The best articles about sports and fitness in 2022 on Lifehacker

The relevance of obtaining information through articles

At a time when most developed countries are seeking to increasingly computerize the educational process in school and higher education institutions, the Japanese Ministry of Education has returned all textbooks to schools. The most computerized state in the world, with one of the highest levels of education, decided that children should learn from books.

Many scientific studies have proven a fact that is not widely reported in the media. The best assimilation of new knowledge, its analysis and application to your needs, occurs only by reading!

Other forms of acquiring knowledge are an order of magnitude less effective. This applies to everyone’s favorite video format today, and the gradually forgotten audio.

Therefore, if you want to obtain, understand and comprehend any information, the best way to do this is by reading. The same rule applies to articles that can be read on various thematic sites. Including bodybuilding and fitness.

Thematic focus of the articles

The world of fitness is multifaceted. This means that the topics of articles are endless. However, several large groups can be roughly distinguished.


Here are collected all the articles that relate to strength training methods. Methodological principles and techniques, load patterns, types of exercises and modes of their implementation, target orientation of strength training (mass, strength, relief, muscle tone).

Almost every article about bodybuilding touches on one or another aspect of the training process.

This section also includes scientific articles on fitness, with techniques for developing various motor skills, such as endurance, flexibility, agility, coordination and strength endurance.

And of course, there is information here on how to lose weight quickly and without harm to your health.

Scientific research

Articles about fitness are not limited to exercise patterns and tips on how to gain weight or get lean.

In the “Interesting” section you will find answers to the most common questions in the world of bodybuilding. Here they dispel myths and misconceptions, tell you how to choose training equipment, how muscles grow and how long a lesson should last.

Everything that was interesting, but not completely clear, can be found in this block of the site.


Healthy balanced nutrition is very important for a person’s physical and spiritual health. This topic is also of great importance when practicing bodybuilding and fitness.

For example, when training to increase muscle mass, 50% of the result depends on a well-designed diet. And during the drying period (relief training, weight loss) - nutrition accounts for 70% of success!

You can learn all the subtleties and nuances of a healthy diet from articles devoted to this issue.

Sports nutritional supplements

The modern world of sports nutritional supplements is a huge business industry with billions of dollars in revenue. And this is the case when the money spent on various “jars” and “powders” pays off with a pronounced effect.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in a big bucket of protein. Not all types of nutritional supplements are highly effective, as some manufacturers claim in their advertising.

To help navigate the variety of sports nutrition, where the best representatives survive and remain on the market, articles on sports nutritional supplements are intended.

Longevity and healthy lifestyle

The axiom of sports says that only a healthy person can achieve maximum physical development.

Health is the foundation from which movement in any direction in the world of fitness and bodybuilding begins.

This applies both to people for whom the first goal of training is to increase and strengthen their level of health, and to athletes who set themselves high achievements.

Articles about sports and a healthy lifestyle will tell you how to stay active and live long.


In the “Miscellaneous” section you will find interesting articles about sports and everything related to it. Little-known facts, figures, biographies, funny incidents from the lives of bodybuilding and fitness stars.

Such articles will help you switch your focus between intense workouts, get inspired, or learn something new about bodybuilding in general development terms.


Information for those who want to achieve goals quickly and choose a serious, in-depth approach.

Here they will talk about the effect of steroids on the human body, possible side effects, safe (and not so safe) drugs. You will find in this section steroid cycle diagrams and much more related to this topic.

Sports for health

 The article examines questions about the state of physical health of modern society and notes the negative dynamics of these changes. The reasons for the decline in quality of life are indicated, and possible ways to improve health through physical education and sports are proposed.

Key words: health, lifestyle, motivation, nutrition, physical education, sports

For the 21st century, the topic of a healthy lifestyle is undoubtedly relevant. Nowadays, this problem is becoming increasingly popular, since trends in environmental degradation, replacement of natural products with synthetics, and the rhythm of modern life negatively affect people’s health. By health, the World Health Organization understands a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being; in this regard, it is obvious that every person throughout his life has encountered health problems to one degree or another. Sport is a good complex medicine for solving not all, but many of these problems.

The concept of sport includes: health promotion; acquiring knowledge of the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; achieving an optimal level of physical qualities. In addition to influencing the physical side of human development, sport contributes to the development of a person’s psychological readiness for professional activity (passion, internal resilience and confidence in achieving the goal) [1].

According to statistics, every year over 300 people are recognized as disabled due to osteoporosis. Of these, 76% are people of working age. In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to combat a sedentary lifestyle [2]. Osteoporosis is not the only disease that can occur due to low physical activity. Along with it, there is also a risk of cardiovascular pathology, obesity, insomnia and sleep disorders, neurosis-like disorders, cerebrovascular accidents, etc.

To maintain and strengthen your health, doctors recommend spending time on physical activity and turning to sports, as it has a beneficial effect on the human body. During moderate physical activity, the following occurs:

1) Strengthening the musculoskeletal system - bones become more resistant to stress, muscle strength develops, and oxygen supply to muscles improves;

2) Improvement of the cardiovascular system - the heart and blood vessels become more resilient, quickly get used to stress and quickly recover from it;

3) Increased immunity and improved blood composition - with regular training, the level of red blood cells and lymphocytes increases, which allows the body to get sick less often and cope with viruses and bacteria much faster;

4) Strengthening and development of the nervous system - speed, agility increases, movement coordination improves and new conditioned reflexes are formed, as a result the speed of nervous processes also develops;

5) Improved metabolism - effective regulation of sugar and other substances in the blood occurs;

6) Improving the functioning of the respiratory system - due to the body’s need for oxygen, breathing becomes more intense and deeper, the vital capacity of the lungs increases;

7) Changing attitudes towards life - physical activity helps people develop a stimulus in life, reduce depression, irritability, and eliminate sudden mood swings [3].

In order to avoid the occurrence of many diseases, as well as improve your health, you need to choose a suitable sport. There are many types of sports for any age and preference:

1) Swimming - this sport is ideal for women, because in the process the muscles are tightened, without feeling tired, in addition, water is a subject of relaxation and allows you to calm the nervous system.

2) Jogging - useful in the case of uniform movement and maintaining running speed, this sport has a good effect on the figure, blood circulation improves.

3) Cycling - allows you to pump up your calf muscles, strengthen and acquire a beautiful shape of your buttocks, and improve blood circulation.

4) Jumping rope is the simplest and most effective means of maintaining shape; regular exercises can improve blood circulation, but this sport is contraindicated for people with vascular diseases of the legs and heart failure.

5) Skiing is a useful winter sport, since fresh air and uniform physical activity have a positive effect on strengthening the muscle corset and improving blood circulation.

6) Ice skating is another type of winter sport that allows you to strengthen your leg muscles, develop plasticity and flexibility, learning the elements of figure skating has a positive effect on the structure of your body and stability to maintain balance [4].

The variety of sports is not limited to this list. Each type is useful and interesting in its own way, so a person can try himself in any of them and choose the most suitable one. Sports have no age restrictions: even if an elderly person wants to go swimming or race walking, this will only have a beneficial effect on the body and bring lightness and cheerfulness.

The usefulness of sports is undeniable, but we should not forget that excessive loads can have a negative effect on the body, so there is no need to exhaust yourself with long daily workouts. To maintain health, it is enough to:

– 30 minutes of interval training per week, which reduces the risk of developing diabetes;

– 2.5 hours of any moderate-intensity physical activity that reduces the risk of cancer;

– 3 hours of walking per week, which helps relieve symptoms of depression;

– 7.5 hours of any training per week, which will reduce the risk of premature death;

– 2 hours of any moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, which will allow you to concentrate better;

– 1.5 hours of any training that allows you to maintain normal blood pressure [5].

To summarize, we can conclude that sport plays an important role in a person’s life, its diversity contributes to diversified development and makes people more resistant to the negative factors of the surrounding world. Sports activity develops physical abilities, develops character, strengthens the body, makes a person strong and resilient, and most importantly, strengthens his health, which is an essential quality, since maintaining health is one of the main tasks of a person, especially in the modern world. Thus, in addition to personal preferences in organizing one’s physical activity, there are also government motives for increasing the physical performance of the country’s population, all its layers. Proof of this is the many promising laws in the field of physical culture and sports adopted in the Russian Federation recently. A completely justified aspiration, which, if successfully implemented, will bear fruit. Something like: continuation of life, efficiency of productivity of the working-age population, increase in the birth rate, etc. Definitely, this is a good and timely trend in our country - it is gaining momentum [6].


  1. General pedagogy of physical culture and sports: Textbook / E. B. Kaynova. - M.: ID FORUM: NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 208 pp.: 60×90 1/16. - (Professional education). (hardback) ISBN 978–5-8199–0325–4
  2. Geletskaya, L. N. Physical culture of students of a special educational department [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / L. N., I. Yu. Birdigulova, D. A. Shubin, R. I. Konovalova. — Krasnoyarsk: Sib. federal univ., 2014. - 220 p.
  3. The impact of physical education and sports on the body. Your sport [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 04/04/2017)
  4. Sports and healthy lifestyle [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 04/04/2017)
  5. Sports and health: how much time to devote [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 04/05/2017)
  6. Korshunova O. S. Philosophical view of physical education in modern Russia // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 868–870.
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