'Primobolan': reviews, release form, instructions for use

February 16, 2022 Admin Home page » Pharmacology

Important! The BOMB BODY website does not encourage the use of steroid drugs and does not encourage their use. The goal is to convey maximum real information to those who have decided to take this DANGEROUS step, so that the harm to health is minimal!

How to take Primobolan. Feature of the action. What is it needed for. Side effects. Dosage regimens and combinations with other drugs.

Primobolan has the second name methenolone enanthate - it is a steroid of anabolic origin. For medical purposes, it is often used to treat anemia in both women and children. For sporting purposes, it has a rather mild effect, both for veterans of the “chemical technique” and for novice chemists.

The steroid is used in the form of injections and tablets, the latter is weakly effective and practically does not give results, so it is rarely taken to achieve sports performance.

What is Primobolan?

Primobolan Depot is an injectable form of methenolone. This is one of the mildest anabolic steroids for the body. It is a derivative of DHT, but does not have strong androgenic effects. Despite its price and the fact that it does not provide huge muscle gains, it is relatively popular. This is due to the fact that Primobolan has virtually no side effects. It is ideal for beginners, women and people who are afraid of hair loss or gynecomastia.

Reviews of Primobolan

Methenolone is one of those products about which you rarely hear negative reviews. Athletes note that side effects occur extremely rarely, and there is also a slight kickback after completing the course. Athletes write that this steroid is not the best option for those who need a significant increase in muscle mass. For this purpose it is better to take other steroids. Consumers often complain about the high price of Primobolan. As for women, most of them have a positive attitude towards this drug.


primobolan enanthate

Half-life : 4.5 days

Substance content in a chemical compound: 70%

The most popular form of methenolone. It is usually supplied at a concentration of 100 mg/ml. Due to the long half-life, injections should be given 2 times a week. PCT should be started approximately 2 weeks after the end of the cycle.

primobolan acetate

Half life : 1 day

Substance content in a chemical compound: 83,4%.

Not a very popular form of methanolone, mainly due to its low concentration - 50 mg/ml. Due to the short half-life, injections must be given daily. PCT should be started 3-4 days after the end of the cycle.

Primobolan tablets

Methenolone is also available in tablet form. It does not have a 17CAA group, so it is not as hepatotoxic as other steroids. However, it does put some stress on the liver, so it should not be used in this form for more than 10 weeks.

Methenolone tablets are in the form of acetate, which makes it necessary to take it several times a day to maintain a stable concentration in the blood.

When choosing a dosage, remember that oral steroids pass through the liver twice. This results in greater elimination of the agents by the liver. As a result, the tablet form has approximately 60-70% of the strength of the same injectable steroid (counting 1mg: 1mg).

Primobolan (Methenolone)[edit | edit code]

METENOLONE (Primobolan) description of the drug, effects, action and dosage


Primobolan Depot (methenolone)


(more commonly known as
, as well as
) is an anabolic steroid, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone with weak androgenic activity and moderate anabolic effects.[1] Available in tablets (Primobolan) and injectable form (Primobolan Depot). Many athletes compare the effectiveness of Primobolan and Masteron.

Primobolan Depot

- an injectable form of the drug, which is methenolone enanthate ester. The injection form has a long period of action (due to the gradual transfer of the drug from the muscles into the blood), approximately two weeks. The duration of action of Primobolan Depot is similar to Testosterone enanthate. The main disadvantage of this form is that the injections are painful. Less common is injectable acetate with a short half-life, up to about two days.

Primobolan Oral

- the form of methenolone in tablets (methenolone acetate), has a much shorter period of action (about 5 hours). Primobolan tablets have a higher price. A distinctive feature of the tablet form is the absence of toxic effects on the liver, unlike most other oral forms of steroids.

Evaluating the two forms of methenolone in general, the majority gives preference to the injection form, due to its lower cost and more uniform flow of the active substance into the blood. In addition, some part of Primobolan tablets is destroyed in the liver.

Steroid profile[edit | edit code]

  • Anabolic activity - 88% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 44% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion to estrogens) - no
  • Liver toxicity - mild
  • Method of administration: orally (in tablets) and injections
  • The half-life is 5-20 hours in tablets; 4-7 days in injections
  • Detection time - up to 100 days (tablets), 6 months injection


Increased Strength – Primobolan, like other DHT derivatives, significantly increases strength. This allows you to perform harder workouts and thus makes it easier to build muscle mass.

Increase in muscle mass - with methenolone you will not see a sharp increase in mass, as with testosterone, dianabol or other “wet steroids”. Primo increases weight gradually, but the weight gained is of much better quality and remains almost 100% after the cycle.

Fat Loss – Primobolan itself does not actually speed up fat loss, but it is very helpful for weight loss. It retains most of the muscle gains and increases strength. Due to the fact that it is a derivative of DHT, it also allows one to achieve the lean, aesthetic body seen in models.

Increased Libido – Even though a very small percentage of Primo binds to androgen receptors, the binding force is very strong. This leads, among other things, to an increase in libido. However, this effect is not as strong as with highly androgenic steroids such as trenbolone. In some cases, methenolone can reduce libido - this is due to the fact that it has a slight anti-estrogenic effect. For this reason, it should be used in combination with steroids that convert to estrogen.

Better Mood – Methenolone is known to improve mood. It's not as strong as Dianabol, but it's definitely noticeable. It improves self-confidence and decision-making skills, as well as the amount of energy throughout your days and during workouts.

How to eat while on steroids

Anabolic steroids are excellent helpers in achieving your cherished goal. But you should understand that to achieve maximum effect you need to work in the gym and watch your diet. You should follow a diet to gain muscle mass, which one doesn’t really matter, the main thing is that it works.

In addition, experts recommend additionally using sports nutrition: complex amino acids, BCAAs, protein, gainer and others. Supplements perfectly supply the body with the right amount of nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins, and also make it easier to follow a diet and eat every three hours.

It is worth knowing that during a muscle building course you need to remember about aerobic training. It is advisable to carry them out on rest days or immediately before training. After all, as the volume of muscle fibers increases, the volume of blood that needs to be pumped to the heart also increases, i.e. it must become bigger and stronger. Running for 10-15 minutes will be enough.

Side effects

Methenolone is one of the safest steroids. It is very gentle on the body and causes virtually no side effects, which is why many people decide to use it even for several months.

Also taken orally in tablet form, it is not as stressful to the liver as other oral steroids (but it is somewhat hepatotoxic, so large doses should not be taken for long periods of time without liver-protective medications).

Like all steroids, it blocks the HPTA axis, so PCT is necessary after the cycle is completed.

Primobolan and hair loss

Despite the fact that Primobolan is a derivative of the 1st test, it is safe for hair and can be used by people with hair loss problems. Of course, as with every steroid, there is a risk of accelerated hair loss, but it is minimal.

Unfortunately, the big problem is that Primobolan, due to its very high cost, is one of the most frequently counterfeited steroids. Very often, Masteron is actually sold instead of Primo, which greatly accelerates hair loss. For this reason, Primo should only be purchased from reliable sources.


Judging by the reviews, Primobolan is one of the safest anabolic steroids on the market. Its low conversion to estrogens reduces fluid retention in the body and reduces the likelihood of gynecomastia. Low androgenic activity, in turn, reduces the possible risk of baldness and the development of prostate disorders.

It should also be said about the low impact of the steroid on testosterone levels. With an average course of Primobolan Oral, the endogenous hormone decreases by half. A serious decrease in testosterone levels occurs with a long course. The possibility of its suppression in this case is weaker than with the combined use of Nandrolone and Testosterone.

This feature of the drug was revealed during a study on rats, which were divided into two groups. The first received Nandrolone decaonate, Methenolone acetate and Drostanolone, and the second received only saline solution and Nandrolone. After completion of the experiment (after 6 weeks of the course), the levels of endogenous testosterone in the first group increased.

As reviews of Primobolan say, if the dosage is too high, physical and emotional agitation may occur. This condition is accompanied by aggressive behavior and insomnia. Also, when taking the drug in large dosages, a negative effect on the liver is possible. It should be noted that with a properly formulated course there are no side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist before use.

solo Primobolan

Using Primobolan alone is a bad idea. Methenolone does not aromatize and is even a weak AI, which means that after a few weeks you will have problems with estradiol levels being too low. It is also a fairly weak androgen, so although it often increases libido when combined with other substances, in this case you can expect a strong decrease.

Primo should always be used (except at very low doses in women) in combination with another estradiol-producing steroid such as testosterone, dbol or nandrolone.


This is a high-quality anabolic steroid, without a tendency to unwanted effects, which will fit perfectly into a course of cutting and high-quality mass gain. PRIMOBOL 100 is most popular in fitness, beach bodybuilding and bodybuilding, running, football, and various types of martial arts. The unique Primobol will improve and increase the effectiveness of any course for cutting or dry mass.

PRIMOBOL 100 is very popular among women, and fits no worse than Oksana or bold. It is considered a mild anabolic, however, reasonable use will give a very cool result without a single side effect.

Properties of Primobol. Primobolan profile

The anabolic activity of PRIMOBOL 100 is low, with moderate androgenic activity. The half-life is 5-7 days. The permissible dosage for men is 300-800 mg/ml per week. The active substance is methenolone enanthate. The effects of Primobol are more similar to Equipoise, but still have serious differences. On Equipoise you cannot grow only dry volume; some liquid will definitely remain. Methenolone, in the right combo, can really give such results.

A course of Primobol is good for weight loss, or for the purpose of measured but stable pumping of lean muscles. Unlike absolutely all older steroid analogues, it is considered as harmless as possible; this characteristic forces beginners, as well as bikini athletes, to buy methenolone. In addition, recovery after Prima is more efficient and much faster, and this is a very big plus for an athlete of any level.

Benefits of Primobol:

- A set of selected meat with a suitable combination of steroids; - Burns excess subcutaneous fat; - Improving the relief and definition of muscles; - Reducing the risk of negative effects from other strong steroids; - No side effects, even with large dosages; - Improves the strength endurance of the athlete; - No rollback; - Zero pain during injections; - Can be safely used by girls; - Good for both the amateur and the PRO category.

Primobolan course. How to inject PRIMOBOL 100

Beginners at the start are afraid of using powerful anabolic steroids, for example, Oxymetholone or Trenbolone. For them, Primobolan injections are what they need. A course of Prima in combination with additional steroids will allow you to gain weight, and if you already have it, dry out and improve your appearance. Give methenolone 200 mg twice a week. Oxandrolone (50 mg every day) is perfect as a background steroid. Course duration: 2 months. If you feel sorry for the money for Oxandrolone, then you can take Turinabol in the same dose.

For more noticeable mass gain, combine PRIMOBOL 100 with cypionate or enka. Prima - 300-600 mg (2 injections per week), testosterone - 500-700 mg. Use Turik for the first 14-15 days. At the end of the course (last 2 weeks), replace the long-term test with injections of propionate (every other day), and take Turik again in parallel with the propionate. Primobol is used in the same volume throughout the ten to twelve weeks of the course. This scheme will provide a steep and very stable mass with adequate PCT.

Primobolan solo is most often taken by swimmers, runners and tennis players. You can take Prima for a long time without side effects - this is one of the unique features of the steroid. To increase quality mass and reduce the percentage of fat, you need more prima - from 400 to 800 milligrams per week. But more often they use 200-400 mg. From the solo course there will be a small increase in very stable and high-quality mass. The course length must be at least 6 weeks.

Primobol for women

Due to very weak androgenic activity, Primobol is widely used by bodybuilding representatives from the bikini category. Such athletes most often spend the off-season in the sport. Dosages vary for different combinations and purposes of use.

PRIMOBOL 100 – 200 mg\ml, 1-2 times a week

OXAN -10-20 mg/day

Course duration: 6-8 weeks

In general, Primobol is also suitable for pre-competition drying, but drying with Primobol is too expensive. Athletes inject 100-200 milligrams of Prima weekly to get great muscle definition, get rid of fat and add some meat. According to science, you also need to add peptides and a little oxane for background.

Primobol course: side effects

Methenolone is a super drug that has no side effects. It has virtually no effect on the synthesis of Testa at normal dosages. If you take crazy overdoses, for example about one and a half thousand milligrams, the body will simply remove the drug and there will be no effect. More does not mean better. Primobol injections do not cause an increase in estrogen, water retention, dryness and joint problems, or drowsiness. Also, the use of methenolone does not reduce test synthesis and does not increase progestin.

Primobolan - reviews of the drug

Almost all reviews of Primobol say that it is a very safe and great product for athletes. Pro bodybuilders love Primobolan for its quality and reliability, and beginners love it for the absence of side effects and a huge number of positive effects. With Primobolan injections, you can pump up meat, create a steep relief, improve the appearance, dry out. Injectable methenolone is a unique steroid, it is recognized and respected even by the coolest bodybuilding stars. For a beginner, it is important to remember only one thing about the drug - maximum safety of use.

Buy Primobol. Methenolone price

This is an expensive drug, which attracts lovers of easy money to sell counterfeits, or diluted Primobolan with crazy fat. We are one of the few online resources that can offer to buy Methenolone with a quality guarantee. Primobolan has always been much more expensive than other steroids. Do not be tempted by the exorbitantly low price of Primobol. If someone offers an expensive book for almost nothing, it’s a fake or a delay.


Primobolan is a relatively weak anabolic, so using it in doses less than 300 mg/week for less than 10 weeks, in my opinion, does not make sense.

I think a good dose for the first cycle is ~400 mg/week combined with >500 mg/week testosterone.

It is very gentle on the body, and with standard doses there are practically no side effects. For this reason, it can be used even at doses >1 mg/week if your budget allows it.


Primobolan is one of my favorite steroids. You can add it to almost any steroid steroid steroid steroid steroid steroid steroid steroid and it will look great. It produces additional growth and reduces water retention without increasing possible side effects.

The results of Primo (1mg: 1mg) are very similar to the results of NPP (Nandrolone). And the effects themselves are almost identical to Masteron. Unlike Masteron, it has virtually no side effects. It also doesn't block the HPTA axis as much, so the PCT is usually not an issue.

Loop example

Week 1-10:Primobolane200mg every 3.5 days
Testosterone cypionate250mg every 3.5 days
Week 11-12:Nothing
Week 13-16:Clomid50mg daily
Nolvadex20mg daily

This is, in my opinion, the optimal first cycle involving methenolone. It produces noticeably greater gains than a cycle using only testosterone. An additional benefit is that methenolone reduces estradiol levels, so in most cases there is no need to use aromatase inhibitors at these doses.

Since Primobolan has no side effects, its dosage can be increased without fear, which will certainly lead to an increase in muscle mass. However, from an economic point of view, given the high price of methenolone, I believe that the doses suggested above are optimal.

When using anabolic steroids, the body detects superphysiological doses of androgens in the body and stops their endogenous production. Once the cycle is complete, it takes the body several weeks to restore their production to normal levels. During this time, typical symptoms of testosterone deficiency are observed: loss of muscle mass, weak libido, depression. To prevent them, PCT drugs (Clomid and Nolvadex) should be used to increase the production of LH and FSH and thus increase the production of testosterone.

PCT should begin approximately 2 weeks after the last injection. Clomid and Nilvadex should be used at a combined dose of 50 mg/day. and 20 mg/day. respectively for approximately 4 weeks.

Combined courses[edit | edit code]

Given the rather weak anabolic effect of methenolone (its ability to increase weight is slightly less than nandrolone), it is often combined with other drugs. Primobolan is best combined with:

  • Nandrolone - for gaining muscle mass (one of the safest cycles, with good mass retention)
  • Testosterones - for gaining muscle mass
  • Anadrol - for gaining muscle mass
  • Methandrostenolone - for gaining muscle mass
  • Winstrol - for drying

Do not include more than one drug in a combination course. Use both steroids at half the doses (recommended) - this will reduce the frequency of side effects of each drug and increase the effectiveness of the course.

Where to buy Primobolan online?

An equally common problem is reducing the concentration of the product or selling completely different substances than those stated on the label. This is a particularly serious problem with Primobolan, which is very expensive to manufacture. I estimate that about 80% of the products sold under the Primo brand contain other substances - masteron or prop-test. This is a very dangerous situation because when side effects occur, it is often difficult to determine their cause.

For this reason, steroids should only be purchased from reliable sources, preferably from people you know and trust.

For people who don't have such contacts, below are the stores that I have used and can recommend:


One of the first online steroid stores I used. It used to exist in the .com domain, but after problems with the law, it suspended operations for several years. The huge advantage of this store is that most of the drugs offered (AI, PCT, cabaser) are original drugs from pharmacies, and the steroids on offer are supplied by the largest European manufacturers. I have personally tested Omega primobolan and can highly recommend it.

EDIT : After contacting the store owner, I was able to get a discount for blog readers: RICHARDJ10

ProductHow many?Total priceLink to store
Primobolane4x10ml356.4$Click here
Testosterone2x10ml124.2$Click here
Clomid1 package44.1$Click here
Nolvadex1 package44.1$Click here
Arimidex1 package41.1$Click here
Total cost per cycle:612.9$


One of the most popular stores selling steroids in the world. I've used them many times, mostly because of the competitive price, and have usually been pleased. Lately they've changed the layout and names of the products, which makes shopping less intuitive (I'm not sure if it's just the names of the agents or their manufacturers that have changed). I have never purchased Primobolone from them, so I cannot comment on its quality.

I have to praise the store's service, which is very helpful and willing to give discounts. It is also worth noting that when ordering several identical products, additional discounts are calculated automatically.

ProductHow many?Total priceLink to store
Primobolane4x10ml536$Click here
Testosterone2x10ml108$Click here
Clomid1 package45$Click here
Nolvadex1 package20$Click here
Arimidex1 package27$Click here
Delivery:30$Total cost per cycle:766$
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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