Growth hormone in bodybuilding | How effective and safe is it (+ ways to increase levels naturally)

03.11.2021 12:00


The hormone somatotropin is responsible for human growth. It is produced in the body until the age of 25, and then its secretion decreases. However, the hormone still remains an important element that has a positive effect on metabolism.

Food can be a good source of the hormone. This is especially true for children and adolescents who are actively growing. Human height directly depends on heredity, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase it with the help of nutrition. But eating the right foods will help prevent stunting in the growth and development of children and adolescents.

Products that stimulate the growth of children 3-9 years old

When creating a menu for a child, you need to think about his age characteristics. After all, the gastrointestinal tract at a young age is very sensitive and is not always able to assimilate food consumed by adults. In addition, by creating the right menu, you can provide the child’s body with the necessary substances, including those responsible for growth.


A very healthy product that contains calcium, phosphorus, large amounts of vitamins and amino acids. Yogurt allows bones to develop and become stronger.


At a young age, the product is well absorbed. It contains calcium, proteins, amino acids that promote the production of hormones necessary for sexual development.


Chicken meat is a healthy and safe product that contains vitamin B, phosphorus and amino acids. It is best to choose white meat and serve it boiled.

Green leafy vegetables

The following vegetables will be useful:

  • Cabbage;
  • Spinach;
  • Rucolla.

They contain vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin K. The latter is especially beneficial because it increases bone density.

Instructions for use of Somatotropin

The use of somatotropin preparations must be agreed with a doctor.

After taking tests and determining the level of natural growth hormone, it will be easier to decide how to take the hormone and in what dosages.

Considering that somatotropin indirectly regulates the secretion of certain glands (pancreas and thyroid), constant monitoring of the concentration of their hormones in the blood is mandatory. Since with a genetic predisposition there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism.

To get good results from using injectable forms of the hormone, you should learn how to inject the drug correctly:

  • the injection is carried out only subcutaneously (using your fingers to form a fold of skin into which the solution is injected);
  • the injection site should be constantly changed to prevent lipoatrophy;
  • the daily dose should be divided into equal parts and injected throughout the day;
  • The procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening (in accordance with the natural rhythm of hormone production).

Important! To prevent local adverse reactions (inflammation and abscess), you must follow the following rules:

  • carry out all manipulations with clean hands;
  • use disinfectant solutions to treat the injection site;
  • use sterile water to dissolve the drug (if necessary);
  • Only new disposable syringes and a sharp needle are suitable for use.

How to increase the amount of Somatotropin in the body

You can increase the level of growth hormone production in the body without resorting to medications. To do this, just follow a few rules:

  1. Compliance with the training regime. Regular physical activity activates the release of growth hormone into the blood. When the body adapts or stops exercising, a decrease in its level to the initial values ​​will be observed.
  2. The duration of sleep should be at least 7-8 hours. Moreover, it must be done at night, since it is at this time that the peak content of growth hormone in the blood is observed.
  3. Maintain normal body weight. Excessive amount of adipose tissue in the body suppresses the production of somatotropin.

Attention! High levels of insulin (which is often observed in obese people) help suppress the synthesis of growth hormone.

  1. Stick to proper nutrition, enriching your diet with protein foods and reducing sugar intake.
  2. To refuse from bad habits.

In adults there is:

  • increased bone fragility;
  • decrease in the percentage of muscle mass;
  • fat deposition, mainly in the abdominal area;
  • deterioration of thought processes;
  • increased fatigue.

Excess growth hormone in childhood leads to gigantism, and in adults - to acromegaly (enlargement of individual parts of the body due to bone growth).

What foods help a 10-14 year old teenager grow tall?

Older children need to maintain in their diet everything that stimulates growth at an early age. A sufficiently developed digestive system allows you to diversify the menu with other healthy products.


They contain a lot of protein, iodine, zinc and vitamin B. They stimulate growth and development, and also have a positive effect on mental development.


The berries contain ascorbic acid, fiber, manganese and vitamin K. You can eat them both in summer and winter.

Fatty fish

It is important that fatty fish is always present in a teenager’s diet. It strengthens the heart, bones, improves the quality of sleep and mental activity, and stimulates growth.

Growth hormone: normal level in the blood and how to check

The normal concentration of growth hormone in the body is 1-5 ng/ml. Peak concentration reaches 10-20 and even 45 ng/ml. Typically, peak secretion occurs every 3-5 hours. The highest concentration occurs at night, approximately 1 hour after falling asleep. With age, GH is synthesized less and less, which is why additional supplements have to be used.

The most effective way to test growth hormone is to take a blood test. In almost any laboratory that conducts blood tests, you can test for growth hormone, as well as IGF-1 - insulin-like growth factor 1, which helps increase natural somatotropin.

The most useful foods for adult height

Nutritionists have also been able to identify other foods that keep the body in good condition. They will not affect growth in any way, but will help keep bones and muscles strong for many years. It is important to consume this food after 25 years.


Oatmeal in the morning is the most valuable grain for the body. It contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as other beneficial substances.


It is a good source of potassium and dietary fiber. They can be added to oatmeal.


They are a source of protein. Legumes will help you gain and maintain muscle mass.

Chicken eggs

They contain protein and vitamin D. They are recommended to be consumed at least 3 times a week.


Iron, zinc and amino acids in the composition promote the synthesis of somatropin.

Cereal sprouts

Green buckwheat, sprouted wheat and other raw materials allow muscles to stay in good shape, maintain and increase their mass, and improve metabolism.


The positive effects of nuts on the body became known back in the time of Hippocrates. They contain healthy protein that gives muscles and bones the nutrition they need.

Cottage cheese

Leader in the amount of easily digestible protein. In addition, cottage cheese contains potassium and phosphorus, which are needed to strengthen and grow bones. Helps avoid joint diseases.


Natural honey is good for the immune system and accelerates human growth. It helps calcium and magnesium to be better absorbed and also improves digestion.

The role of growth hormone in bodybuilding

Peptides are substances consisting of short chains of amino acid residues connected by peptide bonds. Peptide hormones work in the body at the cellular level and are responsible for the functions of an overwhelming number of organs and systems. Peptide compounds are widely used in the sports environment for the production of drugs that increase muscle mass and strength, as well as reduce the percentage of adipose tissue.

Growth hormone is used in bodybuilding for the same reason. Peptide-based drugs demonstrate high efficiency. They are considered especially beneficial for people over 45 years of age, as they further reduce the signs of aging in the body.

Initially, growth hormone was used only in medicine. Due to its ability to increase muscle mass and reduce fat, it quickly became widespread in sports. But it is worth noting that the maximum result from the use of peptides is achieved with nutritious meals up to 5 times a day with a high content of proteins and carbohydrates and intense strength training.

How does growth hormone specifically affect the body:

  1. Causes muscle growth (anabolic effect).
  2. Inhibits the process of muscle destruction (catabolic effect).
  3. Reduces the percentage of body fat.
  4. Has a rejuvenating effect.
  5. Stimulates the growth of organs that gradually atrophy with age.
  6. Enhances bone growth in people under 26 years of age.

The effect of growth hormone on the body is also to accelerate wound healing and generally strengthen the immune system. Some of the effects are exerted directly by somatotropin, while others are mediated by IGF-1, with which the actions of growth hormone are very closely related.

The main reason for the popularity of HGH is its ability to reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, growth hormone is used during drying, which aims to obtain pronounced relief. Due to large fat losses, a person’s weight increases slightly during a month of HGH course – by 3-4 kg.

We recommend:

  1. “Drying for men, part 1: example of a diet for a week.”
  2. “Gym drying for men, part 2: weekly training program.”
  3. "Cutting for Men, Part 3: Sports Nutrition for Cutting."

The benefits of using growth hormone include:

  • no effect on the functions of the reproductive system;
  • low incidence of side effects;
  • high efficiency;
  • lack of androgenic effects.

Disadvantages of growth hormone drugs

The disadvantage of growth hormone drugs is their high cost. In addition, they are often tried to be counterfeited, so there is a possibility of stumbling upon a fake.

Even before taking such serious drugs, it is worth getting tested for growth hormone and consulting with a specialist. Somatotropin has serious side effects:

  • muscle pain, arthritis symptoms;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • hypertension;
  • headache;
  • increase in the volume of internal organs;
  • hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and diabetes.

To avoid side effects, somatropin should be used strictly according to the instructions, and injections should be done by an experienced doctor. A clear sign of an overdose is pain.

Competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021

This work was published in the nomination “Visually about the beloved” of the competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021.

The general partner of the competition is the annual biotechnology conference BiotechClub, organized by the international innovative biotechnology company BIOCAD.

The sponsor of the competition is SkyGen: a leading distributor of life science products on the Russian market.

Competition sponsor: the largest supplier of equipment, reagents and consumables for biological research and production.

"Book" sponsor of the competition - "Alpina Non-Fiction"

Sleep is the basis of every person's health. During sleep, restoration processes occur throughout the body [1]. For example, during sleep, the protein collagen is intensively synthesized, which gives strength and elasticity to the skin. Thanks to sleep, additional T-killer immune cells are activated, protecting the body from viruses and pathogenic bacteria and promoting rapid recovery [2].

It is known that when the body sleeps, the brain continues to work. It processes daily information. During sleep, the amount of somatotropic hormone (STH), or growth hormone, which is responsible for the growth and renewal of cells throughout the body, increases [3].

The quality of sleep is greatly influenced by internal factors. For example, stressful situations, the nature of work (study). In the scientific work of Aleksanin S.S. and Remizevich R.S. It was revealed that among the surveyed military personnel, the total duration of sleep decreased by 53%, and 42% were not satisfied with sleep (did not get enough sleep). Working in a closed team with strictly regulated norms of behavior caused anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances, leading to socio-psychological disorders (conflict, increased aggressiveness, isolation) [4].

One of the external factors influencing the sleep process is the microclimate of the room: temperature, oxygen availability, humidity and lighting. According to the interstate standard (GOST 30494-2011), the following indicators must be observed in a living room [5]:

  • air temperature: 20–22 °C;
  • relative humidity: 45–30%;
  • air speed: 0.15 m/s.

If the room temperature is higher or lower than normal, sleep quality deteriorates [6].

Not only heat or cold will interfere with your sleep, but also light. Why is the absence of an artificial light source during sleep so important? To do this, you need to look at the human brain. Hidden in its depths is the pineal gland (pineal gland, or pineal gland, corpus pineale) - the main part of the photoendocrine system, the hormones of which regulate the functions of other organs, depending on light stimulation [7].

The pineal gland cells - pinealocytes - synthesize about 40 biologically active substances (BAS), among which are neuroamines, serotonin and melatonin. To explain the role of the light source in the sleep process, we need melatonin. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a compound produced not only in the cells of the pineal gland, but also in the retina of the eye, Harder’s gland (the gland of the nictitating membrane, found in secondary aquatic vertebrates and terrestrial representatives, except primates and humans), bone marrow, skin and other organs. Therefore, melatonin is not a hormone in the classical sense - it is capable of being synthesized in various organs and does not act on a specific target organ [8].

Melatonin is involved in the regulation of many physiological processes, namely the sleep-wake cycle, circadian rhythms, immunological reactions, controls the growth of tumors, and neutralizes free radicals [9]. At the same time, melatonin is able to simultaneously activate and suppress the functions of different cells and organs [10]. In a study published in the Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents (1995), researchers treated exogenous (synthetic) melatonin with interleukin-2 (a type of cytokine) at night to 11 AIDS patients. in which the number of T-helpers (cells of the immune system) has decreased to 200 or less (the norm is 40–60%). After three weeks of therapy, the number of T helper cells increased by 30%, and the number of other immune cells (eosinophils, T lymphocytes, natural killer cells) increased. Scientists have suggested that melatonin supplementation may be an effective immune-stimulating therapy for AIDS patients unresponsive to interleukin-2 (IL-2) alone [11].

Melatonin is known to inhibit the secretion of gonadotropins (sex hormones). At the end of the 19th century. German pediatrician O. Hübner studied a patient with premature puberty. During the post-mortem autopsy, the doctor discovered a tumor in the pineal gland, which interfered with the production of melatonin [12].

How does melatonin depend on light? To do this, you need to study the sleep-wake cycle. It is an example of a circadian rhythm (in Latin - “around the day”) - a biological rhythm with a period of about 24 hours. The circadian rhythm is necessary for the body’s adaptation to the environment [13]. The formation of circadian rhythms is ensured with the participation of internal factors, including the work of a kind of internal “clock” - circadian pacemakers. The main circadian pacemaker in mammals is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), located in the anterior hypothalamus [14].

The most studied external stimulus received by the suprachiasmatic nucleus is light pulses. Light affects the photosensitive cells of the retina; information about illumination reaches the suprachiasmatic nucleus through the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) [15]. In the dark, the neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus affect the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), which sends signals to the neurons of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG), and it in turn affects the very pineal gland (epiphysis), which secretes melatonin. Neurons of the superior cervical ganglion secrete the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which stimulates the pineal gland and enhances the production of melatonin. When it is light, the neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus inhibit the neurons of the paraventricular nucleus, which is responsible for regulating the pineal gland. Thus, light inhibits the secretion of melatonin, and its absence enhances it [16].

How does melatonin production occur? In healthy people, melatonin production begins between 20:00 and 22:00, reaching a peak between 00:00 and 03:00 [8]. Melatonin is synthesized from the essential amino acid tryptophan. In the pineal gland, under the action of the enzymes tryptophan hydroxylase and 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase, tryptophan is converted into serotonin. Next, melatonin is formed from serotonin with the help of the enzymes N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT). In low concentrations it enters the bloodstream, in higher concentrations it enters the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Through the bloodstream, melatonin reaches peripheral target cells, and through the cerebrospinal fluid it enters the brain receptors. In the blood, melatonin binds to albumin, which protects melatonin from rapid breakdown [16], [17]. At night, peak melatonin levels range from 100 to 200 pg/ml. After this, its synthesis gradually decreases, remaining very low throughout the day - from 10 to 30 pg/ml [8]. The half-life of melatonin in the body is 30–50 minutes. In the liver, melatonin is oxidized by enzymes associated with the P-450 protein (a group of enzymes involved in the oxidation of various compounds) and is excreted from the body [16], [17].

How does melatonin affect sleep quality and the body as a whole? If you fall asleep with the light on (night light, lamp, outdoor advertising lights), melatonin is not produced even in young people. As we age, the formation of melatonin decreases, this is due to calcification (deposition of calcium salts) in the pinealocytes of the pineal gland. This process is conventionally called “melanopause”. Decreased melatonin production and disturbances in the sleep-wake system usually lead to insomnia (insomnia) [18]. Other sleep disorders include advanced sleep phase, irregular rhythm, and unsynchronized sleep-wake rhythms [19].

Melatonin has multiple effects and can improve memory, mood, work ability and stress resistance. Decreased melatonin production will result in a decline in all of these functions. Melatonin reduces glucose concentrations and increases insulin levels in the blood, and hormone deficiency leads to obesity and insulin resistance [20]. This effect of melatonin is explained by the fact that it regulates the expression of GLUT4 protein genes (the main intracellular glucose transporters) and activates the G-protein membrane receptor, which is responsible for the functioning of the insulin receptor [17]. Melatonin enhances energy production in mitochondria and accelerates metabolic processes, reducing the risk of obesity. Melatonin neutralizes reactive oxygen species and normalizes the antioxidant balance in pancreatic beta cells, protecting them from oxidative stress and reducing the incidence of diabetic complications and cardiovascular diseases [21].

Together with testosterone and vitamin D, melatonin has an anabolic effect on muscle tissue, reducing the likelihood of developing sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and strength in older people) [22].

Thus, melatonin is a unique compound that has diverse metabolic effects. Melatonin synthesis occurs during sleep in the absence of light sources. Melatonin improves sleep quality, normalizes the sleep-wake rhythm and affects many body functions. You could say that melatonin works on a feedback principle: sleep requires melatonin, and melatonin requires sleep.

Before going to bed, think about how important it is to sleep in the dark.

Rules for training when taking the hormone

Athletes taking hormones should remember the rules for effective training:

  1. Alternating loads on different muscle groups. To build muscle mass and increase the effectiveness of exercise, all muscles need to be divided into 3 groups. During each individual workout, you only need to load 1 muscle group.
  2. The optimal training time is from 1 to 2 hours. All exercises are repeated in 8 approaches, the complex itself must be repeated at least 3 times.
  3. Before starting a workout, you need to stretch your muscles and prepare them for the upcoming loads. Growth hormone leads to an increase in muscle mass, creates additional stress on joints and other elements of the musculoskeletal system that cannot keep up with it, which can cause injury.
  4. The intensity of the load should be increased from workout to workout so that the muscles receive the appropriate development impulse.
  5. After completing the course of taking the hormone, it is necessary to gradually reduce the load and intensity of exercise by about a third of the achieved result, so as not to destroy muscle tissue. And then gradually bring it to the usual level that was before taking somatotropin.

Somatotropin dosage

The hormone content in 1 injection should not exceed 30 IU. But this factor depends on the purpose of administration and the individual characteristics of the body:

  • after sports injuries, the recommended dose of the hormone is from 2 to 4 IU when taken once every two days;
  • for excess weight associated with metabolic disorders, endocrinologists prescribe an individual dose: depending on the patient’s body weight, it varies from 4 to 10 IU;
  • for sports purposes, if the goal is to increase muscle mass as much as possible, you need to administer from 10 to 30 IU.

Somatotropin injections are given every other day, otherwise there is a risk of an overdose of the hormone.

It is advisable to divide the daily dose into several doses with an interval of 4 hours. Thus, the body will perceive growth hormone as naturally produced, and it will be easier to absorb it.

Side effects Somatotropin

Since growth hormone is produced in the body, its physiological concentrations do not cause negative effects. But when its content in the body increases due to drug injections, the risk of side effects increases significantly.

Most often, Somatotropin has a peripheral negative effect on the body associated with organs that are most susceptible to the influence of the hormone. In most cases, they are reversible. Therefore, stopping growth hormone medications or reducing the dosage results in the disappearance of all negative symptoms.

List of possible side effects of growth hormone drugs:

  • swelling (due to fluid accumulation in tissues);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tunnel syndrome, manifested by pain in the limbs and their partial numbness;
  • decreased production of thyroid hormones, which can lead to hypothyroidism;
  • increase in size (hypertrophy) of internal organs (mainly the heart);
  • acromegaly (in rare cases).

Also, due to the effect on blood glucose levels, there is a risk of developing diabetes.

Rules for taking the hormone

In order to gain muscle mass, get an ideal body contour, or reduce the manifestations of age-related changes in the body with the help of somatotropin, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. An injection of 5 IU is started on an empty stomach daily, about 30 minutes before meals.
  2. After 10-14 days, the dose is increased to 10 IU, divided into two doses: one morning (60 minutes before meals) and one lunch (30 minutes before meals). It is recommended to inject 1 or 2 hours before training.
  3. The course should not be continued for more than 6 months. The minimum period of taking hormones is 3 months . A shorter duration of injections will not give the desired result, and an excessively long duration of use leads to the body becoming addicted or even to serious complications.
  4. Growth hormone suppresses thyroid function, which reduces the production of essential hormones. To prevent disturbances in its functioning, it is necessary to take special medications, for example, Thyroxine.
  5. Somatotorpin increases the concentration of sugar in the blood, so you should take control of measuring its content. People suffering from diabetes are recommended to add units to their usual dose of insulin, but this must be done strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

These rules of admission are designed for visiting the gym two or three times a day, subject to intense training and regular exercise.

To build muscle mass, athletes use additional anabolic steroids, for example, Testosterone enanthate, Boldenone, Sustanon.

Anavar and Winstrol supplements in an amount of 30 mg daily, acting together with somatotropin, help burn fat and form muscle relief in the body.

In order to dry out the fat layer, athletes take injections of Thyroxine. Three injections per day with a total volume of no more than 200 mcg must be completed before 18.00. It is not recommended to increase the daily dosage of the drug, and the dose itself should begin with a minimum volume, for example, 15 mcg per single dose, this figure is gradually increased to the desired level.

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