A set of exercises sitting and lying on the floor! physical education card file on the topic

Lower back pain sends people to the hospital more often than any other illness. When a person is faced with such an illness, he has to limit himself in almost everything and end up staying in bed for a long time. Unfortunately, there is no single approach to treating back pain. This is a difficult situation for doctors, because such sensations are always caused by different reasons.

Low back pain is often the result of a number of factors related to a person's lifestyle. Special exercises for back and lower back pain can help you get rid of discomfort easily. They can be aimed at improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system or stretching muscles - in any case, they will relieve pain and reduce the risk of new back discomfort.

Exercises for back and lower back pain

What is special about this type of charging?

Firstly, exercise in bed after sleep is valuable because it requires a minimum of effort and conditions from a person. Agree, in order to do a full set of exercises, even the shortest ones, you need many conditions. For example, you need to put on appropriate comfortable clothes, pick up dumbbells, and lay a mat on the floor. And the main thing is to find at least 20 minutes for all this, in the end! But the “bed” version of gymnastics does not require any of the above!

Secondly, it is very important that such gymnastics is extremely safe. The fact is that after sleep, in the morning in bed, you are still very “warm” and relaxed. Your muscles are warmed up, which reduces the risk of stretching and damage to almost zero.

Thirdly, after waking up, you often don’t want to get out of bed. And there is even a temptation to take a nap a little more. Each of us knows how it ends.

So, gymnastics in bed for the lazy is an excellent way to get out of bed on time and the first time. And the secret here is simple: when we start to move, even making simple movements with our toes, blood flow increases. As a result, our body awakens faster.

In fact, doing exercises in bed in the morning according to Bubnovsky is a real life hack on how to easily force yourself to get out of bed in the morning!

And you don’t need to force yourself to get up, you just need to start doing the first exercise for your feet.

What muscles are involved?

Stooping and other postural disorders, osteochondrosis and back pain - these are the complaints that, unfortunately, have recently become most widespread, and the reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, incorrect body position while working at the computer and, as a result, weakness of the muscle corset . You can compensate for all these gaps if you regularly devote time to working with your body. You can start with one boat exercise, gradually expanding your workouts and increasing their duration.

The boat is an effective and simple exercise that can be found in various training complexes.

Training systemWhy do you include the exercise?
Therapeutic and recreational gymnasticsFormation of beautiful posture, work with spinal curvature
BodyflexIn combination with aerobic breathing, it helps to work out the abs (we recommend effective abdominal exercises in the gym) and reduce waist size
Strength trainingTo strengthen core muscles and progress with heavy weights

The boat or Superman is a universal exercise without age restrictions, and it has a healing and general strengthening effect. This effect is achieved through the complex work of the following muscles:

  • gluteal,
  • flat abdominal muscle,
  • longus dorsi, extensor spinae and quadratus lumborum muscles.

Correct execution of the exercise allows you to use and include in the work, in addition to the superficial muscle layers, also postural ones. What does it mean? The postural muscles are located much deeper in the body, in close proximity to the spine. Their main task is to ensure a vertical position for the body during physical activity due to correct posture. The peculiarity of the internal muscles is that they are quite difficult to work out in standard strength training. It is the static load during the exercise that engages them in their work best.

The benefits of exercising in bed

Bubnovsky’s lazy gymnastics is joint gymnastics. There are other options for exercises in bed, ranging from breathing activities to those that strengthen the back, abs, and so on. We will talk about such Tibetan longevity gymnastics next time. Follow the publications.

Today we will focus on the joint complex, since healthy joints are a guarantee of health, a good figure and excellent well-being.

Here are the main advantages of such gymnastics:

  1. it makes us cheerful and energetic in the morning;
  2. gives a good mood;
  3. ideally takes care of the condition of those who lead a “sedentary” lifestyle and move little;
  4. safe with a minimum of contraindications;
  5. minimizes the risk of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other similar diseases;
  6. makes the back muscles strong and strong;
  7. improves heart function;
  8. helps to truly and, at the same time, gently wake up;
  9. makes joints flexible and healthy;
  10. normalizes blood pressure;
  11. is an effective prevention of constipation, which helps minimize the risk of hemorrhoids;
  12. removes tension from the spine and lower back;
  13. normalizes blood circulation;
  14. protects against pain;
  15. suitable for almost everyone, including the elderly;
  16. has a minimum of contraindications.

Possible contraindications

There are practically no contraindications for such gymnastics. This is what its author himself claims. But still, you shouldn’t do it if:

  • you have a high temperature;
  • severe weakness;
  • very high or low blood pressure;
  • there are acute inflammatory processes;
  • there is an oncological tumor;
  • you are recovering from strokes, injuries, heart attacks, after operations, childbirth, cesarean section.

In any case, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor if you have even the slightest doubt about your health.

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