Stanozolol injections: description, features, application patterns and reviews

  • October 31, 2018
  • Sports nutrition
  • Tatyana Andreeva

Injectable Stanozolol has a strong androgenic-anabolic effect. It is used to increase strength and increase muscle volume. At the moment, the use of the drug in sports and competitions is officially prohibited. But many athletes in boxing, powerlifting, bodybuilding and other sports that require muscle mass and explosive strength actively use this remedy. The drug is sold in two forms: injectable and tablet. In this article we will talk in more detail about Stanozolol injections.

Steroid profile

The drug, both in tablets and in injections, demonstrates:

  • 30% androgenic effects from testosterone and 320% anabolic;
  • toxicity level is moderate;
  • no aromatization;
  • is active for up to eight hours;
  • the detection period is 360 days.

It is practically impossible for athletes taking part in competitions to take Stanozolol by injection. Indeed, with the help of the latest methods, traces of steroid use can be detected even a year after the end of use.


  • - anabolic - three or more times.
  • - androgenic - three times less.

There is no aromatization. Release form tablets and ampoules. The degree of impact on the liver - from any form of administration - is moderate. Activity – up to 8 hours. The time period for traces on doping control is up to a year. Winstrol is practically not used by actively competing professional athletes due to the long-lasting effect of the presence of its traces in analyses. However, amateurs like it because of the following factors.

Scope of application

The drug is especially popular among powerlifters, bodybuilders and weightlifters. Professional athletes most often use this steroid during preparation for competitions. The active substance of the product does not retain fluid in the body, and muscle hardness and elasticity is achieved through a diet enriched with proteins in combination with a course of Stanozolol injections.

The composition of the drug allows the formation of high-quality muscle tissue without the accumulation of water, which is why Stanozolol is considered one of the most interesting steroids. Still, it is worth paying attention to the androgenic component present in the composition, which blocks rapid muscle gain.

The result after using the Stanozolol course persists even after completing the course, which is a big plus. It is also worth noting that the components of the drug increase strength indicators. Therefore, the steroid is great for those who do not want to leave their weight category, but want to increase their strength indicator.

Side effects and contraindications

In general, Winstrol has no contraindications. When taking the drug, side effects are extremely rare. If the course is compiled correctly, then there are none at all. However, every athlete, especially a beginner, should know that Stanozolol contained in Winstrol can cause certain side effects.

Reviews about the side effects of Stanozolol and methods for eliminating them are as follows:

  • arterial hypertension - eliminated with the help of antihypertensive drugs;
  • increased cholesterol levels in the blood - eliminated by taking Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • injection may be accompanied by painful sensations during the injection;
  • Taking Winstrol tablets has a bad effect on liver function;
  • myocardial hypertrophy - the higher the dose, the greater the risk;
  • headache;
  • muscle spasms.

To support the liver, kidneys and heart, Winstrol should be combined with nutritional supplements that have a corresponding effect.

Side effects of Winstrol in men often manifest themselves in the form of suppression of endogenous testosterone production. A study showed that in healthy men taking 10 mg of Stanozol per day for 2 weeks, testosterone levels decreased by 55%. After completing the course, testosterone levels return to normal within 1-4 months. Secondary use of Winstrol can cause long-term hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. In this case, it will not be possible to do without medical intervention.

Unpleasant property

The peculiarity of Stanozolol injections is that the drug does not retain water, and its absence leads to problems with the joints, which, against the background of increased endurance and strength, can lead to injuries. Often athletes experience a sandy feeling in the knees, and this is the safest symptom from taking a steroid with little androgen support. That is why it is undesirable to take the drug as the only remedy on the course. Otherwise, you need to be prepared for more dangerous consequences.

How to prevent

In order to reduce the side effects of Stanozolol, athletes combine it with drugs that have a higher androgenic effect. These include: “Methandrostenolone”, “Nandrolone decanoate”, “Anapolon - 250”, “Testosterone” and the like.

By combining the steroid with the above drugs, the athlete protects his joints and receives a good increase in muscle mass and strength indicators. The quality of the muscles is determined by the minimum fluid retention in the body, which the drug will remove.


How to inject Stanozolol? An injectable steroid requires fairly frequent injections. At the same time, most athletes apply Stanozolol not only to the buttocks, but also to the biceps, triceps, and deltoid muscles. This is done because the injection makes the muscle more rigid and causes additional enlargement.

Both in powerlifting and bodybuilding, the introduction of a steroid into the body can be daily, every other day or every 2 days. Stanozolol injection should not exceed 50 mg per day.

The “1+1” scheme, that is, when you take an anabolic steroid one day and rest from it for a day, is suitable for powerlifting, as well as for those who have already used anabolic steroids.

The “1+2” scheme is suitable for women and beginners, as well as athletes who want to stay in the same weight category, but want to gain strength.

Taking the drug in a “solo” course is not advisable, as it removes water from the joints, which can easily turn into an unpleasant side effect. Professionals advise combining Stanozolol injections with other steroids.

Features of reception for women

It is also worthwhile to understand the dosage of Winstrol containing Stanozolol for women. How to take Stanozolol tablets? If the body is young, then the daily dose should be 4 mg. If there is an urgent need, the dose can be increased to 6 mg. Course – 4-6 weeks.

As a rule, the female body tolerates Winstrol well. However, injection courses of this drug are not recommended for women due to the risk of androgen accumulation. If you still prefer injectable drugs, then it is better to divide one ampoule into two doses. You should take breaks between injections. The optimal dose is 25 mg once every 3-4 days.

Women are not recommended to take Winstrol to improve muscle definition or increase workout performance. In this case, it is more difficult to control the level of hormones in the blood.


Although this course is considered dangerous for the joints, some athletes use it to obtain high-quality muscle relief, as well as while drying the body. The effect of use is especially visible in athletes with moderate fat content and sufficient body weight.

Stanozolol injections in the “solo” course are used, as written above, 50 mg per day. For track and field athletes, boxers, and other athletes who require endurance, it is enough to use 10-20 mg per day. The course lasts from 5 to 8 weeks. It is necessary to start using a steroid only after consultation with a specialist or sports doctor, and after its completion, post-cycle therapy is required. PCT brings the body back to normal after taking dangerous anabolic steroids.

Combined course

The combination of an anabolic with drugs such as Anadrol, Methandrostenolone or Testosterone, which has a stronger androgenic effect, can reduce the possibility of side effects and increase efficiency.

How to take Stanozolol injections during a combined course? The main rule when combining the drug with other steroids is the total volume of AAS. It should not exceed 500 mg per week. This applies to non-professional athletes. The daily dosage does not differ from the “solo” course.

Winstrol (stanozolol)

In terms of its effect, it is a progesterone antagonist, although it does not interfere with the progestogenic effect of nandrolones. Winstrol Depot is one of the few single-base injectable steroids. When taken in tablet form, the active substance does not decompose into its components when it enters the liver, and has strong absorption and assimilation. But it is worth considering: in the chemical formula there is an alkyl group in the alpha-17 position, which indicates the toxicity of large doses of the drug to the liver. It is impossible to indicate an excessive dose, since it is individual for each organism. Although the virtual absence of clearly expressed negative reactions allows this drug to be used by female athletes. Although the doses for them are several times smaller and constant medical supervision is required to avoid masculinization and virilization. Stanozolol/Winstrol (Steroid profile versus testosterone):

Stanozolol: injections or tablets

Most athletes who have used Stanozolol tablets report its weak effect on the body compared to the injection form. Yes, strength and high-quality muscle mass are growing, fluid retention in the body is not observed. Energy also increases, which is very important for bodybuilders. After all, with a pre-competition lack of calories, it is very difficult to withstand heavy training. However, the results obtained are noticeably inferior to the results when using injections. It is assumed that this is due to the content of the active substance in one tablet - from 2 to 5 milligrams, if you take the drug from the original manufacturer. In this case, it turns out that to gain the required 50 milligrams per day you need to take from 10 to 25 tablets. And this is fraught with consequences for the gastrointestinal tract and increased load on the liver.

Stanozolol: description and mechanism of action

By its chemical nature, Winstrol Solo is a progesterone antagonist - a peptide that affects sexual function, pregnancy and human embryogenesis. It is an intermediate product in the production of sex hormones and glucocorticosteroids.

The main link in the mechanism of action of stanozolol is penetration into the cell nucleus. There it increases the synthesis of genetic material (DNA and RNA) and proteins. This leads to increased tissue respiration, oxidative phosphorylation processes, as well as the production and deposition of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate is the main energy substrate of the cell).

These effects lead to the activation of anabolic and inhibition of catabolic reactions.

Composition and chemical formula

In terms of its chemical structure, Stanozolol is an analogue of human dihydrotestosterone (differing in the carbonyl group at the 3rd position replaced by +3,2-pyrazole and the methyl group at the 17α-position). This molecular structure makes Winstrol a drug with high bioavailability (most of the administered dose enters the bloodstream, producing effects).

The drug is metabolized primarily by the liver, so strict dose control is required for diseases of this organ. The half-life ranges from 10 to 24 hours. First of all, this indicator is influenced by the form in which Winstrol is located (injection - 4-5, tablet - 18-24 hours). Winstrol is excreted from the body in urine and bile.

How does the substance work?

Stanozolol has an effect on all types of metabolic processes, including energy, electrolyte, and hormonal profiles.

Some effects of Winstrol:

  • anabolic effect;
  • influence on the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus;
  • increased erythropoiesis;
  • androgenic activity.

Winstrol and other drugs in this group have anabolic activity. This is primarily due to increased synthesis of proteins and ATP. Active assembly of peptide chains leads to a noticeable increase in muscle mass. The increased content of ATP in the cell has a beneficial effect on the endurance and strength of the athlete.

Also, many researchers claim that Stanozolol has a fat-burning effect. This significantly improves the condition of the muscles and relief. These effects explain the widespread use of Winstrol in bodybuilding.

The use of stanozolol alone promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones. There is also an increase in the content of nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus in the body due to protein molecules.

Winstrol affects hematopoiesis (blood formation). It increases the synthesis of erythropoietin in the kidneys, which leads to increased production of red blood cells (RBCs).

Stanozolol has androgenic activity. In men, this can lead to disruption of endogenous testosterone production. As for girls and women of childbearing age, it is necessary to refrain from taking this drug or use the minimum dose.

Excessive amounts of androgens can lead to reproductive dysfunction and the development of secondary sexual characteristics of the male type.

Side effects

When taking the drug, the following negative manifestations may occur:

  • suppression of the production of your own hormone testosterone while taking the steroid and for some time after stopping use;
  • acne;
  • baldness;
  • at high dosages it has a toxic effect on the liver;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart disease;
  • suppression of ovarian activity;
  • bone pain;
  • gynecomastia;
  • frequent urination;
  • digestive system disorder.

Most of these manifestations occur after long-term use of an anabolic steroid or with increased dosages of the drug.

Adverse reactions from Stanozolol

Despite the prolonged retention of traces of the drug in doping tests, Stanozolol actually does not affect the body as much as similar steroids. Therefore, it is very popular among female athletes. It has virtually no estrogenic activity - so no gynecomastia or swelling. Although it is worth knowing that Winstrol dries out the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, if you have recently injured ligaments, carefully consider the need to take this medication! And keep in mind that during this period the loads (especially strength ones) will have to be reduced so as not to injure yourself with seemingly familiar weights. Monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels – they may rise. Well, the standard “set” of a bodybuilder is acne, hair loss, suppression of the body’s own testosterone, etc. To help the liver, hepaprotectors can be recommended.

Stanozolol injections: reviews

In general, there are more positive reviews about the drug on forums and in sports communities. Most athletes report a good fat burning effect. Athletes take the steroid both in injection and tablet form. O is perfect for the drying period of the body. In addition to bodybuilders, track and field athletes also leave good reviews about the steroid. After all, with a certain dosage regimen, it increases strength and endurance, without increasing weight and muscle growth. Reviews say it's good for beginners. In addition, AAS can be combined with most anabolic steroids and androgens.

Effectiveness of Stanozolol:

First of all, this is a clear increase in muscle definition and a beautiful “drawing” of veins on the body. Although it provides almost no muscle gain, its fat-burning abilities are impressive! By the summer season - to show off on the beach, Winstrol is enough - it will remove all the fat and excess fluid from the cells. Naturally, the scales will show less weight, and your clothing size will change. Although your appetite will remain good or even increase. The effectiveness of other androgenic and anabolic substances will increase. The level of sex hormone binding globulin decreases. It has not been scientifically confirmed, but according to reviews, there are effects - antiprogestagenic and antiesrogenic. Strength and endurance characteristics go up.

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