How to Start Running: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Running is one of the most popular workouts for both weight loss and overall health. This is an accessible method of loading that allows you to train in the fresh air, which is especially appropriate during a pandemic. But running mindlessly is also wrong, there are many nuances, knowledge that allows you to get good results: correct heart rate, breathing, degree of load and duration of training. Therefore, below we will consider a running program for beginners, as well as recommendations and tips.

Start by walking

If the last time you ran was at school, and then reluctantly, one flight of stairs causes shortness of breath, or if you are overweight, it is better to start with walking.

For at least a week, aim to walk 10,000 steps every day. It’s just a number, but it’s better to have something to focus on: it makes it easier to start.

Every kilometer you walk improves your fitness and prepares you for your first run. If you lead an active lifestyle and walk a lot, you can immediately start running training.

How to motivate yourself so as not to quit?

Everyone’s motivation is different - some want to improve their health, others want to lose weight, but for everyone there are general rules that help turn running not into a burdensome duty, but into pleasure and a way of life:

  1. You probably won’t regret that you started running, and you will definitely regret that you didn’t start. Even if the first run is difficult, after it you will still receive a set of bonuses - vigor, good health, great mood and the realization that you finally did it. These sensations need to be recorded in your head so that you can remember them at the right time.
  2. Make a plan. It will discipline you and allow you to evenly distribute the load. Imagine that each of your runs is a piece of a puzzle, and someday you will put the whole picture together - you will get the desired figure, become healthier, and be proud of yourself.
  3. Running in a group is an ideal incentive, especially if you are a sociable person. You will not be able to let down those who are counting on you, you will not break the agreement and you will go for a run even if it is not easy to do.
  4. If you like to post your photos and achievements on social networks, they will be your motivation.
  5. Keep a diary of your achievements - record the kilometers traveled, set records and review this information periodically.

Alternate running with walking

Master of Sports in Athletics and coach Artyom Kuftyrev says that many beginners perceive running as quickly covering a distance, so they quickly run out of steam.

Artyom Kuftyrev

Master of Sports in Athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

On their first run, beginners are frightened by new sensations: the pulse and breathing rate increase, the pressure and speed of blood circulation increase, perhaps somewhere something is stinging out of habit. The body is trying to adapt to the new operating mode, but this takes time. If you endure a little, it will work out and it will be easier for you. But this is only if you chose an adequate pace for yourself from the beginning!

Give your body a chance to adapt: ​​start gradually. Here's an example of a beginner's run-walk workout from our expert.

Set a timer and run for 3 minutes, then walk for the next 2 minutes—that's one set. There are six of them to make in total, which will take you 30 minutes.

However, remember that three minutes of running is not sprinting as hard as you can. You won't last long this way. The running pace should be comfortable.

Artyom Kuftyrev

Master of Sports in Athletics, marathon runner, founder of the Instarun running school

To maintain the right pace, use a simple rule: you must be able to carry on a continuous conversation while running. This pace is also called conversational.

It is often advised to run with an eye on your heart rate, but if you do not have a chest heart rate monitor, it will be of little use. Fitness bracelets and watches determine heart rate very roughly and give huge errors.

Moreover, Artyom claims that the numbers may vary depending on the individual person and at first it is better to focus on your feelings.

If you can't maintain a conversational pace for three minutes, reduce your running time. For example, you can run for 2 minutes and walk for 3, or run for 1 minute and walk the remaining 4.

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