Take the test for your body type and find out how to lose weight

Hello dear ladies. Well, are you ready to learn everything about your figure? We are very different - as are our ideas about Our Ideal Figure. Some people want narrower hips, others a less full bust... Why do we choose universal weight loss products and how to determine our figure type?

Doctors say: different body types mean different metabolism and a different mechanism for the formation of excess weight. This means that in order to achieve an Ideal Figure, you need to influence strategic reserves in different ways!

Do you want to lose weight? Take the test and determine what type of figure you have and choose recommendations designed specifically for you. I wonder, do you have an idea of ​​what the ideal female figure should be? Watch this video and compare it with your ideals.

How to use the calculator

A 2008 WHO report states that waist and hip width may indicate abdominal obesity and is associated with increased health risks.

To calculate your parameters, stand up straight with your hands at your sides. In this case, it is advisable to use the help of another person. Make sure that the measuring tape fits snugly against your body, but does not compress it.

You need to take several measurements:

Bust volume is a measurement of the circumference of the chest. You can carry it out in a properly selected bra;

Waist. Measured along the smallest (natural) circumference - just above the navel;

Upper thigh volume. It is carried out above the pelvic area - approximately 18 cm below the natural waist;

Hip volume. The measurement is taken along the largest circumference, directly above the buttocks.

What types of female figures exist?

As we have already said, for medicine, body types have little meaning. This division is used more in the fashion industry, where they are generally divided into four classes.

Apple or inverted triangle

Banana or rectangle

Describes a person with not clearly defined hips and bust. The waist is usually only 27 cm narrower in comparison.

Pear, spoon, bell or triangle

Hourglass or X-shaped figure

Often presented as the “ideal” size for a woman, that is, the hips and bust are about the same size, but the waist is much narrower. The fashion industry standard of 90-60-90 indicates this ratio.

The influence of body type on results in bodybuilding

As you can see, body type is determined quite simply.

After you find out which type you belong to, do not rush to be happy or upset. In professional bodybuilding, all three types became champions.

Each has advantages and disadvantages that you need to be able to work with:

  1. Mesomorphs

Of course, it’s good if you have a mesomorphic, that is, athletic build. These are natural bodybuilders who gain muscle mass easily and quickly.

But if you relax in your diet, an increase in fat mass is guaranteed. The truth is, you can get rid of it quite quickly.

Another Achilles heel of mesomorphs is motivation (or rather the lack thereof). All sports results come easily to them, so often due to poor dedication, training does not reveal their possible potential.

  1. Ectomorphs

They gain muscle mass with great difficulty, but they have a trump card in the form of peak relief. Fast natural metabolism helps during the drying period.

  1. Endomorphs

Usually the most. But their figure is a mountain of muscle and fat. Gaining muscle mass is easy for them, but creating relief is a big problem.

How are female body types determined?

The idea of ​​an ideal female body is based on societal standards, which are largely subjective and vary across cultures.

The algorithm used in this body type calculator is based on a study published in the International Journal of Fashion, which classified all body types into seven categories . Moreover, within each type there is a wide range of actual sizes. Some forms do not fit into any of the categories at all.

All calculations are based on the ratio of hips, waist and bust.


If (bust - hips) ≤ 2.5 cm AND (hips - bust) 2.5 cm AND (bust - hips) 5 cm AND (hips - waist) ≥ 18 cm AND (top of hips / waist) ≥ 1.193


If (hips - bust) ≥ 9.2 cm AND (hips - waist) According to the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), women with a WHR greater than 0.8 and men with a WHR greater than 1 have more high health risks due to abnormal fat distribution

Test results

Now count which letter you typed more than others.

When predominant in answers:

  • “A” - you belong to the Pear category;
  • “B” - Hourglass;
  • “B” - Rectangles;
  • "G" - Triangles.

If no letter predominates, then limit yourself to summing up the letters in the “Figure Shape” and “Weight Distribution” sections as the most indicative.

These explanations will tell you where fat deposits are usually concentrated in a woman of a particular type.

You can learn how to choose clothes based on your body type from this article.

How does body type relate to health risks?

WHR is most often used to determine degrees of obesity. WHO sets the following parameters:

Both indicators correspond to a body mass index (BMI) above 30, which indicates increased risks for a range of diseases from coronary heart disease and hypertension to diabetes and some types of cancer.

However, the waist ratio was more effective in determining risks in older people (over 75 years of age). WHR has also been shown to be more useful in predicting cardiovascular disease[ii].

WHO specialists also found that abdominal (abdominal) fat, typical for people with an “apple” figure, is more dangerous to health than peripheral fat. The higher the WHR, the worse.

Waist-to-hip ratio also correlates with fertility, with different values ​​being optimal for women and men. With WHR>0.8, women's chances of becoming pregnant are significantly worse. At the same time, WHR>0.9 in men has practically no effect on their reproductive qualities.

Lee, JY, Istook, CL, Nam, YJ, and Park, SM "Comparison of body shape between USA and Korean women", International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.19, No.5, 2007, pp.374- 391.

[ii] Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Bautista L, Franzosi MG, Commerford P, Lang CC, Rumboldt Z, Onen CL, Lisheng L, Tanomsup S, Wangai P, Razak F, Sharma AM, Anand SS (November 2005 ). "Obesity and the risk of myocardial infarction in 27,000 participants from 52 countries: a case-control study." Lancet. 366 (9497): 1640-9.


Determine your body type in 5 minutes

there were as many playthroughs of it as possible. The only thing is, I could be wrong, because I don’t see you and don’t know

Sweet Bitch

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Most likely you... NORMASTHENIC ———— +3

The test has been verified by a community of Critics. Anti-Plagiarism: 100%. Result: excellent test, accurate result. ✔ +3

Most likely you... ASTHENIC

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I am thin and of average height. At 11 years old, I am 144 cm tall. The test is accurate. I'm asthenic, +3

Most likely you are... NORMASTHENIC Yes, it is. +3

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YES IT'S ME +33333333333333.

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Most likely you... ASTHENIC ___________ +3

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Okay, I’ll give it +3, but my hands are itching to put +2 There were mistakes

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Your figure and your style


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More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations! Congratulations! Any clothes suit you! Yours is an hourglass! This is the most flexible figure that suits any style of clothing. but better choose clothes that highlight your waist! Keep it up! +2

More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations!

More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations! Congratulations! Any clothes suit you! Yours is an hourglass! This is the most flexible figure that suits any style of clothing. but better choose clothes that highlight your waist! Keep it up! ___________________________________________________________________________________ Good)))+3

More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations! Congratulations! Any clothes suit you! Yours is an hourglass! This is the most flexible figure that suits any style of clothing. but better choose clothes that highlight your waist! Keep it up! 2+

More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations!

More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations! Congratulations! Any clothes suit you! Yours is an hourglass! This is the most flexible figure that suits any style of clothing. but better choose clothes that highlight your waist! Keep it up! UUUUUUUUUUUALLY Cool

Hourglass. HOORAY.

Uuuuuuraaaaaaaa I have an ideal figure.

More a: If you answered honestly, then congratulations!

Congratulations! Any clothes suit you! Yours is an hourglass! This is the most flexible figure that suits any style of clothing. but better choose clothes that highlight your waist! Keep it up!

Why is it important to determine your body type?

Most people like to measure, classify and fit everything to certain standards. The female figure did not go unnoticed, the parameters of which were divided by experts into several types. Now, having learned to take measurements correctly and evaluate the results, each representative of the fair sex can hide the flaws of her physique or emphasize its advantages.

Data such as skeletal structure, proportions and the nature of body lines are laid down at the genetic level, and no matter how much a woman adheres to all kinds of diets, she most likely will not be able to achieve the notorious parameters of 90-60-90. So why then should you learn to determine your body type?

First of all, such knowledge will help with the following:

Often, girls begin to worry about their reflection in the mirror almost in adolescence, but it is worth remembering that at 12-14 years old, body parameters are not only disproportionate, but also very far from the cherished standards. Pregnancy and childbirth also leave their mark on the figure. Therefore, it is important to take into account such factors and not rush to be picky about your shape and try to correct it with the help of exhausting workouts and diets.

How to determine your body type?

Doctors and fitness trainers prefer to determine body type by wrist, thus dividing body type into:

They also classify body shapes according to the metabolic processes occurring in the body. But the most popular methods are to compare physiques with fruits and geometric elements. According to this, the figure is conventionally divided into 5 types based on body proportions. In order to determine them, you just need a measuring tape and simple calculations that take into account the ratio of the parameters of the hips, shoulders, chest and waist.

Measurements should be taken as follows:

When taking measurements, you should not press the centimeter too tightly to your body, otherwise the obtained values ​​will be incorrect.

When all the data has been received, you can begin to calculate. Trying to simplify the task, some girls prefer to use special online calculators that can be found on websites, but it is not so difficult to determine the type of figure by comparing it with the description, and then checking everything using the Bayou equations.

Determination methods

Determining your body type, or rather which one predominates, is a fairly simple task if you know the basic characteristics of each of them.

There are many ways to determine your body type, which have both advantages and disadvantages.

All of the methods below have some degree of error. Therefore, to obtain a more accurate result, it is better to use 2-3 methods at once. And draw final conclusions based on the information received.

Method of height and weight indicators

Quite a simple and convenient, but very inaccurate method. Use tables with height and weight indicators. According to the numbers from the tables, an assumption is made about the type of constitution.

The main disadvantage of such methods is that the ratio of muscle and fat mass of the body is not taken into account.

Visual assessment method

Probably the easiest way. Using a set of characteristics of each somatotype, the expert visually determines the body type.

In principle, any person who knows anatomy will determine the type of another person with a high degree of probability.

Doctors and trainers are good at this method. It is these two categories of specialists who are often faced with the need to determine their body type.

Descriptive method

Essentially, this is an analysis of the body's inclinations. Another method that requires observation.

Let's look at how to determine the body type of women using the following example:

  • Thin-boned skeleton, above average height, thin, with a narrow pelvis and small breasts
  • The percentage of body fat is low, despite a good appetite. There are no dietary restrictions (she eats any food), but she gains weight with great difficulty
  • Body weight remains stable over many years

It can be said with a high degree of certainty that this is a representative of a pronounced ectomorphic body type.

Using tables and formulas

The most accurate group of methods for determining body type in both men and women is the use of special formulas.

Several indicators are taken into account here:

  • height
  • weight
  • floor
  • age
  • ratio of fat to muscle mass
  • a number of anthropometric measurements, etc.

The body type index is calculated using a formula that includes all of the specified characteristics.

More used in medicine and scientific research. The complexity of the calculations makes it impossible to use this group of methods among ordinary gym goers.

Wrist and Ankle Measurement

You can determine your body type by looking at your wrist or ankle. This is a compromise between the accuracy of science and the “folk” simplicity of measurements.

For example, here's how to determine a man's physique by measuring his wrist:

  • if the wrist circumference is less than 17.5 cm, this is an ectomorphic physique
  • up to 20 cm – mesomorphic
  • over 20 cm – endomorphic

The difference between the girth of the wrist and ankle is usually 5-6 cm. But there are also deviations. If it is on the higher side, then they say that the bottom is “heavier”.

For example, a wrist circumference of 17 cm means the upper body is ectomorphic. And the ankle is 24 cm, which is closer to the mesomorphic type. As a result, the body type is defined as ectomorphic mesomorph.

Apple body type

A characteristic feature of this body type is the absence of a pronounced waist, with almost the same volume of the chest and hips. Women with an apple type most often suffer from excess weight (fat especially accumulates in the back and abdomen). They also have fairly high chests and long, slender legs.

Often the classification of this body type is called O-shaped, diamond, circle or oval.

It is worth noting that if a woman with the shapes described above gets rid of the fat located in the abdominal area, then her figure will become close to an “hourglass”.

Body type

There are many classifications dedicated to the human physique and they are all similar. The only difference is in their names.

The most popular in bodybuilding is the William Sheldon method.

According to her, there are three body types:

  1. Ectomorph

A tall, thin man, with a thin boned skeleton and long limbs.

Characterized by a minimal amount of body fat and poor muscle development. Has great difficulty gaining weight, both muscle and fat.

  1. Mesomorph

A man of athletic build. A naturally gifted bodybuilder, with a narrow waist and broad shoulders. Average height, with pronounced muscles and a small percentage of body fat.

  1. Endomorph

Has a broad-boned skeleton. The figure is characterized by round shapes, a wide waist and a large amount of body fat. Gain weight easily.

Sheldon himself noted that there are very few people with a pronounced set of characteristics of only one type of build.

In life, mixed somatotypes are more common, with a number of signs from each category. And a person is assigned to a certain physique depending on the predominance of certain qualities.

Pear body type

The pear type is considered the most attractive and feminine, since this figure is characterized by narrow shoulders, small breasts and wide hips (hips are 5% wider than the bust or shoulders).

To determine, you need to multiply the largest indicator (usually the width of the shoulders) by 0.95. The obtained result is compared with other parameters.

At the same time, the woman’s stomach is flat, her waist is well defined and no unnecessary folds appear on it. Often, owners of such shapes have a slightly longer upper part. To confirm your conclusions, you need to divide the volume of the hips or shoulders by the volume of the chest. If the resulting figure is greater than 1.05, then the woman has a Pear body type.

Formula: OB/SH = or > 1.05 (where OB is the volume of the hips, and SH is the width of the shoulders).

These shapes are also called A-shapes, trapezoid, triangle or spoon.


Body type H, rectangle

  • shoulders and hips are the same width;
  • the waist is poorly defined, even if you lose weight;
  • strong, stocky body, often slender legs; —
  • straight hips, flat buttocks.

If you:

  • you are distinguished by thin legs and flat buttocks, acquiring some fullness below;
  • as you gain weight, you gain weight in your torso, mainly in the abdomen, “spare tire” area, chest, back and upper thighs;
  • as you gain weight, you lose even a hint of the waist that existed before (from a Rectangle you turn, rather, into a cube);
  • become “deeper,” that is, gain weight in the front;
  • have straight limbs,

then you belong to the Rectangle category.

According to other classifications, this type of figure may be called: type H.

Appearance: wide or medium boned; small breasts; full legs; visual impression of approximately equal width of shoulders, waist and pelvis.

How to gain weight: tendency to form fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs; moderate metabolic rate.

Recommendations for losing weight

Rectangles are naturally endowed with a strong body, but it requires constant intense exercise. Many women of this type experience depression and feel lethargic if they neglect regular exercise.

The physique and temperament of women with this physique are most suitable for aerobics, running, swimming, squash, and tennis. Rectangles act wisely by devoting half an hour or more to physical education three times a week.

In case of severe obesity or long-term neglect of physical education, a woman should first consult a doctor, and then increase the load gradually, starting with fast walking and swimming and only after a few weeks moving on to more intense exercises.

The powerful bodily constitution of the Rectangle is accompanied by a powerful appetite. These women find it difficult to stop when they binge on food, so they require a restrictive diet.

There is enough evidence to show how beneficial a separate diet is for health and weight loss: you don’t need to consume concentrated carbohydrates and concentrated proteins at the same time: meat with salad and vegetables is good, but meat with bread and potatoes is bad.

In a condensed form, the best diet for the Rectangle, who has set the goal of regaining the slimness that distinguished him in his youth, is one full meal a day, so as not to suffer from hunger. Not only is a woman unable to follow a “rabbit” low-protein diet, it exhausts her and makes her pale and sickly in appearance.

Rectangle women are night owls by nature: if children or work do not force them to get up early, they tend to start work late, but do not go to bed for a long time. This means that the main meal should be in the evening.

Breakfast and lunch should be light and low in protein; for breakfast - fruit and muesli, for lunch - salad, boiled potatoes, pitta bread with lettuce, tomato and a couple of pieces of avocado. Snacking throughout the day should be avoided, but dinner can include a sufficient amount of protein (fried fish, steak or chicken), vegetables and something low-carb and low-fat for third (yogurt, fresh fruit).

However, the key to maintaining a slim, youthful figure for the Rectangle is intense exercise. The Rectangle, like the Triangle, needs intense aerobic exercise at least three times a week. The rectangle should make it a rule to intensively swim, run, play tennis or aerobics twice, or preferably three times a week for at least half an hour.


This body type is often called the most harmonious, since its owners have almost equal hip and shoulder volume. At the same time, the waist remains clearly defined regardless of weight gain, and the top and bottom of the body are proportional to each other.

Other names of shapes are “Eight”, “Guitar”, “X” figure.”

Hourglass women have a waist size that is 25% less than the size of their chest, hips and shoulders. So, if the waist parameters are divided by the bust or shoulder parameters, the resulting number will be less than 0.75.

Formula: OT/OB = or “Inverted Triangle”

Often this type is also called T-shaped, V-shaped, “Strawberry” or “Carrot”. Women with this figure have narrow hips, medium-sized breasts, a thin waist and rather massive shoulders. In addition, the upper part of their body is much shorter than the lower part, and their legs are always slender and long.

It is worth noting that it is the inverted triangle body type that is often found among athletes who are keen on swimming or tennis.

This is due to the fact that excess fat accumulates only in the neck, chest, arms and shoulders.

With an Inverted Triangle body shape, the bust or shoulders are 5% larger than the hips. So, if the parameters of the upper part are divided by the parameters of the lower part, the result will be a number greater than 1.05.

Formula: OG/OB = or > 1.05.

Body type test

Your body shape:

1. Undress and look at yourself in the mirror from the front.

a) shoulders and hips of the same width, the waist is barely noticeable or not at all - B) shoulders and hips are the same width, the waist is clearly defined - B c) shoulders are narrower than the hips, the waist is thin - A d) wide shoulders, cone-shaped hips and waist - G

Now take a look at your profile. Let's start with the buttocks: a) they are flat, retracted - C and D b) more rounded, curved - A and B

2. Stay facing the mirror in profile. Where is the weight concentrated? a) in front: bust, belly, “spare tire” (fat belt above the waist) - B and D b) back, in the gluteal region - A c) evenly: front and back, bust and buttocks - B

3. Stand with your back to the mirror and look around. Do you have noticeable saddlebags (deposits of fat in the upper thighs)? a) no - C and D b) yes - A and B

4. Measure your waist and hips at the widest part with a tape measure. Your hips: a) more than 25 cm wider than your waist - A and B b) less than 25 cm wider than your waist - C and D

Weight distribution

5. Stay in front of the mirror. Look at yourself from the front, then in profile. When you gain weight, is it most noticeable: a) when you stand facing a mirror? So you become wider— A and B b) when you stand sideways to the mirror? This means that you are increasing, so to speak, “in depth” - C and D

6. At first you were very graceful, but then for the first time you gained 3 kg of excess weight. Where was this most noticeable? a) in the lower part of the thighs, a little in the abdomen - B b) in the area of ​​the abdomen and the “spare tire” - B c) in the lower part of the thighs - A d) stomach, shoulder girdle, face - D

7. When your excess weight exceeds 3 kg, where is it most noticeable? a) stomach, shoulder girdle, arms above the elbow, upper thighs, i.e. under the waist, inside the thighs; however, the waist remains - D b) mainly in the lower part of the hips, less in the upper torso - A c) everywhere: chest, hips (more there), but the waist still remains - B d) stomach, “spare tire”, chest , back, upper thighs; from the waist, already barely noticeable, nothing remains - B

8. If you gained another 3 kg, would your face look noticeably fuller? a) yes - C and D b) no - A and B

9. If you gained another 3 kg, would your arms and legs look noticeably fuller? a) yes - B and C b) no - A and D

Energy and nutrition

10. Regardless of kids, work, etc., when you have the most mental energy: a) I'm slow to get going, the most creative energy takes over me in the evening - B) physically I'm equally energetic all day, but creatively - in the second half the day - A c) insights come to me in the morning, I go to bed early - D d) ebbs and flows of creative energy throughout the day - B

11. Regardless of the environment and work (and when you are not on a diet), what is the correct way to determine your eating habit: a) I eat something all day - B b) I eat irregularly, as needed, I don’t eat heavily in the evening - D c) brutal appetite: once I start eating, I can’t stop—B d) I can go for a long time without eating, I rarely overeat—A

Physical training

12. How athletic were you during your school years?

a) did not like gymnastics and fierce team games. She preferred tennis and quiet games to competitions - A b) was a great sports enthusiast, loved gymnastics, team games, tried to participate in all sports at sports competitions - B c) was athletic, loved competition, but not in team, but in individual events, tennis glasses, gymnastics, dancing - G d) excelled in everything, but more in team events; I was more attracted not by the competition, but by the camaraderie in the team - B

13. If you want to lose weight, then you: a) go on a diet without increasing physical activity - A b) go on a diet and would not mind increasing physical activity, but do not show the necessary enthusiasm for the latter - B c) maintain a diet , regularly engage in physical exercise and do not intend to give it up—C d) you were athletic before, and now you supplement sports with a diet and increased exercise—D

14. If you actively engage in sports, will you become depressed? Do you start to gain weight if you stop working out? a) yes - C and D b) no - A and B

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