Bringing your arms together in the Butterfly machine is a popular exercise for the chest muscles.

To work on the pectoral muscles, various variations of compressions and presses are used. Some of them can be performed with the help of additional sports equipment. The “Butterfly” exercise machine is popular with both beginners and experienced athletes when working the chest area. Let's figure out what kind of instrument this is and how to do the exercise correctly.

What is a "butterfly"

The Butterfly trainer is a design designed for mixing. It consists of a backrest, a chair and handles, which are attached to the load using a frame. During mixing, weights increase the load on the working area. It can be varied in weight. “Butterfly” got its name due to its appearance: frames with handles diverge to the side like wings. Some models have elbow rests, which makes work even more isolated.

Tips for choosing a simulator

If you need an exercise machine for the legs, arms, chest or hips, the “Butterfly” is an ideal option, since with its help you can keep almost all problem areas of the female body in good shape, prevent the formation of fat folds and improve health. Expanders are made by many manufacturers, so the quality of the product may vary. In order for it to last as long as possible, before purchasing you need to study the features of each of the available models. Particular attention should be paid to the following:

  1. Quality of material. Even visually you can determine how durable the simulator is.
  2. Presence or absence of damage, strength of connections.
  3. Manufacturer. It is better to choose products from trusted companies. A good brand in itself serves as a guarantee of quality. In the sports industry, the most popular brands are Captains of crush Guide, Nike, Reebok, Adidas and Regal.

When choosing a device for training, you need to remember that each type of exercise equipment has a certain degree of injury risk. Poor workmanship increases this figure. When exercising with the Butterfly simulator, the muscles of the legs, chest, thighs, buttocks and other parts work. This makes the expander universal. To work with it, no special handling skills are required.

The low cost of “Butterfly” is also pleasing. Experts note only two shortcomings of the products: the range of loads is quite limited, and the inability to replace professional exercise equipment. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, but really want to have a good figure, “Butterfly” will be a great helper on the path to beauty and health.

When choosing a “Butterfly” simulator, you should give preference to products from reliable brands, the quality of which cannot be doubted

What kind of exercise

Bringing your arms together in a “butterfly” or otherwise “peck-deck” is an isolated exercise for the pectoral muscles. They are the ones who do the work of bringing the arms to each other, contracting their fibers. The remaining muscles are practically not involved in the movement. It occurs in the shoulder joints according to the type of rotation - remember that this is a ball-and-socket joint, the head of the shoulder rotates in the glenoid cavity. The elbows and other joints of the upper limb bones remain fixed. The same applies to the body.

It is believed that mixing in the “butterfly” refers to additional exercises. It is mainly used for “clogging” muscles at the end, as well as for pumping. But for beginners, this is an excellent start in chest work.

Abdominal curls: shape your pecs!

Bringing your arms together in a simulator is an isolated exercise aimed at developing the pectoral muscles. The main difference from the others is the ability to develop the middle part of the chest. The dating machine is called differently: butterfly, butterfly or peck deck. There are several variations of this exercise. We will talk about all this further. I will try to explain in detail the difference between them. And you will try them yourself and decide which of the options you will perform. Well, or your choice will depend on what kind of exercise machine you have in your gym. You just need to understand that this exercise will not help you build muscle mass. But it is perfect for those athletes who want to give an expressive shape to their pecs. But first things first.

What muscles work

The pec-dec pinch is considered an isolated exercise for the pectoral muscles: major and minor. They are the main “engine”. When performed correctly, tension is felt in the chest area, along the anterior outer surface of the chest. The maximum load falls on the middle beams. Additionally, the exercise involves:

  • anterior delta bundles;
  • serratus anterior;
  • coracobrachialis muscle;
  • biceps.

These muscles belong to the girdle of the limb and the upper chest. They continue to bring their hands together. Not everyone pays attention to which muscles help support the torso and legs. The following roles play a role in stabilizing the body:

  • latissimus muscles;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • erector of the back;
  • biceps and quadriceps femoris;
  • gluteal muscles.

Their participation here is minimal. They simply hold the pose on the chair.

additional information

  • Despite the fact that the developers talk about its versatility, it should still be noted that it does not work all muscles.
  • The product weighs very little.
  • It is compact.
  • It has an affordable price, but this applies to regular models. Professional-level models have a fairly high price.
  • When performing exercises for the arms and chest, calluses and unpleasant painful sensations may appear.


Regarding contraindications, it is worth considering the important point that you should not overload the body unnecessarily. Before deciding to exercise using a butterfly, consult your doctor for advice to rule out any possible side effects.

When exercising with an expander, the legs experience quite a lot of stress. There are certain diseases for which the use of sports equipment is strictly contraindicated.

Health-related problems include:

  • fragility of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of a cancerous tumor;
  • skin diseases of infectious nature;
  • the presence of wounds and ulcers on the legs.


  • When performing physical exercises, muscle tension should coincide with exhalation, and relaxation with sigh. Proper breathing is the key to a highly effective workout.
  • The number of repetitions of the same movements should be calculated so that you make the last movements with effort.

What are the pros and cons

Mixing in the simulator is suitable for all athletes. But its advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account when including it in the program.


  • ease of implementation;
  • isolated load on the chest;
  • you can exercise during the rehabilitation period and at the beginning of chest training;
  • good pumping effect;
  • muscles work throughout the entire movement;
  • minimum tension on the hands and shoulders;
  • you can effectively finish a chest set with this exercise;
  • Suitable for both men and women.


  • you need sports equipment - a butterfly simulator;
  • if you are not careful about the technique, there is a risk of injury;
  • it’s easy to overdo the weight – only the pectoral muscles work, unlike other exercises;
  • This exercise alone cannot achieve a significant increase in volume; a “base” is required.

For beginner athletes, the exercise can be made the main element of the set for a while, and then moved to the end of the workout. This will promote muscle growth and volume without the risk of injury or damage. You should be careful about the weight you choose. You can't take too much, since only pectoral groups work. This means less weight is required.


The Butterfly expander has become the most affordable means for correcting body lines. It is suitable for all age categories. Even people who have nothing to do with sports can use it.

Regular physical training with an expander improves the lines of the body and gives the body vigor. You just need to accurately master the rules for performing various exercises.

All physical exercises with an expander are based on the principle of compression. Exercises using this method have a high level of effectiveness and make it possible to strengthen the muscles of the body in a short period of time. An expander is especially useful for the fair half of humanity, since with its help it is possible to work out the muscles of the inner thigh.

Exercises with an expander require no more than half an hour a day. You can also do shorter sessions throughout the day. They serve as an excellent addition to cardiovascular training or aerobic exercise. To increase the effectiveness of exercise, it is recommended to resort to a short warm-up before it, which will stretch and warm up the muscles.

How to increase the effectiveness of classes

In order for the level of effectiveness from exercising with an expander to be high, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't give up on the workouts you've started. Physical exercise should be done regularly. At the same time, add the degree of load evenly.
  • Spend at least half an hour a day on your studies.

Execution technique

Correctly performed mixing is the key not only to sports success, but also to health. Therefore, follow the instructions for the technique:

  1. position the seat so that your arms are brought together in front of your chest;
  2. make sure that the back and seat allow you to sit without tilting your body;
  3. handles - in neutral position;
  4. put the required weight on the machine;
  5. sit on the seat: keep your back straight, press your shoulder blades to the back;
  6. lower your legs to the floor and place them on the sides - your feet should rest on the surface;
  7. if the feet do not reach the floor, place pancakes or any other support;
  8. grab the handles of the machine with a neutral grip;
  9. move your shoulders back, straighten your back and remove unnecessary bends (the natural position of your back in the lumbar region is maintained);
  10. keep your head straight;
  11. take a breath;
  12. as you exhale, bring your arms together in front of you;
  13. keep your elbows slightly bent – ​​“soft”;
  14. hold at a point in front of you for 1-2 seconds by contracting the pectoral muscles;
  15. return to the starting position;
  16. repeat the movement the required number of times.

To start training, you can do 10-14 repetitions of 2-3 approaches. For good pumping – 5-6 approaches of 10 times. Experienced athletes can perform 2-3 sets of 12 times with heavy weights and 2 sets of 10-12 times with lighter weights. Select weight individually: on average, it is recommended to start with 10-15 kg.


There are professional subtleties in performing the exercise that will improve your work:

  • make the movement smoothly without jerking: reduce it to 2 counts;
  • moving your arms up, the load goes to the upper part of the chest, and down – to the lower part;
  • rest between sets for no more than 2 minutes;
  • start the set with a warm-up;
  • finish working on the chest with stretching;
  • at the start of the exercise you need to feel a stretch in the chest area;
  • do not move your hands away from the midline;
  • keep your shoulders down;
  • fix your feet without excessive zeal - no need to try to push off with your feet;
  • avoid any body movements when mixing;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles;
  • eliminate “movements” of the coccyx;
  • It is better to use less weight, but more attention to detail and technique;
  • direct your gaze straight ahead.

The essence of all reduction options is the work of the pectoral muscles to bring the arms in front of you closer to the midline. All of these nuances help to “focus” the body on an isolated load. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring the maintenance of correct posture.

Execution option

Some models of the simulator have supports for the forearms and elbow joints. You need to place your elbow on soft pads and turn your arm at an angle of 90 degrees to your shoulder. In this position, the movement should be performed in a similar pattern. The main “bonus” of this additional option is even more isolated work on the pectoral muscles.

Recommendations for girls

Almost all movements with the butterfly simulator are quite simple. However, 1-2 exercises are allocated for each muscle group, which is enough to work almost all the major muscles.

Keeping the load moderate, try to perform all movements in a high-repetition style - about 15 to 20 repetitions in each set. The number of approaches depends on your training experience. Beginners are recommended to limit themselves to 3-4 sets, with a higher level of physical fitness - up to 10 for each group.

However, always be guided by your feeling of fatigue. The best choice when working with a butterfly expander is fullbody training (pumping the whole body at one time) for 25-40 minutes. This regimen will not only tone your muscles, but will also increase endurance and stimulate fat burning.

Common mistakes

The following mistakes often happen when mixing:

  • arms are too straight - fully extended at the elbow joints;
  • head down;
  • rounding in the back, deflections;
  • jerking movements;
  • assistance with feet by inertia;
  • lifting the feet off the floor;
  • separation of the shoulder blades from the back;
  • placing your hands behind the midline;
  • too much weight;
  • working too hard;
  • the simulator is not adjusted to individual parameters (most often it is not adjusted according to height);
  • gripping the handles very tightly, with a lot of tension in the hands;
  • no coordination with breathing.

Another “mistake” can be considered high hopes for rapid muscle growth only on mixing. But this will not happen if you do not use other chest exercises.


Sometimes working in a “butterfly” is not recommended, despite all its safety. Restrictions include:

  • stretching or tearing of working muscles;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • arthritis in the acute stage;
  • fever;
  • recent spinal injuries;
  • severe scoliosis and other deformities of the spinal column;
  • periarthritis of the shoulder and elbow joints.

It can be difficult to tell muscle, joint and ligament problems apart. But the common “signal” is pain and difficulty moving. Then it is better to go to the doctor rather than to the gym.

Is there an alternative

Sometimes the question arises of what to replace “pek-dek”. If there is no “butterfly” in the gym, but you want to work on your chest in the same way, then there is an alternative:

  • bringing your hands together with dumbbells on a bench: straight or inclined;
  • crossover mixing in the upper block;
  • bringing together in front of you in loops.

These exercises do not repeat the work in the “butterfly” and cannot be a complete analogue. But the essence of the movement is the same. Alternatively you can use.

Bringing your arms together in a “butterfly” makes it easier to work on the pectoral muscles and helps to form a beautiful relief. The exercise is performed using a special simulator. You need to customize it for yourself. This reduction is suitable for all categories of athletes, but is an isolated and additional element of the program. During movement, you need to control your body and body position for better effect and safety. There are restrictions on loads. See you in the new blog! Subscribe to updates and invite friends!

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