Hula hoop: how to learn to twist at the waist, the benefits and harms of hula hoops, examples of exercises

Simple and inexpensive training equipment - a waist hoop is back in fashion! Rather, in the world of home training, although many fitness clubs still equip their gyms with such equipment, designed for both warming up and cooling down at the end of a workout. But if you still choose individual equipment for your home, what should you pay attention to and what should you beware of when doing such activities?

What is a hula hoop

A hoop or hula hoop is a sports equipment in the form of a ring, designed for rotation, mainly at the waist; hoops vary in weight, materials and design components.

It would seem that what is incomprehensible about this simple sports accessory and what else can you find out about it?

  1. Firstly, these are the types of hoop that need to be selected correctly, based on your goals and preparation.
  2. Secondly, the duration and frequency of training, because in addition to the advantages, there are also contraindications.
  3. Thirdly, what results can you really expect with a hoop, and is it really effective in influencing the waist?

Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop?

Many girls, having learned about a hoop for weight loss, give up all other activities and healthy eating, believing that it will help them become like models. This is a deep misconception. Hula hoop cannot make you slim unless you want it and put effort into it. First you need to take care of your diet. It should contain only fresh, healthy food without dyes or other harmful additives. It is worth giving up sugar and flour, or limiting their consumption.

The second thing you need to do is practice hula hooping regularly. Yes, classes don’t have to be very long, but they must be daily. Depending on how much you want to lose, how much you will have to maintain this lifestyle. If you achieve your goal, you don’t have to give up everything right away. It’s easier to keep yourself slim and beautiful than to start all over again.

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Types of hoops

The following types can be distinguished, radically different in design, materials and weight.

Gymnastic hoop

Used in fitness, aerobics and gymnastics, it is lightweight and has a non-separable design. Suitable for children and beginners. Typically, such hoops are made of plastic, but there are also models made of aluminum. The diameter is up to 95 cm.

Massage hoop

Folding design with massage balls, suction cups or magnets on the inside of the hoop. The name comes from the effect that massage devices provide by improving blood circulation, stretching muscles, massaging, even improving blood flow to internal organs.

Weighted hoop

There are steel or aluminum (metal) and plastic, the weight of such hoops is significantly increased in comparison with gymnastic ones. This solution helps to achieve training results faster - lose weight and strengthen muscles, but is recommended for more prepared people .

Jimflexor or flexible hoop

The flexible materials of the hoop allow you not only to twist the hula hoop at the waist, but also to use it to work the muscles of the hips, back, and chest.

Hoops with calorie counter

Such devices help control speed, speed and calorie loss, which, by the way, is a relative indicator in these designs.

Preparation for training

How to properly twist a hula hoop to remove your stomach and sides (additional exercises for losing weight on these parts of the body can be found in our article) is the most important question in the process of body correction. This must be done on an empty stomach.

If you do not have the opportunity to train in the morning, then try to use it 3-4 hours after eating. Otherwise, you risk getting discomfort in the stomach and disrupting the digestive process.

It is recommended to spin a hula hoop for weight loss after doing breathing exercises. This will allow you to “eliminate” excess air and set your muscles up for productive work. To do this, alternate deep and short breaths.

Initial training should not be done on a naked body. It is necessary to let the body get used to such loads, otherwise there is a risk of bruising even when using a metal hoop. Wear light cotton T-shirts in the first weeks of classes, then you can begin to do “naked body” loads.

How to choose the right hoop and what to pay attention to

First of all, pay attention to the weight and diameter of the structure. It doesn’t matter what type and material you like, the main thing is that the weight matches your physical fitness:

  • for beginners , a weight of up to 1.5 kg is suitable;
  • and for advanced ones - 2-2.5 kg, that is, weighted.

How to choose the right diameter

Take the hoop in your hand, place the edge of the hoop vertically at your side on the floor, and bring the opposite side of the hoop closer to your hip - if the edge is at the level of the ilium (pelvic bone), then this is the ideal size. And if it is higher or lower, it will not be so comfortable to train with such a hoop.

Examples of before and after results

Is the result shown not a hoax? To find an answer to this question, we went to sports and women's forums, where the reviews are sometimes the most radical. If the reviews in online stores are increasingly positive, sort of like advertising, then women share their impressions openly among themselves.

Those ladies who really set out to bring their figure back to normal are not lazy, do a set of exercises with a hula hoop to lose weight, eat right, and say in reviews that hula hoop is very effective for losing weight and helps to lose belly fat. There are also those who seem to be working out, but are lazy: sometimes they don’t have time, sometimes they want to eat; for those, the results are more modest, but they are there! And collectors, this category has all types of hula hoops: regular, spiked, folding, but according to reviews, there is no result in losing weight. To the negative reviews, we will answer: even with a simple hoop you can remove your belly and lose weight if you practice constantly, but if you store equipment and wipe off dust from time to time, then losing weight is problematic.

Example before and after photo

The benefits and harms of hula hoop

The main advantages and benefits of the hoop:

  • The simplicity and accessibility of the hoop allows you to achieve relatively high results in just 30-40 minutes of training every other day.
  • Hoop exercises strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back, and hips, depending on the exercises chosen and the intensity of the workout.
  • With the help of a hoop, you can complement cardio and strength training, not even just for warming up and cooling down, but as an independent exercise to strengthen your core muscles.
  • The hoop improves general physical condition, heart function, smooth muscle elasticity, and blood circulation.
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, as the rotation of the massage hoop stimulates blood circulation and massages the abdominal organs.

And also find out how to lose weight with a hoop →


  • Not all models are easy to transport, namely non-dismountable ones.
  • There are contraindications for training for pregnant women, in the postpartum period and during menstruation.
  • In case of injuries and diseases of the spine, hoop is also prohibited.

Are there any side effects?

Before buying a hoop with spikes, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for use.

To do this you need:

  1. consult a professional fitness trainer;
  2. consult a doctor.

In addition, it is not advisable to use this sports equipment in the following cases:

  • for problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • For people whose blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, training with spiked equipment is not recommended, since hematomas may appear on the surface of the abdomen and back;
  • this method of losing weight is not suitable for women who have recently given birth and pregnant women;
  • Those suffering from kidney and heart disease should also refrain from training with hula hoops.

How to spin a hoop correctly

When practicing with a hoop, it is advisable to wear tight-fitting clothes; loose-fitting T-shirts and pants will slow down the rotation. Of course, the correct size of the hoop greatly influences your spin technique and results.

The main rules for training with a hoop

  1. Start spinning the hoop only at the waist line; if you need to spin it at the hips, gradually lower the hoop to the hips, but start from the waist.
  2. Train at the initial stage without “fanaticism”, 15-20 minutes is enough, and only after getting used to the load and training time, add the rotation speed and training time to 30-40 minutes.
  3. During the first lessons, you can use dense fabrics on the lumbar area, this will allow you to get used to the pressure on the vertebrae and skin, reducing pain and eliminating bruises.
  4. Rotate the hoop only with a straight back!
  5. Eat food no later than 1.5 hours before training.
  6. The first week consists of 3-5 minute workouts, and from the second week you should increase the duration of the sessions.
  7. When rotating, the thoracic region should be stabilized; it is important to rotate using the abdomen and hips.
  8. Try to rotate the hoop in both directions at the same time.

How to learn to spin a hoop

At first, the hoop may often fall to the floor - no big deal! The main thing is not to stop there and train further.

  1. Hold the hoop with both hands, press the edge of the hoop to your lower back at waist level.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart without lifting the hoop from your body, turn your body to the side and use your arms to spin the hoop in a comfortable direction.
  3. After releasing your palms, continue to rotate the hoop in a circular motion with your stomach and hips. In this case, all muscles should be tense.
  4. Spin the hoop not too slowly, but not too fast.
  5. Adjust to a comfortable pace and perform the rotation for as long as possible.

Which hoop is best for weight loss and why?

The hula hoop is one of the universal exercise machines. Any type is suitable for weight loss. The main thing is that the weight loss hoop is not too light and not too heavy. Weighing approximately 2 kg. the hoop will be most effective for exercises by a person weighing 70-80 kg.

You need to spin it for 10-15 minutes every day. You should not set yourself unimaginable goals - the record is achieved gradually.

You can purchase the following types of hoops at any sports store:

  1. Aluminum hoop.
  2. Metal.
  3. Massage.
  4. Plastic.
  5. Heavy.

You should choose the optimal hoop for weight loss.
The effectiveness of training depends not only on the number of approaches and duration of training, but also on the suitability of the hoop to the person’s physique. Features of popular weight loss hoops:

  • An aluminum hoop is a simple and lightweight version of a metal hoop. Perfect for a beginner. But there is one drawback. Such hoops, if used incorrectly, break over time.
  • Metal is a classic hoop that has earned a high rating among women who have become mothers. With his help, they regained their thin waist and tightened the skin of their abdomen.
  • Plastic - very light. Suitable for children's learning. But for adults, experts recommend filling the hoop with sand to make it heavier. Then the result of losing weight will be.
  • Heavy – This hoop is suitable for more advanced people. Beginners are not recommended to use a heavy hoop. First you need to practice on light hoops.
  • Massage - the effectiveness of weight loss increases several times due to the massage structures built into the hoop. All kinds of rubber balls, magnets, suction cups and even spikes. When rotating such a hoop, these designs efficiently work out cellulite areas, actively smoothing the skin, giving it elasticity and beauty.

Currently, manufacturers have improved the design of the hoop itself. Now in the markets you can find hoops with information technology. They calculate the number of revolutions and lost calories.

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Examples of exercises with a hoop

Exercise No. 1

Warm-up exercise: rotate the hoop in one direction and the other for 2-3 minutes.

Exercise No. 2

Place your feet wide apart (width apart from your shoulders). Keep your back vertical, rotate the hoop on your hips, moving them clearly to the sides.

Exercise #3

Rotate the hoop 5 times in one direction, stop, and repeat 5 more rotations in the opposite direction. And so change from 10 to 20 approaches or up to 10 minutes.

Exercise #4

Start rotating the hoop in a comfortable direction, gradually begin to slowly squat as low as possible, and rise slowly in the same way. Bring the exercise to a few minutes.

Exercise #5

Start unwinding the hoop at your waist and gradually lower it to your hips, then lift it back up. Perform 10 rotations in one direction, then the same number in the opposite direction.

Exercise #6

Rise onto your toes, begin to spin the hoop at your waist, maintaining balance, raise your arms above your head with your palms together. Do the exercise for 10 minutes.

Sample training program for a week

MondayCalmly rotate your body for 30 minutes, do bends 1 set - 30 times of 30 bends and twists.
TuesdayThe workout will take no more than 20 minutes. First, we do 30 abdominal crunches, squats and push-ups 30 times on our knees and raise our legs 30 times while lying on the floor.
WednesdayRotate the hoop around your body for 30 minutes.
ThursdaySpin the hoop for 10 minutes and perform abdominal exercises for 60 seconds.
FridayWe perform the same exercises as on the third day.
SaturdayRotate the hoop for 20-30 minutes.
SundayRest. It is important to eat right on this day.

At the same time, you need to eat right and do not forget about exercise . To keep yourself in good shape, you need to exercise regularly. If these conditions are met, you can preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

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Basic classes

Does hula hoop help you lose weight? The answer is unequivocal - yes, and at the same time very effective.

To achieve your cherished goal, follow the recommended exercise technique:

  • stand straight so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. In the future, try to reduce the distance between your legs. The closer they stand to each other, the more difficult it will be to twist, and, therefore, the results of the lesson will increase;
  • stand inside the hula hoop, lift it to waist level, press it to your back, tilt your body slightly to the right. Next, we sharply turn the waist in the opposite direction, while releasing the hoop - we start the movement;
  • We make smooth movements to maintain rotation. We gain momentum and reduce the time it takes to complete a circle. If your feet are shoulder-width apart, your body weight is transferred from one foot to the other. Don't use your buttocks or hips to rotate. Only the waist, neck and legs should work;
  • weight loss with the help of a hula hoop is achieved due to the tense state of the abs during the training process. If you do not feel the characteristic tension, then you need to place your legs closer to each other and work more with your waist;
  • if you feel that the hoop is lowering, you need to speed up your movements. This will raise the hula hoop to the desired level and prevent it from falling;
  • twist the hoop in the direction that is comfortable for you. However, over time, try to change the directions of movement, alternating them.

How long should you spin a hula hoop?

It is recommended to start with 7-10 minutes of daily training, gradually expanding the duration to half an hour. 30 minutes is the optimal practice time. During this period, fat burning processes are activated, but the health of internal organs is not damaged.

Excessive duration of active massage can affect the appearance of intestinal disorders and diseases of the abdominal organs.


If you have chronic diseases, you must first consult with your doctor.

Hula hoop exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the early postpartum period, exercise after a cesarean section is possible only with the permission of a doctor.
  • during menstruation;
  • in the presence of chronic pathologies of the reproductive organs, skin diseases;
  • for injuries to the back and abdomen;
  • for pathologies of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, the location of blood vessels close to the skin, varicose veins.

What is a hula hoop

One of the most popular ways to strengthen the abdominal muscles and shape the waist is to rotate the hula hoop (hula hoop). The hula hoop (invention of R. Knerr) appeared in 1957 and since then has become not only one of the apparatus of rhythmic gymnastics, but also a favorite object for entertainment and exercise at home.

A hoop is a simple and affordable exercise machine. It is relatively cheap, does not take up much space in the house, and besides, the effect of its use will soon pay for the investment.

Reviews and effectiveness

Irina, 27 years old : I always take up hula hoop before the beach season. I start training a month before the planned trip. The results are more than satisfactory. Such exercises are in no way inferior to heavy abdominal training. Plus the sides are also massaged. I don’t know a simpler and yet more effective method of losing weight than hula hooping.

Yulia, 21 years old : decided to try hula hoop as an alternative to the gym. For me, the consequences of poor nutrition are mostly deposited in the abdomen and hips. Therefore, I decided to take up a zonal solution to the problem. At first I didn’t know which model to choose. I decided to start with regular metal. Now I have already purchased a weighted one. It helps me a lot.

Marina, 34 years old : At first I didn’t like these types of workouts at all. After the second lesson, bruises and hematomas appeared. I thought I wouldn’t touch him again. But as the body healed, I decided to try my luck again. The skin got used to it a little, the painful sensations went away. In a couple of months I achieved excellent results. Despite the fact that I didn’t really strain myself. I played it 3-4 times a week with an interesting movie.

Lisa, 41 years old : 5 years ago I had a second pregnancy, after which my figure deteriorated noticeably. I couldn’t find time for the gym, so I borrowed a hula hoop from my eldest daughter. Great stuff! It helps not only to combat problems locally, but also promotes overall weight loss.

Natalya, 18 years old : I tried different models, for me the ideal option is massage hoops. They are heavier in themselves and give greater results. If you exercise regularly, you can periodically indulge in tasty treats, but your abs won’t go away.

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