Can an ab belt make your torso stronger? Overview and types of belts

Hello to all readers of my blog! Today we will look at an ever-relevant topic, and it concerns our abs, which, of course, we want to see pumped up and beautiful. How do you feel about using things like a special ab belt?

I know they were used even a hundred years ago. And I thought - since this invention has not yet been forgotten, maybe there is something in it? I studied the information, and here is the real truth about ab belts, about their miracle effect or, on the contrary, harm, who advises wearing them and who prohibits them.

More about clothing for athletes:





How does an ab belt work?

The principle of operation of the stimulating belt is based on electrical work - the final effect depends on the type of stimulator.

The main operation of the device is to:

  1. Removing excess moisture from the body by heating the area and creating a vacuum.
  2. Acceleration of the breakdown of adipose tissue and the removal of toxic substances through the same heating of a body area.
  3. Creating a massage effect.
  4. Myostimulators create the effect of electrophoresis - the impact on an area of ​​the body of electrical impulses of different frequencies and durations. They tried to create something similar in the Soviet Union - in the mid-20th century it was already known about the reducing effect of electrical impulses.
  5. Support for the spine in some models depends on the quality and shape of the product.

Myostimulators: what is it?

In simple terms, a myostimulator is a device that generates current pulses of different durations with different repetition rates. It is worth noting that different combinations of electric current pulse duration and repetition frequency give different results.

Myostimulators can be divided into two main categories: semi-professional and professional. Professional devices always have certificates and are expensive.
Ab Jimnik belt does not have any documents
, so it can easily be classified as a simple and cheap device.

Pros and cons of the simulator

Among the obvious advantages of the device, which manifest themselves to varying degrees, are:

  1. Acceleration of the metabolic process in the body.
  2. Participation in the process of breaking down adipose tissue and removing toxic substances through heating the problem area.
  3. Improving the quality of the skin - parameters of elasticity, smoothness, while it is possible to remove pitted and cellulite tubercles.
  4. The act of a stimulating belt as a bandage is a good quality for some problems with the spine or additional protection from damage during active physical activity.

However, there are significant disadvantages in the form of:

  • Poor quality product - although there is a wide selection of stimulating belts on the market, truly high-quality and working devices are less common.
  • The belief in the “effectiveness” of belts without any effort is one of the disadvantages that a certain part of consumers believes in, because a visible effect is achieved only in combination with a change in diet and active physical exercise.
  • The use of belts with contraindications - in the presence of a certain number of diseases, the use of a stimulating bandage is prohibited.


Reviews from people about using belly slimming belts:

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Contraindications for use

When thinking about buying a lumbar stimulator for the press, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for use - if for some diseases wearing is possible with restrictions, then for others the use is completely excluded.

Contraindications for use include:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the main reasons for completely avoiding use in order to prevent irreparable consequences.
  2. In the presence of epilepsy, kidney stones, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia and other problems with the cardiovascular system, bandages for “pumping up” the press are also completely excluded or used in consultation with the attending physician.
  3. Postoperative rehabilitation, insertion of metal plates into bones or tissue, as well as the use of pacemakers are points that completely exclude the use of electric bandages to “pump up” the abs.

Moment of purchase

When a potential buyer has already set himself up to lose weight without worries, giving up sports and exhausting diets, when ordering a product, he will be unobtrusively offered some gels and creams that enhance the effect of the belt for pumping up the abs. Of course, if he is determined to get a result, he will not deny himself the opportunity to improve it and will purchase the goods offered by the operator. What does a competent seller advise a gullible buyer to buy?

First, there is a cream that must be applied before applying the belt. Believing that with its use the result will be noticeably better, everyone will want to get it. Secondly, a special gel, the application of which after the procedure will increase the effect by two or even three times. In fact, no “magic” will happen; these products will only help restore the skin’s moisture balance and also make it a little softer.

Types of ab belts

Myostimulator belt

The work of a myostimulator is to process the applied area with electrical impulses, and as a result, an increase in muscle tone.

The peculiarity of the work is its relaxing tonic effect, which allows you to recover after physical activity, but does not replace it - you should not count on the miraculous removal of adipose tissue and the appearance of fully inflated abs, because the myostimulator only enhances the process of their appearance.

Neoprene belt

The neoprene belt is designed for people engaged in intense physical activity - the bandage contains several layers that help retain heat in the skin.

Wearing such a bandage is associated with several features:

  1. The appearance of sweating and a warming effect under the belt allows you to gain muscle mass more intensively while burning fat tissue.
  2. Due to the increased temperature, toxic substances begin to be eliminated well - this is an important point when losing weight.
  3. The belt is designed to be used during physical activity - simply wearing it with the hope of lightning-fast, miraculous weight loss is impossible, even if you follow a dietary diet.

Fat burning belt

A fat-burning belt, or as it is correctly called, a sauna belt, is an electrical device that significantly heats the applied area of ​​the body using a heating device.

The peculiarity of this design is as follows:

  1. Creating a high temperature in the abdominal area allows the body to better and faster break down fatty tissue and remove toxins.
  2. A good warming effect allows the body to completely relax and quickly restore muscle fibers after active physical exercise.
  3. One unpleasant feature also lies in the assurances of the manufacturers, because... Without complex use in combination with a dietary diet and active physical activity, the effect of losing fatty tissue and pumping up the abs should not be expected - fatty tissue in the abdominal area can and will go away at a slow pace, but pumping up the abs without appropriate training is not expected.

Vibration massage belt

The vibration massage belt is powered by mains or batteries and is aimed at massaging the lumbar and abdominal areas.

Features of the work include:

  1. The relaxing effect allows you to recover faster and less painfully after physical training.
  2. For some diseases of the spine in the lumbar area, it is possible to use such a device in consultation with your doctor.
  3. Due to the vibration action, the so-called “burning” of fat can be achieved, but you should not even count on a noticeable decrease in fat if you do not follow a healthy diet and ignore physical activity.

Where can I buy?

Neoprene belts can be easily purchased at any sports store, for example, at Sportmaster.

The most common companies are Demix, Sauna Belt, Body belt or Vulcan. The latter is sold in many pharmacies and is the most common and popular among consumers.

Belts with more complex designs used to be popular in TV shopping. Now this method of selling has faded into the background and is used extremely rarely. Belts such as saunas, vibration massagers, myostimulators and complex ones are easiest to purchase on the Internet. When ordering on websites, delivery is always available to almost anywhere in the country.

If you want to try on a product, you need to look for specialized stores or retail outlets of manufacturers of a specific model, or in a pharmacy. You can also order the belt in the online store.

The best belt models, their prices


This model is presented in the form of a myostimulator with a price range of around 2000 rubles - the final price depends on the region.

Manufacturer: China, As Seen On TV.

This model is notable for its quite noticeable effect - when used after physical exercise, the abs are pumped up noticeably faster and the fatty tissue also disappears with a noticeable effect.

In terms of duration, it is advisable to use it once a day for about 30-180 minutes for the best effect - the device is powered by two AA batteries.

Ab Gymnic

Ab Gymnic is a model of a myostimulating type of belt, produced by the AbGymnic company in the average price range of 1000 rubles, depending on the region.

The model is notable for the fact that it is used to stimulate both the animal part and the dorsal spine - it helps well with training and weight loss, and also allows you to relieve or mitigate pain in the lumbosacral region, and is involved in getting rid of cellulite.


As you can see, the Ab Gymnic belt for perfect abs has more disadvantages than advantages. But if you still want to buy it, it is definitely your choice. We can only recommend that you do not do this.

Hello to all readers of my blog! Today we will look at an ever-relevant topic, and it concerns our abs, which, of course, we want to see pumped up and beautiful. How do you feel about using things like a special ab belt?

I know they were used even a hundred years ago. And I thought - since this invention has not yet been forgotten, maybe there is something in it? I studied the information, and here is the real truth about ab belts, about their miracle effect or, on the contrary, harm, who advises wearing them and who prohibits them.

More about clothing for athletes:

How to use an ab belt?

Usually, when purchasing devices, detailed instructions for use are included, but no matter how sweet the manufacturers’ assurances about miraculous effects without physical training sound, it is advisable to use all models only after active physical training to obtain a noticeable effect.

The principle of using devices can be divided into an average scheme:

  1. There are no health contraindications, and there are no contraindications due to age, but the vibration-massage option is especially suitable for older people.
  2. Application of a specialized gel, if required by the device itself, for example a myostimulator.
  3. Choice of load and duration - on average it ranges from 10 to 30 minutes once a day, but it is possible to increase the time.
  4. After work, you need to turn off and wash off the gel, since it is water-based.
  5. If you have a battery charger, it is advisable to recharge them if the work was not done from the mains.

Possible uses

By purchasing such an electric ab belt, any buyer will be interested in the full range of capabilities of this device. The advertisement assures us that the electric belt can be used both on the abdominal muscles and on the arms, legs (thighs) and even the gluteal muscles. Of course, numerous commercials assure us of the shocking effect that will appear even with little use of the belt, without various types of physical activity and special diets. What happens in practice? We will talk about this a little later.

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