Lower body – workout for those who are looking for an effective workout for their legs

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What is the essence of the Lowe body fitness direction. Execution Basics. Advantages and disadvantages. For whom is it recommended to use? List of effective exercises. Video training.

If your goal is to form elastic buttocks and at the same time reduce the volume of your legs, but you can’t achieve the desired goal, try the lower body style, which will add useful variety to the training process.

A high-intensity load will make it possible in a short time to tone the muscles of the lower body, give relief and beauty to the hips and legs. There is a desire? Then read on...

The basic principle of Low body fitness practice

The main difference between Low Body and other trainings is the high intensity and complexity of the loads.

Regular exercises contribute to the appearance of quick, bright results. Legs become much slimmer, buttocks become more elastic, fat disappears from the abdomen and other problem areas.

In addition, such training has a beneficial effect on the condition of the lower spinal muscles, which atrophy due to a sedentary lifestyle. The spine is strengthened, the endurance of the spinal muscles increases, and pain in the sacral area disappears.

Other benefits of this training include:

  1. Improved metabolism.
  2. Strengthening the respiratory system.
  3. Improved blood flow.
  4. Strengthening the immune system.

Due to cardio exercise, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are trained. The training is based on basic steps to music. Intensity levels range from medium to high.

The training includes a set of specific exercises in which the body is placed in a vertical and horizontal position. The fitness complex is based on lower limb swings, lunges and squats. Exercises on the upper back, chest, arms and neck are excluded.

How does the training work?

During the class, certain exercises are performed for 45-55 minutes, which involve several joints, which increases the load. The complex consists of squats, lunges, and exercises similar to ballet plies, which are performed in a vertical position. At the end of the workout, some muscle groups are worked locally. For example, when the practitioner is already tired, it is effective to do swings that engage the gluteal muscle or involve the surface of the thighs.

Do you need special equipment for those performing the Lower Body complex? What is it, if used?

In fact, there is no particular need to use weights, since your own body weight is often enough. However, trainers often advise using a body bar. It is a weighted bar encased in rubber. In the first classes, trainees who are not yet familiar with the correct technique can use light weights, but having mastered the exercises, they can safely move on to more impressive loads. The more additional weight you exercise with, the more effective your workout will be.

Who is suitable for Low body fitness practice?

This training is perfect for women with a pear-shaped figure, in which the lower part of the body gains weight more quickly. Fitness practice will be useful for an hourglass figure. Many women with this body type tend to store fat on their thighs.

Age matters

The optimal age for training is 20-40 years. Girls aged 15-18 years are better off abandoning this training in favor of dance aerobics. Women who have crossed the forty-year barrier should pay attention to yoga or breathing exercises.

Fitness level

In theory, this fitness practice is suitable for people of different fitness levels. But training requires endurance, good coordination, and correct technique.

The tempo on Low Body is set fast from the start. Therefore, beginners in sports should pay attention to less intense training. This is especially true for obese people who want to lose excess weight.

Lower Body Complex: reviews

Like any type of sports activity, performing these exercises has its own characteristics.
So, for example, first of all, everyone who exercises needs to remember that if you do not follow a diet, then you will not achieve anything except toned muscles. Girls and women who reduced their total caloric intake to 1500 kcal per day and gave up harmful carbohydrates in the form of sugar and flour, according to reviews, lost up to 6-7 kg per month with a general improvement in appearance. In addition, it is a mistake to chase quantity. If you think that the more time you spend in the gym, the better, then this opinion is wrong. Some people notice that with the increase in training they have not gained in quality and weight loss. This is no coincidence, because more activities lead to endurance training. The more endurance you have, the more difficult it is to achieve obvious results. The ideal plan would be yoga or Pilates classes, cardio training along with the Lower Body. What will this give you? The same type of programs of the same intensity are not so good for losing weight, and alternating them will give the opportunity to develop all muscle groups, stretch them and at the same time maintain the intensity of fat-burning processes.

Do you need equipment for Low body fitness practice?

The goal of the strength part of the workout is to increase muscle tone and strengthen joints. The equipment is used when a person wants to achieve beautiful muscle definition. The equipment used today is:

  • expanders;
  • fitballs;
  • step platforms;
  • dumbbells;
  • medicine balls;
  • bodybars.

What shoes should be like?

For exercise, it is advisable to wear high-top sneakers that provide good ankle support. It is desirable that the back part has a cutout for the Achilles tendon. The sole should be sufficiently rigid and solid. It is very important to have shock absorption in the heel and toe parts of the shoe.

The most optimal method of shock absorption is an air cushion. Springs are less comfortable, but are good for Low Body strength training.

What should the clothes be like?

The following clothing combinations are considered the most optimal:

  • sweatpants/top/T-shirt/T-shirt;
  • shorts/top/T-shirt/T-shirt;
  • leggings/T-shirt/T-shirt.

The classic option is a cotton T-shirt and sweatpants.

Shoulder bridge

Action area: the exercise actively works the gluteal muscles, as well as the stabilizer muscles of the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Starting position: lie on your back, pull your heels towards your buttocks, place one leg on a dumbbell, stretch the other up or cross your legs.

As you exhale, lift your pelvis up, further tightening your buttocks. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform the exercise at least 16 times on each leg. Start with one approach.

Then increase the number of repetitions to 25. The number of approaches can be increased to four. After lying down exercises, it is not recommended to get up; the next exercise is also best performed on the ground - lying down or half-sitting.

Recommended training time for Low body fitness practice

The time for training is selected individually. Personal biorhythm is taken into account, as well as the purpose of training. If the goal is effective training at the limit of strength, then it is best to train at 09-10:00 or at 17-18:00. At this time, the body has sufficient glycogen reserves.

It is advisable to carry out Low Body training at the very peak of physical activity. You can study even at 5 am and 11 pm. At the same time, we should not forget about the need for restoration.

Pros and cons of morning workouts

If burning fat is a priority, then it is advisable to exercise in the morning, from 06:30 to 07:30. Before the first meal, glycogen reserves are at a fairly low level. Therefore, the body burns fat reserves more actively.

The advantages of morning workouts include the fact that they help you quickly “get involved” in the work day. Your metabolic rate remains elevated for the rest of the day. Also, morning Low Body is convenient in terms of the duration of workouts. In order to study longer, you need to get up a little earlier.

The disadvantages include high morbidity. This is due to the fact that the muscles are not developed well enough after sleep. Body temperature in the morning is slightly lower than normal, and blood circulation is slow. For this reason, energy consumption slows down.

Pros and cons of evening workouts

The benefits of evening training include the body’s readiness for quality training. The person has a normal temperature, and the muscles are sufficiently warmed up. In addition, an evening Low Body workout helps relieve tension accumulated after a working day.

A serious drawback should be considered the occurrence of difficulties with going to bed. After training, the body is in an excited state for 2-4 hours.

Pros and cons of daytime workouts

The main advantage is that the human body is ready for even the most intense workouts. Body temperature is normal, blood circulation is very active.

Disadvantages include the occurrence of distractions. Not everyone can afford to exercise during working hours.

How does the body transform as a result of training?

If you have concerns that once you start exercising, you will immediately get “horse-like” large leg muscles, then you don’t have to worry about this. The fact is that for muscle growth, in addition to active training with heavy weights, you need proper high-protein nutrition. The Lower Body complex does not involve the use of a lot of weight, and since you want to lose weight, you must understand that food must be limited in terms of calories and carbohydrate content.

By practicing this complex, you will gradually strengthen your muscles, improve their tone, elasticity, and over time you will see an improvement in relief, but not build it up in any way. If you exercise at least three times a week and at the same time follow a diet, then you will still actively burn subcutaneous fat. You need to understand that these processes begin after training, and in total they can last up to 15 hours. This process requires energy, which the body can obtain both from incoming food and from existing deposits.

Changing your diet

During Low Body exercises, an increase in muscle mass is observed. This usually happens in the first 30 days. In order for the muscles to acquire an optimal anatomical shape, you need not only to train intensively, but also to reconsider your diet.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, and reduce the number of calories consumed. Refusal of flour and sweets is mandatory. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks. Fried foods should be avoided in favor of stewed or baked foods. Particular emphasis should be placed on cereals, vegetables, and dried fruits. It is advisable to eat no more than 5 times/24 hours.

You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day. When tired, the body not only burns a huge amount of calories, but also stores them for future use.

You need to stop eating 1.5-2 hours before training.

After training, you should not eat for 3 hours.

Deadlift with rubber shock absorber

Area of ​​action: the gluteal muscles, back extensor muscles, quadratus lumborum, and scapular stabilizers are actively worked.

We recommend not to relax your back when bending, so you can further correct your posture, establishing the correct pattern of movement.

Starting position: place your feet wide on the rubber, keep your back straight. Keep your knees slightly bent. Tilt your body forward, moving your pelvis as far back as possible. Try to increase the arch in your lower back while bending. Perform the lift by actively squeezing your buttocks.

As you inhale, we bend, and as you exhale, we straighten the body through movement in the hip joint. Do not forget to additionally tense your buttocks while straightening your body. Perform the exercise at least 12 times. Start with one set, then increase the number of sets to four, and repetitions to 25.

It is possible to alternate lunges and bends. Do not hurry! The main thing in proper fitness is the technique of doing the exercises. And, of course, don’t hold your breath, breathe rhythmically!

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