Is testosterone safe? What to expect from taking testosterone?

April 22, 2022 Admin Home page » Pharmacology

Types of steroids for gaining muscle mass. Calculation of the course for 12 weeks. Nutritional features throughout the course.

The most common question asked by all newbies who have entered the dark side of AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids) use. How to gain weight??!! What steroids should I use to gain muscle mass? In this article we will look at the basic principles of building an AAS course and give some nutritional recommendations to gain 10+ kg of weight in 3 months. Why exactly 3 months you ask?! I believe that this period is quite suitable for gaining relatively high-quality muscle mass with a minimum of fat and water.

Calculation of AAS for a 12-week course.

For injectable drugs: Testosterone 5 – 10 mg per kg of body weight per week. Boldenone 8 -12 mg per kg of body weight per week. Nandrolone 3 – 5 mg per kg of body weight per week.

For oral medications: Methandrostenolone 0.30 – 0.50 mg per kg of body weight per week. Oxymetholone 0.50 – 1 mg per kg of body weight per week.

So let's get started: Our goal is + 10 kg on the scale, the deadline for completing the task is 12 weeks! Let's split our 12 weeks in half to try two 6-week cycles, changing medications after 6 weeks.

The most dangerous anabolic steroids

There are quite a large number of dangerous steroids. Their negative impact on the athlete’s body and health has long been proven. Despite this, many athletes put themselves in danger in pursuit of muscle growth and the beauty of the relief.

The most dangerous steroids for building muscle mass, which have serious consequences:

  1. Stanozolol. One of the most dangerous and insidious steroids. This drug is very effective for achieving peak bodybuilding and fitness. But the side effects are very aggressive: irreversible damage to the cardiovascular system, destructive effects on ligaments, joints, tendons, liver and prostate.
  2. Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin and Halotest). This steroid is completely useless for gaining muscle. This is not what it was originally created for. But it has a strong androgenic effect. Baldness, acne, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, prostate growth, aggressiveness are side effects from taking fluoxymesterone. It is also extremely toxic to the liver.
  3. Methyltestosterone. A rapid increase in body weight, strength and endurance is the secret of methyl's popularity. But after canceling the course, it is impossible to maintain the results achieved. This is the most unrefined substance among all anabolic steroids, so the following complications often occur: complete suppression of the production of sex hormones, androgenic effect and toxicity to the liver.
  4. Nandrolone. The excellent results from the action of this anabolic steroid are undeniable. Has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints and increases endurance. At the same time, the drug causes a strong negative effect on the athlete’s reproductive system.
  5. Synthol. This is a non-anabolic drug, meaning its benefit for muscle growth is zero. The action of synthol is based on normal tissue swelling, which improves volume. Synthol does not affect strength and endurance, and the appearance of the muscles leaves much to be desired. When used in moderation on the professional stage it can be used, but for amateurs it is extremely harmful.

Synthol has many side effects, including paresis or paralysis due to nerve damage, an allergic reaction, amputation of limbs, and thrombosis.

AAS regimen for the first 6 weeks.

We will begin AAS therapy with the use of oxymetholone, testosterone, and boldenone. Let’s say our athlete weighs 100 kg, to begin with we give preference to minimalism, so let’s start like this: Oxymetholone 50 mg per day, Testosterone enanthate 500 mg per week, Boldenone U 800 mg per week.

Oxymetholone 50 mg per day for 4 weeks is an excellent drug that will give us the necessary boost at the start while the other drugs are just starting to work, it will reduce our SHBG, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the drugs that are in our stack. 4 weeks, it seems to me, is the very necessary period for which the drug can show its maximum effectiveness.

Testosterone E 500 mg per week, for 6 weeks, well, there’s no need to argue about testosterone, whatever one may say, this is the basis of any AAS course.

Boldenone 800 mg per week for 6 weeks, although many say that the effect of boldenone begins only at 8 - 12 weeks of use, but the effect we need, namely increased appetite, increased endurance, begins already from the 2nd week of use.

Natural preparations

Using natural supplements to quickly gain muscle mass is ineffective. However, during natural training, when the athlete does not want to start taking potent hormonal medications, it is recommended to pay attention to natural remedies.

The following drugs can accelerate muscle growth:

  1. Alvezin. The product contains a complex of amino acids and microelements. It is used by athletes to quickly saturate the body with protein. It is administered intravenously using droppers.
  2. Glutamic acid. The supplement is a powder containing a non-essential amino acid of the same name. The compound takes an active part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, helps to quickly absorb nutrients from food, and increases the energy potential of cells.
  3. Tribulus. The dietary supplement contains Tribulus terrestris extract. The plant contains phytosterols, saponins and alkaloids. These compounds stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone, an increase in the level of which leads to increased testosterone production.

Natural preparations have virtually no significant side effects or contraindications. They are used according to the instructions included in the package.

Potassium orotate

Non-steroidal drugs used to enhance anabolism include potassium orate. The medicine exhibits the ability to increase the rate of protein synthesis, increase the degree of absorption of nutrients, and improve athletic performance during training.

In rare cases, when taking the drug, negative manifestations such as swelling and impaired liver function are possible.

The use of potassium ororate should be avoided if there is an individual intolerance to its components, as well as in case of severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

AAS regimen for the second 6-week cycle.

We change the set of drugs and start adding: Methandrostenolone - 30 mg per day, and Nandrolone 300 mg per week.

Methandrostenolone -30 mg per day for 6 weeks

Testosterone E - 700 mg per week. Over the course of 6 weeks, it is advisable to increase the testosterone dosage since the stack contains a drug that can raise your prolactin levels, which can play a very cruel joke on you.

Nandrolone D – 300 mg per week, for 6 weeks.

Throughout the entire 12-week course, it is necessary to monitor the levels of estradiol and prolactin and, if necessary, use aromatase inhibitors and prolactin inhibitors. This 12-week cycle can be completed either with a full-fledged PCT, or go to the “bridge”.

General recommendations

It is necessary to establish the amount and regimen of taking anabolic steroids only after undergoing a medical examination and consultation with a doctor.

When choosing the safest and most harmless steroids, you should keep in mind that the more effective the drug, the more negative side effects it has. In this regard, it is more advisable to combine various anabolic steroids with each other. This will make it possible to achieve a synergistic effect (when drugs, when taken simultaneously, enhance each other’s effects) and significantly reduce dosages. This pattern of use will have the least negative consequences for the body.

Basic principles of nutrition throughout the entire 12-week cycle.

Try to eat more cleanly, while maintaining a sufficient calorie surplus for a 100 kg athlete, this should be approximately 4800 kcal per day, while maintaining the proportions of BJU. Protein 1.5-2 g/kg body weight Fats 1-2 g/kg body weight Carbohydrates 6-9 g/kg body weight.

Naturally, we take only the maximum ratio values ​​for the set. The frequency of meals should be at least 5 times. Don’t forget about vitamin-mineral supplements and drink enough water, which for a person weighing 100 kg will be about 4 liters. As for the training, it should be as effective as possible and tailored exclusively to you!

Based on materials from the site:

What are anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass (abbreviated as anabolics, steroids) are artificially created drugs used to increase strength and muscle growth by increasing the production of sex hormones and the accumulation of nitrogen in muscle tissue. According to their chemical structure, they are synthetic analogues of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Their main effect is to accelerate the process of protein production in cells, as well as to give the body an artificial portion of testosterone, due to which muscles grow.

These drugs were originally produced and used for medicinal purposes - for the treatment of testicular cancer, for gender reassignment, for disorders of the pituitary gland, for muscle restoration after prolonged immobility. However, now most athletes use them to gain lean mass. Not a single bodybuilding competition is complete without pharmaceutical support.

Benefits of use

Steroids have very beneficial and interesting effects. It is very difficult to achieve great heights in bodybuilding without them.

The main benefits of using anabolic steroids in bodybuilding and other sports:

  1. Increased endurance and strength.
  2. Acceleration of metabolism, drying, rapid weight loss. Steroids help burn fat.
  3. Reducing time and labor costs to increase sports performance.
  4. Accelerated recovery of muscles, ligaments, healing of injuries.
  5. Strengthening bones (fractures heal faster).
  6. Pain-relieving effect, for example in arthritis.
  7. Suppression of stress hormone production.
  8. Increased blood volume in the body, so muscles become larger.

The use of anabolic steroids seriously affects the human body. Therefore, they are accepted only by people who connect their lives with professional sports.

Side effects from anabolic steroids

Most steroids have a number of negative effects. The cardiovascular and hormonal systems, as well as the liver, are most affected.

Negative aspects of taking anabolic steroids:

  1. Inhibition of the body's production of its own hormones. The glands stop producing testosterone if its concentration in the blood is already high. If abused, this can lead to complete dysfunction of the glands (testicles).
  2. Toxic effect on the liver, its destruction, dystrophy, adenoma.
  3. Enlargement of the mammary glands in men (gynecomastia) occurs due to the androgenic effect of certain drugs. This leads to the production of female sex hormones (estrogen).
  4. Skin rashes - acne, as the drugs provoke increased secretion of sebum.
  5. Elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood lead to heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest, thrombosis, high blood pressure, and kidney disease.
  6. Aggressive behavior, depression.
  7. Baldness.
  8. A woman taking anabolic steroids acquires a rough voice, atrophy of the genitals and breasts. Facial features become masculine.
  9. Testicular atrophy, prostate hypertrophy, temporary infertility.

Of course, there is a list of drugs that have a minimum of side effects. But there are no absolutely harmless steroids, since they are all produced synthetically.


In achieving sports results, an athlete must follow several rules.

Firstly, he should get a lot of rest, since during sleep, recovery processes are launched in the body.

Secondly, meals should be varied and frequent so that catabolic processes do not start in the athlete’s body.

Thirdly, the athlete must nourish his body, exhausted by serious stress, with whole complexes of drugs, which should include anabolic agents and vitamin complexes in order to replenish the body’s needs with all the necessary nutrients. The drugs covered in this article will help you achieve the desired result and maintain health.


In terms of action, trimetazidine is close to the well-known mildronate, but is much cheaper than the latter. The drug promotes greater oxygen delivery to cells, preserves intracellular potential, counteracts the formation of free radicals, and increases the athlete’s endurance. Taking the drug allows you to significantly increase the load and intensity of training. Trimetazidine can be replaced with a similar product containing creatine, which, however, will not be an equivalent replacement in terms of effectiveness. It is possible to combine the drug with other drugs.

Features of hormonal pharmacy

It should be understood that it is hormonal pharmaceuticals that provide significant and tangible results. On it, athletes can gain 10 kg of muscle mass in one month. This is what all professional bodybuilders use. It is this that allows you to achieve unnaturally large muscle volumes.

Take away their farm and there will be nothing left of them. Look at any bodybuilder who has finished their career and you will see that they are deflated almost to the level of an ordinary person. Pharma doesn't just add a few cents to their natural results. She completely creates this result (80-90%). In addition, pharma gives only a temporary effect (inflated and deflated).

Many uninitiated people think that these results are created simply by some special or very frequent and intense training. However, it is not. It's all about farming.

Although these athletes themselves do not like to mention this (and sometimes it is prohibited by the terms of their contracts). This will diminish the significance of their achievements. People are inspired by their results, run to the gym, hoping to become the same, and... They are disappointed, having received nothing.

Getting pumped up naturally is difficult. This requires years of training, and the result will still be incomparably less than on farm. You can get pumped up on farming relatively simply and quickly.

Steroid drugs are prohibited by law and legally equated to drugs (although this was not always the case - in some countries they are allowed, and in Soviet times they could be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription). Their possession, use and distribution may result in criminal liability up to and including actual prison time. However, in practice, such cases are quite rare. Everyone knows that athletes use steroids, and no one, as a rule, puts them in prison for this.

When using hormonal pharmaceuticals, you need to understand it very well, follow dosages, dosage regimens, and be sure to carry out PCT (post-cycle therapy). Illiterate use can lead to unwanted side effects (decreased libido, gynecomastia, etc.)

Unqualified use of hormonal pharmaceuticals is unacceptable.

Insulin can be bought at any pharmacy. Growth hormone is also sold over the counter, but costs a lot of money.

Beginners, as a rule, combine 1-2 drugs (usually steroids). Professionals use more complex combinations and high dosages. As a rule, we are talking about a combination of 3-4 steroid drugs, insulin and growth hormone at the same time (plus some minor additions).


The mechanism of action of metformin is based on its ability to suppress gluconeogenesis in the liver, prevent the absorption of glucose in the intestine and its better utilization in muscle tissue. Accelerates the process of transition of glucose into glycogen. Reduces appetite, due to which weight decreases or stabilizes. Does not have a hypoglycemic effect. Before use, the athlete should consult a doctor, as the drug has many contraindications and may have side effects.

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