How to Start Running in the Morning: A Guide to Technique, Nutrition, and Motivation

So, you're thinking about running in the morning. It's free, healthy, and helps you lose weight. You have friends who run and they are fit, happy, focused and productive. There is only one concern: if running is so easy, why do you have so many questions? Not only you. Absolutely all beginners face similar questions. In this guide we will tell you how to force yourself to run in the morning, the benefits and harms of running, how to start and how to eat. At the end of the article you will find a training plan specifically for beginners. Let's start, pay attention...

Keep a training diary

Knowing how many kilometers you need to run and at what pace you can roughly imagine how long it will take. And specific numbers will be much easier to fit into the daily schedule.


For example, a 10-kilometer run at a pace of 5:30 min/km will take 55 minutes. Add a few minutes of warm-up and cool-down and you get a little over an hour.


Motivation helps you convince yourself to move towards your prospects. And this is already a victory. Making up your mind and not backing down is a victory. Getting together and doing it is a victory. Hence the feeling of a winner. After this, self-esteem strengthens and grows. Anyone who has run will understand.

You got up early in the morning, put on a tracksuit and sneakers, went for a run, there was no one around, and you didn’t care. You run and feel that you have won, your head rises higher and your chest bursts with pleasure. Even then, the pain in my legs is somehow pleasant, earned by even hard work - running. Well, if such a victory is achieved day after day, if the jogging schedule has already been drawn up and carried out with enviable regularity - this is already a victory in the cube. When the consequences become noticeable - the waist becomes narrower, the legs are toned, the stomach is smaller, the complexion is brighter, the sleep is stronger, there is less shortness of breath, then the feeling of victory will increase in unrealistic proportions.

Take advantage of every opportunity to exercise

Master commuting running and come home from work running. If your office has a shower, do your workout during your lunch break. Running saturates the brain with oxygen, and after such active leisure you will be able to work much more productively.

If you have something to do outside of working hours, you can also get to its destination by running, bypassing endless traffic jams and adding another workout to your credit.

marathon and half marathon training plans and start training today!

Read on the topic: Running around the city: features of training in urban conditions


It’s great if you find a company to run together in the mornings or evenings. So the chances of abandoning such an intention are reduced significantly. Today your companion motivates you to run, tomorrow you will tell him with reason that all far-fetched excuses are just a manifestation of laziness.

And, in principle, the competitive moment - who can hold out longer and lose weight faster - is also motivation. Just good company is also great. It’s more fun and interesting, and it’s also safer, well, if you run through the streets or parks (squares), forests.

Organize a corporate running club or join an existing one

Leaders of many large companies have long known that there is no better way to get closer to colleagues than joint events, especially those held for recreational purposes. Running helps employees go beyond formal interaction - when people see each other in an informal setting, overcome difficulties together, they begin to communicate on a new level.

If your company does not already have such team building, think about how to organize it. Talk to your colleagues and bosses, discuss joint jogging routes and benefits that the company can provide to sports employees.

The benefits of running in the morning

To give you an idea of ​​the benefits of morning running, we have compiled a list:

  • you start your day on a positive note;
  • the mornings are cooler, especially in summer;
  • this will help clear your mind and plan your day;
  • more time in the evening to spend with friends or family;
  • acceleration of metabolism: jogging in the morning will speed up weight loss;
  • Running is inexpensive compared to other types of exercise: forget about an expensive gym membership, just buy a good pair of running shoes;
  • availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • reducing stress and improving mood: the process releases endorphins that make you happy, there is even such a thing as “runner’s euphoria”;
  • improving hormonal levels due to the production of insulin and cortisol - this is the benefit of running in the morning for women.

Becoming a morning runner is a feat. It will take dedication, patience and, most importantly, the will not to press the repeat button for the fifth time. We've put together some tips to help you get out of bed, put on your trainers and get out the door.

Each runner started with the first step. You can too!

Take care of your diet

Without high-quality and balanced “fuel”, you will not have the energy for jogging or even for ordinary everyday activities. Donchik, a character in N. Nosov’s book “Dunno on the Moon,” was absolutely right when he said that the diet should not be violated: “Everything must be done on time: lunch, breakfast, and dinner.”

Avoid fatty foods and fast carbohydrates, they make you sleepy. Take homemade food in containers with you to the office or take advantage of the delivery of ready-made food rations. Don't skip breakfast and don't overeat at night.


Everything hurts, just not today, fatigue has accumulated, the weather is not suitable, I can’t force myself, I don’t need it, I’m overwhelmed with work, I’m overwhelmed with household chores, I’m tormented by a runny nose, my stomach is bothering me, my back won’t bend, my loved ones are waiting, I’m not an athlete and running is not for me. Each of us must have said something from this list or something similar in content to ourselves every day or morning or evening when we were thinking about going for a run. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether it was the first time or the second or fifth time. Those who have been running for a long time report that the fifth time everything is much easier and more confident. But before that, it’s still worth finding your motivation, which would help you not just go for a run one day, but also encourage you not to stray from your chosen path of self-development.

Motivate yourself

Read books about running, stories of amateur runners, communicate with colleagues - and you will understand that everyone has approximately the same problems and concerns, but one comes up with excuses, and the other goes to training.

The great Czech stayer Emil Zatopek was forced to live in a city occupied by the Germans. He didn't have the opportunity to run outside - so he did his workouts in his room. While running in place, Zatopek did intervals and other work to stay in shape. And at the very first post-war Olympic Games, he became the champion in the 10,000 m distance and the silver medalist in the 5,000 m.

More on the topic: 35 books about running that will inspire you to new achievements


For everything done, a person would like to be rewarded. So why not use this for running motivation as well. Is it encouraging to be proud of yourself, to be deservedly proud? Yes, but not all. To whom this does not encourage, admit to yourself what would be a reward for you for jogging. First for one, then for a series, then for regularity in this matter. And even if it was a box of chocolates, which I didn’t allow myself. Let it be a movie, theater, travel, fishing gear or fishing itself. Buying a favorite thing that you have long wanted, but have not had the opportunity to purchase, is also a great incentive. Well, all means are good here. It is important to start and stay in your pursuit, and then running will begin to be enjoyable.

Runners' personal experience

We asked amateur runners of different professions the same question: “How do you combine running and work?” And we are ready to share their answers.

Olga, 27 years old, engineer at an electrical grid company

“I work from 8:00 to 17:00, sometimes I have to stay late. Since I’m married and no one has canceled household chores, it’s not always convenient for me to train in the evening. I started training in the morning on my own 2-3 times a week. To do this, I got up at 5:00, spent 30-50 minutes training, then had breakfast, got ready for work and left at 7:00.

Gradually, my body got used to the load, and I also began attending two evening group training sessions with a running coach. I have been planning my day for quite a long time, so increasing the number of workouts during the week was relatively easy. Group training starts at 19:00, that is, immediately after work I go to the stadium, and from there home, do my homework until 22:00, and go to bed at 22:30.

When I went on vacation, I asked my coach to write me a training plan for the duration of the trip, reported to her on my workouts, and thanks to this I didn’t lose my running shape.

Of course, it’s not always possible to complete everything according to plan, but I try not to miss group classes and don’t get upset when, due to objective circumstances, I can’t complete a home workout. I really like our sports-friendly atmosphere in the group and how I feel after running, so the question of how to motivate myself to train does not arise in principle. There will always be time for what you love.”

Igor, 36 years old, ship mechanic on a ship

“My work means being away from home for 3-4, and sometimes 5 months. Sometimes we don't set foot on land for weeks, and all my training takes place on the boat. I run on the treadmill in the gym, do SBU in the hallway. I carry elastic bands with me and do many different exercises with them. You can always figure out how to make parallel bars and a horizontal bar. And I don’t need anything else.

My working day lasts from 8:00 to 17:00, unless there are some breakdowns. Then I eat, rest and at 8 pm I go to training. Usually there is a gym on the ship, but if not, then it’s okay, if only you want it.

And on vacation, I make the most of my time: I train every day and sometimes combine several types of exercise in one day.”

Elena, 24 years old, hotel administrator

“I work shifts: either from 8 am to 8 pm, or from 8 pm to 8 am. At first, with such a schedule, I couldn’t manage to integrate running into my life: after the night shift I just wanted to sleep and nothing else, and after the day shift I was too exhausted to train.

Then I realized that without running I began to feel much worse, the usual energy was gone, and most importantly, the stability and support of every day. And since I like my job, and I’m not going to change it yet, I decided to change my attitude. Now after the night shift I go home to sleep, and in the evening I go out to train. If I have a day shift, I run at 5 a.m. and go to work by 8 a.m.

I also have my patented way of training: if we meet somewhere with friends in the evening, then I can allow myself to drink a glass of wine or cider. In this case, the car remains in the parking lot in the city center, I go home by taxi, and the next day I run early in the morning and pick it up. Try it, it really works."

Alexey, 41 years old, roofing crew foreman

“In addition to working on roofs, my responsibilities include finding clients and communicating with them. When I first started training, it was hard, but now I’m used to it.

I run in the morning so that I can do intense training work. If you train after work, then you have much less strength, and there is a high probability of not doing a workout at all. I usually wake up at 5:00, eat oatmeal and water, and an hour later I arrive at the stadium. I train until 8:00, go to work, have breakfast there and climb onto the roof. Then a break from one to two, and then we work until 18:00. At 7 pm I’m at home, I try to rest, but I don’t always manage to avoid household chores. I go to bed around 22:00.

When I’m not training at the stadium, I get up at 5:30 and run straight from home, and then follow the same schedule.”

Natalya, 34 years old, running coach

“A shoemaker without boots is about me. Despite the fact that I don’t leave the stadium for days on end, I literally have to scratch out time for my own training. I usually have 2-3 work workouts in the morning, starting from 6:00-6:30, and 1-2 in the evening from 18:00. The day is relatively free, but I am very exhausted energetically and cannot train myself immediately after training with someone.

Therefore, I go home, eat, write plans for my students, read the sports literature I need, and also do household chores. Plus, I have a small child who, after kindergarten, wants absolutely all my attention, and if before I asked my parents for time off for going out, now I ask my daughter for time off for jogging. And yes, it doesn’t always work out.

For myself, I found this way out: if possible, I run with my students, I can run around the city to do some business, or I run out of the house very early in the morning, at 4 o’clock. Of course, in order to prepare for a race for results, I need more intense and structured training, but I’m also glad that I manage to run at least in fits and starts. After all, running is my outlet, pleasure, source of strength and generator of new ideas.”

Oleg, 39 years old, employee of a logistics company

“The work starts at 8am and is in an area where you have to travel from the city every day. Therefore, in the morning only very short workouts are possible, and only if I find the strength to get up early. Most often I run after work, which provides an excellent opportunity to ground myself and, as the Dalai Lama recommended, spend an hour alone with myself.

I plan long runs only on weekends so that I can see my family on weekdays. I dream of retiring and living a normal life - two workouts a day, a nap during the day. And in general, I have big plans for the 80+ category in Ironman!”

How to run in the morning: technique and breathing

Slow rhythm

Many beginners feel like they are running too slow. Don't compare yourself to others. Every runner gets into shape based on their body type and fitness level. Any pace is fast enough to bring the body into the moderate to vigorous aerobic zone. So take your time and focus on endurance rather than speed.

If you feel short of breath or nauseous, you are running too fast. This is a mistake most newbies make. If you have such symptoms, slow down your rhythm, you can start walking quickly, but try not to stop.

For the most part, you don't have to worry about technology. However, it is better to run with a straight back, without slouching or leaning far forward or backward.

Don't walk too fast to avoid putting extra strain on your knees. Run, focusing your gaze approximately 3 meters in front of you, keeping your bent arms relaxed.

How to breathe while running

To achieve maximum results, it is important to tune in to your breathing and make improvements to this process.

Proper breathing will increase the comfort and effectiveness of your workout. The new technique may feel uncomfortable or unnatural at first, but over time you will get used to it and be able to optimize your breathing to feel comfortable.

Rhythmic breathing that matches your steps provides more oxygen and reduces stress on the body. Every time the foot hits the ground, the force of the impact can cause muscle imbalance. Rhythmic breathing reduces pressure on the diaphragm and balances the shock load between both sides of the body. Follow the 3:2 pattern - three beats on the inhale and two on the exhale. If you are running at a fast pace, you can use a 2:1 pattern.

In order not to harm your lungs, it is better to jog outside the city or in the park. If you plan to run in an urban area where the air is polluted, choose a time of day when traffic is minimal.

How to breathe correctly when running - through your mouth or nose? When jogging at a slow pace, you can use nasal breathing. You can also inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

When running at high intensity, it is recommended to breathe through your mouth as it is more effective. By inhaling and exhaling through your mouth, you allow more oxygen to enter your body and fuel your muscles. In addition, mouth breathing helps relieve tension in the jaw, which can help relax your face and body.


We are absolutely convinced that if you want to train, there will be an opportunity. This is confirmed by the stories of ordinary people, and the story of the above-mentioned Emil Zatopek. You just need to pay more attention to the current situation in order to integrate training into your daily schedule without harming your work process, sleep and other areas of life.

You and I are not preparing for the Olympics and do not encourage you to die in training. But when you once again make a choice between jogging and going to the couch in favor of the latter because you've had a hard day, think about what you can do differently.

Read on the topic: Is it possible to run when tired?

How to run properly in the morning

For jogging in the morning to be beneficial, it is important not only to follow the technique and choose high-quality equipment, but also to perform general morning rituals right before training:

  1. Raise your blood sugar before your run by eating a snack 15 to 20 minutes before your run. Running in the morning on an empty stomach can lead to a loss of strength in the unprepared.
  2. If you drink coffee or tea after waking up, reduce the dose to half a cup. Moderate amounts of caffeine are an effective pre-workout performance enhancer, but large amounts can cause tachycardia.
  3. Walk for at least 5 minutes to warm up slightly. The morning warm-up takes a little longer, so start with an easy walk and gradually increase it to a brisk walk. A five-minute walk will help your body prepare more effectively for the transition to running.
  4. After a five-minute walking warm-up, run at a slow pace for 5 to 10 minutes. The body will reward you with good performance if you gradually pick up speed. Just as you warm up your car in winter, your body needs time to wake up and warm up. If this doesn't help, alternate between jogging for a minute or two and brisk walking for a minute before increasing the pace. Brisk walking when transitioning to running works wonders, especially in the morning.

Make a playlist with your favorite tracks. Let the first tracks be light and gradually move on to the most rhythmic ones. Music is an effective way to motivate even during the toughest times while running.

Is it harmful to work at night?

Night work is associated with a large number of risks for the body. Problems with metabolism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal tract may occur. The likelihood of being overweight increases.

  • It has been proven that people who constantly work night shifts have more worn-out heart muscle, which can lead to high blood pressure or a heart attack.
  • The occurrence of excess weight is associated with impaired production of hormones such as ghrelin and leptin. They are responsible for the feeling of hunger or satiety; accordingly, a failure leads to excessive overeating. And the food consumed is not always considered healthy.
  • Another problem that arises from excess weight is diabetes. The risk of its occurrence is accompanied by impaired production of the hormone insulin. For those who spend all night at work, after 10 years the likelihood of developing such a disease increases by 40%.

IMPORTANT! Another side effect of night shifts at work is high stress levels and aggressiveness.

What senses are involved when running in the dark?


The eyes work less in the dark, and this enhances hearing and touch. We feel the movement of the wind and the ground under our feet more strongly. Also, we are not distracted and are more focused on our sensations.

But you still shouldn’t run in pitch darkness - if possible, choose illuminated places and smooth paths. After all, in the night you may encounter inappropriate individuals or dangerous animals.

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