How many calories does a man need daily to lose weight?

Calorie is a unit of measurement of the energy value of foods. We are talking about the amount of thermal energy that the body produces when digesting food. Kilocalories (kcal) are traditionally used to denote it.

How do scientists calculate the energy value of certain foods? They burn them in special devices and measure the amount of heat that is released. Sealed chambers also make it possible to measure the heat generated by a person, which makes it possible to judge the physiological energy value of food.

There are different approaches to weight control. One of the most effective is to count calories. In short: to lose weight, you need to expend more energy than you consume. But how do you know for sure how many calories you take in per day and how many you “burn”? Calculation systems have been developed for this purpose. To calculate the calorie content of your diet, you need to know the weight of each portion and keep a food diary. If you're not used to it, it may seem difficult and burdensome, but you will quickly get used to it. Moreover, special applications for smartphones make the task easier.

Calories concept

A person needs to eat in order to charge his body with energy, receive vitamins and various microelements necessary for its normal functioning. Each product has a certain calorie content, that is, energy value. The energy obtained from food is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. The body consumes energy even when a person does not perform any actions.

Usually the energy value in kilocalories is indicated on products; some people make mistakes when calculating because of this and consume less than necessary. So 1 kcal is equal to 1000 calories, and in order to make the calculation correctly, you need to take this factor into account.

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For different seasons

The time of year affects calorie intake. In cold weather, a person consumes 5–6% more, as energy costs increase.

At this time, diets are inappropriate; you need to monitor your diet and fill it with proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals to prevent weakening of the immune system.

Excess and lack of calories

A person’s well-being depends on how much energy was received from food. If the amount of energy received is very different from the norm, this negatively affects the male body.

With a lack of energy, a man may experience problems such as:

  1. Weakness and fatigue. Lack of energy causes weakness of the body, since many processes taking place in the human body slow down.
  2. Nutrient deficiency. Lack of nutrients affects the entire functioning of the body. And if a man intends to lose weight by reducing his daily calorie intake, he must be prepared to face this problem. In order not to encounter such a problem, you need to include various vitamin supplements containing large amounts of protein in your diet.
  3. Stones. With sudden weight loss, the production of cholesterol increases, which accumulates in the gallbladder, forming stones. And, as you know, the presence of stones in organs leads to pain, nausea and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  4. Nausea. Changing your diet affects the digestive system of the human body and often leads to nausea and vomiting.
  5. Headache. People who want to lose weight quickly always face headaches. Headache occurs due to glucose deficiency. In order to get rid of pain, it is necessary to increase the amount of water consumed.
  6. Decreased muscle mass. If a man just wants to lose weight, then he can do this using a low-calorie diet. Those who want definition should not use this method of losing weight. Since losing weight with a low-calorie diet is always accompanied by loss of muscle mass. This occurs due to the fact that the body begins to consume energy obtained by breaking down muscle tissue.

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In addition to all this, a long-term and improper low-calorie diet can affect the functioning of the heart and cause stroke, heart attack and arrhythmia. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse a low-calorie diet.

A man’s health is affected not only by a calorie deficit; an excess of energy also has a negative effect and often becomes the cause of many problems. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the calories you need to consume per day. When losing weight, you can only reduce the daily intake by 20%, otherwise a deficiency will occur.

For different purposes

The daily norm depends on the goals that are set: maintaining, losing or gaining weight, increasing muscle mass or reducing fat mass. To achieve these goals, the calorie content of the menu must remain stable, decrease or increase.

But whatever the goal, you need to consume a lot of protein, complex carbohydrates and plant fiber (at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables per day).

Daily calorie intake

The daily calorie intake is the number of kilocalories that the body must receive to perform basic functions to support life, without the formation of reserves. How much energy the human body needs depends on:

  1. Paula.
  2. Age.
  3. Body mass.
  4. Lifestyle and level of physical activity.
  5. Metabolic rates.
  6. Mental state.

Taking these factors into account, an approximate norm is determined. If you correctly calculate the norm, then a person will never face such a problem as excess weight.

For a woman, the norm is 1500-2000 kcal per day, for a man 2200-3000 kcal per day. However, these figures were obtained without taking into account the individual characteristics of a person (weight, lifestyle, height).

Therefore, it is better for each person to independently determine how many kilocalories are needed for normal life. The rate can be calculated as follows:

  1. Using only body weight. The calculation should be made as follows: multiply body weight by 15, and divide the resulting answer by 0.453. This way you can roughly calculate how many calories you need. In order to lose weight, you will need to slightly reduce the number of calories you consume. This formula is the simplest, but not particularly accurate. Since the calculation uses only body weight and does not take into account either age or level of physical activity.
  2. Taking into account height, weight and level of physical activity. The calculation is made as follows: (9.99*weight)+(6.25*height)-(4.92*age). The resulting figure must be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity: 1.2 - with a sedentary lifestyle with low physical activity; 1.375 – light physical activity (once every 3 days); 1.55 - average physical activity; 1.725 – daily physical activity and 1.9 with a lifestyle with a high level of physical activity. The resulting figure will be normal. And if you do not exceed the daily norm, then problems with excess weight will not arise. If you still need to lose weight, then you need to slightly reduce the daily norm.

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The daily norm for an active lifestyle should be approximately 2600-3200 kcal, for a less active lifestyle approximately 2400-2600 kcal, for a passive lifestyle - 2200-2400. It is better to calculate the daily norm several times, since an error in the calculation can lead to a deficiency or excess of energy.

For children

As children of both sexes grow older, their height and body weight and, accordingly, their calorie intake per day increase.

  • At six months a child needs about 800 kcal, at 1.5 years - 1400 kcal, at 4 years - 1900 kcal, and from 10 to 13 years the norm increases from 2500 to 2900 kcal.
  • Children who are physically more active need an increased calorie content of food compared to sedentary children by approximately 10–15%.
  • After 14 years, the norms for girls and boys are calculated differently, and they are 2800 kcal for the former, and 10–15% more for the latter.

Reducing your calorie intake to lose weight

It is much easier for men to lose weight than for women. And that’s why men rarely use low-calorie diets to lose weight. But they need to more accurately calculate how many calories they need to lose weight. Since such nutrition also involves a decrease in muscle mass. Therefore, to lose weight, it is better for a man to increase the level of physical activity.

The body will also receive energy and all the necessary microelements, but thanks to training it will not accumulate excess.

But if a low-calorie diet is the only way to lose weight or if there is no need to maintain muscle mass, then you need to correctly calculate how many calories the body needs for normal functioning.

In order to find out how much the daily calorie intake is for a man when losing weight, you can use the following formula:

  1. For a man from 18 to 30, the calculation is carried out as follows: mass * 0.63 + 2.9 and the resulting amount must be multiplied by CFA.
  2. From 31 to 60, the norm is determined as follows: mass * 0.05 + 3.65, and the result is multiplied by CFA.
  3. For people over 60: mass * 0.063 + 2.46, and the amount per CFA.

The resulting amount is multiplied by 240.

Or you can calculate the daily rate of weight loss by simply determining the daily rate and reducing it by 20%.

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Fish in the men's diet

Men should not eat meat alone, this is back to the issue of Omega-3 fatty acids

, they are not nearly as common in products.
You can replenish the body's need for fatty acids by eating more sea fish and seafood
. As a bonus, you can get healthy selenium and zinc from seafood. There is also a share of Omega-3 in nuts, but nuts themselves are a very fatty and high-calorie product, so you should not abuse them.

It will be healthier to bake or grill fish and seafood. Dried squid and dried fish contain much less nutrients, but a lot of salt. This is a good beer snack, not a full meal.

How to lose weight faster on a low-calorie diet?

A low-calorie diet allows you to lose weight quickly. However, this result is achieved by burning muscle mass, not fat. Therefore, in order for such a diet to be aimed at results, you need to know the basic rules of losing weight:

  1. Eat properly. When losing weight by reducing your daily calorie intake, you need to consume low-calorie foods. They also need to be rich in protein, as it acts as a building material for muscle tissue.
  2. You need to completely exclude sweets, flour, fried foods, fast food, etc. from your diet.
  3. Drink a lot of water, as water contains necessary substances and microelements that can replace those previously supplied with food.
  4. Perform exercises aimed at building muscle mass and burning fat.
  5. Spend more time outdoors.
  6. Meals should be constantly at the same time, several times a day.
  7. You need to switch to a low-calorie diet gradually.
  8. From time to time recalculate the daily norm. Since when consuming low-calorie foods a person loses weight, also if he wants to lose weight, he changes his lifestyle, which means the daily intake will change.

These tips will help a man lose weight quickly and without problems. With these tips, switching to a low-calorie diet will be easy and hassle-free. The main thing is not to give up, as the first time will be difficult.

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Not only women, but also men want to lose weight and have a beautiful figure. Excess weight very often leads to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to consume the amount of calories that the body needs, no more, no less. If a person follows the daily norm and does not exceed it, then there will be no problems with excess weight.

If you already have a problem with excess weight and need to lose weight, then the calorie intake should be slightly reduced. With this diet, you should eat low-calorie and healthy foods. And to lose weight faster, you need to drink more water, walk more often and lead an active lifestyle. This will help relieve not only excess weight, but also many health problems.

For women

It is generally accepted that women require fewer calories per day than men. Yes it is. But if we compare a woman who does manual labor and a man who works in an office and has no physical activity, the values ​​are close.

It is correct to calculate the required calorie content of food consumed for each woman, but nutritionists recommend focusing on the average calorie intake per day for a woman:

  • 2000 kcal (18–30 years);
  • 1800 kcal (30–50 years);
  • 1600 kcal (50 years and above).

Pregnant women should consume 2900 kcal per day, and while breastfeeding this norm increases to 3500 kcal.


You need to understand that muscles are primarily composed of proteins. On average, the daily protein intake for a man is 1-1.3 grams per 1 kg.

With weight loss, this figure is higher - from 1.5 g per 1 kg.

If, while losing weight, a man begins to engage in fitness (especially “heavy”), in this case, the protein consumption rate should be from 2 g per 1 kg. However, we must not forget that any sporting feats after 40 years are only after prior consultation with a doctor.

It is also important what kind of protein we consume and what frequency of its intake. More than 30 grams of protein is not absorbed at one time. This is on average equivalent to 150 g of meat.

Accordingly, we should consume protein for breakfast, lunch, dinner and, if necessary, between meals. It is not forbidden to use functional foods for these purposes: protein isolate, protein. If your goal is to build muscle, then you can choose a gainer - a sports protein shake to increase muscle mass.

This is what a man’s approximate daily menu might look like:


  • 2 eggs, rye bread toast with guacamole
  • Tea/coffee, urbech (2 teaspoons) or nuts (50g)


  • Any soup - meat, fish, vegetable (350−400ml)
  • Vegetable Salad
  • Steamed cutlet/fish (150g)
  • Carbohydrates (cereals) as needed
  • Bread (30−50 g)


  • Fish - 170−200 g
  • Vegetable salad
  • Buckwheat or unpolished rice (if we are not losing weight)

Drinking regime

  • 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram
  • If it’s hot, then add 500 milliliters

You can drink up to 150 ml of liquid with food, and drink the rest between meals.

Drink drinks that do not acidify you, such as green tea. You can also buy special strips at the pharmacy to determine the pH level - with their help you can understand what kind of water you drink. Typically the scale covers a range from 4.5 to 9 units. 7 is a neutral indicator. You need to make sure that your drinks have an indicator of 7 or lower. Otherwise, they acidify the body and lead to premature aging.

Speaking of aging. The food we eat affects not only our physical fitness and general well-being, but also the age-related processes in the body. In addition, our genetics also largely determines what our nutritional structure should be. What views do anti-aging medicine specialists hold on building a daily diet in this regard? We addressed all the same burning questions to the nutrigenetics specialist at the Aging Control clinic.

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