15 recipes for PP sandwiches for breakfast and snacks

“It’s wrong, you, Uncle Fyodor, are eating a sandwich,” the cat Matroskin taught us from the screens. And frankly speaking, what is the right way? Childhood is long gone, and a simple snack of a piece of white bread and sausage brings not pleasure and satiety, but extra pounds. Is it possible to change the usual recipe or is it better to give up sandwiches for good? We have collected several recipes for delicious and healthy snacks as an alternative to the legendary snack.

Alena Stepanova


The worst thing that can happen is a sandwich with white bread, butter and cheese.

Checklist: going on a picnic

Are sandwiches healthy and low in calories?

Calories are different. Cereal bread and white yeast bread do not differ much in energy value. Only the first product gives satiety, cleanses the intestines, bran transits through the gastrointestinal tract and captures harmful substances. Wheat baked goods made from refined flour are instantly digested, cause spikes in glucose levels, are immediately stored in fat, and then cause an increased feeling of hunger. The consequence is overeating, excess weight.

The second important point is filling. The calorie content of sausage and meat is approximately the same. Only the chemical composition is heaven and earth. We also compare sauces, smoked meats, and other additives.

One sandwich is different from another! A snack made from the right breakfast foods will not harm your figure.

What can you use for the filling:

  • boiled, baked meat, poultry;
  • fish, seafood;
  • sour cream, yogurt, cheese;
  • tomato puree, homemade sauces;
  • all types of vegetables.

What not to use:

  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • fried foods;
  • mayonnaise, store-bought sauces;
  • products with flavor enhancers.

What's your favorite sandwich base?


A healthy PP sandwich in moderation will definitely not harm your figure. On the contrary, it is a great option for breakfast. With an average calorie content of 180-250 kcal, it will significantly simplify weight loss and help you resist a unhealthy hamburger, butter pie or piece of cake.

Short answer. For breakfast, PP sandwiches are prepared based on rye, whole grain bread, crispbread, pita bread, and pita bread. For the filling, natural protein products, vegetables, herbs, and homemade sauces are used.

Why do I need it?

Dietary nutrition is not directly related to weight loss. The system of food intake, the ratio of nutrients in each meal - all this can be aimed at different goals. And weight loss is just one of them. With the help of a therapeutic diet, you can, for example, maintain well-being for years in case of chronic diseases of the internal organs. And using a high-calorie complex - gain weight.

We will only consider diet sandwiches for breakfast that are suitable for the system of losing and maintaining weight.

When can you eat PP sandwiches: breakfast, snack or dinner?

A proper PP sandwich is a complex carbohydrate. The ideal time for consumption is the first half of the day. This is breakfast, a snack before lunch. It is also called second breakfast. Slow carbohydrates satiate well, last for a long time, and do not provoke sudden attacks of hunger.

But! It’s better to quickly prepare and eat the right sandwich if you don’t have time to prepare a full lunch or dinner. Even in the evening it will do less harm than a plate of fried potatoes or a portion of ordinary pilaf. Of two evils, we choose the easy option that will not negatively affect the figure.

Which bread to choose at PP for sandwiches

Just not white yeast bread. It has a high glycemic index, does not contain fiber, and is instantly deposited on the waist and other problem areas. Healthy sandwiches have a different base.

What you can use:

  • whole grain baked goods . It is often presented in the form of buns, loaves, or less often loaves. Source of fiber, beneficial chemical elements;
  • gluten free bread . The baked goods do not contain gluten - gluten. Often the basis is buckwheat, rice, corn, amaranth flour. Loaves and rolls are suitable for weight loss and are indispensable for people with celiac disease;
  • yeast-free bread . It is worth paying attention to the flour used. We choose assorted rye and buckwheat varieties for breakfast;
  • baking without yeast . Everyone knows pita bread, pita bread, flatbread. This also includes homemade oat pancakes and other sourdough baked goods. It is best consumed for breakfast; wheat flour is often present.
  • breads _ An affordable alternative to white baked goods. Breadbreads are sold in any stores, contain insoluble fiber, and are prepared from rye, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, and other types of flour. A moderate amount will not harm the figure;

Regardless of the product used, it is important to monitor the calorie content and serving size. Try to cut thin slices of bread, do not make 5 sandwiches from bread for breakfast. 1-2 pieces are enough.


For those who save morning minutes and also strive to adhere to a diet or principles of healthy food consumption, diet sandwiches for breakfast are suitable. The advantages of such a diet are that cooking does not take time; the range of products for this dish is essentially limited only by the imagination of the cook. And the variety of shapes, textures, and flavors makes you feel like you’re not on a diet at all, and besides, this breakfast is suitable for the whole family. Start your day with healthy pleasure!

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How to make PP toast for sandwiches

Crispy toast is a tasty base for PP sandwiches. In a normal diet, slices of bread are fried in butter. It is covered with a ruddy, fragrant crust. While losing weight, this ingredient should not be used for breakfast.

Methods for making toast:

  • in a frying pan . Preheat it, then put it in, press down. Do not use a cold frying pan; the bread will simply dry out;
  • in the oven . Distribute on a baking sheet, brown at a temperature not lower than 220 degrees. Otherwise you will end up with crackers;
  • in the toaster . The simplest option is that household appliances will handle it themselves. Lay it in and fry it.

Armenian lavash is fried only with the filling inside immediately before breakfast. Otherwise it will dry out and crumble.

Baked dishes

Having at least a little time to tinker with breakfast, you can diversify your diet with diet sandwiches cooked in the oven. Use slices of the recommended bread and light cheeses, place the filling on the base and top with crumbles or a thin piece of cheese. Such a breakfast is not just healthy, but beautiful and original - make a holiday out of your diet meal right in the morning, and the day will be set. Sample products for dietary hot sandwiches:

  • shrimp, greens, cucumber slices, cheese;
  • chicken by-product pate, fresh carrots, cheese;
  • squid, cottage cheese with spices, cheese;
  • tomatoes and cheese;
  • plums/lingonberries/cranberries, mozzarella or other type of soft unleavened cheese.

Curd paste recipe for proper sandwiches

Cottage cheese is often used for breakfast. It is used to prepare casseroles, cheesecakes, other dishes and baked goods. But for PP sandwiches it is better to make a special paste. It will be used in some of the recipes below.


  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 sprigs of dill, more if possible;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. lemon juice;
  • a pinch of allspice.

Sometimes green onions and parsley are added to the mixture. There are recipes with hard cheese and chopped pepper. All this is introduced to your liking. Some components accelerate souring - fresh vegetables. Other foods increase calorie content - cheeses. We do not recommend excluding lemon juice. It is a natural preservative and will help preserve the sandwich spread for up to two days.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
  2. Wash and dry the dill. It is allowed to use other types of greens, but this is the one that is ideal for cottage cheese.
  3. Combine with cottage cheese, salt, pepper, add lemon juice. Take a fork and rub thoroughly.
  4. Checking the consistency. If necessary, add a little sour cream and adjust the consistency.

Sometimes breakfast pasta is prepared in a blender. Not prohibited. Just take into account the consistency of the cottage cheese. It will become much thinner. Also, don't add the dill right away. Otherwise, the whole mass will be pureed and turn green.

Curd paste is suitable not only for PP sandwiches. This is an excellent “cream” for snack liver cakes and zucchini pancakes. Place in a pastry bag and decorate!

Let's add seafood

Unique and nutritious seafood sandwiches will replace the usual high-calorie snacks.

To prepare them, red fish is used in combination with cottage cheese, canned food or mussels.

With salmon

For preparation you will need:

  • 80 g lightly salted salmon;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 loaves of bread;
  • natural yogurt.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the eggs until tender, peel, finely chop or grate.
  2. Pasta: combine egg and yogurt in a bowl, stir, add salt.
  3. Peel the cucumbers and grate them.
  4. Spread the bread with the egg mixture and place the cucumber on top.
  5. Next, decorate the sandwich with a piece of red fish and herbs.

Diet sandwiches with caviar are prepared using the same principle. This option is more elegant and can be served to guests for a holiday.

7 healthy sandwich recipes for weight loss

It's time to consider in detail diet sandwiches for proper nutrition. We take only tasty, safe combinations. For the base we use bread, pita, lavash, any of the above baking options.

With avocado

The calorie content and amount of fat in an avocado is off the charts. Just don't be scared. They are perfectly absorbed by the body. This is an ideal product for losing weight, maintaining our youth and beauty. Feel free to use it for breakfast!

Healthy avocado sandwiches for weight loss

What to pair avocado with:

  • spices and lemon juice;
  • curd cheese and herbs;
  • red salted fish;
  • bean spread or canned beans, hummus is great;
  • with poached egg;
  • greens with tomato or cucumber.


  1. Remove the avocado from the peel. Salt, pepper, mash with a fork.
  2. Grease a slice of bread with the resulting paste.
  3. Place other selected ingredients on top.

Try not to overdo it with fats. You should not combine avocado and meat, poultry, or add oil sauces.

With curd cheese

Hard cheeses are tricky. They are high in calories, heavy, and easy to overeat. Therefore, we recommend using cottage cheese analogues for breakfast. You can simply spread it on toast or add other ingredients.

Breakfast options:

  • greens and fresh cucumber;
  • lightly salted fish, better than red varieties;
  • sun-dried or fresh tomatoes;
  • seafood, especially shrimp, squid;
  • baked vegetables - eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper;
  • avocado with lettuce.


  1. Spread the cream cheese onto the base of the sandwich.
  2. Sprinkle with herbs, pepper if desired, or cover with lettuce.
  3. Add pieces of fish, vegetables, and other products from the list.

Low-fat sour cream and Greek yogurt will help reduce the calorie content of curd cheese. You just need to add it and grind it thoroughly.

With vegetables

A simple breakfast option - place pieces of vegetables on bread or toast, first grease with cottage cheese, paste according to the recipe above. There are more interesting recipes.

Successful combinations:

  • baked zucchini, eggplant;
  • sun-dried tomatoes with basil;
  • baked bell peppers;
  • vegetable caviar, including zucchini;
  • cucumber with cottage cheese and dill;
  • marinated mushrooms with cheese and dill;
  • stewed spinach with spices.

We adhere to the rule - we place dry vegetables exclusively on a greased base. Juicy products are used immediately. For example, a layer is not needed under squash caviar. Only it becomes much tastier with fresh herbs and allspice.

Any vegetables reveal their flavor and aroma when grilled. In the summer, it is convenient to cook the ingredients for PP sandwiches over coals and freeze them for future breakfasts.

With boiled egg

There are many recipes for PP sandwiches with poached eggs, fried eggs, and omelettes. But more often there is a boiled product at home, sometimes it remains for several days. The egg is easy to prepare and easy to use. There are many interesting variations for breakfast.

What to combine with:

  • sour cream, garlic, herbs;
  • herring, dill, curd cheese;
  • cucumber, sour cream or soft cottage cheese;
  • avocado, greens, bell pepper;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers, other vegetables;
  • hummus, bean paste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Grease slices of bread, pieces of pita bread or toast with soft cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, or any pate.
  2. Next, lay out the vegetables and herbs.
  3. Finish with a chopped egg. We use a sharp knife and make thin slices.

Sometimes the egg is chopped, combined with other crushed ingredients, and used as a paste. Much depends on the type of additional products.

Making egg sandwiches

With red fish

Many PP sandwich recipes contain red fish. Not an accident. The second type of fat after avocado, which does not harm the waist. Lightly salted, boiled fillet is used. Sometimes they are replaced with canned analogues.

The best additives for red fish:

  • fresh cucumber;
  • curd paste, soft cheese;
  • dill;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • Avocado slices if desired.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Apply a thin layer of curd paste onto toast and bread. Or replace it with low-fat soft cheese.
  2. Sprinkle with dill. It is allowed to add a leaf of green salad.
  3. Add thin slices of fresh cucumber.
  4. We finish assembling the sandwich with a red fish. Sometimes sprinkled with lemon juice and garnished with a slice of citrus.

These ingredients make amazing rolls in Armenian lavash. An excellent option for PP breakfast.

With tuna

Canned tuna is an excellent dietary breakfast product. It is valued for its high protein content and low calorie content. The energy value per 100 g is 120 kcal. For one sandwich, 50 g is enough. The ideal base is rye bread. It is advisable to lightly dry it in a frying pan.

Ideal combinations:

  • curd paste without garlic with herbs and tuna; we recommend decorating breakfast sandwiches with slices of fresh cucumber;
  • tuna, soft cheese, tomato slices and greens;
  • crushed avocado paste, lettuce leaves, tuna. If desired, sprinkle with lemon juice;
  • chopped tuna, chopped celery, greens. It is allowed to sprinkle breakfast sandwiches with grated cheese.

When purchasing, pay attention to the composition of canned fish. Take tuna without oil, marinades, vinegar, only in its own juice.

In pita bread

Often healthy sandwiches for snacking are made on the basis of yeast-free Armenian lavash. More precisely, you get rolls, envelopes, something like shawarma. The filling is always packed inside.

Breakfast combinations and ideas:

  • fish, curd mass, herbs, cucumber or tomato;
  • curd mass with garlic, herbs;
  • sour cream with garlic, chicken, baked meat;
  • cabbage salad, tomato sauce, chicken breast;
  • canned fish, boiled egg, Greek yogurt sauce with herbs;
  • baked vegetables, greens.

Any fillings are suitable. The main thing is to grease the pita bread with sauce. And don't use too much flatbread. It is often made from white wheat flour. Homemade alternative - oat, rye, corn, buckwheat pancake.

Vegetable delicacies

The best option for adherents of a vegetarian menu and for those who feel heavy from protein foods in the morning. Fiber from vegetables and healthy grains increases in volume in the stomach, as a result, you are not hungry for a long time, but at the same time you do not eat extra calories!

Sandwich with vegetables


  • 0.25 avocado;
  • 2 cherry tomatoes;
  • slice of lemon;
  • 1 egg;
  • bread.

Remove the skin from a slice of avocado, mash with a fork, sprinkle with lemon juice, spread the paste on bread, place sliced ​​eggs on top, garnish with cherry tomato halves.

Appetizer with vegetable caviar


  • at your discretion - industrial or homemade squash/eggplant caviar/beans, marinated with tomatoes;
  • pickled peppers;
  • half an egg;
  • greenery;
  • Rye bread.

Place the selected vegetable product on the bread, garnish with herbs and egg slices.

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