Ab roller: what muscles work, training plan

What muscles work

Ab roller exercises involve rolling forward on a wheel, holding the handles on your sides, and returning to the starting position. From the outside, everything is quite simple. But in reality, good physical preparation and maximum adherence to execution technique are required. A large number of muscles are involved, including the deep stabilizers of the spine, which is stretched. An untrained body finds it difficult to maintain balance, and it is easy to get injured.

For a person with poor physical fitness, the exercise machine will be useless.

In addition to the abs, the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms, chest, and buttocks are actively worked out. Exercises with the wheel perfectly develop the core muscles, which are responsible for beautiful posture and performing complex basic exercises.

The treasured abs on your stomach are not the only benefit from the exercise. The abdominal press is important in the functioning of the intestines, respiratory system, and blood circulation of internal organs.

The iliopsoas muscle experiences serious stress in exercises with a roller. People with unhealthy backs should not exercise with an abdominal wheel. Another contraindication is problematic joints, which also receive a lot of stress.

It is not recommended to practice with the following diagnoses:

  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • diseases of the lumbosacral spine;
  • injuries and diseases of the shoulders, elbows, hands.

The roller really strengthens the lower back, but only a healthy one! It will not help cure diseases in this area.

Benefits of abdominal exercise machines

Exercise machines for abdominal muscles have 4 undeniable advantages:

  • Safety when performing movements.
  • The ability to exclude other groups, focusing the load on specific muscles (especially the lower back).
  • Constant opportunity to increase the load by adding weight to the simulator.
  • A variety of possibilities and the most complete pumping, with an emphasis on each muscle.

While regular and complex abdominal movements involve almost all the core muscles and disperse the load, abdominal exercise machines provide all the conditions for a high-quality workout of the abdominal area. Moreover, a wide arsenal of movements allows you to alternate and change exercises, eliminating muscle addiction and stagnation in results.

The only drawback of working in simulators is the need to focus the load on the abdominal muscles. Without this, their effectiveness is significantly reduced. For example, when doing crunches in a machine, it is important to relax your arms and move your stomach.

Exercise technique

All ab wheel exercises are based on the following steps:

  • Starting position: knees on a soft mat, roller with outstretched arms directly under you, no bend in the lower back.
  • As you exhale, slowly roll the wheel forward, pulling your body along behind it and tensing your abs.
  • At the end point, we linger for 1-2 seconds, inhale, and with the force of the press we return back.

It is the abdominal muscles that initiate the movement and remain in constant tension. Focus on this. Start rolling forward or backward, engaging your abs first, not your hips or shoulders. It is important. Returning to the starting position, imagine that someone is pulling you by the waist.

Advice! As you roll back, tightening your glutes will help isolate your hip flexors as much as possible. This will increase the load on the abs.

To avoid injury, study all the subtleties and nuances in advance. To get the most out of the ab roller, the exercises must be performed without mistakes. Make sure that:

  • movements were controlled, without jerking;
  • the lower back did not bend, but tended to bend upward a little;
  • do not touch the floor with your torso or knees;
  • back, arms, legs were straight;
  • do rolling with a wheel, rather than moving the mat.

All the subtleties of the correct technique are taken into account in the following short video:

Ab roller exercises for men and women are considered one of the best. Beginners should choose an amplitude that is comfortable for themselves, train twice a week, gradually increasing the length of extensions and the frequency of exercises. In pursuit of results, you should not immediately subjugate a high degree of complexity. Progress must be gradual.

It's easier to start by using some kind of limiter when stretching, like a wall. Press the roller against the obstacle, not rolling out completely, to make it easier to return. This will allow you to better focus on the correct technique, learn faster and move on to a more difficult level.

History of appearance

The general principles of muscle stimulation with electric current, the effective ratio of pulse length and current strength, were established at the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the English scientist Weiss studied in more detail the effect of electricity on the human muscular system and identified safe and effective current parameters at which the therapeutic effect occurs.

In 1960, the Soviet scientist Yakov Kots developed and released the first electrical stimulator, Stimulul-1. The invention began to be actively used in sports medicine and in the training of astronauts. A modern analogue of the device already exists.

Since the 70s of the last century, such devices began to be used in the rehabilitation of patients with central nervous system pathologies and injuries. The new electrical procedure made it possible to quickly restore the desired activity of weakened muscles, which significantly reduced the overall recovery time.

The Italians were the first to use myostimulation in cosmetology, and this happened around the 80s of the last century.

Since then, activation of the main muscle groups using electrical impulses has become widely used to correct visible figure imperfections caused by decreased tone and excess weight.

Roller exercise options

A simple sports device will equip you with dozens of exercises, but even a strong man cannot overcome some of them. A simple classic performance from the knees requires considerable effort, not to mention the more complicated versions. But it is reasonable to progress in this matter for the greatest return.

Plank. This is the first place to start to get a feel for how to properly hold the roller and balance. It is performed like a regular plank, only instead of resting on the elbows, straight arms hold the handles of the wheel. The body takes the shape of a straight line from head to heels, held for 30-60 seconds. Stabilizing muscles develop.
Rolling from your knees. This is a classic exercise with a wheel, the technique of which has already been described above. Regular training and practicing the correct technique increases strength and endurance, which will allow you to cope with more complex versions of skates. Optimally 5-10 repetitions 2-3 times a week.
Frontal rental. Not every trained athlete can do this exercise. Rolling is done from a standing position, stretching the body horizontally above the floor surface. If the task is too difficult, spread your legs wider. After mastering the lighter version, try again with a narrow stance. 5-6 repetitions will be enough.
Oblique rolling. The purpose of the exercise is to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, the so-called lateral press. This is the same roll from the knees, only the wheel is moved to the sides at an angle of 45° (5-10 repetitions).
On one hand. This type of rental is a more complicated type of frontal rental. They use another roller, in which the handle is located between the two wheels. The weight of the body, stretched horizontally to the floor, is held by one hand on the roller. The second one is on the hips or helps to maintain balance by lightly touching the floor. Do 3-5 repetitions on each hand, while the body should not tip to the side. The beneficial effect of this exercise is the additional tension on the stabilizing muscles. If the exercise doesn’t work right away, try doing it from your knees.

The next three exercises will require a special roller with foot pedals.

Fold. Roll the roller with feet attached to it. To do this, stand in a plank position, resting your palms on the floor. Roll the wheel towards you with your feet, bringing your knees to your chest, and back 8-12 times. The upper body is motionless.
Oblique fold. The starting position is a plank with emphasis on the palms and legs fixed in the roller. The wheel is driven diagonally to the right elbow, returned back, then to the left (8-12 times). Similar to the previous option, control the immobility of the upper part of the body and strictly straight arms without bending at the elbows.
Peak. The starting position is similar to the previous two. The buttocks are lifted up, without bending the legs and back, until the body is folded into a “house”. A prerequisite for the last two exercises is well-developed stabilizer muscles. Otherwise, performing a fold or peak may result in injury.

Current characteristics

Myostimulators differ in the shape of the pulse current, the frequency of the released pulses and the adjustment of their amplitude:

  • Pulse duration – from 1 to 100 ms;
  • The current strength for working out the muscle structures of the face and hands is 3-5 mA, for the thigh, shoulder, and lower leg - 10-15 mA.

The defining criterion for adequate electrical stimulation is obtaining an isolated and maximum magnitude muscle contraction under the influence of a minimum current. In this case, the procedure should be painless.

Recommendations and tips

An inexpensive calisthenics roller can easily rival or even surpass most newfangled machines and traditional crunches. To notice the results of your work as quickly as possible, use the following tips:

  • choose a projectile according to your level of training: a roller with a return mechanism - for beginners, with an offset center - for professionals. It is easier to work with one wheel and a large diameter; it is harder to work with two and a small diameter. Do not buy an exercise machine with plastic-coated wheels for hard floors (laminate, tile). It will slip, resulting in injury or scratching the floor;
  • Excessive loads will not speed up the effect, but will only cause harm. If you have pain in the shoulder girdle, reduce your range of motion. Start with partial spins and focus on proper technique. Over time, you will be able to increase the load, even if at first the exercise seemed impossible;
  • tension and slight retraction of the abdominal muscles helps to align and maintain an even (neutral) position of the spine during exercise;
  • To check the correct execution, you can rest your feet against the wall and make sure that you do not touch it with your buttocks when returning back. If yes, the exercise is driven by the hips. The whole point is to force the abdominal muscles to bear the main load. Only at the moment of contraction of this group does the roller move. The first movement should not be from the hip flexors or latissimus dorsi.

Exercise in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions 2-3 times a week and after 3-4 months the mini-simulator will give you beautiful relief.


Myostimulators are divided into two categories - for self-use and professional.

The first ones are mostly cheap devices, their distinctive characteristics are:

  • Number of channels up to 2, electrodes no more than 4;
  • The device has one transformer (current generator). Therefore, connecting each additional pair of electrodes reduces the total power of the device;
  • Powered by batteries;
  • The power of such devices is low;
  • There are no specialized programs. Typically, such muscle stimulators use only the relaxation, tone, and sport modes;
  • The shape of the electrical pulse is one of the simplest; there are no frequency modulation modes;
  • There is no lymphatic drainage regime, which should remove decay products and excess fluid from the body.

The most famous budget myostimulator is the “butterfly”. It is easy to use, inexpensive, but you may not see the effect of its use.

Characteristics of professional devices:

  • Have up to 24 channels and up to 48 electrodes;
  • There is a separate generator for each pair of electrodes;
  • Ability to enable multiple modes. Professional myostimulators are used to carry out several procedures independent of each other at once, and such devices make it possible to serve several people at the same time;
  • Operates from the network;
  • The current power can be changed based on the client’s pain threshold, as well as his level of physical fitness;
  • There are several professional programs, most often these are electrolipolysis, body lifting, lymphatic drainage, ultrasonic cavitation, interference, electrophoresis.


Each model of the device has its own contraindications. But there is a group of common ones, the identification of which does not allow electrical stimulation, these include:

  • Any trimester of pregnancy;
  • The patient has a pacemaker;
  • Active tuberculosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • Acute period of dermatological diseases;
  • Liver and kidney failure.

Before prescribing myostimulation, all contraindications to the procedure must be established. You cannot hide them, otherwise the procedure may negatively affect your overall well-being and cause unwanted complications.

EMS-Trainer myostimulator belt - how much does it cost and where to buy?

It has already been said that the price of the EMS-Trainer myostimulator belt is quite affordable, but how much does it really cost? The manufacturer's official website lists the price as 1,990 rubles. This is the cost of a complete set, which also includes a belt, two plates for fixing on the legs or arms. Instructions in Russian are also included.

Unfortunately, due to its great popularity, this stimulant is often counterfeited. And this can be determined by the quality and availability of a European certificate. However, by quality criteria, a product can usually be reliably determined only after starting to use it. But then returning it back is often quite problematic, especially if the purchase was made via the Internet.

In this case, the manufacturer advises not to buy it in regular offline stores, as well as in numerous online stores selling sporting goods. To avoid counterfeiting, the EMC-Trainer ab trainer is not available for retail sale. And you can only buy it on the official website of the manufacturer.

Therefore, carefully study all the pros and cons of this device, and if you decide that this muscle stimulator deserves your attention, and you want to try to lose weight while lying on the couch and watching TV (and the prospect is very tempting!), then purchase it from an official place, avoiding fakes.

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Test check yourself:

fact or fiction?

Eating more fruit can improve bone density.

Correct! Wrong!

Consuming foods with plenty of bioavailable calcium improves bone density. Fruits generally do not contain much calcium.

Excess protein accumulates in the muscles, causing them to increase.

Correct! Wrong!

Once the need for protein and energy has been met, excess amino acids are converted to acetyl-CoA, from which they are converted into fatty acids and stored in adipocytes. Therefore, excess protein will not be converted into muscle.

Popular models

Currently, dozens of devices for myostimulation are produced, differing in technical characteristics. When choosing them, you need to take into account the area of ​​use, modes and effects that the use of a particular model gives.

Radium B-333

The operating principle of this myostimulator is artificial stimulation of muscles that occurs under the influence of electric current. Activation of their contraction leads to blood flow to them, to increased protein synthesis, and stimulates the outflow of lympha and venous blood.

With the Radium B 333 model you can achieve:

  • Lifting effect;
  • Reducing the visibility of stretch marks on the skin;
  • Improving the process of cell and tissue regeneration in the postoperative period;
  • Activation of the circulation of biofluids (blood, lymph) in the body;
  • Restoring and increasing the strength and elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • Increasing the tone of flabby muscles;
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits;
  • Relaxation of spasmed muscles and reduction of pain;
  • Anti-cellulite effect;
  • Improves skin strength and elasticity;
  • Enhancing the weight loss process by targeting areas with excess fat.

In one session, using the device, you can simultaneously influence several muscle groups at once.

This model is semi-professional, therefore it is mainly used in medical institutions, studios and beauty salons.

Among semi-professional myostimulators that are in high demand, the following models are distinguished:

  • NA-7003;
  • B-2023;
  • SA-D01 (IB-9116);
  • B-333H;
  • WD-8005;
  • Facial device M2016;
  • RT-6900.


ESMA electronic muscle stimulators are products of a Russian company. The model range includes dozens of devices designed both for home use and for physiotherapeutic procedures in medical institutions and cosmetology centers.

The devices are widely used for general rejuvenation of the body, in non-surgical body lifting programs, and for weight loss.

ESMA 12.08 Assol

This model is intended for home use. When using it you can:

  • Perform lymphatic drainage;
  • Do electrolipolysis;
  • Strengthen muscles;
  • Improve the relief of the pectoral muscles;
  • The story of ultrasonic peeling.

The device is intended for figure correction and myostimulation of facial muscles. At home, it can also be used in the treatment of diseases associated with muscle weakness.

The device comes with a video instruction, the study of which helps you understand all the nuances of applying electrodes and choosing programs.

ESMA 12.16 Universal

The small size and weight of the Esma Universal allow it to be used both as a stationary device and as a mobile device for on-site work.

The device has special programs installed that allow you to perform myostimulation, lymphatic drainage, and lipolysis without additional settings.

The effect of target programs can be expanded by changing the frequency and polarity of the current. The device allows you to create a complex program using several modes.

This model also uses a new mode – myolift, and there is also a mode that allows for ultrasonic peeling.

The device has 4 independent channels, 16 electrodes for the body and 16 for the face.

ESMA 12.20 Combi

Designed for myostimulation of the face and body. This model is one of the latest developments of the company. In addition to standard programs, it makes it possible to carry out interference microcurrent and lifting procedures.

A special feature of the model is two expansion channels designed for carrying out individual cosmetic procedures using microcurrent gloves and special electrodes for electrophoresis, microcurrent therapy, disincrustation, and lifting.

Scope of application: physiotherapy and beauty salons. The device is widely used by sports doctors; it can also be purchased for home procedures. A complex effect on the body is provided.

ESMA 12.21 Galant

A physiotherapeutic complex based on the use of three microprocessors. This feature of the device allows you to provide the client with 3 procedures independent of each other at the same time.

The device has all programs for electrical stimulation, and also includes an interference current mode.

The term interference refers to the cross-action of two currents with different frequencies. This results in a highly active current that can penetrate deep muscle structures.

Interference allows you to endure high-intensity currents - from 30 to 50 mA - without discomfort.

ESMA 12.01 IMio

The portable myostimulator IMio is a device designed for the prevention and treatment of a large group of diseases. In cosmetology it is used as a device that corrects the contours of the face, figure, and neck.

Available in two trim levels – light and high. Regardless of the model, in addition to the main programs, the device can use conductive gloves and samples. You can also control this myostimulator using a smartphone after installing the appropriate program.

ESMA Fitness Portable

Designed for figure correction, with its help you can achieve rapid weight loss, restore lost muscle tone, and improve your relief.

This model is also intended for the rehabilitation and restoration of muscles and joints after injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A complex consisting of the device itself and an additional electrode vest. When using it, you can simultaneously perform cardio training and myostimulation.

Electrical pulse signals from the device activate most of the muscles of the body, including deep-lying ones.

The electrode vest does not restrict movement when performing cardio training and enhances its effectiveness. The complex can also be used separately, that is, as a classic device for myostimulation.

ESMA 12.02 Microcurrent

A special feature of the model is a block designed for interference therapy. The device uses three targeted procedures - myolifting, interference dermolifting, myostimulation.

At the same time, each of the targeted procedures can be used with electrophoresis. The contact system is designed to connect samples, microcurrent gloves, electrodes for the face and body.

Beurer muscle stimulators

Produced in Germany. There are 15 models on the market.


Beurer muscle stimulators can be used:

  • For training the abdominal muscles at home;
  • For pre-warming before sports training and fitness classes;
  • To improve muscle tone in bedridden patients.


In addition to general contraindications, devices from the Beurer brand cannot be used:

  • People with heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Patients with epilepsy;
  • During the course of cancer.

Electrostimulator EM 37 Beurer

Provides effective contraction and training of the lateral and central abdominal muscles, helps reduce fat folds in the lower back, and improves the shape of the figure.

Beurer EM 37 is made in the form of a belt with convenient fasteners and size adjustment on its front part, which ensures complete comfort during the session. The device has a system that turns it off after a set time.

The myostimulator is equipped with two electrodes on the stomach and two on the back; if necessary, you can connect 2 more auxiliary ones. The electrodes are wettable, so no conductive gels are required.

The LCD indicator allows you to monitor and adjust the power level. The device has a memory function that saves sports results.

EM 32 Beurer

Designed for myostimulation of the press. The belt has two electrodes of a universal size and with 5 training programs. Two additional electrodes can be connected to the device. The operating parameters are reflected on the display.

The EM 32 Beurer is suitable for those who want to get flatter abs without intense training.

Beurer EM 35

Suitable for training the lateral and central abdominal muscles, restoring lost muscle tone. The device is equipped with 4 wear-resistant electrodes and 5 programs.

The belt size is universal, can be used with a waist circumference from 75 to 140 cm, runs on batteries, and has a protective auto-shut-off mode.

Pros and cons of Em series myostimulators

The advantages of Beurer Em series devices include:

  • Ease of use – the belts are easily fixed, fit tightly to the figure due to the elastic material;
  • High quality - if handled correctly, myostimulators can work for several years;
  • There is no need to purchase conductive gels - it is enough to moisten the electrodes with water before attaching them to the body;
  • The program control unit is detachable, so the belt can be washed;
  • Possibility of use for the treatment of spinal diseases that occur with pain.

The main disadvantage of Em myostimulators is their insignificant effectiveness without special training in the gym.

Precautionary measures

In addition to the rules for using a myostimulator, you must also observe precautions. The device should not be left in direct sunlight, exposed to elevated temperatures, or used near heat sources. Water is also dangerous for the myostimulator.

The device must be turned off before use and removal. You should not use the muscle stimulator while working with any equipment, driving a car, or sleeping, as there is a risk of increased muscle contraction. The skin does not need to be treated with oil or greasy cream, and only a special film should be used for fastening. It is better to start training in a lying position. If you suddenly feel weakness or pain, the myostimulator should be turned off immediately.

Conductive gels

Typically, each muscle stimulator model is sold complete with a conductive gel. The volume of the bottle of the product is from 100 to 200 ml, this is a large enough amount that allows you to carry out several courses of the procedure.

If necessary, conductive gels can be purchased at specialized medical equipment stores or ordered online.

Some models of devices are equipped with electrodes that only require plain water to moisten the surface.


Questions about how to build good abs using exercise machines cause a lot of discussion and discussion. This is quite natural.

In the process of discussion, acceptable paths to follow and available directions for future development are often found.

Different reviews about exercise machines designed for abdominal training make it possible to compare the available types of equipment and draw the right conclusions.

There are some downsides to choosing electrical equipment, but time moves on and further advances in high technology are leading to the ability to combine ease of use with the best end result.

Selection rules

When purchasing a device for home use, you should be guided by the following selection criteria:

  • It is better to buy semi-professional or professional myostimulators from well-known and positively proven brands;
  • It is better to take models with several pairs of electrodes - the best option is from 8 to 16;
  • The devices must have a separate transformer for each channel;
  • There must be detailed instructions and a certificate for their use, a guarantee.

Before using the device, it is advisable to consult a specialist and identify all possible contraindications.

Hula Hup

From ancient times, all kinds of hoops for twisting on the stomach have come to us. And today they are considered very effective abdominal exercise machines. With the help of a hoop it is possible not only to form a beautiful abs, but also a “wasp” waist. Hula hoop is the choice of girls and women who are afraid to “pump up” their muscles on professional exercise machines and want to maintain a feminine and attractive curve of their figure.

Today you can find a large assortment of all kinds of hoops on sale. Metal, plastic, design hoops, with massage elements, with weights - there are many options.

The main advantages of modern hula hoops:

  • During training, a large amount of energy is consumed, which contributes to weight loss;
  • during classes, different groups of abdominal muscles are strengthened (upper, lower, oblique);
  • training with a hoop increases flexibility and grace;
  • minimal risk of spinal injury or worsening joint diseases;
  • do not require special skills and can be used by a person with any level of physical fitness.

Additional Information. When practicing with heavy and massive hoops, painful bruises may appear in the abdomen and back.

We also recommend reading the article about whether a hoop helps to lose belly fat.


Another type of equipment associated with abdominal training: a machine, popularly called a butterfly.

The efficiency in this case is also very high. Reduction and extension of arms with optimally selected numbers of approaches and repetitions engage the necessary muscles and activate the necessary hidden reserves of the body.

Good results are achieved, of course, only with regular exercise.

For whom are myostimulators especially useful?

In most cases, only special exercises in the gym and fitness help to pump up your abs effectively. But such loads are not suitable for everyone - with back diseases or scoliosis, the load on the spine should be minimal, therefore, with such problems, most sports loads are contraindicated.

In this case, a myostimulator can become an assistant in solving the breakdown of fat deposits and improving muscle tone.

To achieve the best possible result with the help of such devices, it is necessary to choose professional models and at the same time follow other principles of creating an ideal figure.

What model are you using? And did the procedures help you? Write in the comments.

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