Body types and body constitution characteristics

Around 1490, the great Italian scientist, artist, and sculptor Leonardo da Vinci drew his famous drawing “The Vitruvian Man.” This design is often used as a symbol of the symmetry of the human body. It depicts the figure of a naked man in two superimposed positions: with arms and legs spread to the sides, inscribed in a circle; with arms apart and legs brought together, inscribed in a square. The drawing and its explanations are sometimes called canonical proportions. The significance of this drawing is difficult to overestimate. After all, proportions are a means of creating a harmonious image not only for architects, artists, designers, but also for clothing designers.

Canonical body proportions

Ideal body proportions in Ancient Greece
The ideal of female beauty in Ancient Greece was considered to be Venus de Milo, and for men - Apollo Belvedere. Ancient Greek statues depicting these and other gods were created by sculptors taking into account ideal body proportions. These proportions were carefully determined and observed by the sculptors.

Ancient Greek standards: 1. The head should be 1/7 of the person’s height, 2. Legs – 1/6, 3. Wrist – 1/10 of the person’s height. 4. The center of the body of a person located in a circle, in proportion, should be the navel.

Proportions and dimensions of Venus de Milo: height - 164 cm, bust - 86 cm, waist - 69 cm, hips - 93 cm.

And now many consider such proportions of the female body to be ideal

Proportions and dimensions of the sculpture Spearman (sculptor Polykleitos). height -178 cm body parts in girth: lower leg – 42 cm biceps – 38 cm buttocks – 108 cm chest – 119 cm thigh – 60 cm forearm – 33 cm wrist – 19 cm waist – 93 cm

Ecto-, meso- and endomorphy

In the West, there are 3 leading body types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic. They received these names from the names of 3 germ layers: the outer one - the ectoderm, which makes up the nervous system, integumentary tissues (skin) and glands; mesoderm, which makes up the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems; internal - endoderm, which makes up the digestive system. In short, ectomorphs have similar characteristics to the picnic body type. Mesomorphs are similar to athletes, and endomorphs have features of an asthenic physique.

Da Vinci's canonical proportions

Around 1490, the great Italian scientist, artist, and sculptor Leonardo da Vinci drew his famous drawing “The Vitruvian Man.” This design is often used as a symbol of the symmetry of the human body. The drawing, created by Leonardo Da Vinci and depicting the figure of a naked man in two superimposed projections, served as an illustration for a book about the life of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who was the first to describe on paper the proportions of an ideal person.

The meaning of the “Vitruvian Man” is that only the ideal proportions of the human body make it possible to fit a position with arms and legs apart into a circle, and with arms and legs apart into a square. Later, this theory became widespread in fine arts and architecture.

The proportions indicated in the drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci: the span of human arms is equal to his height; the height of a person is four cubits from the fingertips; the distance from the hairline to the chin is 1/10 of his height; the distance from the crown to the chin is 1/8 of his height; the distance from the crown to nipples is 1/4 of its height maximum shoulder width is 1/4 of its height arm length is 2/5 of its height

Golden ratio theory

However, the theory of proportionation of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio arose much later than the theory of the “golden section” or “divine proportion”. It is generally accepted that objects containing the “golden ratio” are perceived by people as the most harmonious. The Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, the Parthenon in Athens, the Notredame de Paris Cathedral, the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”, Botticelli’s “Venus”, Raphael’s “School of Athens” and many, many other objects were created according to the “golden” principle sections".

In 1855, the German researcher of the golden ratio, Professor Zeising, published his work “Aesthetic Studies”. He measured about 2,000 human bodies and came to the conclusion that the golden ratio is universal. The division of the body by the navel point is the most important indicator of the golden ratio. The proportions of the male body fluctuate within the average ratio of 13: 8 = 1.625 and are somewhat closer to the golden ratio than the proportions of the female body, for which the average proportion is expressed in the ratio 8: 5 = 1.6. In a newborn, the proportion is 1:1; by the age of 13 it is 1.6, and by the age of 21 it is equal to that of a man. The proportions of the golden ratio also appear in relation to other parts of the body - the length of the shoulder, forearm and hand, hand and fingers, etc.

  • » Types of proportions in clothing: similar, harmonious, contrasting
  • » Normal height, weight and leg length
  • » How to determine your proportions: standards
  • »What types of female figures are there?
  • » How to determine your body type? TEST.

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+5 Marina 03/15/2018 15:27 Either I don’t understand something, or there is some confusion in the article.:( For example, the quote is “a foot is equal to four palms, an elbow is equal to six palms.” How is that? This foot looks like a ski, the elbow looks like a whip... I wonder what the author’s indicators are?
Next, a step is equal to four cubits…. What are these steps? I didn’t double-check the rest, it’s roughly similar. But these indicators are very strange. Quote

+17 Verunia 02.11.2011 16:02 There is nothing ideal in the world.
Of course, it’s interesting to compare yourself with these parameters, but you can’t get hung up on such things. Every person is unique and that is their beauty. Quote

Ideal proportions in bodybuilding

Classic bodybuilder proportions

In the thirties of the last century, American anthropologist David P. Willoughby carried out many measurements of athletes, trying to determine the ideal muscle sizes that seem as correct as possible to the human eye. His results: Biceps size - 1.2 forearm sizes Forearm from chest width - 0.300 Biceps from the circumference of each calf - 1 Neck from chest circumference - 0.383 Chest - 1.33 waist sizes Chest - 1.11 hip sizes Hips - 1.5 calves sizes

McCallum formula

The volume of the chest should include 6.5 times the volume of the wrist The volume of the hips should be equal to 85% of the volume of the chest The volume of the lower legs should be 34% of the volume of the chest Waist is equal to 70% of the volume of the chest Biceps - 36% of the volume of the chest The volume of the hips is 53% of the volume of the chest Forearm - 29% of the chest volume This formula for the proportionality of the male body was derived by the North American athlete and coach John McCallum. At its core, this is practically the same “golden ratio”, albeit in a somewhat more complicated form, more suitable for our time.

Ideal proportions according to D. Weider (Ben Weider)

Anthropometric indicators of bodybuilders of the Wider school

Height, cm Weight, kg Circumference, cm
Rib cage Waist Neck Shoulder Hip Shin
152.5 58.50 101.5 67.50 38.00 38.00 53.00 37.00
157.0 63.50 104.5 70.00 39.00 39.50 55.50 38.00
162.5 70.50 111.0 76.00 40.50 40.50 57.00 39.50
167.0 79.00 116.5 78.50 42.00 42.00 58.50 40.00
172.0 83.50 118.0 80.00 43.00 43.00 59.50 40.50
177.0 90.00 121.5 82.50 44.00 44.00 62.00 41.50
183.0 95.00 124.0 84.00 44.50 45.00 63.50 42.50
188.0 99.00 127.0 85.00 46.00 46.00 65.00 46.00

IDEAL indicators of bodybuilders according to Marcel Rouet

Anthropometric indicators of ideally built bodybuilders (according to Marcel Rouet)

Height Weight Shoulder Neck Rib cage Waist Hip Shin
165 65,0 35 35 105 75 55 35 1
166 65,5 35,5 35,5 106 76 55,5 35,5
167 68,0 36 36 107 77 56 36
168 69,5 36,5 36,5 108 78 56,5 36,5
169 71,0 37 37 109 79 57 37
170 72,5 37,5 37,5 110 80 57,5 37,5
171 74 38 38 111 81 58 38
172 75,5 38,5 38,5 112 82 58,5 38,5
173 77 39 39 113 83 59 39
174 78,5 39,5 39,5 114 84 59,5 39,5
175 80 40 40 115 85 60 40
176 81,5 40,5 40,5 116 86 60,5 40,5
177 83 41 41 117 87 61 41
178 84,5 41,5 41,5 118 88 61,5 41,5
179 86 42 42 119 89 62 42
180 87,5 42,5 42,5 120 90 62,5 42,5
181 89 43 43 121 91 63 43
182 90,5 43,5 43,5 122 92 63,5 43,5
183 92 44 44 123 93 64 44
184 93,5 44,5 44,5 124 94 64,5 44,5
185 95 45 45 125 95 65 45

Individual wardrobe plan

Step-by-step plan for creating a wardrobe:
Mapping your wardrobe needs
We analyze your existing wardrobe
Filling out the clothing distribution table
Making a shopping list

Modern body beauty standards

How are ideal body proportions calculated for a man?

Currently, calculations of the ideal proportions of a man's body can be carried out using several popular methods - Brock's method, McCallum's formula or the Wilks coefficient (Wilks). John McCallum, for example, emphasizes the need for equal length of legs and torso. In addition, the size of the chest, according to his formula, should be larger than the size of the pelvis (about 10 to 9). The waist and chest should be in proportions of 3 to 4, and the arms spread to the sides should be the height of the person. These same parameters were laid down at one time in the phenomenon that later became the Vitruvian Man.

The ideal height for a man is 180–185 centimeters, tall – 190 and above, short – 170 and below. Weight is hardly worth citing as a standard; it is much more important to link it with height and body proportions (by the way, I recommend reading the article about the optimal ratio of height and weight). A loose figure, at an optimal weight, will not make its owner successful. In the same way, even a perfectly pumped muscle group adjacent to a completely untrained part of the body will look ridiculous. That is why we are talking about ideal proportions, and not about individual biceps, chest or waist.

Top 5 ideal male bodies. Cinema Catwalk
The ideal male body. Divine proportions. Zelevar
Top 5 Natural Bodybuilders. MIMotivation
Natural bodybuilding. Body sizes and proportions. Lev Goncharov
Aesthetics and body proportions. What should you really be proud of? Wow! Bearded men
TOP 10: The most beautiful men in the world. The ideal of a man and male beauty. MEN's LIFE


In all of the above proportionality tables, the lengths of the limbs must be proportionate to each other. For example, the length of the legs and torso should be the same; it is better for the legs to be slightly longer than the torso than vice versa. The arms should also not be too long or too short. The circumferences of the neck, arms and legs should be the same.

All measurements are taken with a flexible measuring tape, usually in the morning on an empty stomach. You should weigh yourself after visiting the restroom, and measure your girth “cold ,” that is, without first warming up with exercises. The measuring tape should be applied tightly, without sagging, but not too tightly.

  • The wrist is measured with the hand bent into a fist, just above the bone at the thinnest point.
  • When measuring neck circumference, you need to keep your head straight and measure the mid-transverse line of the neck.
  • The forearm is measured with the arm extended and clenched into a fist.
  • The girth of the arms is measured in a tense state, at the widest point, at the peak of the biceps.
  • Chest circumference is measured in a standing position along the line of the nipples, without straining the muscles of the chest and back, without deep inhalation or exhalation, arms freely lowered along the body.
  • The waist is measured at the narrowest point, without pulling in the abdomen.
  • Pelvic circumference is measured across the buttocks, at its widest point.
  • Thigh circumference is measured with the leg tense, directly under the buttocks7
  • The shin is measured standing in a tense state, raised on the toes, at its widest point.
  • The ankle is measured at its narrowest point, just above the foot.

The measurement locations are shown in the image:

Of course, no one forces you to correspond to all proportionality tables down to the millimeter, and this is unrealistic. All people are different, some have a more massive skeleton and a wide waist, others have the opposite. Despite the difference in body type, you should strive for broad shoulders and a narrow waist with a minimum amount of fat. With the help of physical exercises, you can, like a sculptor, create your body, adding muscles in the right places and removing excess. These are the variables that make a figure athletic and bring it closer to the ideal.

How to dress if you're tall

Girls who are too tall and want to appear a little shorter to others should adhere to the following rules:

  • » use horizontal lines in the cut and design of clothing;
  • » use color blocks in clothes (the “colorblocking” technique): a jacket, blouse, skirt or trousers of different colors visually reduces height;
  • » use those proportions in clothes where the top is larger than the bottom, for example: top 2/3 + skirt 1/3;
  • » Avoid long, tapered silhouettes, short sleeves (3/4, etc.) and short trousers (Capris, etc.), as well as miniskirts.

How to dress with a high waist

If you have a high waist, you need to visually lower your waistline. To do this, include in your wardrobe:

  • » skirts and trousers at the hips;
  • » skirts and trousers without a belt;
  • » long jackets and blouses;
  • » blouses and shirts untucked.

If the seat height is low and the waist is high, these recommendations should be supplemented with the use of volume and pattern in the leg area.

If the seat height is high and the waist is high, it can also be recommended to wear high heels, and combine long jackets and blouses with narrow skirts and trousers, and also not to overload the leg area.

Leg length of a common female figure type in Russia

In Russia, women have different figures, of course. But some types are common (note, not standard, not the most common, just common).

And now I have a drawing of one such typical figure, which readers constantly criticize, saying that I drew the legs too short, but in fact the legs of Russian women are much longer. But no. I drew the legs exactly the same length, 44% if measured from the heel to the pubic bone, and 52% to the joint of the leg and pelvis. This is the reality.

Posts in Yandex.Zen on the same topic: Dresses by Margaret Qualley on an ordinary female figure We dress a typical Russian figure beautifully What a typical Russian woman looks like

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In this book:
who suits short haircut
how to determine the degree of contrast in appearance
70/30 rule
how to choose shoes for trousers of different lengths
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Let's put some of these theories into practice. Firstly, we need to be observant, look at the people around us. Pay attention to what in their structure distinguishes them from each other. Look closely at children and people of different nationalities to see how different they are in their structure.

Secondly, you can dig up a few photographs of your childhood at different stages and sketch out the main figure. See how your proportions have changed over time.

Finally, draw a crowd of people with different proportions without using references. If any of the people you draw look out of proportion, then try to determine what is wrong with the figure. These exercises will help you practice proportions and sharpen your eye.

How to dress if you're short

If you are too short (below 155 cm), then the following rules will help you add a couple of extra centimeters up:

  • » try to dress in a single color or in a monochromatic color scheme;
  • » wear heels;
  • » use those proportions in clothing where the top is less than or equal to the bottom, for example: top and bottom 1:1; top 1/3 + skirt 2/3; top 1/4 + skirt, trousers or dress 3/4, etc.
  • » feel free to use a shortened length in all styles and models of clothing: 3/4 sleeves, 7/8 trousers, capri pants, miniskirts, etc.
  • » Clothing styles for short women

The structure of sea shells

Scientists who studied the internal and external structure of the shells of soft-bodied mollusks living at the bottom of the seas stated:

“The inner surface of the shells is impeccably smooth, while the outer surface is completely covered with roughness and irregularities. The mollusk was in a shell and for this the inner surface of the shell had to be perfectly smooth. External corners-bends of the shell increase its strength, hardness and thus increase its strength. The perfection and amazing intelligence of the structure of the shell (snail) is amazing. The spiral idea of ​​shells is a perfect geometric form and is amazing in its honed beauty."

In most snails that have shells, the shell grows in the shape of a logarithmic spiral. However, there is no doubt that these unreasonable creatures not only have no idea about the logarithmic spiral, but do not even have the simplest mathematical knowledge to create a spiral-shaped shell for themselves.

But then how were these unreasonable creatures able to determine and choose for themselves the ideal form of growth and existence in the form of a spiral shell? Could these living creatures, which the scientific world calls primitive life forms, calculate that the logarithmic shell shape would be ideal for their existence?

Of course not, because such a plan cannot be realized without intelligence and knowledge. But neither primitive mollusks nor unconscious nature possess such intelligence, which, however, some scientists call the creator of life on earth (?!)

Trying to explain the origin of such even the most primitive form of life by a random combination of certain natural circumstances is absurd, to say the least. It is clear that this project is a conscious creation.

Biologist Sir D'Arcy Thompson calls this type of growth of sea shells the "dwarven growth form."

Sir Thompson makes this comment:

“There is no simpler system than the growth of sea shells, which grow and expand in proportion, maintaining the same shape. The most amazing thing is that the shell grows, but never changes shape.”

The Nautilus, measuring several centimeters in diameter, is the most striking example of the gnome growth habit. S. Morrison describes this process of nautilus growth as follows, which seems quite difficult to plan even with the human mind:

“Inside the nautilus shell there are many compartments-rooms with partitions made of mother-of-pearl, and the shell itself inside is a spiral expanding from the center. As the nautilus grows, another room grows in the front part of the shell, but this time it is larger than the previous one, and the partitions of the room left behind are covered with a layer of mother-of-pearl. Thus, the spiral expands proportionally all the time.”

Here are just some types of spiral shells with a logarithmic growth pattern in accordance with their scientific names: Haliotis Parvus, Dolium Perdix, Murex, Fusus Antiquus, Scalari Pretiosa, Solarium Trochleare.

All discovered fossil remains of shells also had a developed spiral shape.

However, the logarithmic growth form is found in the animal world not only in mollusks. The horns of antelopes, wild goats, rams and other similar animals also develop in the form of a spiral according to the laws of the golden ratio.

To choose the length of trousers in the online store

To choose the correct length of trousers, you need to measure the length of your leg along the inseam. Just from the crotch to... maybe to the floor, but better to the ankle bone. The bone is an excellent guide to understand how much the length of the trousers you like will be above or below the bone. Measurements are taken directly along the inside of the leg.

Unlike skirts and shoulder-length products, you will almost never come across such a parameter as “product length” in an online store; most often the parameter “crotch length” will be indicated.

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