How to purchase a relief? Nutrition and training tips

It's time to show everyone your pumped up muscles! 8 tips to help you get a sculpted body! Adjust your training program and enjoy the admiring glances of others!

A pumped up and sculpted body is an unconditional success on the beach and a guarantee that all admiring female glances will be directed towards you.

If your muscle mass leaves much to be desired, just continue working on the lagging muscle groups, now we are talking about super-relief of an already pumped up body! If you are a beginner, just do basic training, this will be an adult conversation.

We will tell you how to achieve a sculpted body and show everyone the results of your efforts in the gym. 8 actionable nutrition and training tips to keep your diet moving in the right direction, plus bonus tips that have been proven to work around the world.

How to “make” a sculpted body

Everyone understands that sculpted muscles do not appear out of thin air. First you gain muscle mass, then you start working on a ripped body, and nothing else. This process includes a special diet and special, more intense workouts that will destroy fat without harming muscles.

Let's look at the process of giving your body definition from the moment you told yourself:

“Enough mass work, I want a sculpted body!” At this stage, you are still eating according to a weight gain diet: 5-6 meals a day, at least 30 grams of protein in each meal, “right” fats and complex carbohydrates. These rules gave you everything they could - huge and tough muscles, but now you have new goals.

It's time to reconsider your diet and training system to get rid of fat, make your body sculpted and show off your six pack. Here are 8 tips to help you get super ripped.

Calculation of KBJU for boys and girls

Everything here is individual and depends on gender, age, current condition, and the final goals you want to achieve. For example, the KBJU norm of a slender girl weighing 50 kg who is into yoga is very different from the KBJU norm of a strong guy weighing 100 kg involved in wrestling or weightlifting. Although both lead a healthy and proper lifestyle and watch their diet.

There are general points that apply to macronutrient intake. The daily diet must include proteins and carbohydrates in equal proportions, as well as unsaturated fats. To do this, you don’t have to carry a calculator and weigh every meal on a scale, although professional athletes do this.

For the first time, basic knowledge in this area is enough. For example, it is important to remember: 1 gram of protein is 4 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrates is the same 4 calories, but fat is as much as 9 calories. And it’s additionally better to remember that there are 7 calories in one milliliter of alcohol.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of “energy” in the body. It is important to remember that they are divided into simple and complex, or fast and slow. It is the same. It is necessary to consume “complex” carbohydrates, with a long period of energy release, and avoid simple ones: sweets, baked goods, soda. They consist of “empty calories” that do not benefit the body and can negatively affect internal organs and body quality.

Fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet. They participate in vital processes in the body. At the same time, they, like carbohydrates, are divided into two groups: polyunsaturated and polyunsaturated, or “not healthy” and “good”. For example, trans fats found in fast food are not healthy. Another thing is that Omega-3 in fish is one of the healthiest and most important fats.

Tip 1 – Pull the iron

How to pump up a sculpted body? Certainly not easy training! Going for high rep, light weight sets when trying to get a ripped body is a recipe for disaster.

And using heavy weights will encourage your body to maintain its existing muscle mass. On the other hand, if you stop trying to lose weight, it sends a signal to your body that you no longer need the extra muscle mass.

The following video presents an option for training on terrain. The secret to successful drying is based on two secrets - proper nutrition and high-intensity training. The key to success is that you must burn more calories than you take in.

Relief training program:

  • Cable deadlift 5 drop sets 1-5-5-5-5 reps
  • Reverse grip pull-ups 10 sets of 30 seconds max
  • Lunge with dumbbells forward 10 sets of 30 seconds to the maximum
  • Two-arm dumbbell lateral raises 5x20
  • Push-ups 5x20

Relief training, like drying, is a real test of fortitude and character. You will have to push your limits, do things you haven't done before. But if you have the fortitude to go through this path, the reward will be beyond your expectations. This cannot be bought - you can only earn it through your own labor.

Also, increase your fat intake by 10-15% in your diet during relief training. This is necessary so that the body begins to burn its fat reserves more actively. But the consumption of carbohydrates should be gradually reduced.

Ready to increase your volumes? To build muscle while losing weight, follow the following workout program.

Sports supplements: which ones to use

It is important to distinguish sports nutrition from sports pharmacology, which are often confused. Sports nutrition is proteins, protein bars, vitamin-mineral complexes, creatine, L-carnitine, hypotonics, complexes for the health of ligaments and joints, etc. But anabolic steroids, “growth hormone”, peptides and insulin are pharmacology. The latter is best left to professionals who are aware of all the risks of using the products.

The second point is to consult your doctor. You may have to take tests, but you will train calmly and know that nothing is stopping your progress.

If we talk about sports supplements: everything is individual and depends on personal goals. The most universal are high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements, Omega-3, creatine, and dietary fiber complexes. And it’s better not to rely on “fat burners”.

Always read the label, which indicates dosages and acceptable courses of use, and also consult with specialists.

Tip 2 – There is no magic diet

One of the most common questions concerns the best diet for a ripped body or urgent weight loss. The reality is that there is no “best diet,” only the best diet for you.

Make adjustments based on your body's unique feedback. Start with a reasonable calorie intake, as well as protein, carbohydrates and fats, and make adjustments as needed for more successful weight loss.

Clue! When things get tough, try alternating carb amounts on high, medium and low carb days.

Basic nutrition secrets

1) Frequent meals, at least 6 times a day, this will increase metabolism, the main thing is to choose foods with a low content of fast carbohydrates and animal fats, but with a high protein content.

2) You need to drink a lot of water, full information is here.

3) Eat according to the principle of maximum food intake in the first half of the day, constantly reducing portions before bed.

4) Before going to bed, eat low-fat cottage cheese or casein protein; it contains long-breaking protein that slowly releases calories to the body, satisfying hunger.

5) Forget about confectionery, sausages and baked goods - giving it up for at least 3-4 months in order to lose weight by summer is worth it.

6) Include vitamins in your diet, they allow you to maintain your metabolic rate, improve your well-being by eliminating fatigue and lethargy of the body, improve the condition of the nervous system, and increase the rate of absorption of nutrients.

Tip 3 – Pause Cardio Exercises

Slow down your cardio! Not many people realize this, but diet is much more important than cardio when it comes to getting a ripped body. Hone your diet first. Once you reach the appropriate fat burning rate, only then begin to gradually add cardio training.

Remember: during this period, your body is under stress due to a calorie deficit. Adding endless hours of cardio can cause you to lose your hard-earned muscle mass.

Clue! Break away from the elliptical and take up high-intensity interval training instead.

Tip 4 - Slow down the rate of fat loss

Yes, you read this advice correctly. The best way to get a ripped body is to lose weight at a rate of 700-900 grams per week and no faster.

Although losing weight at a faster rate, weight loss can be beneficial if you actually have a significant amount of excess fat, however, it is not the best approach when trying to reduce your body fat levels to the single digits.

Rapid fat loss can lead to muscle loss, and we want a beautiful, ripped body with voluminous muscles.

Clue! During the first week, the weight lost is always higher than usual. Wait until the 2nd or 3rd week to make changes to the program.

Rule 3. Don’t forget about cardio and stretching

After intense exercise, it is important to properly stretch your muscles. It’s worth spending time on stretching before and after class, and also don’t forget about cardio loads at least two or three workouts a week. They will help burn excess fat and also give your muscles a beautiful shape.

The main thing to understand is that you won’t be able to achieve a sculpted body by doing only such exercises. It is necessary to combine the right diet, cardio and strength training - only then will the result be noticeable.

Tip 5 – Build abs the right way

It's okay to take a break from the sheer amount of ab crunches and leg raises you do. Overusing exercises that directly target your abs will not help you lose belly fat.

Work directly on your abs 1-3 sessions per week with a moderate number of sets and repetitions. This approach will help you maintain your abs while losing weight.

Add proper nutrition and there you have it, your 6 pack. Of course, getting a sculpted body at home is very difficult. However, it is outside the gym - at home or at work - that you work on the most difficult part of this process, namely nutrition. What other methods to pump up your abs to six-pack size?

Clue! Performing weighted incline sit-ups and pull-down crunches are a great way to build toned abs.

What is muscle definition? Bruce Lee.

In fact, you can look muscular without having a lot of muscle mass. Let's look at an example. We all know the legendary Bruce Lee.

This is the idol of boys of the seventies. Look how beautiful Bruce's muscles look. Nobody says he is weak. Bruce didn't train for bodybuilding.

And his muscles are not bulky at all. Yes, there were no anabolic steroids then. They haven't been invented yet. There were no training programs aimed at increasing muscle volume.

Therefore, in general, there were no such athletes as there are now.

What did Bruce Lee do to get such muscles? Yes, very simply, he did aerobics. By aerobics I mean the movements of the arms and legs and the whole body in karate.

Bruce probably ran a lot, did push-ups, and squats. That is, in addition to aerobics, he did strength exercises.

As a result of such activities, his fat layer disappeared. And beautiful muscles were exposed.

Tip 6 – Become a deceiver!

You will be surprised, but any strict diet involves deception. Yes exactly. Extended periods of dieting reduce your body's levels of leptin, a hormone that helps your metabolism run as efficiently as possible.

A cheat meal or even a whole day once a week will surprise your body and help it raise your leptin levels. This metabolic boost will help you burn more fat and get a ripped body quickly.

Clue! Be more loyal to your body, allowing yourself one hour of deception. You can change this window time each week to suit your needs or personal schedule.

Tip 7 – Objectively assess your body fat levels

Most people underestimate their fat levels. This unrealistic view of your body structure can lead to frustration as your weight loss diet drags on forever.

The best bodybuilders and fitness models in the world have a modest body mass (weight minus fat) of no more than 75-80 kg. It is impossible to weigh 110 kg and have 18% body fat. The more honest you are with yourself, the faster you will achieve a ripped body. If you want it accurately and correctly, do a bioimpedance analysis of body composition.

Clue! Forget about scales and online calculators. At a minimum, buy a caliper (a precise instrument for measuring the thickness of skin folds to determine the percentage of subcutaneous fat). This will provide a quick fat measurement.

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