Drinking diet - how to easily lose weight in a week (MENU + REVIEWS)

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A drinking diet is an effective way to quickly lose extra pounds. This type of nutrition is used not only for weight loss, but also for the purpose of detoxifying (cleansing) the body. Thanks to the consumption of liquid food, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, and the body starts recovery processes.

What is a drinking diet

The diet is suitable not only for those who want to see a minus on the scales, but also for those who seek to remove toxins and waste from the body. By cleaning at the cellular level, you will help all body systems work better and also stabilize your metabolism. A drinking diet is the consumption of drinking food for a certain number of days. Its duration can last from one day to a month. Observations show that up to 2 kilograms of excess weight are lost per day, and up to 7 kilograms per week. However, you should go on such a fast only once a year.

Doctors' recommendations

Experts consider the drinking diet to be insidious. It contributes to the fact that the body begins to experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, which negatively affects the appearance: sagging skin, hair loss, and peeling nails. In addition, immunity deteriorates. A person gets tired faster and lacks energy. It is possible that memory problems will appear, and vision may deteriorate. Doctors warn that diet can provoke the development of diseases that the body will not have the resources to fight.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

Drinking diets for weight loss

The duration of hunger strikes can vary, but those that last a month are considered the most effective. During the first 10 days, a person begins to feel light because all the hollow organs are cleansed. Over the course of another 10 days, the liver and kidneys are renewed, but during this period discomfort may occur. During the remaining 10 days of a month-long fast, all cells of the body are cleansed: metabolic processes change, because it reboots. Just at the end of the drinking diet for weight loss, maximum weight loss is achieved, and the skin acquires an even color.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

There are classic and short drinking diets. The first type includes those whose duration is 30 days. In a month you can lose weight and cleanse your body of pollution in the form of toxins and waste. However, fasting for more than one month is dangerous for health, because then all the available nutrients will begin to be washed out.

Often, women, men and even the younger generation of young people prefer short diets that take only a week, because during these 7 days they lose from 5 to 7 annoying kilograms. You can go on a drinking diet literally for one or a couple of days, but such a choice will more likely lead to an express cleansing of the body, when toxins are removed from the intestines, than to thorough weight loss.

What is possible

Many people ask about what you can drink on a drinking diet? The basis of drinking fasts are liquids that you will drink instead of your usual food. Allowed liquids that can be consumed on a drinking diet include:

  • still water, but you can drink mineral water for no more than three days;
  • broth prepared independently: chicken, fish, meat, vegetable. You can add carrots, celery or parsley to it when cooking;
  • low-fat liquid puree soup made from oatmeal (Oatmeal), chicken and other products;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk with fat content up to 2%;
  • natural yogurt, curdled milk;
  • freshly squeezed juices from grapefruit, apple or orange;
  • teas - green, fruit, red, black, but always brewed and without sugar;
  • jelly, compote of dried or fresh berries.

Sample menu after poisoning

The first day after food poisoning is better not to eat anything. If you feel very hungry, you can drink a little rice water. It is better to use brown rice for cooking.

After the unpleasant symptoms disappear, you can eat little by little. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, adults follow a diet for 5-10 days after poisoning.

Let us give examples of therapeutic dietary nutrition used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.

Diet No. 1A

Calorie content: 1900–2000 kcal

Diet No. 2

Calorie content: 2800–3000 kcal

First breakfast — steam omelet or soft-boiled eggs;

- warm low-fat milk.

- oatmeal or semolina porridge;

- low-fat cheese;

- weak tea.

Lunch - milk. - rosehip decoction.
Dinner — pureed oatmeal soup, steamed chicken fillet;

- fruit jelly.

- vegetable or meat broth;

— steamed cutlets from lean meat;

- mashed potatoes;

- dried fruits compote.

Afternoon snack - milk cream;

- rosehip decoction.

- rosehip decoction.
Dinner - liquid rice porridge (crushed);

- milk.

- Steamed fish;

- rice pudding;

- tea or cranberry juice.

Drink at night - milk. - kefir or yogurt.

Recommended dishes also include vegetable soups, boiled porridges, except pearl barley and millet, baked meat puddings, and cottage cheese casseroles. It is advisable to grind porridges and soups with a blender. This way they will be better absorbed.

To prepare meat dishes, it is advisable to use veal, beef, turkey or chicken. Steamed meatballs, meat pate or casserole will be completely dietary dishes. You are allowed to eat fish balls and chicken breast. You can make puddings from berries and fruits; bananas and baked apples are also allowed.

As additional support for the body, you can use sorbents, for example, Fitomucil Sorbent Forte. Enterosorbent will remove harmful substances, cope with pathogenic microorganisms, and restore normal intestinal microflora. The drug contains five types of live probiotic bacteria, as well as psyllium and inulin.

Rules for drinking diet

During the seven-day fasting period, all body systems work, saving energy, so the toxic load is reduced and weight goes off. To ensure that your health does not suffer and that weight loss is effective, it is important to know the rules of the drinking diet and follow them:

  1. The basis of this weight loss program should be a liquid product - jelly, broth, puree soup or kefir, and you should forget about solid food for this time.
  2. A 7-day mono-diet involves alternating drinks every day. By drinking different liquids, you can diversify your diet and get the nutrients your body needs.
  3. It is recommended to avoid kvass, carbonated water, packaged juices and alcoholic beverages.


The drinking diet is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hypotension and hypertension.
  4. Kidney failure.
  5. Period of pregnancy , lactation (breastfeeding).
  6. Cannot be used by those who are prone to swelling.

If the immune system is weakened and during the postoperative period, the use of any diets is strictly prohibited. To effectively use a limited table, it is necessary to undergo examination to exclude factors that are contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences.


Reviews from those who fasted even for 7 days prove that before switching to such a diet you need to be well prepared, because it will be very difficult for the body to consume only liquids instead of the usual food. Preparation for the drinking diet consists of the fact that a week before it you need to completely give up smoked meats, salted and smoked foods, sauces, mayonnaise, processed foods, and ketchups.

3 days before switching to a 7-day strict regime, you must eat exclusively vegetables, fruits, cereals (preferably oatmeal or buckwheat), sugar-free drinks and drink 2 liters of water every day. It is recommended to gradually reduce the serving size to a minimum so that the stomach gets used to the fact that it will receive little food. The day before the transition, give preference to green unsweetened tea.

Prohibited and permitted products

Prohibited products include:

  • All products are in solid form.
  • Alcohol.
  • Carbonated mineral water and lemonades.
  • Industrially produced juices.
  • Sugar and its substitutes.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Spicy and spicy foods.
  • Sour cream and milk with a high percentage of fat content. The same rule applies to fermented milk drinks.
  • Broths prepared with fatty meats or fish.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Any sweet desserts, including liquid ones.

It is worth considering that you will need to give up these foods not only during the diet itself, but also at the stage of preparation for it, as well as for some time after leaving the diet.

The list of permitted products is as follows:

  • Freshly pressed juices from vegetables and fruits.
  • Pure water.
  • Puree vegetable, cereal and bean soups.
  • Broths prepared with low-fat meat and fish.
  • Compote and jelly.
  • Any tea, except bagged tea.
  • Smoothie.


Reviews prove that a drinking diet for a week is an effective method that helps you lose excess deposits in the form of fat; the main thing here is to follow all the recommendations. So, the basis of this diet is fresh fruit, berry and vegetable juices. You can supplement the list with low-fat broth, dairy products, and unsweetened teas. The drinking diet menu also necessarily includes clean water in an amount of 1.5 liters or more.

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Quitting the drinking diet

After a week-long fast, it is recommended to gradually add proteins, fats and carbohydrates to your regular diet. So, going off the drinking diet for 7 days should take twice as long, which means that you will need to go off for at least 14 days. It is forbidden to immediately eat fatty, spicy or starchy foods; solid foods are only allowed in the morning, and for dinner you must leave the drinking menu. It is advisable to gradually change the liquid lunch to a solid one - such a transition should last at least 3-4 days. Then for dinner you can eat something from the usual menu.

Side effects

A drinking diet does not allow you to completely saturate the body with the vitamins, micro- and macroelements it needs, which can negatively affect the state of the immune system, as well as lead to a deterioration in appearance.

In addition, at the very beginning of the diet, many people who are losing weight note that they have bad breath and their tongue becomes coated.

Other side effects: dizziness, anemia, impaired hematopoietic function. If you do not follow the rules for leaving the diet, then there is a risk of developing anorexia. Therefore, before starting a drinking diet, you need to consult a specialist.

Chocolate drinking

This weight loss option will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, because it combines a chocolate diet and a drinking diet. So, the chocolate-drinking diet includes hot chocolate, beloved by many, but without added sugar. You can also include cocoa diluted with low-fat milk and still water. By observing this strict fast, you can lose up to 7 extra pounds in 3-7 days.

Recipes for the drinking diet

The basis of a 7-day fast is liquids. For this reason, soup is a staple in drinking diet recipes. So, for lunch you can make a delicious hot dish of tomatoes:

  1. Take 20 tomatoes, cut them, remove seeds.
  2. Place the halves on a baking sheet, sprinkle chopped onions on top, add crushed garlic, and drizzle a little oil.
  3. Bake the tomatoes for half an hour, then transfer them to water and make broth.
  4. You can add cucumbers to the pan with prepared vegetables, and then grind everything with a blender.

Smoothies are also a popular dish during hunger strikes. To prepare the drink, you need to grind a banana into porridge, add 100 ml of apple nectar and 50 ml of carrot juice to it. After mixing, all ingredients must be whipped using a food processor or blender, and then, for taste, sprinkle the resulting cocktail with cinnamon or vanilla in a small amount.


According to reviews, the main goal of people who decide to go on a hunger strike is, first of all, to lose weight, and only then to cleanse the body. Before switching to such a strict regime, many try to find out the results of a drinking diet. So, water therapy will help:

  • reduction of the stomach;
  • getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • destruction of the fat layer under the skin;
  • weight loss up to 2 kg per day, up to 8 kg per week, up to 15 kg per month;
  • cleansing the body after 5 days.

Cleansing and unloading

You can evaluate the photos before and after the drinking diet. But losing weight isn’t even its main point.

It is important that with this special method of nutrition, a person receives vital substances for the full functioning of the body, but does not overload the stomach and other organs, which means he is engaged in a healthy diet.

Due to this, the body is unloaded and cleansed and, as a result, everything unnecessary is dumped.

How to maintain a drinking diet

It is very difficult for many to survive even 7 days, because this diet is very strict. If you want to maintain a drinking diet and lose weight, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Initially, think about why you need to lose weight (buy new jeans or fit into old ones) and throughout the 7 days and exit days, remember the incentive.
  2. Imagine what you will get when your weight drops: you will be able to wear beautiful clothes that will look perfect on a slender figure, your health will improve, your well-being will improve, because extra pounds are also harmful.
  3. For each achievement in the form of weight loss, reward yourself, but not with treats, but, for example, with a change in image, new things.

Who is this diet suitable for?

People often wonder why they should go on such a strict diet? Even if there is a problem of excess weight, anyone can lose weight with proper nutrition and exercise. Unfortunately, in words it is always so simple, but in reality, few people succeed. Who is this diet suitable for? If you find yourself on this list, be sure to pull yourself together and start taking action . You need this diet if:

  • you have a few extra pounds that you can’t get rid of for a long time;
  • you can’t fit into your favorite outfit, but there’s an important event coming up and you want to look irresistible;
  • you are tired of seeing your shapeless body in the mirror and want to change for the better;
  • you know that you have extra pounds, but you are inactive;
  • you are sure that you can try, but something is stopping you;
  • everyone around you says that you can be better, but you do nothing;
  • you feel uncomfortable at your current weight;
  • you are not confident in yourself.

How to properly go on a drinking diet

You can evaluate the pros and cons of a strict diet for 7 days after you try it yourself. In order to achieve the desired result on the scales, but not harm the body, it is important to follow a proper drinking diet: follow the prepared menu, eat recommended foods, correctly and gradually switch to liquids, and then to solid foods. If you feel that you can’t stand it the whole week, then start leaving this diet, but also gradually, as you prepared.

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