Body Transformation in 90 Days: P90X in English

An attractive and fit body is a pipe dream for many. After all, achieving this is very difficult. Some try to diet, others play sports without following proper nutrition, and still others do all this together, but incorrectly. Therefore, people are rarely proud of their beautiful forms. The P90X home workout program includes a 90-day workout and nutrition plan. This is a very difficult period. The muscles are under enormous stress, but any person will get the result.

Tony Horton's P90X - the path to strength, definition and endurance

He began planning his workouts in such a way that his muscles did not have time to adapt to the exercises being performed. This forced the body to work at full capacity, thanks to which progress did not stop.

Tony Horton - fitness instructor

Training forces the body to work at full capacity, so progress does not stop.

This is how Tony Horton created “P90X” - a program that to this day makes it possible to transform, create clear relief and gain endurance without even visiting the gym. All you need to do is turn on the video and do the exercises that Tony Horton demonstrates. Reviews from those who have completed his course indicate the high effectiveness of these trainings.

“P90X” is a program that makes it possible to create clear relief and gain endurance

“P90X” is a program that makes it possible to transform yourself, create a clear definition and gain endurance without even visiting the gym.

Pros of the program

The advantages of the program include:

  • competent construction of training
  • variety of workout types
  • charisma of the coach

Required equipment for P90x

For classes you will need equipment, it is better to prepare it in advance:

  • yoga mat
  • It’s better to have dumbbells that are collapsible so you can adjust the weight depending on your training
  • expander is best with adjustable tension force
  • yoga blocks (although they can be replaced with something suitable in shape and height)
  • horizontal bar
  • push-up rack
  • It would also be nice to have a heart rate monitor

P90x Difficulty Levels

In total, the course includes 12 workouts, during which various exercises are performed. Cardio, stretching, strength training, yoga - all this finds a place in classes with Tony Horton.

The classes in the course calendar are arranged in such a way that after three weeks of intensive classes there is a week when it is suggested to do yoga or stretching; this time is very important for the body to have time to recover.

The order of alternating sets of exercises is determined by the athlete’s level of training.

For beginners, the main block of classes is cardio, for experienced athletes - strength training, for pros - active functional training.

It is recommended to start getting acquainted with the program at the initial level, and then you can increase the load. This will allow you to improve your performance over time.

So, if you are result-oriented and don’t want to waste a single minute on the way to achieving your goal, the P90X is exactly what you need! Arm yourself with a mat, dumbbells (or bottles of sand) and a resistance band. Tony will teach you how to get the most out of this equipment!

If you are results-oriented and do not want to waste a single minute on the way to achieving your goal, the P90X is exactly what you need!

P90x Workout Calendar

  • Before starting classes, to determine the athlete’s readiness to complete the program, Tony Horton recommends passing a special fit test.
  • People with health problems should avoid doing P90x.
  • The program has three levels differing in complexity; for each level of complexity you need to use the appropriate calendar:
  • Lean is for beginners, it is also suitable for advanced athletes who just want to stay in shape
  • Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

training calendar is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

P90x Classic Training Calendar

Doubles - a reinforced option for those who find the loads of the previous level easy

P90x Doubles Workout Calendar

Tony Horton P90X video:

Chest and Back:

Working out the muscles of the chest and back. Great workout, but may require some extra equipment.

2 Plyometrics:

  1. 3 Shoulders_and_Arms:
  2. 4 Yoga_X:
  3. 5 Legs_and_Back:
  4. 6 Kenpo:
  5. 7 X_Stretch:
  6. 8 Core_Synergistics:
  7. 9 Chest_Shoulders_and_Triceps:
  8. 10 Back_and_Biceps:
  9. 11 Cardio_X:
  10. 12 Ab_Ripper_X:

Tony Horton P90X reviews:

Cool coach! I was surprised to find out that he is a former stripper))


(Power 90 Extreme) is a commercial training and exercise program from Beachbody, which also produces the popular INSANITY, Brazil Butt Lift, TurboFire, THE ASYLUM, Body Beast and many other programs. P90X is high intensity and lasts for 90 days. In fact, it is a classic CrossFit that includes strength training, aerobic training, plyometrics, combat skills, yoga and plastic development. P90X uses periodization and also involves taking sports nutrition and following a three-phase diet.

  • a commercial
  • Not fully translated into Russian
  • Virtually no muscle gain, since extremely high intensity results in severe catabolism
  • Excessive exercise without prior physical training can be hazardous to health. The authors recommend starting classes with a lightweight version of P90
  • A multidirectional approach leads to a decrease in results for individual goals (in other words, you are chasing two birds with one stone..). For example, if you want to burn fat and get ripped, then in fact half of the elements of the program will be useless. You can safely give up yoga, plyometrics, combat techniques, etc.
  • Additional equipment is required, namely: a yoga mat and blocks, a horizontal bar, dumbbells (preferably set), an expander, a heart rate monitor, push-up racks.
  • The food menu does not correspond to the Russian range of products
  • Most of the published achievements (before and after) are implausible because they require much more time or the use of anabolic steroids

Optimization Edit

If you want to avoid unnecessary complications and achieve high-quality results in a simpler way, then it is recommended to follow the classic strategy (which is in many ways similar to P90X):

Stage 1

- weight loss (if required)

Stage 2

- gain muscle mass

P90X was created by professional trainer Tony Horton, who developed home workout programs. In 1998, in collaboration with fitness trainer Debbie Siebers, they released a series of programs called “Great Body Guaranteed.” Horton's next program was Power90 In-Home Boot Camp, which combined strength training and cardio training.

There are currently several different versions of the P90: Power 90, Power 90 Master Series, P90X, P90X+, P90X One-on-One, P90X2, and the most recent, P90X3, released in 2013.

Tony Horton P90X - an effective training program with video

Every athlete sooner or later reaches the point when his body easily performs the usual load, and the results stand still. This means that he has reached a so-called “plateau”, or a state of stagnation, the exit from which often becomes a problem.

Fitness instructor Tony Horton once focused on solving this problem.

P90X Tony Horton's path to strength, definition and endurance

He began planning his workouts in such a way that his muscles did not have time to adapt to the exercises being performed. This forced the body to work at full capacity, thanks to which progress did not stop.

Training forces the body to work at full capacity, so progress does not stop.

This is how Tony Horton created the “P90X” program, which to this day makes it possible to transform yourself, create a clear definition and gain endurance without even visiting the gym. All you need to do is turn on the video and do the exercises that Tony Horton demonstrates. Reviews from those who have completed his course indicate the high effectiveness of these trainings.

“P90X” is a program that allows you to transform yourself, create a clear definition and gain endurance without even visiting the gym.

Required equipment for P90x

For classes you will need equipment, it is better to prepare it in advance:

  • yoga mat
  • It’s better to have dumbbells that are collapsible so you can adjust the weight depending on your training
  • expander is best with adjustable tension force
  • yoga blocks (although they can be replaced with something suitable in shape and height)
  • horizontal bar
  • push-up rack
  • It would also be nice to have a heart rate monitor

P90x Difficulty Levels

In total, the course includes 12 workouts, during which various exercises are performed. Cardio, stretching, strength training, yoga - all this finds a place in classes with Tony Horton.

The classes in the course calendar are arranged in such a way that after three weeks of intensive classes there is a week when it is suggested to do yoga or stretching; this time is very important for the body to have time to recover.

The order of alternating sets of exercises is determined by the athlete’s level of training.

For beginners, the main block of classes is cardio, for experienced athletes - strength training, for pros - active functional training.

It is recommended to start getting acquainted with the program at the initial level, and then you can increase the load. This will allow you to improve your performance over time.

So, if you are result-oriented and don’t want to waste a single minute on the way to achieving your goal, the P90X is exactly what you need! Arm yourself with a mat, dumbbells (or bottles of sand) and a resistance band. Tony will teach you how to get the most out of this equipment!

If you are results-oriented and do not want to waste a single minute on the way to achieving your goal, the P90X is exactly what you need!

P90x Workout Calendar

  • Before starting classes, to determine the athlete’s readiness to complete the program, Tony Horton recommends passing a special fit test.
  • People with health problems should avoid doing P90x.
  • The program has three levels differing in complexity; for each level of complexity you need to use the appropriate calendar:
  • Lean is for beginners, but it is also suitable for advanced athletes who just want to stay in shape.
  • Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

Doubles is an enhanced option for those who find the loads of the previous level easy

Tony Horton P90X video:

  1. 1 Chest_and_Back:
  2. 2 Plyometrics:
  3. 3 Shoulders_and_Arms:
  4. 4 Yoga_X:
  5. 5 Legs_and_Back:
  6. 6 Kenpo:
  7. 7 X_Stretch:
  8. 8 Core_Synergistics:
  9. 9 Chest_Shoulders_and_Triceps:
  10. 10 Back_and_Biceps:
  11. 11 Cardio_X:
  12. 12 Ab_Ripper_X:

Tony Horton P90X reviews:

Cool coach! I was surprised to find out that he is a former stripper))

What You Get:

Fullbody training program

Unlike P90X and P90X2, P90X3 is not a graduate program so feel free to jump in without any prior exposure with the P90X family of DVD's. There are 16 workouts in the P90X3 Base System. The Deluxe package has 3 extra routines.

There are also three one month “blocks” in P90X3. Due to the sheer number of workouts in P90X3 the review will be broken down into 3 parts Thus with a dramatic conclusion that is sure not to leave a dry eye in the house.

Naturally, this is divided into three phases because heck, P90X3 doesn't make a lot of sense if it's not 90 days. Unlike P90X2 which had a Foundation, Strength and Performance Phase, X3 follows the idea of ​​the original P90X: Switching the workouts out with fresh ones every thirty days for the sake of muscle confusion. There is the option to do a Classic, Lean, Mass, and Doubles schedule but for the sake of this review I'll stick to Classic. The workouts also appear to get more difficult as the phases move along.

Now the real trick begins: fitting a ton of workouts into a 3-Part review.

P90X3 Tony Horton program - 30 minutes a day

An ideal, toned body is perhaps the dream of every person today. The sports movement has become the reason for the creation of a number of training programs, healthy eating and the opening of special gyms.

A truly revolutionary breakthrough was the complex developed by fitness trainer Tony Horton.

What is its feature, what is its effectiveness and how long does it take to create an ideal figure? We will try to understand these issues.

Uniqueness of the program

The special program was called P90X (Power 90). It is a set of intense exercises that will help develop physical strength, flexibility and coordination. The uniqueness of the program is that you do not need to visit the gym to complete it. It falls into the category of home fitness.

As the author of the method, Tony Horton, assures, training is aimed at quickly and effectively acquiring ideal physical shape.

In just three months (or 90 days), the program participant will try various types of aerobic and strength exercises, gain useful information about the “right” food and get acquainted with some Eastern practices of breathing, stretching and energy restoration.

The essence of the P90 program

It has long been known that most fitness programs are not intended for beginners, since the intensity of training and the pace of exercise itself are quite difficult for an unprepared person.

What should those whose bodies are far from perfect do? After all, according to statistics, it is people with poor general physical fitness who suffer from excess weight and need sports. It was for this category that American trainer Tony Horton developed the gentle P90 program.

The program includes a proper nutrition plan and calendar sheets for recording exercises.

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Physiognomy: head and human character

To get visible results, you don’t have to work hard in the gym.

Training Options

Tony Horton offers three workout options, or schedules. They differ from each other in the level of difficulty, equipment and composition of exercises.

Lean is the most affordable option. It consists mainly of aerobic exercise. Ideal for those who choose moderate physical activity. Helps effectively fight excess weight and gain a toned figure.

Classic – a more advanced level of training. People who are seriously interested in sports and have sufficient physical training can withstand it. Here the emphasis is more on strength exercises. The schedule is aimed at deep and high-quality pumping of the body muscles.

Doubles is an option for desperate people who are not afraid of heavy physical activity and a fast pace of training.

Program options:

There are three levels of P90X workouts designed for you:

Lean is ideal for beginners and those just starting out with P90X. If you do not have proper physical fitness or have had a long break from training or have a lot of extra pounds, this complex is exactly what you need.

The level is also suitable for those who have already achieved ideal shape and want to maintain it. The program is designed for thirteen weeks, three weeks of strength training alternated with one recovery week. Most of the classes are cardio and the remainder are strength training.

The entire complex is aimed at effectively reducing fat mass.

Classic is the best complex for physically developed people. When starting classes, you should consider some nuances. Firstly, you must exercise for an hour and a half, secondly, have enough time to get enough sleep, and thirdly, eat right while following the program.

In addition, the emotional state is of great importance; trainers do not recommend starting classes for people experiencing stress, as well as for those engaged in heavy physical labor.

A thirteen-week complex alternating three weeks of strength training and one recovery training week.

Doubles is a killer program. Anyone who dreams of the ideal silhouette of taut muscles is welcome. It is important to note that starting from the fifth week, you will have two workouts per day. Cardio classes in the morning and main training in the evening. Healthy eating and adequate sleep are important components for successful exercise. Recommended for those who have completed the Classic complex.

Program components and equipment

The program consists of 12 types of training. Each involves working a specific muscle group, developing stretching and flexibility, as well as performing static and dynamic exercises to build endurance. Classes are held six days a week and last an hour.

Month 1. The main emphasis is on intensive pumping of the muscles of the chest, arms and fat-burning workouts.

Month 2. At this stage, program participants are offered exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, back and abs. To avoid a training plateau, stretching is provided. Aerobic exercises based on martial arts are used as a fat-burning complex in this block.

Month 3. At the final stage, deep pumping of the back and arm muscles (biceps, triceps) and intense but short training for the abdominal muscles are carried out. Cardio load in this block is minimal.

Every three weeks of active training comes a restorative week of yoga. It is necessary for balance between mind and body and consolidation of the result.

In addition to the usual exercises (push-ups, jumping, squats), dumbbells, expanders, and horizontal bars are used to increase muscle tone.

The positive results of P90X training are achieved due to its intensity and selection of effective exercises. As the author of the technique, Tony Horton, says, abs, for example, requires at least 8-10 minutes a day. And after three months of regular exercise, you can buy six, or even eight cubes.

Training program

So, the system consists of 11 workouts, here is their list: Chest and back, Shoulders and arms, Yoga, Legs and back, Kenpo, Stretching, Core muscles, Chest, shoulders and triceps, Back and biceps, Cardio training and Abs training.

We hope that you quickly watched all the videos and understood what you have to work with. Now you need to build from all this a program according to which you will train over the next three months. See tables below.

MondayCore musclesYoga
TuesdayCardio trainingCore muscles
WednesdayChest, shoulders and triceps Ab workoutKenpo
FridayLegs and back Abs workoutCardio training
MondayCore musclesYoga
TuesdayCardio trainingCore muscles
WednesdayChest, shoulders and triceps Ab workoutKenpo
FridayLegs and back Abs workoutCardio training
DAYWEEKS 9 - 11WEEK 12 – 14
MondayChest and back Abs workoutChest, shoulders and triceps Ab workout
TuesdayCardio trainingCardio training
WednesdayShoulders and arms Ab workoutBack and shoulders
FridayCore musclesCore muscles

Here is a training cycle that will help you train at home. Of course, it’s worth saying a few words about nutrition. Try to consume as much protein as possible and as little carbohydrates as possible, which should be consumed in the first half of the day and a couple of hours before training.

Training strategy

The system, under the mysterious code name P90X, consists of 12 types of training (3 months). The training schedule is 6-7 days a week, each workout, depending on the type, lasts 60-90 minutes.

P90X consists of 3 complexes, among which any person can choose the one most suitable for his goals and physical condition:

LEAN is the complex with which it is best to start getting acquainted with P90X. If you have never worked out in the gym, or you are overweight, or have a low level of fitness, it is better to start with this program. The program lasts 13 weeks. It alternates three strength training sessions and one recovery workout. This program contains more cardio exercises than strength training.

CLASSIC is a complex based mainly on strength exercises. Suitable for those who are prepared. If you have 1.5 hours a day, if you eat well and sleep a lot, feel free to start! The program differs from LEAN in that it alternates 3 strength weeks and a 4th recovery week. The program also lasts 13 weeks.

DOUBLES is tough. Let's just say - from the 5th week you will do cardio in the morning, and this is in addition to the main workout in the evening. If you haven't completed CLASSIC, don't start DOUBLES, it's really hard.

Killer ABS - Killing the abs with Tony Horton, 3 training videos online

The Killer Body program consists of three workouts: upper body, lower body and abdominal muscles. Each lesson lasts 30 minutes and consists of four exercise cycles.

Each cycle includes strength exercises that last 30 seconds. At the end of each cycle, you will experience a short aerobic exercise lasting 60 seconds.

Killer Body uses the principle of circuit training, which Jillian Michaels considers the most effective way to lose weight.

Killer Body consists of three workouts:

  1. Upper body workout. Gillian offers classic exercises for biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders. In addition, the trainer uses a lot of push-ups in different positions. Push-ups are a unique exercise that simultaneously develops the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest. Various modifications of this exercise help to use the maximum number of muscles.
  2. Lower body workout. For many girls, legs and buttocks are a problem area, so Jillian Michaels has prepared a real test for these parts of the body. Lunges, various squats, jumping, plyometric exercises - you will find a very serious load on the buttocks, front, back and inner thigh muscles. All exercises are mostly from a standing position, with a lot of balance exercises.
  3. Abdominal workout. For those who have done the Killer Abs or Flat Belly in 6 Weeks, the workout will seem very familiar. Gillian has collected all the best exercises and combined them into one half-hour lesson. You'll spend the first 10 minutes working your abdominal muscles from a standing position, but the remaining 20 minutes will involve doing exercises on the mat.

Each workout is performed twice a week, i.e. You will study 6 times a week with a break of 1 day. The class is fast paced and Gillian is as energetic and cheerful as ever.

For training, you will need a gymnastics mat and dumbbells from 0.5 to 4 kg, depending on your level of physical fitness.

Most people settle on an intermediate option - dumbbells weighing 1.5 kg.

Pros of Killer Body with Jillian Michaels:

  1. By working individually on each muscle group, you provide total body training at the maximum level.
  2. Many of Jillian Michaels' programs are built on the principle of repeating the same workout day after day.
    But in Killer Body you will alternate between 3 different workouts for different parts of the body, which will allow you to diversify your fitness classes.
  3. The program clearly defines the sequence of classes.
    Alternate between three workouts until you achieve the desired result.
  4. Killer Body combines strength and cardio exercises, which allows you to lose weight quickly and effectively.
  5. The program is conveniently divided by body part.
    Even if you don’t like the entire course, you can take a workout for your problem area and do it separately.


  1. It would be nice to include purely aerobic training in the Killer Body course for fat burning and improving metabolism. The most famous cardio training by Jillian Michaels is Speed ​​Up Your Metabolism.
  2. What is missing is the usual approach with progressive levels of training.
    Jillian Michaels usually offers several levels of difficulty for her classes.
  3. The training is not intended for beginners and those who have recently started fitness classes. If you are a beginner, we encourage you to check out Jillian Michaels' beginner programs.


Review of the Killer Body program by Jillian Michaels:

If Jillian Michaels included separate aerobic training in the course, then the program could be considered perfect. But even without this, we can say with confidence that Killer Body is a very high-quality training course for the whole body.

  • Home workouts for girls: exercise plan for the whole body
  • CrossFit: what is it, benefits and harms, training scheme and how to prepare
  • How to lose weight at home: step-by-step instructions

About the author of the program

Tony Horton was born in 1958 in the small town of Westerly, Rhode Island. Growing up, Tony always loved chocolate cakes and sweets. This is what, in his own words, prevented him from achieving an ideal body.

After graduating from college, Tony moves to Los Angeles and tries his hand at acting. In order to become more noticeable, he begins to improve his body.

The employees of the studio where he got a job became interested in Tony's training methods, and he began to teach them.

After Tony realized that his training methods were successful, he came up with a great idea - you can make money from this!

In addition to creating fitness programs for “stars” and celebrities, Tony Horton trains at a state-of-the-art training center in Santa Monica.

By the way, Tony is one of the most successful fitness gurus and was included in the Top 10 richest fitness businessmen.


To train using the P90X system, you will need the following equipment:

  • Yoga mat,
  • horizontal bar,
  • dumbbells,
  • push-up supports,
  • expander with different rubber hardness,
  • heart rate monitor,
  • yoga blocks,
  • caliper (device for measuring body fat percentage).

As you can see, there is a lot of equipment, but almost all of it is quite affordable and can be found in any sports supermarket such as Decathlon or Sportmaster.

Each program consists of a nutrition plan, a DVD with videos of all the workouts for people of different fitness levels, a training calendar and a fitness test to determine which program is right for you.

The P90X program is officially sold on However, you can easily find it in other sources on the Internet.

What is the difference between p90x3 and p90x?

Tony Horton, the creator of the unique and popular P90X complex, has released a completely new program, P90X3, for daily thirty-minute workouts. 30 minutes a day is the time we can devote to ourselves and our body every day.

P90X3 is a real breakthrough in the field of fitness programs

The structure of P90X3 does not imitate the previous P90X, it is a completely fresh, super-effective development by Tony Horton, consisting of high-intensity sets for different muscle groups.

The results are simply amazing. Within 90 days of regular exercise, a visual transformation of the quality of the body occurs.

Killer Cardio Program

Killer Cardio is a set of cardio workouts from Jillian Michaels. Let us remember that Gillian previously released a whole series of effective programs: Killer Body; Killer Abs; Killer Buns & Thighs; Killer Arms & Back.

And now, probably, the final part of “Killers” has been released, which became in fact the first full-fledged cardio program from Jillian Michaels.

She's mostly offered mixed workouts in her DVDs, but this time you'll get pure cardio.

The Killer Cardio program includes two 25-minute cardio workouts (two difficulty levels).

They are designed specifically to help you burn calories, ignite your metabolism, build endurance, strengthen your heart muscle and, of course, lose weight.

A lot of intense exercises await you, mainly jumping, acceleration, running, planks, and elements from martial arts. Classes are held without additional equipment; you will train with your own body weight.

So, the Killer Cardio program includes two videos: Level 1 and Level 2 (level 1 and level 2). The first level is significantly easier than the second, but they will both make you sweat a lot.

In this program, Jillian Michaels' team does not demonstrate 2 exercise modifications, as we are used to in her other classes.

However, the trainer periodically shows how you can complicate or, conversely, simplify this or that exercise.

Killer Cardio Workout Structure

The workouts last 25 minutes, of which the active part lasts only 20 minutes. Therefore, a quick but very intense lesson awaits you.

As such, there is no classical warm-up in the programs (as, by the way, in many other cardio workouts of Jillian Michaels), but the first round of exercises can be considered a warm-up.

The final stretch takes about 5 minutes, which is very good for such a short workout.

Both classes have the following structure: 4 rounds of 4 exercises in each round, which are repeated in 2 circles. The exercises are performed according to the scheme of 20 seconds of intense load, 10 seconds of rest, so throughout the entire session the pace will be very high. The program does not have a timer, which is not always convenient when performing such workouts.

1. Level 1 (Level 1): This cardio workout is suitable for an intermediate level of training, but the program is suitable for beginners if you do it at your own pace. There are several relaxation exercises that will give you time to regain your breathing.

  • 1st round: jumping rope, running from side to side, boxing, sprinter jump.
  • Round 2: horizontal running, fold with feet touching, running in a plank with shin overlapping, running in a reverse plank.
  • Round 3: burpees, high knee running, pigtail running, arm circles.
  • Round 4: running with shin overlapping, side lunges, pulling knees to chest, speed skater.

2. Level 2: This cardio workout is suitable for intermediate to advanced levels. The load is increasing in complexity. While the first and second rounds are at a tolerable pace, Jillian suggests intense plyometrics for the third and fourth rounds.

  • 1st round: scissors, jumping to the side, jumping back and forth, running in place.
  • Round 2: plank kick to the side, plank jumps with knee to chest, abdominal bike, plank jumps with legs raised.
  • Round 3: 180 degree jumps, football run, lunge jumps, burpees with plank walking.
  • Round 4: climber, plyometric plank jump, burpee, high knee run.

In general, Killer Cardio classes are quite easy to handle due to a short 20-second load and rest breaks after each exercise. In comparison, BodyShred's cardio workouts will be more intense in intensity and pace.

16 workouts

Six strength workouts to build muscle and strengthen your entire body:

  1. Total Synergistics. Comprehensive training to launch body transformation mechanisms
  1. The Challenge. Call. Upper body workout
  1. Incinerator. Fat burning workout for all muscle groups
  1. The warrior.
    Warrior. Training with elements from drill training
  1. Eccentric Upper. Eccentric workout for the top. Gradual increase in muscle strength
  1. Eccentric Lower. Eccentric workout for the bottom. Gradually giving relief to the lower body.


Three CrossFit workouts:

  1. Agility X. Training to develop agility, agility, balance and strength.
  1. Triometrics. New generation jump training for developing strength and speed
  1. Decelerator. Cushioning training for muscle stabilization

Three fat-burning cardio workouts:

  1. CVX. Interval training. Drying the body.
  1. MMX. Cardio training with elements of martial arts
  1. Accelerator. Training as a catalyst for the cardiovascular system


Four core workouts, maintaining balance and flexibility

  1. 3X Yoga. Yoga. Strengthening and developing mobility of joints, muscles, work on balance and strength exercises
  1. Pilates X. Pilates.
    Strengthening and developing elasticity of all muscle groups, joint stability.
  1. Isometrics. Isometric exercises to strengthen body muscles
  1. Dynamix.
    A dynamic workout to lift your spirit and strengthen your spirit.

P90x Workout Calendar

  • Before starting classes, to determine the athlete’s readiness to complete the program, Tony Horton recommends passing a special fit test.
  • People with health problems should avoid doing P90x.
  • The program has three levels differing in complexity; for each level of complexity you need to use the appropriate calendar:
  • Lean is for beginners, it is also suitable for advanced athletes who just want to stay in shape
  • Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

Doubles - a reinforced option for those who find the loads of the previous level easy

Tony Horton's P90X - the path to strength, definition and endurance

He began planning his workouts in such a way that his muscles did not have time to adapt to the exercises being performed. This forced the body to work at full capacity, thanks to which progress did not stop.

This is how Tony Horton created “P90X” - a program that to this day makes it possible to transform, create clear relief and gain endurance without even visiting the gym. All you need to do is turn on the video and do the exercises that Tony Horton demonstrates. Reviews from those who have completed his course indicate the high effectiveness of these trainings.

The 16 P90X3 Workouts

6 Resistance Workouts

  • Total Synergistics – You'll do total body resistance and balance moves during this workout.
  • The Challenge – Not a favorite, but it's a great chest and back routine. You'll do push ups and pulls ups the whole 30 minutes!
  • Incinerator – This is one of my favorites. It's a total body workout and challenges you until failure. It includes pull ups, push ups, rows and curls during the workout.
  • Eccentric Upper – This is an entire upper body workout with time under tension training.
  • Eccentric Lower – It also focused on time under tension but incorporates lower body moves.
  • The Warrior – This is similar to 22 Minute Hard Corps and has been done on military bases around the world. It includes elevator push-ups, super burpees, and body-weight moves for a full burnout session where the only equipment is your bodyweight!

3 Power Workouts

  • Agility X – Consider this one of the hardest cardio workouts within the whole program.
  • Triometrics – This is an insane plyo workout on steroids. You'll feel your leg muscles after this workout.
  • Decelerator – This workout includes explosive movements followed by quick stops.

3 Cardio Workouts

  • CVX Review – P90X3 CVX is a full-body resistance workout using a light-weight during cardio rounds.
  • MMX – One of my favorites and such a tough workout. You'll improve your strength, endurance, and flexibility!
  • Accelerator – You'll do a move at two different speeds to challenge your cardio and muscle strength.

4 Core, Flexibility and Balance Workouts

  • X3 Yoga – A no nonsense workout to improve flexibility, balance, and core strength.
  • Pilates X – You'll focus on your posture and also your core to stabilize your joints and improve muscle elasticity.
  • Isometrix – This is the best of yoga to me. You'll hold poses for 45 seconds for strength and balance.
  • Dynamix – Stabilization, flexibility and strength are all required in this workout.

Workout training program

PLUS A BONUS LEG & AB WORKOUT: The X3 Ab Ripper and On One Leg bonuses to mix into your workout days.

You also get the Cold Start Option

The Cold Start is great if you're working out first thing in the morning. It's a 12 minute warm up that incorporates stretching, light cardio and yoga to wake up the body before starting your intense workout.

Then there was P90X – “The Mother Workout”

P90X holds its own very, very well against the latest versions (x2 & x3).

It really is the Mother workout.

Oh yes, p90x is where the meat is.

The big difference here is that the P90X workouts are much longer than the Power 90 or the P90X3 workouts.

P90x is such a great workout regime.

You can use the App, to help monitor and record your progress.

The routines cover a more dynamic range than Power 90.

The great thing is that you can go at your own pace.

At the beginning, you might not be able to do as many reps as the guys on the screen, but eventually, you can.

Here's the P90x workouts:

  • Chest & Back
  • Plyometrics
  • Shoulders & Arms
  • Yoga X
  • Legs & Back
  • Kenpo X
  • X Stretch
  • Core Synergistics
  • Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps
  • Back & Biceps
  • Cardio X
  • Ab Ripper X

Workout time, you're looking from around 40 minutes to 90 minutes (that's the Yoga workout…went a little overboard there).

So comparing to Power 90, P90x is such a jump forward in terms of variety, difficulty, and completeness of the workout.

I loved participating in the P90x exercise routine and made it all the way to the finish line. It was tough, but worth it.

You'll definitely want the exercise bands and possibly even a pull-up bar (I broke down and got a pull-up bar and noticed a substantial difference in results).

P90x has over 2,000 reviews on Amazon!

Buy p90x on Amazon:

However, for a lot of people, if the on average 55 minute workouts plus the Ab Ripper routine are a little too much, then the next option, might just be for you.

Functional training supplements for men


  • About a third of human muscle consists of BCAA amino acids. These amino acids are essential for effective muscle building. The product is especially valuable due to the high rate of absorption of amino acids in free form.
  • Category:

    More about the category

One serving before training. Mix 10g of powder (1 tablespoon) in 200ml of water.

Weider Premium BCAA Powder is a powder supplement that allows you to replenish the body's energy reserves from amino acids. It improves protein synthesis and protects against catabolism.


  • The complex contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes. Effective as a general tonic.
  • Category:

    More about the category

3 tablets per day with food

Increases immunity, as well as activates metabolism, stimulates the physical, mental, and sexual capabilities of a man. Great choice for men. Now there is no need to consume a large number of different capsules and tablets, keeping several different supplements in your arsenal to get your daily requirement of essential nutrients. Opti-Men can provide you with everything you need in just one capsule.


  • Concentrate for preparing an isotonic drink in powder, with the addition of L-carnitine and L-glutamine. Thanks to this combination, the product will help support your body during prolonged physical activity.
  • Category:

Directions for Use: Use as needed, especially during intense physical activity. Recommendations for preparation: 17.5 g of powder (2 tablespoons) in 250 ml of water.

Ingredients: sugar, maltodextrins, glucose, fructose, acidity regulator, sodium chloride, potassium phosphate, calcium phosphate, sodium citrate, magnesium carbonate, thickener, flavorings, L-glutamine, L-carnitine, vitamins, flavoring.


  • A sports bar with high protein content and minimal sugar.
  • Category:

Take between meals 1-2 times a day

It has a delicious taste, quickly supplies the body with multi-component protein, and is excellent for a protein diet. “Bombbar” protein bar: - helps reduce weight, - nourishes muscle mass, - gives the effect of satiety, - improves the general condition of the digestive system, - promotes the growth of beneficial microflora, - helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, - does not contain sugar, - does not contain GMOs. Ingredients: proteins 37% (whey protein concentrate, micellar casein, caseinate), isomaltooligosaccharide, water, crushed peanuts, cocoa butter equivalent, humectant - sorbitol , chocolate (sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier - soy lecithin, flavoring), natural dye - earthenware color, salt, acidity regulator - citric acid, flavorings, sweetener stevioside.

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

How much does P90X3 Cost?

P90X3 is no longer available on DVD. You can get exclusive access to the workouts through a Beachbody on Demand membership or Challenge Pack. The price for P90X3 range from around $50 for a quarterly membership to $295 for the Mega Challenge Pack with a nutrition program and 4 supplements.

A Beachbody on Demand membership is $99 for a year, and you get access to 1000s of workouts! You can learn more about streaming your workouts here.

Challenge Packs include Beachbody on Demand and supplements of your choice, and the range in price depending on what items you choose. Our favorite option is the Deluxe Challenge Pack for $220.

P90X3 Challenge Packs

  • Mega Challenge Pack – BOD, Shakeology, Energize, Hydrate, Recover, 2 Nutrition Programs, Shaker cup, Mat & Foam Roller, Containers
  • Deluxe Challenge Pack – BOD, Shakeology, Energize, Recover, 2 Nutrition Programs, Shaker Cup, & Containers
  • Workout Supplements Pack – BOD, Energize & Recover, 2 Nutrition Programs, Shaker Cup, & Containers
  • Shakeology Pack – BOD, Shakeology, 2 Nutrition Programs, Shaker Cup, & Containers

Benefits of Ab Ripper X

Well, a stronger core for one.

The core isn't a single muscle. It's a family of muscles that includes the internal and external obliques on the sides of your waist; the intercostals and serratus, around your ribs; the transverse abdominis, which girdles your lower trunk; and, of course, the showy rectus abdominis, or six-pack muscle, that bridges the gap between the front of your pelvis and your ribs.

Together, your core muscles work to bend, twist, and stabilize your spine in all directions. If you're trying to exercise all these muscles thoroughly, a few sets of a single move won't cut it… hence why ARX tops out around 400.

To get the results you want, your abdominal muscles need time to recover between workouts, which is why you'll only find it in the P90X schedule after the strength workouts.

And, remember: If you want ab muscles that show, working them out is only half the battle. Your body fat percentage has to be low enough for your abs to be visible. And, since you can't spot-reduce fat, that means sticking with a healthy diet and workout routine to reach your goals.

Adjustable dumbbell set

Click to see on Amazon

One of the core elements of P90X is, believe it or not, traditional strength training using dumbbells.

(Of course, right after curl day you'll be doing advance plyometrics or cardio kickboxing… so this sure isn't your typical weightlifting program!)

So what size dumbbells do you need for P90X?

That's really up to your fitness level and strength levels. P90X recommends you have weights available in the 5-70lbs range. Only you'll know if you need to be on the lower end or higher end of the range.

(You'll be doing movements like presses, curls, and flies, if that helps you gauge at all.)

A really great idea would be to buy an adjustable dumbbell set so you can start low and give yourself room to grow without spending an absolute fortune (not to mention living room space) on a gazillion different sized dumbbells.

The SelectTech 552 adjustable dumbbell set from Bowflex is top of the line and goes from 5 to 52.5 pounds per hand with extraordinary ease. It also comes from one of the most trusted brands in fitness and comes with thousands of rave user reviews.

This would be an awesome set to get you through P90X and beyond, wherever your fitness journey takes you.

(If those are out of stock, you'll do great with the PowerBlock Adjustable Dumbbells also on Amazon. They look funky and can feel a little weird in your hand, but they're fantastic quality and value.)


Resistance followed by a body weight exercise until failure. Sounds fun! The Incinerator is the perfect bookend to The Challenge, although it does go after more than just the chest and back. This is a total upper body crusher that uses pull-ups, push-ups, rows and curls…each muscle getting double teamed like a WWE steel chair match.

It ends with a Burnout sequence that has the most appropriate music ever. It sounds like a horror movie and is just very fitting somehow. And as always, the cast is very capable and certainly buff, in particular Jessica. Jessica looks like she just came off the set for Mad Max and sports enough tattoos and testosterone to get most men pregnant. Let me tell you boys, with titanium legs like that, you're done when she says you're done.

Nutrition tips

Consider the following supplements during your training cycle:

BCAAsAllows muscle fibers to recover faster and provides building material for the growth of lean muscle mass.
Vitamin-mineral complexDuring intense physical activity, vitamins and minerals are consumed by the body faster. They are also responsible for protein synthesis and are the engine of metabolic processes.
IsotonicReplenishes fluid reserves and microelements, the loss of which is inevitable during physical activity. Brings the water-salt balance to the physiological norm.
Protein barThey are used as a replacement for a full protein meal when you need to maintain a strict diet to speed up your metabolism.
Amino acids For rapid restoration of muscle fibers and providing the body with a sufficient amount of essential proteinogenic amino acids.
L-Carnitine During intense sports, L-Carnitine stimulates endurance, reduces fatigue and provides the body with energy.

P90X Strengths compared to P90X3

Warm Up and Cool Down

P90X workouts have a longer warmup and cool down compared to P90X3.

If you want/need more time to get going, then P90X could be a good fit.

However, P90X3 has a “Cold Start” workout that you can choose to use before each workout.

So, it comes down to if you think you'll need a good long warm up specific to each workout, then P90X is a winner on this one. If you feel a faster warmup and cool down would work for you, then P90X3 is the winner.

Having done both, I prefer the way that P90X3 does it.

P90x3 gets you into the workout a lot faster.

Workout Time Commitment

P90X workouts can last between an hour and an hour and 40 minutes (hello, Yoga)! That's a long time. The benefit is that you get a variety of moves, and the workouts are paced a little (just a little) slower than P90X3.

The magic of P90X3 is that each workout is only 30 minutes long.

At first, I thought the P90X3 workouts would be watered down–an easier version of P90X3, but that is not the case at all.

P90X3 is a better overall workout. It's paced very fast which may be a drawback for some.

Both workouts are challenging.

P90X3, however, streamlines the workouts by cutting out the down time, transitions and slower instructional parts.

A lot of people like simplification and streamlining, and that's what P90X3 does. For this one, P90X3 is the winner.

Workout Variety

You might think that P90X has more variety than P90X3 because P90X has longer workouts, but that's not the case.

P90X3 has a wider variety of workouts.

There are more DVD's to cycle through, so the routines don't become…um…routine?

If you can't tell, P90X3 is seeming like a favorite here, but there is something to be said for P90X…

Is the P90x Ab Workout

P90X includes an awesome ab workout.

P90X3 Base Kit (Which is the most popular kit), doesn't include a separate ab workout! You need the Deluxe or Ultimate kits to get that.

However, P90X3 Base Kit has such a variety of workouts that the abs really do get worked out even better than the P90X workouts (with an exception of course for the ab workout and the yoga 7).

So, be aware if you want super toning of your abs, to get the Deluxe or Ultimate P90X3 kit or get P90X.

If you could only choose one in the P90x Series…p90x3 is the place to start.

The reason is simple. Tony has refined, improved and polished his incredible workout routine over years of work, re-work, testing, and data.

The Answer is Time Saved and Muscle Gained

P90x3 is compacted into the best workout package they've ever made.

The latest workouts have the best knowledge applied as to the best stretches, stretch time, workout routines and technique.

In P90X3, you hear Tony talk about new ways (new at least to me) to help increase muscle strength faster than ever before.

New research, discoveries and plain old field work help fuel the improvements to Tony's workouts.

If you're still not sure, check out our review of P90X3.

You can also see what people are saying on Amazon (over 320 reviews and 4.5 out of 5 star rating ain't too shabby).

Conclusion Thus Far…

Workout training program for mass and strength

Just when you think a man couldn't have any more ideas for fitness, he does it again. Tony manages to bring yet even more to the table with P90X3. The Eccentric workouts pull off a whole new way get fried and MMX / Accelerator are two cardio routines that not only don't suck…they are surprisingly very good. And even tough Tony says Pilates is NOT EVER to replace yoga, I'm going to trade it off occasionally because deep down inside I'm a true rebel who plays by his own rules.

But hold on to your loins kids, the final installation of the P90X3 review reveals the last workouts ( including BONUS DISKS! ) and presents the question asked since the universe was born…what rating will The Dysfunctional Parrot give this program?

Dry facts

This program is ideal for those who want to lose excess weight. Atomic cutting of the body during intense training for 90 days leads to an average loss of 34% of body fat.

P90X3 is not part of the workout. This is a COMPLETE workout in less time.

It is generally accepted that you get the greatest results by training a lot and for a long time. The longer the workout, the more effective the work. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach! Recent research in the fitness industry has shown the opposite to be true. The greatest muscle progress occurs in the first 30 minutes of training. After this time, the muscles become less responsive to stress.


“With the P90 program, I not only strengthen my body, but also have fun. Tony is a very funny and cheerful coach. It gives you a boost of energy for the whole day" - Jane, 31

“For a long time I avoided fitness classes because I had problems with my knees. The P90 program is the perfect solution for me. There are no intense heavy loads. Only simple exercises and a relaxed pace” - Victoria, 35 years old.

“Tony is my favorite coach. Every workout gives me pleasure. My muscles don’t have time to get used to the routine; my workouts constantly change the focus on different muscles” - Matt, 40 years old.

“I don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym. With a small child you can only study at home. The P90 program helps not to lose muscle tone after childbirth, my body is gradually returning to normal” - Olivia, 33 years old.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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