Fitness Weights: Why You Should Buy Them 

One of the main questions facing those who prefer to exercise at home is whether weights or other equipment are needed? Jessica Alba, for example, trains with an elastic band, and Reese Witherspoon, as we already wrote, prefers a jump rope. An important fitness accessory that those who go to the gym should take note of are good old weights (they are used to increase the intensity of exercise). Nowadays there are quite a lot of aesthetic models, so training will also be a reason to update Instagram.

We discussed with the trainer what is good about this sports accessory, how to use it, and also collected some cool weights for you.

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Advantages of weights

They are used to increase the effectiveness and intensity of training. Typically, weights are worn on the ankles, but there are some exercises where they should be placed on the arms, depending on what area you want to work. “The way these accessories work is that they provide extra weight and increase the load on us, so we have to put more effort into moving the involved joints,” explains trainer Sandra Lorden Alvarez.

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Mistake two: swinging the body

Again, in pursuit of speed, we begin to strongly “wiggle” our shoulders left and right, bending sideways at the waist. It feels like we are walking faster or at least burning more calories - after all, more movements are being made and the muscles of the back and lower back are involved. But in reality, such “swinging” only slows us down and, what is more unpleasant, puts unnecessary stress on the spine, which is forced to “squirm” from side to side. Which, by the way, is harmful: in an overweight person, bending to the sides can lead to pinching of the nerve roots that radiate from the spinal cord to the sides.

“The torso should be kept straight with a slight tilt at the hip joints,” says Elizaveta Karpinskaya. - Feet should always be pointing forward. Be aware if painful sensations occur! Walking programs may involve gradual increases in distance and/or speed. Do not proceed to the next step if you feel discomfort."

“You should walk from heel to toe,” says Pavel Fedorova , personal trainer at the Fitlab fitness club. — The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the shoulders are relaxed and lowered, the movement of the arms is natural, in rhythm with the legs. Recommended breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Inhale for 4 steps, exhale for 4 steps.”

Will they help you gain muscle mass?

Increasing the intensity of training with the help of weights does not guarantee that muscle mass will also increase. “The weights used are very light in order to induce muscle growth. However, they make exercise more difficult and therefore help you burn more calories,” the expert notes.

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Weights put a more powerful load on the body, so there are a number of cases when they cannot be used. Contraindications are:

  • problems with veins and varicose veins;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vision problems;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • fractures, dislocations and sprains, recent surgeries;
  • high pressure;
  • diseases of the joints and spine.

We recommend reading about strength exercises at home. From the article you will learn about the effectiveness of strength training, the necessary attributes for performing exercises, and a complex for weight loss. And here is more information about exercises with a barbell for weight loss.

Weights promote more effective weight loss. The right equipment will make even the simplest exercises more effective. The muscles will become more elastic and developed. But it is important not to overdo it and harm yourself. Therefore, you should perform your workouts carefully, listening to your feelings.

How to choose the right weight

The expert advises following these rules:

  1. A person with a low level of training can try weights of one kilogram to begin with and gradually increase the load so that the body gets used to the additional weight.
  2. An active person with an average level of training can start with one and a half or two kilograms, provided that he manages to perform the exercises correctly.

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Mistake five: incorrect equipment

Unlike other types of fitness, walking does not require very careful selection of clothes and shoes. However, shoes with hard, stiff, thin, shoe-like soles cause the foot to tire too quickly, and its small muscles can even be injured. “For walking, choose soft, light and fairly flexible shoes,” recommends Elizaveta Karpinskaya. — The inside of the foot should be well fixed. “Sneakers should provide good shock absorption and a ridged sole for better traction and less stress on the spine.”

As for clothing, try not to get cold and not sweat too much - in the second case, you will instantly get cold. “A person in the hall gets used to a constant air temperature,” says Pavla Fedorova. - No wind, no sun, no temperature change. When moving to the park, no matter how funny it may sound, people forget to look at their feet. Obstacles such as roots or rocks require a higher leg lift and visual control. On the track we don’t pay attention to it.” And take care of reflectors on your clothes if you plan to go out in the evening!

What exercises require weights?

It is most advisable to use them when performing strength exercises: squats, lunges, leg swings or glute bridges. Also, as the expert notes, weights can be worn during aerobics classes or training on a step platform, as they increase the intensity of the exercises and enhance the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

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How many calories does walking cost?

To calculate the amount of energy expended while walking, it is necessary to clarify two indicators:

  • body weight;
  • average speed.

Depending on your walking speed, each kilogram of weight accounts for a certain number of calories burned:

  • at a walking speed of 4 km/h, 3.2 kcal are spent per 1 kg of weight;
  • 6 km/h - 4.5 kcal;
  • 8 km/h - 10 kcal.

This means that a person weighing 70 kg, who moves at a speed of 4 km/h, will spend 315 kcal in an hour.

Attention! To effectively count calories burned and record your movement speed, it is better to use a fitness bracelet.

Is it possible to run with them?

Although it is widely believed that weights can be used for running or walking, experts still advise against it. “They have the opposite effect - they can overload and injure joints or muscles. This is because weights will interfere with the natural movement of your legs while running,” notes Alvarez.

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Mistake Four: Tilt Up Too Much

This applies to those who train on a treadmill and, in an effort to burn more calories, go uphill. On the street, for every ascent, sooner or later there will be a descent, so in the end the load will be harmonious. Walking only uphill at inclines greater than 7% forces all the joints of your legs to be constantly bent. The ankle and hip joints practically do not return to their normal extended state, the knee bends too much. As you may have guessed, this again is fraught with injuries to joints and ligaments.

“The street has its own difficulty in choosing the intensity of the load,” adds Pavla Fedorova. — The track sets a constant speed, step length, distance traveled per unit of time at a particular speed. The intensity on the track, as opposed to walking on the street, is easier to control.”

Gluteal muscles are more than just seat cushions

Gluteal muscles are more than just seat cushions

Nature made this muscle large enough not only for the sake of beauty. The gluteus maximus muscle (“MGM”) is the largest and one of the strongest muscles in the human body. The gluteus maximus muscle is the most superficial of the three gluteal muscles and forms most of the shape and appearance of the buttocks. The gluteus maximus muscle runs along the crest of the pelvic bone and attaches to the posterior aspect of the proximal femur and to the iliotibial ligament, providing a connection between the trunk and lower extremities.

The large size of this muscle is one of the most characteristic features of the human muscular system. According to most researchers, humans evolved from ape-like ancestors about two million years ago on the vast savannah of Africa. It is believed that natural selection favored the survival of animals that could escape. Over time, evolution consolidated the anatomical features that allowed humans to run long distances, and the enlargement of the gluteus maximus muscle may have played a decisive role in this process.

SEC "Planet

In other words, I didn’t really like Sveta’s plan, but I had to go with Sveta to get weights.

Meanwhile, we drove up to an orthopedic salon not far from the Center, but there was nothing there.

First of all, I felt uneasy, I don’t know, maybe because my brain was unaccustomed to perceiving everything as it was before.

I thought that Sveta would take me to the Center, but Sveta took us to the big pier.

That is, as she said, this is the largest store in the city of Krasnoyarsk.


Why did I come here?

Firstly, when we entered the pier through the central doors, I immediately wanted to go back to the street.

I saw a huge hall, and an unimaginable number of people scurrying back and forth.

And, the worst thing was, there were smells, smells and smells, disgusting smells!

And, also, music was thundering from all sides, not just loudly, but it was knocking and beating my brain.

It was terrible! It seemed to me that I was losing consciousness.

First of all, I asked Sveta where I could sit, because I felt bad and started to feel nauseous.

A classmate sat me down on some bench and gave me water.

As a result, I began to come to my senses, but said that I would not move anywhere from this bench.

The first trip to a big store was something!

Sveta went to the boutiques.

Oh, I measured my blood pressure, and I was very surprised, because the blood pressure was almost normal.

That is, 140/90!

It seemed to me that everything was 200, like at the airport when all this happened to me.

Of course, I was happy about this fact and called Sveta to warn her that I would go outside.

I “fled” to the air, that is, from the noise, from the din and from the terrible smells.


Huge, noisy and terrible store

Of course, when we were driving to the store, I thought how good it was that Sveta convinced me to go with her.

Krasnoyarsk was beautiful in its own way!

The big city is surrounded on all sides by beautiful hills.

Everywhere you look, the city is bordered by mountains!

We drove up to the store, my friend parked the car about 120-150 meters from the main entrance.

First of all, I assessed whether I could get to the entrance and then return back without the help of anyone.

And I realized that I would get there and come back, but, most importantly, that I would not be able to walk around the store.


Because it was already evening, I was tired, and I had been doing physical exercises all day, that is, I was “blown away.”

In other words, I still understood that Sveta reasoned correctly, that it was necessary to return to society.

Of course, I didn’t want to lose the psychological and physical boundaries of comfort.

That is, to do something that is not usual. Scary!

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