:10:20%.
  4. Be sure to combine drying with training. This is inalienable. They usually say that it doesn’t matter whether you work out at home or in the gym. But it’s a no brainer that it’s more effective in the gym.
  • Firstly, at home, rarely does anyone have the opportunity to pump up all muscle groups - there are simply no suitable equipment. And strength exercises should not only be done with your own weight.
  • Secondly, you can work with a trainer, and this is a huge plus (albeit for a fee). Because the rules of cutting training are changing. The intensity of the exercises decreases, but the duration increases - from 40 minutes or longer.

And there should be enough aerobic training - cycling, running. If you are overweight, try not to overload with cardio exercises.

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