Program 5 to 5: description of methods, effectiveness, results, reviews

  • August 3, 2018
  • Workouts in the gym
  • Olga Nikolaeva

This 5x5 training program was developed by the Belgian Arab Mehdi. Every beginner and even a bodybuilder goes to the gym with the goal of becoming stronger, gaining muscle and getting rid of excess fat. The system of this training allows you to achieve this result. The point of the classes is that you need to perform a set of exercises according to a given 5 by 5 system. In simple words, this means doing three exercises a day, five times and five approaches each. You need to devote about 45 minutes a day to exercise, visit the gym every other day, namely at least three times a week.

It should be noted that this program gives a high success rate. It is more suitable for increasing muscle mass. It will be especially appreciated by those who have just started training and are expecting quick results.

Complex diagram

The 5x5 training program should proceed as follows:

  1. One day: perform bent-over barbell rows, bench presses, and barbell squats.
  2. Day two: do deadlifts with a barbell in free weight, perform standing barbell presses and squats with the same barbell.

This program is designed that classes will take place 3 times a week so that the muscles can rest and recover. After all, during the recovery period, muscles grow, so rest a day at least after a training day. For example, Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, other options are possible.

The main thing is to alternate workouts no matter what day they fall on. For convenience, you can mark sequence A and B on your calendar so that the workouts are not repeated every day.

A 5 by 5 workout program means doing one exercise with 5 sets of 5 reps each. Only workers need to take into account 5 approaches. In bodybuilding, it is customary to call a working approach not the one performed for warming up or warming up, but a full-fledged exercise with a weight that is optimal for the load.

Only deadlifts in this program are performed in one set of 5 repetitions. Training approaches also need to be done before moving on to working ones.

As in any other training for mass and strength, in this one you need to increase the weight of the barbell. It is best to stick to an increase of two and a half kilograms. As for the increase in pancakes in the deadlift, you can increase it by 5 kilograms.

Meal plan

This huge monster, already weighing around 130 kilograms, expressed his desire to gain at least 13 kilograms of muscle mass in 4 months using a strict training program, diet and steroid cycle, which he began in early 2016. He documented the entire process daily with videos on his YouTube channel. He added one meal to his diet every week. In January he started with 4 meals a day, but insisted that within 4 months he could work his way up to more than 15 meals a day. For breakfast every morning, he prepared oatmeal and egg whites in a ratio of 50 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbohydrates. After his workout, he ate 50 grams of carbohydrates from either a sweet potato or his Real Food carbohydrate product, which does not count as food in his plan. He didn't talk more about his diet. However, we know from his videos that each meal had a ratio of 50 protein and 50 carbohydrates, and he tried to maintain this ratio regardless of the form of food.[6],[7]

“There is no such thing as overtraining. You're either lacking nutrients or you're sleeping."

What weight should I start with?

For experienced athletes who know their working weight, it is better to start a training complex with a barbell half as large as their maximum.

For those who have just come to the sport or have not picked up a barbell for a long time, but already want to start doing 5 on 5 exercises, then you should adhere to the following parameters to get started:

  • Bench press, squats and standing press - perform with an empty bar, its weight is 20 kg.
  • Bent-over barbell row - put two five-kilogram weights on the bar, for a total of 30kg.
  • Deadlift – there are two 10 kilogram weight plates on the bar, for a total initial weight of 40 kg.

Workout A


Sets: 5, reps: 5

Step 1: Get into a squat rack and grab the barbell with your hands as comfortably as possible. Stand under the bar and squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower down, wedging yourself under the bar so that it rests on your trapezius or the back of your shoulders. Step 2: Retract the barbell and step back with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly turned outward. Almost without allowing your legs to move, try to twist both legs into the floor - you will feel the gluteal muscles tighten and the arches of your feet rise. Take a deep breath into your belly, bend your knees until the hamstrings are stretched, and lower your body down. Extend your knees as you go down. Step 3: Squat as low as possible, keeping your head, spine, and pelvis level, and then extend your hips and knees to return to a standing position.


Sets: 5, reps: 5

Step 1. Hang on the beam, arms shoulder-width apart, palms facing you. Lower your ribs and keep your core strong. Step 2: Pull your shoulder blades back and together and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. If your body weight is insufficient, attach excess weight with a belt or hold a dumbbell between your legs.

Lateral arm raises

Sets: 3, reps: 8–12

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Step 2: Raise your arms 90 degrees to your sides with your elbows straight. Lower them back down.

Examples of training weeks

Table of the first week with initial weights and exercises according to the 5x5 program:

Monday Wednesday Friday
Exercise weight Exercise weight Exercise weight
1. Barbell squat 20kg 1. Barbell squat 22.5kg 1. Barbell squat 25kg
2.Bench press 20kg 2.Standing press 20 kg 2.Bench press 22.5kg
3. Bent-over barbell row 30kg 3. Deadlift 40kg 3. Bent-over barbell row 32.5kg

Table of the second week according to the 5x5 training complex method:

Monday Wednesday Friday
Exercise Weight Exercise weight Exercise weight
1. Barbell squat 27.5kg 1. Barbell squat 30kg 1. Barbell squat 32kg
2.Standing press 22.5kg 2.Bench press 25kg 2.Standing press 25kg
3. Deadlift 45kg 3. Bent-over barbell row 35kg 3. Deadlift 50kg

Workout B

Bench press

Sets: 5, reps: 5

Step 1: Lie on a bench and arch your back, pulling your shoulder blades down and together. Grasp the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and pull it out of the rack.

Step 2: Take a deep breath, tighten your glutes, and lower the barbell toward your sternum, tucking your elbows to your sides at a 45-degree angle on the descent. When the bar touches your body, push your feet toward the floor and press down on the bar at the same time.

Bent over press

Sets: 5, reps: 5

Step 1: Place the barbell on a rack positioned at hip height. Grasp the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart and pull it out of the rack. Take a step back and place your feet hip-width apart; hold the barbell at arm's length from your hips. Take a deep breath, bend your knees until the hamstrings are tight—keep your head, spine, and pelvis level. Bend until your torso is almost parallel to the floor.

Step 2: Lift your shoulder blades together as you pull the barbell toward your belly button.

Romanian deadlift

Sets: 3 reps: 8–12

Step 1: Place the barbell on a rack positioned at hip height. Grasp the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart and pull it out of the rack. Take a step back and place your feet hip-width apart; hold the barbell at arm's length from your hips. Step 2: Take a deep breath, bend your knees until your hamstrings are tight—keeping your head, spine, and pelvis level until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. If necessary, bend your knees on the way down. On the way up, squeeze your glutes and return to a standing position.

How much rest during breaks?

It is very important to rest between sets of one exercise so that you have enough strength for the next five repetitions, but not for too long. At first, the initial weight in the 5 by 5 training program is still small, there should be no need for long breaks, and later, when the load increases, the pause should be increased proportionally. Tips on how to properly take a break between sets:

  • 1-2 minutes if the approach is completed easily,
  • 3 minutes, when the last approach is difficult to complete,
  • 5 minutes of rest if the last five repetitions could not be completed fully.

Powerlifting - what is it, its differences

Powerlifting or powerlifting is a sport. Athletes competing in powerlifting competitions set their main goal to overcome the resistance of the maximum weight for the athlete. Raising maximum weights occurs in three exercises; the competitive results of weightlifters of the same weight category are compared with each other and assessed in total based on the weights taken in all 3 exercises.

Bodybuilding is aimed primarily at developing muscle mass, relief and body proportions, and does not require high functionality, while powerlifting is focused on constantly increasing strength results.

Powerlifters do not need to develop endurance, unlike track and field athletes, as well as athletes competing in the CrossFit discipline.

Increasing load and progression

The main point of a set of three exercises per day is the need to increase the load in each workout. Without adding weight to the apparatus, there can be no progress towards the desired result.

This workout program will work to gain weight, as long as you remember to increase your protein intake. Because with increasing loads, rapid recovery requires the supply of energy, which can be provided by proper and frequent nutrition of the body.

So, how to properly increase the load? It’s simple, as soon as all approaches with five repetitions are performed from start to finish correctly and without difficulty, then in the next workout you need to increase the weight by 2.5 kg, that is, add 1.25 kg of pancakes to the bar on each side. And in the deadlift, if the exercise is successfully completed, increase the weight by five kg.

Do not neglect the recommendations for the weight of the projectile. Even if the starting weight seems too light. After all, by adhering to the developed program, at the end of the month another 30 kg will be added to the free bar, in the end it will be as much as 50 kg. At the end of the second month, the same bar with weights will weigh 80 kg, and the third - 110 kg. Strict adherence to the 5x5 training rules and gradual weight gain over three months will lead to the desired result.

About the author of the program

Judging by numerous quotes and links from various sources, the “inventor” of this program is the idol and idol of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former “Mr. Universe” and the great actor who played in several films about Hercules - Reg Park.

Reg was born in 1928 in England, and died in 2007 from melanoma.

Already in 1949, Reg became the winner of the Mr. Britain competition and, inspired by his own success, left for the USA for six months. In the USA, the gifted young man is met by the “great and terrible” Joe Weider, who, seeing Reg’s excellent potential, begins to advertise him in his own magazines.

Since 1952, Reg has lived in South Africa (at that time it was calm and good there), opened a network of his own gyms, trained and starred in films about the adventures of Hercules. And in 1958 and 1965, Reg Park won the title “Mr. Universe”.

How to warm up

A warm-up to circulate blood throughout the body must be done every time before training with a barbell. Examples of such exercises include: jumping rope, treadmill and muscle stretching. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that later working with the barbell will not be a burden.

Also, the warm-up must include two training sets of 5 repetitions. The weight should be light. To begin with, you can take an empty bar, then gradually begin to add weight. Gradually adding pancakes, as during the initial training period. Thus, continue to train according to the 5 by 5 system until the weight reaches the working weight. And with the working weight, it’s time to do full 5x5. So it turns out that if you start your warm-up with an empty bar and add a little weight at a time, there may be twice as many sets in total with training ones.

Long breaks between warm-up exercises should not be taken.

Naturally, it makes no sense to do a warm-up with a barbell during the first days of training, since the very first weight is the working weight. This means that at the initial stage, immediately after warming up, you can begin working approaches.

As for deadlifts, whether bent over or deadlifts, you don’t need to start with an empty bar. It is better to have minimal plates on the bar and gradually increase their number. This is explained by the fact that these exercises need to be done at the end of the workout, so warming up is not needed. And also the technique of performing without pancakes will suffer significantly.

5% Nutrition – Rich Piano brand

Over the last few years, Rich has been putting a lot of emphasis on his 5% Nutrition brand. 5% concerns all areas of life: finance and business, the pursuit of happiness and freedom, family, sports, lifestyle, education, personal development, etc. Of course, choosing this path is not easy, so only 5% of people can take on the challenge.

Why 5%?

5% represents the percentage of people who actually do their best to achieve their dreams, achieve their goals and the life they dream of.

What is the mission of 5%?

5%'s mission is to provide the best nutritional supplements for the best results that will help you become a better person. Innovative, research-backed ingredients combined with high quality, produced using the latest technology. [11],[12]

Interesting facts about Rich Piano

  • His mother was a bodybuilder.
  • He started training at age 11.
  • At the age of 13, he was already adjusting his diet and training twice a day.
  • He first stood on the competition podium when he was 15 years old. [9]

Weight loss

It happens that with such a rapid rate of increase in load, the body does not have time to recover properly and perform the exercises becoming harder and harder. If you can’t do five sets of five reps with the working weight well, then you can’t add weight. On the next training day, repeat the exercise with the same weight. And only when you manage to perform a difficult weight with all the necessary approaches with the required number of repetitions without delay, then only after such a training day can you add pancakes to the next one. This applies to each exercise separately, that is, whether to add it in the squat or not depends on the situation, also in the bench press or deadlift exercise and others too.

If the weight seems too difficult and cannot be performed for three workouts in a row, then it is recommended to reduce the weight of the barbell by 10% in this exercise.

So, for example, exercise 5 to 5 deadlift with a barbell weighing 80 kg cannot be performed for three training days in a row. Calculation of working weight at the moment: 80-10% = 72 kg. Since in the deadlift exercise the weight increase is performed by 5 kg, then 72 is rounded down and then the working weight will be equal to 65 kg. Thus, going back a little, you need to continue to train and increase weight until you achieve results. There is no need to reduce weight in other exercises.

Why will this work

Remember the story of the wrestler Milo from Ancient Greece, who got stronger for the Olympics by carrying a newborn calf on his back every day? The calf grew every day and its weight became greater. This stimulation of Milo's body allowed him to become stronger and more resilient and turned him into one of the strongest men of that time.

You won't have to carry a calf, of course, but lift actual weights, but the idea is the same. This functionality, strength and endurance is available for several reasons:

  • Using free weights. A loose apparatus forces the body to balance the weight using a huge number of accessory and stabilizing muscles.
  • Multi-joint exercises. The more muscles involved in one movement, the greater the incentive to increase mass and strength.
  • Using barbells rather than dumbbells. It is easier and safer to squat with a 180 kg barbell than to hold two 90 kg dumbbells. In addition, using a barbell it is much easier to add 2.5 kg. Progression becomes more convenient.
  • 5 reps. The more repetitions you do, the more you deplete your energy resources. Lift heavier weights while in better shape - this work is much harder than high-repetition sets, which means there is more incentive to increase strength and mass.
  • Training frequency. The more often you do the exercise, the more effective you become at it, the better your adaptation. This is the key to becoming stronger.

If you can squat 140kg 5x5, then you are too strong for this program. Look for other more advanced programs and training methods. But if you are not yet able to squat with such intensity, then StrongLifts 5 x 5 is a good way to get stronger in a short period of time.

How much to study

It is necessary to study according to this scheme for at least 3 months. As for the maximum, this is purely individual, some can study for 4 months, six months, while others can do it for a whole year. This depends on various reasons: regimen, nutrition, age, gender, etc. In general, you need to follow this complex until you have the strength to increase the weight, at least not every workout, and even if you have to decrease it, but then, anyway, it turns out take more.

When it is no longer possible to add weight to the apparatus and the count goes not to days, but to weeks, then this indicates that the maximum from the 5 to 5 program has been squeezed out. In this case, you need to move to another training system.

For example, in squats with a barbell, most athletes have a working weight of 100–140 kg. Rarely anyone can perform heavier weights for five sets of five repetitions.

Recommended Supplements

Without proper nutrition, any supplements and sports nutrition turn into a waste of money . I'll probably be the first to advise choosing a can of protein over a couple of kilos of good meat. But I hope that you already know this without me.

For those who do not have problems with the diet, below I provide a list of supplements that enhance the effects of this training method.

Pre-workout supplements

I prefer to train with pretrains while cutting, because with a low calorie diet, I no longer have the strength to maintain the normal intensity of the workout. But when gaining mass, you also need to give it your all, and if you are natural, then you also invest in 1 hour, the maximum is to finish the workout in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Choose a blend that is moderate in stimulants.


In my opinion, the most pleasant-tasting protein is strawberry or babana. And there you can safely take it without additives. Oh yes, by company, take any from a store you trust. I personally prefer Optimum Nutrition. But you can take another brand of whey concentrate; this is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

The most optimal composition without any “surprises” in the form of an imaginary increased content of amino acids, which are easily digestible, or a large amount of fat with carbohydrates, which are already sufficient in the diet.

Calculation of the daily requirement should be done based on your protein requirement for the day and the amount you get from food. Personally, I drink one or two scoops in the morning and the same amount after training.


I use this supplement in the morning and after training, and can also take it on time if I haven't eaten well that day. It helps keep muscles from breaking down, especially in the morning and after exercise when cortisol levels rise. You can take from 5 to 30 grams. In essence, this is the same protein, but very quickly digested, which will enter the bloodstream faster than protein from chicken breast or even eggs. If money is tight, you can do without it.


I have already written about him. This proven and effective sports nutrition will help you train harder and recover more effectively. Highly recommend . Beginners can start using it no earlier than after half a year of training, or better yet, after a year. This way you will accelerate your body’s own potential and then strengthen your capabilities. It can be taken 5 grams on an empty stomach with grape juice or honey. I personally take it in cycles, as it seems to me that it works better this way.

Rules for performing the complex

In order for the 5 by 5 training program to give the desired result, you need to remember the following rules that you should not forget:

  • Do not change your training regimen under any circumstances.
  • It is strictly forbidden to skip training days,
  • You can’t train every day in a row, you must observe rest days,
  • One day - one workout, you cannot combine exercises from different days in one,
  • The order and number of exercises must be exactly according to the scheme, these parameters remain unchanged,
  • Stick to specific exercises. It cannot be replaced either with exercises in simulators or with any others, otherwise the meaning of the complex changes,
  • Increase the weight on the bar strictly according to the scheme, gradually, no faster and no slower than indicated,
  • Exercises should be performed in strict accordance with approaches and repetitions; a superset is not allowed.

By following these rules, you can count on results. Judging by the reviews, this program only works according to this scheme; if you make even the slightest adjustments, it will no longer be a 5 to 5 program.

Official application

The program has an official mobile application. It is very convenient to use: the load is automatically increased, the program will tell you what weight should be on the barbell today in each specific exercise. After each approach, a rest timer starts, at the end of which you will be given a signal. The application can also draw simple and visual progress graphs; after a couple of months it’s very pleasant to look at the beautiful “hill” that your squat climbed.

The only drawback of the application today is that it does not have Russian language support. But this is not critical. The design is carefully designed and intuitive, I'm sure you'll figure it out in 10 minutes.

A few more tips for success:

  1. In order for the complex to work to increase muscle volume, the nutrition must correspond to the weight gain. It is necessary in a diet with a high calorie content.
  2. Sleep should be 8 hours, no less. Before going to bed, the bedroom should be well ventilated, it should be dark and should not be disturbed by any extraneous noise, so that you can surely sleep and recover.
  3. You can download the official application to your phone, in which the developers have already thought of everything in advance and a reminder of weight gain, and a timer that counts breaks and approaches, and marks a progress graph.

Do not neglect the weightlifting belt when performing heavy loads, this can protect your back from injury. Shoes should have hard soles so that they do not fall under the heel when lifting the barbell. And magnesium or chalk is perfect for your hands so that the projectile does not slip out of your hands.

Judging by the reviews, the system is simple but effective, and the exercises it includes are basic, as they are performed with free weight and involve all muscle groups. By following all the above recommendations, after just three months you can see the result both in the mirror and in a notebook with notes on your working weight. Isn’t that why people go to the gym?

Highly recommended:

  • If you want Stronglifts to work as a mass training program, you need to be in a caloric surplus every day, that is, you need to eat in the “bulking” mode from the “meal plan” section on this site, otherwise progress on working weights will quickly stop
  • Sleep at least 8 hours every day continuously, in a dark, quiet, well-ventilated room
  • Use the official app, it’s very convenient

Compliance with the first two points ensures 90% success.

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