Running 10 km - standards for developing endurance

Hello, friends!

If you're not completely new to running and are ready to tackle a challenging distance, try running a 10K. Such a distance requires not only strength, but also speed and willpower. While running, fat reserves are reduced, joints are strengthened, and sugar and cholesterol levels are reduced. What's not the motivation to try this sports discipline?

A person has a physical limit called “reaction speed”. Running 10 kilometers is a step towards “reaction speed”.

If running is easy, you can limit your running time to 52 minutes. If you have covered this distance, you must reduce the time.

Try to increase your results every day.

Running 10 km without training seems like an insurmountable obstacle. You need to prepare for this not only physically, but also mentally. Sit down and think about the distance, possible obstacles and, most importantly, realize that you need it!

Also when running: 1/3 of the distance you can run fast, 2/3 you are running moderately, then in the last third your body tells you to slow down.

Since we need to run for a long time, and we are tired and believe that this is not enough, we did not cover this distance in vain.

Mental strength is a necessary component when you run, especially over 10 kilometers.

Of course, running affects the respiratory system. A developed respiratory system will help in the future, other activities and hobbies.

It's about proper breathing. When we are tired, the intensity of breathing increases, the body requires a lot of oxygen. In the final stages, when it is already difficult to breathe, “hardening” of the lungs appears.

10 km running time standards

Men's 10,000 meters (10 km) running standards
10 km stadium28: 06,029: 25,030: 35,032: 30,034: 40,038: 00,0
10 km by highway32: 50,035: 00,038: 20,0

10,000 meters (10 km) running standards for women
10 km stadium32: 00,034: 00,035: 50,038: 20,041: 30,045: 00,0
10 km by highway38: 40,041: 50,045: 20,0

The 10km distance is suitable not only for people who want to improve their conditioning, but also for those who intend to cross the line between maintaining normal fitness and more serious tests of strength.

To achieve excellent results, you must have a special strength and speed with which you can cover the distance to the end without any problems. How to prepare?

What is jogging and what is it for?

A little later we will find out whether jogging has benefits or harm for men and women, but now, let's take a closer look at this concept and why it is so popular. So, what are the characteristics of jogging?

  1. The runner's speed is 6-8 km/h;
  2. Calm and measured pace;
  3. The average step length is no more than 80 cm;
  4. The foot lands completely on the surface or gently rolls from heel to toe;
  5. The movements are light, springy, unhurried.

It is difficult to classify such a run as a sport run - a person simply runs for his own pleasure, without observing special techniques at the start, finish or during the process. During the race, the runner does not get very tired, enjoys the surrounding views, calms down emotionally, and unloads the brain. It is an ideal antidepressant and a great way to relieve stress. In the morning, jogging will help you cheer up and set you up for productive work, and in the evening, on the contrary, it will relieve you of all the worries and worries of the passing day.

Let's summarize the above: what it means to jog is leisurely movement on a treadmill in the most comfortable rhythm at the same speed. If you still don’t understand, watch the video “what does jogging mean”, just type this query into the search bar of any video hosting site.

How to Run 10K: Key Points

Preparing for a 10 km run involves developing endurance. Everyone has their own physical limit, defined as a reaction norm. You can improve your results to the limit you need.

Running 10 km is just a step towards this norm. If you find it easy, you can limit the time (for example, 52 minutes). If you manage it in a short time, continue to reduce it further.

To improve your results, you need to understand the basic principles such as proper technique, warm-up, breathing and more. The fundamental point is the mental state. At first, 10 km may seem insurmountable. Think about distance and methods, and, very importantly, realize that you need it.

In the first part of the distance you can run more fun, in the second you can get quite tired, but in the third part your body may want to slow down. It is important to ignore this urge and continue - it is at this very moment that you train your brain. Mental toughness is a very important part of running, especially when it comes to long distances.

A very important point in learning to run 10 km is the development of breathing. You need to breathe through your nose, evenly and measuredly. In the last steps, when it is difficult to breathe, the lungs are strengthened.

When you run long distances, you may feel a tingling sensation on the left or right side and want to slow down. This moment is called "deadlock". It is important to overcome this, first of all, psychologically. Set a pace for yourself and speed up your arm movements, pulling your body forward. Take two steps inhaling and two steps exhaling.

The key is clothing that does not restrict movement. Make sure you tie your shoes correctly - it's important that you don't stop while running. It's better to run without music to focus on your breathing and distance.

The choice of route is also important. Beware of roads with traffic lights because you will have to make unnecessary stops. The road must be free of potholes.

If you can prepare yourself mentally and physically for a 10km run, you will be able to complete the distance, although it will be a difficult adjustment.

How to run correctly: exercise technique

Let's look at the correct technique for performing this exercise, and study the optimal position to hold your torso, arms, legs and head.

The jogging technique is not at all complicated; it is devoid of strict requirements and restrictions - everyone runs as they are comfortable. However, there are general recommendations, adherence to which will help increase endurance and allow you to get less tired.

  • The body is held vertically, the head is straight, the eyes look forward;
  • The legs spring softly while moving, the steps are frequent and fast. As soon as one foot leaves the ground, the second one lands immediately. The feet land under the body, not in front of it;
  • Above are the average speed of movement, step length;
  • Breathe correctly: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth;
  • The arms are bent at the elbows, lightly pressed to the body, moving steadily back and forth in time with the movement;
  • Shoulders are relaxed, lowered (do not raise them to the neck), hands are clenched into fists;
  • The average workout duration is 60 minutes.

Remember to warm up before starting your race and never brake suddenly. Smoothly move to a fast pace, breathe deeply while slowing down. An excellent end to your workout will be stretching and breathing exercises.

If you are interested in how many calories the body burns when jogging, we will answer that the average energy consumption will be 500 kcal (by the way, you will spend about the same amount doing the “Walking with Leslie Sanson” program). If you run uphill - 700 kcal.

By the way, jogging in place is no less effective than running in an open area, it’s just more monotonous and boring. However, if you can’t go outside, feel free to get on the treadmill in the gym or practice home workouts.

Mistakes in the 10K Run

The most common mistake is a quick start. The distance is not that great. Often, in euphoria, the first kilometer or even two are run very quickly. That is, within 50 minutes, a person can run the first 2 km in 9 minutes, and the last one he simply crawls. So don't focus on the crowd. Keep your pace.

Another mistake is finishing early. You start to speed up if you realize that your running speed is very low and was incorrectly calculated. Or until the finish line exceeds 2 km.

What should beginners pay attention to?

We found out what the average jogging speed in kilometers per hour is for men and women (there is no difference), and we studied its pros and contraindications. To avoid the possibility of harm, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Pay special attention to choosing comfortable sportswear and, especially, sneakers. Choose a pair with shock-absorbing soles and tight lacing;
  2. Never run immediately after eating or on a very empty stomach. The best option is if the last meal was 2.5-3 hours ago;
  3. Be sure to warm up and cool down;
  4. Eat a balanced diet; your diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements;
  5. Drink enough water;
  6. For exercise, it is advisable to find a green park or a specially equipped jogging track, away from highways;
  7. Start running with short distances, gradually increase the load;
  8. Watch your breathing.

Learn the basic rules of jogging: how to run correctly, how to dress, how to eat, carefully follow all the recommendations - and you will be happy! For beginners, we do not recommend starting with joint jogging - first, work out alone to develop your own rhythm. If you are losing weight, forget about burning calories while jogging - just enjoy your surroundings, feel how every muscle in your body works, and imagine how it becomes more elastic and beautiful. Never go out on the track if you are depressed, sick, or feeling unwell. Jogging should bring joy, otherwise there will be no benefit from it.

In conclusion, we recommend that you separately study the topic of breathing while jogging - both the level of endurance and the correct technique of performing the exercise depend on this factor. We sincerely wish that jogging becomes your favorite healthy habit! Be healthy!

World records in 10 km running

The overall men's 10,000m record is held by Ethiopian Kenenis Bekele, who ran the 10,000m around the stadium in 26:17.53 in 2005.

The world record is held by Kenyan runner Leonard Komon. In 2010, he covered 10 km at 26.44 meters.

Ethiopian runner Almaz Ayana, who completed 25 laps in 29:17:45m at the 2016 Rio Olympics, has a 10,000m overall.

The world record for 10 km is held by British athlete Paul Radcliffe. In 2003, he ran 10 km in 30.21 m.

Calorie production in the human body

This question already concerns the digestion process. Let's look at this topic very briefly. It will be easier for you to understand what is happening while you run.

All food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, plus various minerals and water. All this, entering the body, is broken down. During cleavage, chemical bonds are broken, resulting in the release of energy. Some of it leaves in the form of heat, and some is bound into an ATP molecule. The body is a thrifty system, like an old housekeeper, it tries to save as much energy as possible. He cannot release every calorie into the heat, so he directs them to fat deposits under the skin, on the stomach, and thighs.

Where, you ask, do the elements of the periodic table themselves go? They are transformed into other substances needed by the body to form muscles and connective tissue. In general, they are used to renew the cellular composition of our body.

The human body tries to maintain balance. All calories have to go somewhere. Where can they be sent? Burn it for movement as “fuel”, use it for the vital functions of all systems, or store it as fat. When there are a lot of calories (and we realized that calories are hidden in food), they are deposited and a person gets fat. When there is not enough, a person loses weight, since the lack of calories needs to be compensated for with something - reserves are burned, first fat, then muscle.

Running is one way to use stored fat for fuel, that is, burn accumulated calories.

Bottom line

What is more effective for losing weight - running or walking? When it comes to calorie expenditure, running leaves walking behind . But with race walking, the difference in energy costs will tend to zero. When it comes to health benefits, walking is much safer than running. It doesn't cause stress to your joints, puts less strain on your heart, and is great for beginners.


  1. Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition Brian A. Irving, Ph.D.,1,5 Christopher K. Davis, MD, Ph.D.,1,3 David W. Brock, Ph.D., 1,5 Judy Y. Weltman, MS, Damon Swift, MS, M.Ed.,1 Eugene J. Barrett, MD, Ph.D.,2,4 Glenn A. Gaesser, Ph.D.,1,4 and Arthur Weltman, Ph.D.1,2,4. PMID: 18845966
  2. Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Total, Abdominal and Visceral Fat Mass: A Meta-Analysis Florie Maillard, Bruno Pereira & Nathalie Boisseau


First, build your overall endurance.

In order to run 10K fast, you first need to be able to run 10K slow. Moreover, it is necessary to regularly run a distance of 10 km in training.

There are several ways to develop the required level of endurance:

  • Weekly running volume : run more! A running volume of 50 km per week (or more) is a good start for intermediate runners.
  • Long run : Run at least 16km on long runs (once a week), and ideally more: 25km for strong recreational runners.
  • Tempo running : This is running at the PA level, which can be roughly described as running at the fastest speed you can maintain for an hour. Start with tempo runs of 3 km once a week and gradually increase their duration to 8-9 km; do them at the beginning or middle of your weekly training cycle.

These are really working ways to improve endurance. They're effective for new runners and advanced runners alike—these methods are sure to work for you, too!

As a result of such training, you will be able to maintain your chosen pace longer. But there are 2 more important strategies in preparing for your fast 10K.

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