Get perfect abs in just 8 minutes a day – easy and simple!

Every woman at any age dreams of a flat, beautiful and sexy tummy. So that nothing sticks out anywhere, doesn’t hang or “wiggle”. So that your tummy looks exceptionally toned and neat, and you can wear absolutely any thing, including short tops. All that remains is to stop wincing and sighing at the word “press” - and finally get down to business!

But, given the constant busyness of modern women, there is very little time left for classes, and even less time for going to the gym. What to do?

Let's pump up our abs right at home!

But first, let’s figure out where the myths are and where the truth about the ideal press is:

  • Myth 1. Abdominal workouts will help you lose fat around your waist. Alas. You can’t lose fat from a certain area with training alone; you’ll have to approach the issue comprehensively.
  • Myth 2. Ideal abs require a lot of lifting of the body from a lying position. In fact, it is quite simple to choose a set of exercises that makes the last repetitions more difficult. Then the repetition of the exercise will fade into the background.
  • Myth 3. To get perfect abs, you need daily workouts. Not at all necessary. 3-4 workouts per week are enough.
  • Myth 4. Abs training is enough to get perfect abs. If there is no fat layer at the waist, then absolutely. But if there is one, abdominal exercises alone are not enough, an integrated approach is needed. It is impossible to get perfect abs if you are overweight. First we lose the extra cm, then we create a beautiful belly contour.
  • Myth 5. Abdominal training is a safe activity. Alas. Contrary to myths, it is not only barbells and deadlifts that can become hazardous to health. Exercises that are dangerous to health also include stress on the press, such as the seated barbell press, as well as sit-ups on an inclined (seemingly safe!) bench (they are dangerous due to the appearance of intervertebral hernias); “jackknife” exercise (dangerous by overworking the spinal ligaments); lifting straight legs while the body is motionless on the bench (dangerous with spinal injuries and hernias).
  • Myth 6. Fitness stars (and other sports stars) achieve thin waists and abdominal definition through rigorous training. Alas! All of them, almost without exception, use “magic remedies” in the form of fat burners and other drugs. But do you need body contouring at this price?
  • Myth 7. You need to pump up both the lower and upper abs. And again deception. Abs have no top or bottom! The abs (note: rectus abdominis muscle) are a single whole. And cubes are provided by increasing tendons, which turn ordinary boring muscles into beautiful cubes.
  • Myth 8. Ideal abs require a large program of a wide range of exercises. Past again! Forming cubes requires only a minimum of exercises, in which the quality of their execution is important, and not the width of the range of lifts, twists, etc. The main thing is dedication, even if there are only one or two exercises.
  • Myth 9. An advertised ab belt helps you lose weight on the couch and get a six-pack without looking up from the TV and chips. Alas and ah! Don't believe a fairy tale that millions of dollars have been invested in promoting. The belt DOES NOT WORK! Of course, there is a basis for this idea - the principle of EMS really exists, but electrical stimulation has nothing to do with the growth of muscle mass.
  • Myth 10. While you work on your abs, your waist will shrink. Girls, be careful! You can even increase your waist with daily exercise on your abs! To prevent this from happening, training should be carried out without weights - only with your own weight! So put the dumbbells to the side and form cubes with your hands free.
  • Myth 11. Women's and men's abdominal workouts are different. Past again! The only difference is that the girl does not need weights. And in the dispute “who can pump up the abs faster with the same exercises,” both a man and a woman will achieve the desired result at the same time.
  • Myth 12. The load on the abs is at the very beginning of training. And then we were deceived! We pump the abs at the end of the workout so as not to lose the effectiveness of the workout as a whole by overstraining the large nerve nodes in the middle of the body.

Features of training for men and women

Male and female bodies have their own differences, which should be taken into account when developing training:

  1. Muscle distribution. In women, the lower body is more prone to weight gain. Most of the muscle mass is located in the thighs and legs. They can be trained much better and faster than the chest and arms. In men it’s the other way around: arms and shoulders are better developed.
  2. Volume of muscle mass. Muscle mass depends on testosterone - this is a “male” hormone, it synthesizes protein into muscle mass, making it easier for men to gain it. Glycogen, which is formed from carbohydrates, also affects the creation of muscles. Women produce less of it. Therefore, it takes them longer to build muscle mass than men. For this reason, it is much more difficult for women to “pump up” in the gym.
  3. Bones . Women's bones are more vulnerable than men's, so they cannot do exercises with the same weight.
  4. Endurance . Since fat is a store of energy, it makes women more resilient. A man can lift a lot of weight, but a woman can do more sets.
  5. Flexibility . It depends on the ratio of elastin and collagen: women have more of them than men. Thus, women's muscles and ligaments are more adapted to pregnancy and childbirth.

Common fitness exercises are similar for both genders. The only difference is the additional weight, number of approaches and repetitions. In women's training programs, cardio training predominates, while in men's, the emphasis is on strength exercises and muscle gain.

Therefore, in addition to exercises, we also take into account the main rules for creating abs:

  1. Regularity of classes. In 8 minutes a day you can really achieve abs, but only if you follow all the rules and with a training regimen - 2 times a day. It is ideal if the abdominal workout comes after a regular workout.
  2. An hour before training and an hour after - do not eat.
  3. We pump up the press ONLY after we have lost fat at the waist. Otherwise, you simply won’t see your gorgeous abs under the fat.
  4. We eat right. That is, 5-6 times a day, a portion - “from the palm of your hand” (from your own!), in the morning - the most plentiful food, in the evening - the lightest.
  5. We drink a lot - about 2 liters of water per day.
  6. We eat healthy foods : olive oil, lean meat, nuts, dairy products, oatmeal and whole grain bread, fish and vegetables, cinnamon (reduces hunger), mustard with red pepper and ginger (speed up metabolism). We boil the food, steam it or eat it raw (if possible).
  7. Don't pump up your abs during your period.
  8. We monitor sleep and rest patterns.
  9. Don't forget about cardio training , which helps eliminate waist fat.

How to do exercises correctly

To prevent all kinds of injuries and sprains, it is important to stretch before training and warm up your muscles.

Useful tips for beginners:

What is needed for effective trainingExplanation
Systematic actionThe purpose of physical activity is to develop willpower and maintain a positive attitude. It is necessary to gradually increase the load and intensity of training. You can create a special calendar and mark the progress of the work done
Positive attitudeIt is necessary to choose exercises that bring positive emotions. You can sign up for group classes or play sports with friends while listening to your favorite music.
StretchingStretching is the main component of all workouts; it must be done before and after classes. This prevents injuries and sprains and improves posture.
Sufficient amount of liquidWhen engaging in physical activity, a person sweats a lot, but if you do not drink enough water, there is a risk of becoming dehydrated.
Breath controlIf breathing is incorrect, confused and intermittent, then a person gets tired very quickly and needs longer to recuperate.
Exercise techniqueDuring classes, it is important to focus not on one part of the body, but also think about posture, and monitor the technique. It is normal to feel tired and burning in your muscles after finishing a workout.
MassageAt first, after starting sports, you will feel tired because the body is not accustomed to the stress. You can relax with a massage or physiotherapy from a professional
Balanced dietIncreasing the load on the body, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of this element in the daily menu. Protein helps keep muscles toned and adapt faster to increased loads.

So, remember - and let's get started!

  • Raising legs while hanging (approx. - without support in the lower back). Don’t avoid this exercise – it’s on the list of the most effective! We hang on the horizontal bar or fasten ourselves in the elbow straps, then bring our legs together and move them back a little. Now inhale and raise your legs to an angle of 90 degrees. We freeze as much as we can, tense our abdominal muscles and now slowly lower our legs. Don't rock your body! Repetitions: 2-3 sets of 10 times.
  • Twisting on a fitball. Almost the same as getting up from a lying position, only without harm to the spine. We lie down on the fitball with our backs (with our whole body), clasp our hands on the back of our heads, firmly rest our feet on the floor, and now inhale and slowly curl up the body with a deflection of the back. We linger for a couple of seconds at the end point, straining the abs, and now return to the starting position. Repetitions: 2-3 sets of 10-12 times.
  • Plank. Burn fat and pump up muscles! We take a lying position, rest our toes and palms on the floor, stretch our body like a string and, holding our breath, hold in this position for maximum time. Ideally – 30-60 seconds three times a day.
  • Vacuum. One of the most effective exercises for the abs, which also allows you to lose fat (one of Iron Arnie’s favorite exercises) – internal and external! So, put your hands behind your head, and pull in your stomach so much that it “sticks to the spine.” Now we “fix” this state and hold on as long as we can. Plus, exercise is the most effective of all possible, and you can do it while lying in bed, while washing dishes, in the shower, on the bus, etc. Repetitions: 3-4 times – as much as you can.
  • And - the last exercise. We lie on our backs, bend our knees, put our hands behind our heads, and lock them into a lock at the back of our heads. Now we reach with our left elbow to the right knee, then to the starting position and immediately with our right elbow to the left knee. Repetitions: 2-3 sets of 20-30 times.

Short workout option for 10 minutes

Not every short workout is equally beneficial for the body. The lesson must be effective. But what exercises should you do? For example, slow squats against a wall are especially effective. Perform 4 exercises so that each of them lasts at least 60 seconds. Then rest for about 30 seconds and begin the following exercises.

Main functions of the application

If you have already actively worked with the program for buttocks and thighs, you will easily master this application. It works on a similar principle. You receive a 30-day training program that includes exercises for the waist and sides. Every day is a collection of 8-11 exercises with 10-20 repetitions.

You simply install the application on your smartphone, select any day and start training. Effective abdominal exercises are ideal for a beginner who works out at home - all you need is a mat and a target setting.

Each lesson is accompanied by text instructions, as well as voice and video instructions. Additionally, you can see how abdominal exercises are performed by following the link to the YouTube video.

Bodymaster recommends!

The application is not designed for girls only. Men can also achieve spectacular sculpted abs before the hot season. The main thing is to specify gender, age and weight and height data in the settings. And you can find out more about what abdominal exercises for men exist in our article How to pump up your abs correctly.

In the report you can track your progress. Displayed here:

  • Number of workouts
  • Number of calories
  • Total class time

Don’t forget to enter your weight data every day so that you can carefully track your progress in working on your figure on a convenient chart. We also recommend setting up reminders at a time convenient for you so as not to miss workouts or fall out of rhythm.

A beautiful waist is created not only through daily abdominal exercises. Preparing a slim and fit body also needs to be done in the kitchen. Read more about this in our article Diet for Abs: Losing Weight for Perfect Abs.


Crunches are an exercise familiar to each of us since school. A few approaches are enough to warm up all muscle groups, from the cervical region to the feet.

Lie down on the floor. Lay a rug on it first, but you can do without it. Raise your right leg and bend it at the knee. Point it up towards your head. At the same time, bend your left elbow and move it towards your right leg, twisting your torso. Make sure to keep your back firmly pressed to the floor.

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Do the exercise slowly to control each movement. This will help you get a feel for how all muscle groups work.


Previously, we told you how to use the Buttocks in 30 days app from Simple Design Ltd to make your butt and legs beautiful and toned in just a month. However, in addition to this, it’s worth thinking about strong abdominal muscles, so that you can afford not only shorts in the summer, but also a top.

To do this, the same developers have another free application, Abs Workout, which includes effective abdominal exercises at home.

You can see what the Beautiful Abs and Waist applet looks like in our video:

Side Plank Bends

The side plank is effective on its own. But you can make it even more useful if you try to complicate it. If your physical fitness does not yet allow you to bend, you can simply stand in a side plank for about 1 minute. This will be enough to strengthen the muscles.

If you want to make the exercise more challenging, try raising your hips even higher. Extend your free hand in front of you. Point it down to also engage your back muscles.

About the author of the program

Tony Horton was born in 1958 in the small town of Westerly, Rhode Island. Growing up, Tony always loved chocolate cakes and sweets. This is what, in his own words, prevented him from achieving an ideal body.

After graduating from college, Tony moves to Los Angeles and tries his hand at acting. In order to become more noticeable, he begins to improve his body. The employees of the studio where he got a job became interested in Tony's training methods, and he began to teach them. After Tony realized that his training methods were successful, he came up with a great idea - you can make money from this!

In addition to creating fitness programs for “stars” and celebrities, Tony Horton trains at a state-of-the-art training center in Santa Monica.

By the way, Tony is one of the most successful fitness gurus and was included in the Top 10 richest fitness businessmen.


To train using the P90X system, you will need the following equipment:

  • Yoga mat,
  • horizontal bar,
  • dumbbells,
  • push-up supports,
  • expander with different rubber hardness,
  • heart rate monitor,
  • yoga blocks,
  • caliper (device for measuring body fat percentage).

As you can see, there is a lot of equipment, but almost all of it is quite affordable and can be found in any sports supermarket such as Decathlon or Sportmaster.

Each program consists of a nutrition plan, a DVD with videos of all the workouts for people of different fitness levels, a training calendar and a fitness test to determine which program is right for you.

The P90X program is officially sold on However, you can easily find it in other sources on the Internet.

Tony Horton's P90X - the path to strength, definition and endurance

He began planning his workouts in such a way that his muscles did not have time to adapt to the exercises being performed. This forced the body to work at full capacity, thanks to which progress did not stop.

Tony Horton - fitness instructor

Training forces the body to work at full capacity, so progress does not stop.

This is how Tony Horton created “P90X” - a program that to this day makes it possible to transform, create clear relief and gain endurance without even visiting the gym. All you need to do is turn on the video and do the exercises that Tony Horton demonstrates. Reviews from those who have completed his course indicate the high effectiveness of these trainings.

“P90X” is a program that makes it possible to create clear relief and gain endurance

“P90X” is a program that makes it possible to transform yourself, create a clear definition and gain endurance without even visiting the gym.

P90x Workout Calendar

Before starting classes, to determine the athlete’s readiness to complete the program, Tony Horton recommends passing a special fit test.

People with health problems should avoid doing P90x.

The program has three levels differing in complexity; for each level of complexity you need to use the appropriate calendar:

Lean is for beginners, it is also suitable for advanced athletes who just want to stay in shape

Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

P90x Lean Workout Calendar

Classic is a more serious load for those who want to work seriously

P90x Classic Training Calendar

Doubles - a reinforced option for those who find the loads of the previous level easy

P90x Doubles Workout Calendar

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