What proportions of a female body can be called ideal - parameters of a woman’s figure in the tables

Throughout the existence of mankind, the lines and roundness of the female body have been objects of admiration and desire on the part of the male sex. The ideal parameters of female attractiveness have changed their standards several times over the past centuries. Society's views on beauty in the female body are subjective, they depend on culture and time. What was considered beautiful a hundred years ago is not necessarily beautiful today. Every woman, girl and girl is unique, and therefore conceals a special beauty within itself. Any figure is ideal and feminine if it is characterized by the naturalness and harmony of the owner’s forms.

Visual parameters of a beautiful female figure

Venus is a Roman goddess who embodied the functions of love, fertility, and desire. Depicted by the best sculptors, she shone with the beauty of her body, the ideal forms of which captivated the men of Roman and Greek civilizations. Ancient Greek sculptors based their depiction of the ideal male body on the Golden Ratio.

The golden ratio (1.618...) is an irrational number, i.e. it continues forever, which can serve as the basis for aesthetic proportions in the human body.

Plastic surgeons use the Golden Ratio in reconstructive medicine. For a person, the closer his shoulder to waist ratio is, the higher his body is to "divine proportion". For a woman’s body, proportionality of size is expressed at three bending points:

  • waist;
  • bust/shoulders;
  • hips.

The human eye tends to track these three points as a curve, perceiving it as the visual shape of an ideal female figure.

Nevertheless, there is no ideal figure to satisfy the opinion of the whole society. Everyone creates for themselves an ideal to which they strive. For a figure to be considered beautiful, it must look harmonious, strong, and healthy.

There are 5 main visual female body types:

  1. Hourglass shape.

This is the classic figure of a woman in the minds of the majority. It looks proportional as it has an ideal ratio of shoulders, hips and waist. The female waist of this type is thin, the hips are lush. And when you gain excess weight, they increase first.

  1. Pear-shaped.

Owners of this type have a pronounced difference between the hips and shoulders. The lower body is much larger. At the same time, the waist is thin, graceful, and the shoulder girdle is underdeveloped and smaller.

  1. Triangular shape.

This type is usually associated with masculine or athletic. He has wide, massive shoulders, and the lower part with the hips is narrow, usually little susceptible to weight gain.

  1. Rectangle shape.

This type is somewhat reminiscent of an hourglass, since the proportions of the shoulders and hips are equal, but the waist is not pronounced and merges with the general line of the body. Weight gain occurs specifically in the abdominal area.

  1. Apple shape.

This type is the most inharmonious. Along with thin legs and hips, fragile shoulders, the waist area is very pronounced. The constitution of the hips and shoulder girdle is almost the same, but the greatly increased volume of the abdomen disrupts the harmony of the proportions.

A woman's height, leg length, rounded breasts and hips can vary greatly among the fair half. You should always remember individuality as one of the components of beauty. There is no point in striving to be equal to the model that society imposes. After all, nature makes everyone unique in their physical constitution for a reason. Just look at the gorgeous photos of the girls in this article.

How beauty standards have changed over the years

Over the past century, significant changes have occurred in the world of ideal standards for female figures. Every ten years the proportions changed. The hips were wide and narrow. The waist was retracted, the stomach added a couple of extra pounds. The bust changed its size every now and then depending on fashion. And only long legs have always been valued by true admirers of female beauty.


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At the origins of the last century there were girls in corsets. Their thinnest waist is still considered an unattainable luxury. However, literally ten years later everything changed dramatically. A boyish figure, without a full bust and graceful waist, is becoming trendy. Men could not tolerate such beauty standards for a long time and protested. In the 30s, femininity with rounded shapes returned again. After another ten years, a woman takes on the responsibility of home, family, and work, which means she trades slimness for broad shoulders on which she carries all this burden.

In the 50s, the world was rocked by the sexy forms of famous actresses. They were followed sharply by a decline and a transition to blatant thinness. During that period, diets became fashionable. Since the early 70s, a woman's tummy was supposed to have a normal percentage of fat, or better yet, no fat at all. Another 10 years later, fashion models introduced thin standards with long legs. The 90s were famous for being painfully thin. But that time has passed. Protruding ribs are replaced by slender legs, six-pack abs, or simply flat tummies and firm buttocks.

Photo. Athletic female figure


. The concept of a girl's ideal figure varies depending on the continent, time and outlook on life. There are a lot of existing proportions and ratios. It is impossible to put the female form into a general formula. Each girl is individual, which means that her parameters are only subtly adjusted to the general standards of female beauty.

Author: ForceMan from 04/03/2018, 21:22

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Ideal figures for women according to men

Every time, casting even a fleeting glance at a woman, a man on a subconscious level evaluates her figure and the degree of attractiveness for him. First of all, determining the capabilities of a woman’s body for healthy conception and bearing a child. It is for this reason that they are attracted to the ratio of a thin waist and curvy hips.

In general, men and women have different perceptions of what an ideal female constitution should be. Men have a preference for rounder contours for both women and men, while women prefer a slimmer physical build.

Numerous surveys have shown that in a man’s mind, the ideal body of a girl is of average height, has beautiful breasts, a toned tummy, a woman’s waist should be graceful, and her hips should be seductive.

How to dress with a low waist

If you have a low waist, you need to visually raise your waistline. To do this, include in your wardrobe:

  • belts and tucked blouses;
  • short blouses and jackets;
  • fitted dresses or dresses with a belt;
  • high heels.

If you have a low seat height and low waist, you can also recommend wearing long jackets with short skirts or tight trousers, and not overloading the leg area.

With a high seat height and low waist, you can pay attention to details such as pockets in the hip area, wear clothes in the same color from the waist down, and also do not overload the leg area.

Formulas for ideal female body proportions

Oddly enough, there is no formula for ideal proportions of the female body. Or perhaps it was intended by nature itself that achieving this perfection, applicable to absolutely all women on the planet, is impossible and illogical. After all, then everyone should be similar to each other, like clones, with only minor changes in parameters. But all women are unique, each of them is one of a kind. Therefore, searching for ideal female proportions is irrational.

Ideal female proportions are those given to everyone at birth. For a girl, the body and figure are only a shell in which inimitable attractiveness and grace are stored. But it is important to note that you need to take care of your figure in order to maintain natural beauty and fill your body with health. And this means leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

Determining your relationship to one of three physiological body types helps you learn more about your body type:

  1. Ectomorph.

An ectomorph is easy to distinguish - below average weight in proportion to height, skinny build. He tends to have a high metabolism, so eating large amounts of food does not cause weight gain.


  • low percentage of subcutaneous fat;
  • narrow constitution;
  • narrow hips, collarbones;
  • small joints (wrist/ankles);
  • string abdominal muscles;
  • long upper and lower limbs;
  • small breasts and buttocks;
  • hyperactivity;
  • difficulty gaining muscle mass.
  1. Mesomorph.

Mesomorph - physiological indicators average between ectomorphic and endomorphic types, reflects the qualities of both. Has the ability to quickly gain muscle mass and additional weight. Has a larger bone structure than endomorphs, but the percentage of body fat is similar to the ectomorph type.


  • wide collarbones and shoulders;
  • symmetrical constitution;
  • slim waist;
  • long, round abdominal muscles;
  • low fat percentage;
  • big muscles.
  1. Endomorph.

The endomorph body type is considered the complete opposite of the ectomorph. It is bulkier in appearance, has a small percentage of muscle mass, but a high ratio of fat.


  • enlarged chest;
  • wider/thicker joints;
  • hips wider than collarbones;
  • short limbs;
  • a large amount of fat;
  • large skeleton;
  • low muscle score due to adipose tissue;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • insatiable appetite.

The ratio of height and leg length

For most men, female height and ideal leg length are not a determining factor in the attractiveness of the opposite sex. If a girl does not have long model legs, then there is no need to give in to despair. As many men as there are, there are so many opinions about ideal beauty and the female figure. Some people like petite ladies, while others are seduced by the gracefulness of tall ladies.

There is a table to measure the ratio of height and leg length:

HeightLeg length
· from 155 to 160 cm
· from 161 to 167 cm

· from 168 to 174 cm

· from 175 to 180 cm

78-83 cm
84-89 cm

90-94 cm

95-100 cm

Leg height is measured by a simple centimeter from the protruding bone on the hips to the heel.

Proportions of chest, waist and hips

Many women may think that breasts and hips are the first thing men notice when they pay attention to them. But this is a mistaken opinion. Numerous surveys have shown that men notice these parts of a woman’s body only after her smile and eyes. And what is beautiful for one person does not arouse the interest of another. The most ideal female figure requires harmony while respecting the proportions of the waist, hips and chest.

If the waist volume is 60-70% of the hip volume, these are visually ideal parameters.

The standards for the width of the shoulders in relation to the hips should be in equal proportion. Deviations to a smaller or larger direction should be corrected by changing diet and exercising. This will help bring harmony to a woman’s appearance.

Ideal proportion of weight and height

An ideal weight is not an absolute goal for appearance or health. It is possible to look attractive across a wide range of female body types. But it is worth noting that being underweight or overweight in relation to height is associated with poor health outcomes. The main thing is to find an individual comfortable, healthy weight and try to stick to it.

Table of weight parameters for height:

Height in centimetersWeight in kilograms
13728 — 35
14030 – 37
14232 — 40
14535 — 43
14737 — 45
15039 -48
15241 – 50
15543 — 52
15744 — 54
16047 — 58
16349 -59
16551 — 62
16853 – 64
17055 — 67
17357 – 69
17559 – 72
17861 — 74
18063 – 77
18365 — 79
18567 – 82
18869 — 74
19172 — 87

How to dress if you're short

If you are too short (below 155 cm), then the following rules will help you add a couple of extra centimeters up:

  • try to dress in a single color or in a monochromatic color scheme;
  • wear heels;
  • use those proportions in clothes where the top is less than or equal to the bottom, for example: top and bottom 1:1; top 1/3 + skirt 2/3; top 1/4 + skirt, trousers or dress 3/4, etc.
  • feel free to use a shortened length in all styles and models of clothing: 3/4 sleeves, 7/8 trousers, capris, miniskirts, etc.

Is it worth striving for the ideal parameters of a female figure?

What the ideal parameters of a female figure are is still a matter of much debate. Some believe that this figure is 90-60-90. Others believe that the main thing is beautiful natural women, and not their parameters and volumes. This question is difficult to answer unequivocally, because there are several types of female figures. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The vision of the ideal female body is largely influenced by the media and tends to change over time. You shouldn’t fall victim to society’s pressure on what kind of physical physique a woman should have.

From the photos used in this article, you saw that even bodies that are far from modern ideals can look beautiful and ideal if their owner loves herself for who she is.

And in order not to lose an attractive shape, you should just lead a healthy lifestyle and pay attention to physical activity, this will keep your body in good shape.

Nothing should make a woman doubt her attractiveness.

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Correct weight

There is no woman who is satisfied with her weight. You can always hear about extra or missing 1–2 kg. Many scientists have developed a formula for ideal weight. The correct weight is considered to be one that does not cause harm to health.

Methods for calculating weight:

  1. A common method of calculation: Weight = Height – 110 cm. But this formula does not take into account the woman’s age and is ineffective for calculating the ideal weight. It gives objective results to ladies from 40 to 50 years old. For girls from 20 to 30 years old, it is recommended to subtract 10% from this indicator, and for those over 50 – 7%.
  2. This formula was developed by American scientists. You need to subtract 150 from height and multiply by 0.75, add 50 to the total.
  3. Calculations using the Lorentz method have the following formula: Height - 0.25 * (Height - 150).
  4. The Quetelet index is considered a reliable method. Weight/Height2. If the indicator is within the range of 18–25, then the weight is normal. If the index result is greater than 25, the woman is predisposed to obesity.
  5. This method takes into account chest circumference. Need (Height*Chest Volume)/240.

All examples assume a difference of 1–2 kg. When developing formulas, scientists did not take into account the type of figure and proportions of body parts.

Girl's body types

You cannot measure all women to the same standard. In addition to their internal individuality, representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by their physique features. Something can be corrected with the help of sports, nutrition or plastic surgery. But there are three constant body types from which general proportionality is based.


A girl with this body type is fragile and sophisticated. The fat layer is minimized. Arms and legs are thin. The waist is aspen. Height is high. It is difficult for her to gain muscle mass, since weight gain is not observed due to accelerated metabolic processes. An ectomorph girl shows others her thin wrists and fingers. Often the hip bones and collarbones protrude into relief. She cannot boast of large breasts and firm buttocks. A skinny woman is good with sports and can be particularly resilient, but not when it comes to strength training. A typical representative of ectomorphs is Keira Knightley.

• Mesomorph. Body sizes for this type have an ideal ratio. Well-developed leg muscles, rounded hips and broad shoulders are harmonized by the waist. She is not wasp, but without excess fat. A girl with such proportions looks athletic. With moderate physical activity, the body becomes feminine and sculpted. Freely builds muscle mass, but can just as easily gain a couple of extra pounds

For a mesomorph, it is important not only to exercise regularly, but also to eat right. A striking example of such a physique is Halle Berry.


This type includes all girls who have crossed the mesomorph line in weight and volume. Their metabolism is slow. Fat is actively concentrated in the hips, buttocks, waist and arms. A distinctive feature is an expressive bust. Growth is predominantly low. Endomorphs easily gain muscle mass, which is hidden under fat reserves, if you do not include aerobic exercise and dietary restrictions. This category includes not only girls who are clearly overweight. But also those who have an idealized proportion of 90-60-90, with a tummy, extra pounds in the hips. A typical example among famous personalities is Marilyn Monroe. The actress was not overweight, but she did not hide her curvy figure.

Photo. Endomorph body type: Marilyn Monroe

It is impossible to distribute all women in the world between the three above-mentioned types. One hundred percent agreement on all characteristics is rare. Therefore, there is such a thing as a mixed body type. The girl combines the principles of two prevailing types.


The most common representatives are those with a thin build. They differ from other types of long limbs, thinness of the skeleton and less muscle and fat mass (in this case there is practically no fat at all). Such people are distinguished by light weight, as well as a constant presence of energy. Tendency to mobility and playfulness. Gaining fat is not easy. Metabolism in this type occurs much faster than in the other two, so energy does not stay in the body for a long time. The main characteristics of the type: narrow hips and thin waist.

Jumping and swinging arms

These loads are considered an ideal option for increasing the overall tone of the body. They need to be performed after all muscle groups have warmed up well and returned to normal. During the process, you need to monitor the correct execution so as not to pull the muscles.

Jumping increases the mobility of joints and disperses salts throughout the body so that they do not accumulate. Soft tissues are also saturated with oxygen. Jumping affects:

  • Calf muscles.
  • Thigh muscles.
  • Deltas.

In addition, a complex active effect on the body is manifested. To perform, you need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. You need to sit down, then jump up, spreading your arms to the sides. After execution, return to the starting position on bent legs.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

Yes, I agree that the ideal is transitory, as is the concept of the norm. In medicine, the norm is considered to be what is typical for the majority. But there are also exceptions. For example, the location of the heart on the left side of the chest is considered normal. But in people with transposition (mirror arrangement) of internal organs, it is on the right, and they live calmly with it.

I will appeal to girls and women. Don't worry or feel bad if you don't have the body type you would like to have. If you are healthy and feeling well, then everything is as it should be. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that your body type is not in fashion today. It is quite possible that in a few years it will be considered an ideal.

I recently came across the results of a scientific study (https://medconfer.com/node/18354), which determined the type of temperament in girls with different body types. So, it turns out that most hypersthenics are sanguine. And as you know, these are the most cheerful people. What I mean is that being overweight is not a reason to be upset. It is quite possible that you owe your cheerfulness and positive attitude to him.

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