Posture exercises – a set of exercises for a healthy back

Exercises to correct posture help maintain healthy back muscles and spine. Thanks to gymnastics and daily yoga, you can become the owner of a straight back and a stately figure, even at home. It is absolutely not necessary to sign up for a gym for this.

If you do not have serious pathologies of the spine or severe chronic diseases, you will be able to maintain your posture with the help of special exercises. The main thing is to do them regularly and make sure that the body is in the correct position throughout the day. Not an easy task for those who have been accustomed to slouching since childhood. But to achieve the desired result, you will have to work on yourself.

Why do we slouch and what does it affect?

There are many different causes of slouching. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Fatigue and muscle weakness. In this case, it is extremely difficult for them to maintain the spinal column in an upright position for a long time.
  2. Diffidence. This is a psychological reason. People who lack self-confidence often slouch. This posture is caused by fear. When a person is afraid of something, he mentally tries to hide. If you can’t do this physically, then the body adjusts as much as possible, the person curls up like a snail and visually becomes smaller.
  3. Negative emotions. Constant sadness, sadness, melancholy, fatigue or tension also negatively affect your appearance. The shoulders are either too low, directed forward, or unnaturally raised and almost pressed to the ears. A person’s back can be so bent that it feels as if he is carrying the entire weight of this world on his shoulders.
  4. Slouching also occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle. The more we sit, especially in the wrong position, the higher the risk of back and neck tension, breathing difficulties, circulatory problems and headaches.
  5. Arthritis and other inflammatory processes that destroy joint tissue.
  6. Scoliosis. This is a curvature of the spine to the left or right.
  7. Osteoporosis. Due to the thinning of bone tissue, it often leads to compression injuries of the spine.
  8. Injuries.
  9. Osteochondrosis.

By the way, psychologically incorrect posture and hunched posture also work in the opposite direction. We may slouch because we are sad or if we are unsure about something. But we CAN also become sad, our self-confidence CAN be shaken, just because we have adopted a certain pose.

Surprisingly, if we sit hunched over, it is easier for us to think negatively and remember bad events from the past. And vice versa: with a straight back and straightened shoulders, we feel more confident and our thoughts are more positive.

Method five: working on emotions

Let's remember the psychological aspects of stooping and work through them. Think about what unbearable weight your shoulders are sinking under?

Photo by Ibraim Leonardo: Pexels

If the problem is self-esteem, write down on paper all your achievements and positive character traits and study it every morning. This way you will begin to value, love and respect yourself more.

Try to provoke yourself to positive emotions every day: pamper yourself with your favorite delicacies, dress up, engage in an exciting hobby for at least half an hour a day. You'll see, positive emotions will do their job, and you yourself will want to keep your back straight.

Use all these 5 methods and you will see that in literally 3-4 weeks your back will get stronger, and along with it your self-confidence will increase, as a result you will stop slouching.

How to check your posture at home?

Posture is considered correct if the ears are level with the shoulders and the shoulder blades are pulled back. Do two simple tests.


  1. Stand up straight and relax your arms.
  2. Look at the position of your palms.
  3. If they look back, then you have round shoulders, which means you have back problems.


  1. Lie down on the floor and relax.
  2. Are your shoulders touching the floor? If yes, then everything is fine. If not, then there are violations.

What other signs of poor posture may be:

  • Curved position of the head and spine
  • Asymmetrical shoulder girdles and shoulder blades
  • Different positions of the collarbones
  • Asymmetrical position of the buttocks
  • Legs of different lengths
  • Incorrect foot position (that is, if you put your feet together, their inner surfaces will touch from the heels to the tips of the toes)

Various injuries, diseases, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle and pregnancy can also negatively affect posture.

Electronic correctors that can be used without a doctor’s prescription

There is such a type of correctors as electronic

These are harmless but effective devices that can be used without
a doctor’s prescription. What are they and how do they work?

These are miniature devices that are attached to underwear or glued directly to the body (like a patch). When a person begins to slouch, the corrector vibrates

, reminding you that it is time to take the correct position.

Russian development – ​​“Master of Posture”

The gadget is sold in two versions for children and adults, with differences in packaging design. You can buy with delivery here.

In the kit you will find detailed instructions with a training program and answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as, in addition to the sensor:

  • clothing fastening element;
  • replaceable stickers for attaching the sensor to the body (designed for approximately a 30-day course);
  • spare battery;
  • a special device for “pushing out” the battery.

To put the gadget into action, you need to secure it in one of the ways on your body or clothing with the arrow pointing up and press the button, thereby fixing the desired position.

The gadget does not synchronize with anything, and feedback is only possible in the form of a vibration signal.

  1. When you press the button, there is a single vibration signal, indicating that the pose is fixed. If your posture is violated for more than 50-60 seconds,
    you will receive a 5-fold vibration notification, noticeable by ear, especially in a quiet room.
  2. Notifications are not continuous: in case you remain in the wrong position, you will receive a subsequent notification again only after 50-60 seconds
  3. You can recalibrate the sensor at any time.
  4. The device can be paused by placing it on a horizontal surface or by holding the button. Pause information signal - double vibration.

For more visual reviews of the Posture Master, watch the video below:

Video on the topic

Video on the topic

How to correct your posture and get your back in order?

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. What to do:

  1. Organize your workplace correctly: adjust the chair and its height, choose a comfortable table, pay attention to the distance to the computer.
  2. Maintain correct body position when working at a desk. Legs should be bent at right angles, back straight, arms on the armrests. Don't stretch your neck forward!
  3. When working on a computer, be sure to take breaks so as not to fall into the trap of a sedentary lifestyle. During your break, get up, walk, and do a warm-up.
  4. The mattress should not be too soft and the pillow should not be too high.
  5. Walk more often, do morning exercises, play sports. It's never too late to start. The main thing is the correct technique and regularity. Swimming and yoga are especially beneficial.
  6. Start pumping up your abs
  7. Sign up for the “Flourish” marathon. Do the marathon exercises every day, and within a month you will notice positive changes

Corset treatment

If you want to learn more about the types of corsets and how to choose the best back corset for stooping, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Correction of posture using special corsets is quite effective in adulthood, but it must be combined with therapeutic exercises and massage to prevent stagnation of blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid in the epidural space located along the spine. Back corsets help control load distribution, reduce pain, and relieve muscle tension. With regular use, the corset helps develop the habit of keeping your back straight and prevents further progression of slouching.

Posture Corrector

In total, there are three types of corsets for posture correction. Only a specialist can choose the right product, so before purchasing you need to consult with an orthopedist.

What can poor posture lead to?

The condition of the spine affects the entire body. For example, a problem with the lumbar region can lead to hemorrhoids. This occurs due to the innervation of the vessels of the lower sections, that is, the pelvic organs and lower extremities. Varicose veins and weakness of the vascular walls may also appear, due to which the nutrition of organs, the muscular system, lymph flow, and metabolic processes are disrupted.

Curvature of the spine also reduces lung capacity. First of all, the brain begins to suffer from this: reaction speed and thinking abilities decrease. Oxygen starvation also increases the risk of developing depression and drowsiness.

Poor posture can also cause digestive problems.

Causes of curvature in adults

The causes of spinal curvature can be congenital or acquired . Congenital deformities develop with disorders of the intrauterine development of the spine, such as deformation of the ribs, the formation of wedge-shaped vertebrae, deformation of the 5th lumbar vertebra, etc. As for acquired deformities, they develop much more often, and in a variety of combinations and forms.

Acquired deformities can occur for the following reasons::

  • transferred specific diseases in which consequences or complications arise, such as pathologies of cartilage and bone tissue (tuberculosis, rickets, poliomyelitis);
  • various fractures and injuries of the spine;
  • sedentary, predominantly sedentary lifestyle (the risk group includes people in the following professions: violinists, watchmakers, truck drivers, office workers, shoemakers, etc.).

Most often, postural disorders begin to form in childhood or adolescence. Curvatures occur due to improper sitting, standing, and improperly organized physical activity. .

Video: “Posture disorders”

How to remove slouching: daily life hacks

  1. Sit on chairs without backrest.
    You've probably noticed that it is very difficult to sit on stools for a long time. And all because there is no way to lean back. But it's a great way to strengthen your back. You can also practice on a regular chair with a back, but it will be difficult to resist the temptation and not lean back. Sitting on a chair, imagine that your head is moving upward, like a helium balloon, and your back is a rope. Start with five minutes in this position, and then gradually increase the time.
  2. Be sure to pay attention to your position at the dinner table. When eating, bring the spoon to your mouth, not the other way around. Most likely, when you eat, you try to lean as close to the spoon as possible. But this puts too much stress on the spine.
  3. While working at the computer, watching TV, or using your phone, try to look straight ahead without tilting your head down.
  4. Place a pillow under your laptop. Our head weighs on average about five kilograms. And this is in a neutral position. And if we tilt it forward when we look at the screen, then this weight increases several times. When you tilt your head, the load on your spine and neck increases greatly. And we spend more than one hour in this position. Therefore, if you often sit with a laptop on your lap, then try to place a pillow or just a stack of paper under it.
  5. Lie on the floor before going to bed. Lay down a mat or towel and lie down. Bend your knees, feet pressed to the floor. Place your hands on your stomach and a couple of books under your head. The sofa and pillow will not fit, otherwise the head will fall down and the spine will not be in line with it.
  6. It is also recommended to sleep on a flat and hard surface.
  7. Even if you hear the phrase “straighten your back” in your direction, we do not recommend doing this immediately. Forcibly straightening your back can worsen its condition. It’s better to move towards your goal slowly but surely with the help of a roller and proper gymnastics.


This is the most affordable and easiest way to correct posture at home, but it is impossible to correct severe problems with exercises alone. Special complexes help strengthen back muscles, restore blood circulation, and improve the elasticity of ligaments. They must be done regularly, gradually increasing the number of approaches to the required level.

Heron (light version)

Standing with your feet together. Stretch your arms forward and in this position place them behind your head, while simultaneously bending your back forward and moving one leg back. Return to starting position, repeat with the other leg. Perform 10 times on each leg.

How to remove slouch with exercises

  1. Exercise with a roller
  2. Back massage with foam roller
  3. Relaxing the back of the neck
  4. Sagging in doors
  5. Computer neck exercise
  6. Exercise and stretch. Flabby and undeveloped core muscles have difficulty keeping your back straight. During training, pay special attention to the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, buttocks, latissimus dorsi, lower back and hips. And flexibility exercises will relieve tension from your back and neck.


  1. Try to do exercises either in the morning or an hour or two after eating.
  2. Before exercising, be sure to warm up your muscles with a light warm-up.
  3. Increase the number of approaches and exercises gradually.
  4. Your diet should contain sufficient amounts of protein, calcium and phosphorus.
  5. Sleep on an orthopedic pillow and mattress. The bed should not be too soft.
  6. Set aside at least a couple of minutes to study every day.
  7. In addition to exercising at home, you can also add swimming. Water perfectly relaxes the whole body, making it easier to perform more complex exercises.

Sign up for the “Flourish” marathon to straighten your back, remove slouch, correct your posture and become more confident. Exercises will help remove not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical discomfort in the form of back and chest pain or fatigue. In addition to back exercises, you will learn about the secrets of nutrition, cleansing, hair care and more. Read more about the marathon below.

Method three: smart gadgets

If you can keep your back straight, but constantly forget to do so, buy yourself a smart posture gadget. This is a small ring with a sensor equipped with vibration.

Photo by Marta Wave: Pexels

You place it between your shoulder blades, like a necklace, but in reverse, and go about your business. As soon as your shoulders begin to droop, the gadget will make itself felt with a noticeable vibration, so you will have to straighten your back. Such a device is inexpensive, you can buy it both in hardware and health stores, and on everyone’s favorite Aliexpress.

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