55 Great Quotes from Athletes about Sports and Motivation

Motivational phrases for athletes: quotes from famous people

Sometimes in the middle of the journey or very close to the finish line, we turn inside ourselves to find the strength to move on. We have collected 20 phrases that will fill you with motivation and determination.

1. Many people fail only because they give up two steps away from success. (Simon Hartley)

2. Inaction creates anxiety and fear. Action - confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and don't think about it. Get up and take action. (Meg Jay)

3. The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of cisterns or a teaspoon instead of a backhoe. They expect little and end up getting little. (Ben Sweetland)

4. Opportunities don’t come by themselves—you create them.

5. Start from where you are now. Use what you have and do the best you can. (Arthur Ash)

6. Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it. (Charles de Gaulle)

7. Never think that you have lost a competition if you still have the last exercise left. (Larisa Latynina)

8. Triumph does not give real strength, it is formed by struggle. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

9. If a person gets up after falling, this is not physics, this is character.

10. Past victories, no matter how significant they may be, do not provide any additional privileges. (Lev Yashin)

11. You can be anything you want if you put in the time. (Conor McGregor)

12. Life is not what you get. It's what you do with what you receive. (Stephanie Perkins)

13. If you feel like you're giving up, remember why you were holding on before. (Jared Leto)

14. Any difficulty is given for something.

15. Each of us is endowed with innate strengths and abilities that simply need to be discovered, not reinvented. (Richard Branson)

16. The day when you fully take responsibility for your own future and stop looking for excuses for doubts will be the day you begin to move to the top. (O. J. Simpson)

17. Don't listen to those who tell you to play the violin when you play the drums perfectly. (Jose Mourinho)

18. If you're not going to go all the way, then why are you even doing this? (Namath)

19. Playing sports is never superfluous. But it’s better to understand this now, and not at the moment when half a dozen zombies are chasing your fat, heavily breathing body. (Avicenna)

20. People make the mistake of considering great Olympians to be athletes. Everyone is an athlete. If you have a body, then you are an athlete. (Phil Knight)

Why do you need motivation?

Motivation is a stimulus to action, an internal push, thanks to which a person accomplishes his plans. In its absence, it is difficult to achieve any results, even small ones.

Motivation for sports is an important aspect, not inferior in importance to the training process.
Every action a person performs is dictated by his motives. This is what motivates him to action. If there are none, then he will not take any action. Or the steps taken will be so small that they will not lead to the desired result.

There are many examples when a weaker athlete defeated a stronger one only because he had a greater desire to win.

Nevertheless, motivation is needed not only to achieve any global goals, but also for daily routine actions.

Give yourself a tangible reward

A bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky. Visionary goals like “good health,” “longevity,” “a stunning body,” or “I’m on trend” may not be tangible enough for most. What to do? Come up with a reward that you can “touch.” For example, you can treat yourself to something sweet after a grueling trip to the pool.


Charles Duhigg, an American writer, Yale University graduate and Pulitzer Prize winner for excellence, talks in detail about how this works. In his book “The Power of Habit. Why we live and work the way we do." Charles delves into the science behind the formation of ingrained habits and describes the three-step creation of a neurological "habit loop." Let's try to briefly explain what it is.

Firstly, there is a sign that forces the brain to turn on automatic mode and launch a habitual action, then the action itself follows (physical, mental and emotional), and it all ends with receiving a reward. The last stage is especially important: thanks to it, the action acquires a certain benefit for you. It is because of this that the brain understands that the game is worth the trouble, and in the future it more willingly or simply automatically starts the “habit loop”.

Let's translate what we read into a real situation. You pack your bag for the gym (sign), train (action), relax to the latest episode of your favorite TV series (reward).

Over time, motivation begins to come from within, because the brain directly associates sweat and pain with the upcoming release of endorphins - the very happiness hormones that give our brain pleasure.

Work on positive thinking

99% of early rises are not good. However, as soon as you imagine yourself stretching out on your bed in the evening with your favorite book in your hands, pleasant notes of anticipation will immediately color a not-so-terrible morning. Now you are among the remaining 1%! And all because positive visualization is a faithful ally of motivation. Think about how great it is to watch your abs form, and the moral strength to go to the gym will appear by itself.

However, dreams alone are not enough; certain conditions must be met. Gabriele Oettingen, Ph.D., psychologist at New York University, author of several books, talks about them. In Rethinking Positive Thinking, Gabriel describes a rigorous framework for positive thinking that can produce positive results. It consists of:

  • understanding what you want to achieve;
  • representations of what the result is associated with;
  • identifying obstacles that may be encountered on the way to the goal;
  • formulating ways to overcome possible obstacles.

The proposed scheme is based on a study in which fifty students took part with a firm intention to eat healthier food. The girls were asked to imagine the benefits of proper nutrition. Those who clearly understood the goal and built a detailed plan to achieve it were more successful in their endeavor.

Money bet - motivation for the confident or desperate

A cash bet is a great way to warm up your promise. Agree with friends or acquaintances that for each missed day of training you will pay one of them an indemnity. To eliminate deception and cowardice, appoint someone as an arbiter and give him for safekeeping a sum of money equal to passes for a week in advance. Now that there is a monetary motivation in the dispute, your betting partner will be watching for the most minimal signs of your weakness! People don't like losing money.

If you are confident in your abilities, you can even make money on your willpower. On the popular online platform stickK, launched by Yale University employees, you can declare your intentions to the whole world, indicate deadlines, and put your reputation or money on the line. Your bet will be supported by other users of the site. If you fail, you will lose your bet; if you win, you will earn a little more than what you bet.

It is enough to make a deal with weakness once to destroy everything.

Phrases motivation for earning money. 32 Inspirational Quotes to Boost Your Motivation

Looking for a job is a process that is always fraught with uncertainty and stress. Many people lose enthusiasm and self-confidence. At times like these, it's important to remember that tens of thousands of people have been through what you're going through and have done it successfully.

Often good advice or an inspiring phrase helps us look at familiar things in a new way. We offer you 32 quotes from successful people, among which you may find one that will lift your spirits and, at the same time, motivate you.

1. “Our greatest weakness is that we give up. The surest way to succeed is to try again.” - Thomas Edison

2. “One of the ways to learn to do something right is to do it wrong first.” – Jim Rohn

3. “What defines your career is not what you achieve, it is what you overcome.” — Carlton Fisk

4. “You can’t build a reputation on something you’re about to do.” - Henry Ford

5. “Those who are not content with just fulfilling their duties reach the top.” — Og Mandino

6. “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. He visits us at midnight. It’s wonderful when it comes and is given right into our hands. He hopes that we have learned at least some lesson from yesterday." – John Wayne

7. “In order to succeed, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

8. “The only way to get real satisfaction from work is to do it excellently and be aware of it. And the only way to do your job perfectly is to love it. If you haven't found your favorite thing yet, keep looking.” - Steve Jobs

9. “To achieve anything, you need to have two things: a plan and a lack of time.” – Leonard Bernstein

10. “A fork in two roads - I chose the one where you bypass travelers a mile away. Everything else doesn’t matter!” – Robert Frost

11. “Build your own dreams, otherwise someone else will use you to build theirs.” – Farah Gray

12. “No one can go back and make another start. But everyone can start today and reach a different finish.” – Karl Bard

13. “Of the shots you didn’t take, 100% were off target.” – Wayne Gretzky

14. “I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was entrusted with making the decisive shot and I missed. I have failed very often in my life. That's why I became a star." - Michael Jordan

16. “Any job is difficult. Look for a job whose complexity you will enjoy.” - Unknown author

17. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

18. “Whether you think you can do something or you think you can’t do it, you are right in both cases” - Henry Ford

19. “Personally, I love strawberries and cream, but for some reason fish prefers worms. That’s why when I go fishing, I don’t think about what I love, but about what the fish love.” - Dale Carnegie

20. “Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.” - Henry Ford

22. “Fewer people bend over from hard work than bend over from trying to avoid work.” – Zig Ziglar

23. “Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible.” – Frank Zappa

24. “It’s never too late to become who you could be.” – George Eliot

25. “A man who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein

26. “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often don’t notice it, staring at the closed door.” – Helen Keller.

28. “Obstacles are all those scary things you see only when you take your eyes off your goal.” - Henry Ford

29. “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” – Thomas Jefferson

30. “People who cannot motivate themselves must settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.” – Andrew Carnegie

31. “If you want to be luckier, try harder.” - Brian Tracy

32. “The only condition on which success depends is patience” - Leo Tolstoy

Quotes for girls to motivate them to do sports

Starting to play sports is not difficult. What's really hard to do is continue training. This is supported by statistics and many people know this from experience. Don't want to be included in the statistics? Are you ready to work on yourself and make every effort to change your life for the better? Use inspirational quotes.

We have selected a unique selection of motivating phrases especially for women. By reading them, you will gradually but surely strengthen your desire to continue exercising.

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