TOP 10 best sports management courses in 2022: paid and free training. Rating, comparison, cost.

Steroid-type drugs have been used in sports for many years. Many professionals note that it is impossible to achieve full success without anabolic therapy. The first anabolic steroids appeared at the beginning of the last century and immediately gained popularity. In the 21st century, you can find a huge variety of products on the market for gaining muscles, cutting and losing weight. Despite this, experienced athletes trust proven hormones more. Beginners who are just entering adult sports always rely on the experience of other athletes, wanting to achieve high results.

For inexperienced athletes and amateurs it is very difficult to choose anabolic steroids, since they still doubt their effectiveness. Now in the information space you can find opinions about the dangers of anabolic therapy and its uselessness. Beginners should know that anabolics are analogues of natural hormones such as testosterone and nandrolone. It is these hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the body in full mode. Due to the increase in hormones in the blood, strength and endurance increase, and muscle growth occurs. Nowadays, a healthy lifestyle is promoted at every step, offering to gain muscle volume, with the help of sports nutrition, abandoning hormone therapy. Of course, sports nutrition makes it possible to improve performance, but the effect of steroids is characterized by the fastest possible effect. Athletes involved in professional sports may notice that after several years of intense training, changes in the body stop, even by increasing the load it is impossible to achieve a significant result. The body adapts to the diet, and physical training stops the whole process. Taking steroids will allow you to move from the point of stagnation and improve your performance several times. During the period of steroid therapy, the body can withstand prolonged stress and a strict diet without consequences for the body.

Another issue is the correct choice of synthetic analogues. It is important to carefully approach the course and choose the most effective and safe means. It is very difficult to do this in such a diverse range. For beginners, it is better to consult a sports doctor or trainer. Here, of course, a problem can arise, because many specialists refuse to consult, since steroid-type drugs are prohibited for use in professional sports. In this case, you need to adhere to the standard application regimen and calculate the dosage yourself.

At what age can you start taking anabolic steroids?

Every young man, as well as representatives of the fair sex, asks coaches the same question: at what age can you start training? This important moment can affect your entire life and future career. The wrong moment or drug can ruin many years of work in the gym. Anabolic therapy must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Modern youth in most cases are in a hurry to achieve results. This is not surprising. The media and television promote sports, forgetting to answer the main question: when can you make your body muscular and at the same time maintain health.

In boys, hormonal increases begin on average at 12 years of age. The amount of testosterone increases, and the first sexual characteristics are formed. Boys gradually begin to turn into men (the voice changes, height increases, the first hair appears on the face and body). This is the starting point - until the age of 25, the amount of the hormone will increase, every year honing the boy’s body, making him a man. Many beginning juniors, having not received the proper results in the gym, rush to the store to buy doping. Sport is a long and sensitive process; early use of anabolic steroids will provoke hormonal levels and can negatively affect a person’s future life and reproductive functions. To understand at what age you should start taking medications, you must follow the rules:

  • Analyze the situation, pay attention to training and nutrition, maybe the problem lies in an inadequate diet:
  • You cannot take funds until you are 21 years old, even if you really want to. The fact is that during this period the body has enough hormones to gain weight without AAS. Don't tempt fate if you're only 18 and can't reach the masses. This means it’s not time yet, you should wait a little;
  • Anabolic steroids must be taken if you have at least 3 years of training experience. It is during this time that the athlete will use up all the body’s resources. If an athlete monitors his training and health, he will immediately understand that the peak has arrived, muscle growth has slowed down or is completely absent, loss of strength and other signs appear;
  • Pay attention to your height, it should be several times greater than kilograms. If your height is 1.5 m and your weight is 50 kg, you should not use anabolic steroids. Wait persistently until your height increases to 1.7 m.
  • You need to know that before shaping your body, it is better to gain a certain weight and the fat percentage should be at least 15%. Otherwise, you may lose existing muscles. To get relief, muscles need building material, so you need to monitor your weight. If an athlete is thin, then he needs to increase his weight a little
  • with the help of individual nutrition and exercise;
  • The first course of anabolic steroids should be carried out under the full supervision of a specialist. Before the first injection or tablet, it is important to get tested for hormones in order to monitor your well-being and, of course, the dosage. Every 2 weeks you should undergo additional examination for hormonal disorders.

Age indicators are a very important point in sports. Testosterone in the body initially increases throughout life, up to 25 years of age, then it declines, and after 35 years of age the countdown begins. If you take the first course at the age of 18, then by the age of 30 it will be difficult for you to control your hormonal levels and cope with your sports goals. It is very important for athletes to maintain testosterone levels, since this hormone affects not only athletic performance, but also a full life. After 35, sexual activity decreases, problems with potency and conception appear, heart function worsens, and blood vessels suffer. For this reason, doctors recommend taking synthetic substances to maintain male strength and health.

First course of steroids: how to start correctly

How to start your first course correctly: ask yourself three basic questions:

  1. Am I eating healthily?
  2. Do I understand the training process?
  3. Is everything okay with my health?

Answer as honestly as possible. The final question is: have I reached that maximum with natural training? If the answers are positive everywhere, you should think about what your future steroid course will be.

Tests before a course of steroids

  • Complete blood count (CBC);
  • Hormonal panel: LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, total testosterone (minimum);
  • Liver enzymes: AST, ALT, GGT, total and direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin.

This is the minimum list that you should have ready before your steroid cycle. Do not use steroids until you have seen your test results, this is a very important point. Consult a specialist.

How I see the ideal first course of steroids:

For the first course of steroids, I would prefer testosterone. Be it testosterone propionate or enanthate and other forms.

Example of a first course of steroids

Testosterone propionate 50 mg (usually half a milliliter, half a cube) every other day, used intramuscularly for a duration of 6-8 weeks. What you will need additionally: anastrozole, cabergoline, clomid.

Anastrozole and cabergoline should be taken only after the results of tests for estradiol and prolactin; the dosage is selected based on the values ​​of these hormones; there is no average regimen.

We leave Clomid for post-cycle therapy to recover after the course. PCT should be started 10-12 (approximately days) after the end of testosterone propionate use. Ideally, take a total testosterone level test to make sure you have chosen the right time for recovery. If you have elevated testosterone levels, Clomid will not work.

Duration of use of Clomid: minimum 30 days, 50 mg of clomiphene citrate at night.

A marker of successful recovery will be the following tests: LH, FSH, Estradiol, Prolactin, Total Testosterone, which will be in the references, or the same as before the start of the steroid course.

To correctly prepare your first course of steroids, write through contacts.

What to expect from this course? With the right attitude to nutrition and training, observing rest hours: a couple of kilograms of pure muscle meat and increased physical characteristics. The main goal of this course is to learn how to maintain a routine and be able to make it flexible in order to achieve the desired result.

When can I repeat the course?

Rest time = course time + PCT time.

Afterwards, any anabolic steroid can be added to testosterone propionate, for example: testosterone propionate + stanozolol. Which will allow you to progress even faster and more.

Diet and nutrition on a steroid cycle

Beginning athletes often encounter the problem of the opposite effect: they seem to be trying to gain muscle, but end up with fat and a complete lack of results. Remember that not only training and taking AAS bring long-awaited success, the nutrition plan when taking steroids plays a huge role:

  • Before therapy, visit a sports doctor and trainer. These specialists will make adjustments to your diet, offer the best options and help you avoid unwanted consequences;
  • It is important that your nutrition matches your goals so that you can use the products most profitably. "What does it mean?" - you ask. It's simple: if you want to gain weight, you should eat well and a lot, including without limiting yourself in carbohydrates and sugar. When cutting or losing weight, it is better to take protein foods as a basis;
  • Calculate the number of calories you consume and expend to understand how to eat. To do this, multiply your weight by the number 30. The resulting number will be equal to calories, which will be enough to maintain the body and its work. To gain muscle, daily energy consumption increases, you should add another 1000 Kcal to this denominator; when losing weight and cutting, on the contrary, reduce the calorie content by 1000 Kcal;
  • If an athlete is going to exercise for a long time, then it is imperative to control his weight and the amount of fat and water in the body. Many anabolic steroids are capable of removing large amounts of fluid from tissues, while others greatly increase appetite. Full control and perseverance will help you achieve the desired success without negative consequences;
  • Use only fractionated meals (up to 12 times a day), this will allow you to speed up your metabolism and gain full strength to achieve your goal and active training. The minimum number of meals is up to 6 times.
  • Remove simple carbohydrates that can cause fat accumulation (bread, sugar, grains). By taking tests, monitor your hemoglobin level; there should be enough iron. When iron levels decrease, muscle destruction begins, because the body takes this substance from them;
  • It is better to eat protein and carbohydrates separately at different times. Before lunch - carbohydrates with vegetables, after lunch - proteins with vegetables.
  • Taking steroids is a serious step into adulthood, so you need to strictly monitor the foods that are included in your diet. It is important that their glycemic index is low, otherwise you should expect a deterioration in well-being and other consequences;
  • Nutrition during a steroid cycle is calculated based on the goal. Of course, it is very difficult to constantly adhere to the standards, excluding sweets and all sorts of goodies. Don’t take risks, if you really want to eat something tasty, use dried fruits, your favorite nuts, or use special sports bars as a basis. Peanut butter is also very popular among professionals. Increases energy potential, provides sufficient calories and has excellent taste

If the first course of steroids is not supervised by specialists, it is better to independently learn all the basics and nuances, eat right, drink a lot of water, train hard, get enough sleep. Only an integrated approach has a beneficial effect on sports results and allows them to be maintained for a long time.

Training experience for steroid use

Inexperienced athletes, when starting to take anabolic steroids, do not understand why they cannot achieve the same results as professionals. Also, at a certain point, experienced athletes cannot achieve advancement due to stagnation. This is explained by different phases, which include the age and experience of a person leading an active lifestyle. For beginners, as a rule, light anabolic steroids in tablets are enough to see impressive results. Professional chemists who have been using therapy for many years and have gained sufficient muscle volume may not count on this. Every year the body adapts, and once effective substances stop working. For this reason, it is recommended to start with lighter anabolic substances and, as time passes, move on to more serious drugs. Steroids for athletes have become indispensable aids in achieving goals and winning competitions. Of course, this does not mean that they can be used in unlimited quantities; a break is required. In professional sports, as a rule, therapy begins shortly before competition to gain the greatest success and advantage over competitors.

First course of steroids: introduction

The article is compiled for informational purposes , without a call to action.
Almost everyone who goes to the gym has thought about using one kind of doping or another. Starting from sports nutrition: protein, gainer, creatine or other supplements, ending with thoughts about anabolic steroids: the first course of steroids. What does an athlete expect from anabolic steroids? Of course, increasing mass, treasured muscle mass. What else? Increased strength and endurance. What does a person often get? “Mass of shit” with a bunch of side effects trailing behind it. Why is this happening?

Laziness is the main reason why an athlete resorts to using steroids. For the most part, I have to restore people who went in and did an anabolic steroid cycle in an illiterate and reckless manner. Believe me, the uncontrolled use of this type of doping does not lead to good and can lead to the most unexpected consequences.

How to take steroids correctly

For athletes and amateurs, health should be a priority. Everyone who switches to doping sometimes thinks about taking it permanently. This is not surprising, because after several years of training a person understands that this can be achieved in just a couple of months. Don't be fooled. If you take hormonal drugs and do not follow the rules, you can push the body to the limit or, worse, death. Every beginner wonders: how often can you take steroids? It depends on experience, the chosen drug and, of course, individual characteristics. Each course implies different concepts. So, for an inexperienced athlete, a full-fledged stage is taking boldenone tablets, and for a chemist, taking several drugs at once. The degree of disturbance in the body, hormonal balance, and recovery time depend on this. After taking doping, no matter whether it is safe or more serious, you need to get tested and undergo an examination. Hormonal tests will make it clear how much the production of your own testosterone is suppressed. Post-cycle therapy is carried out for different periods of time using antiestrogens and testosterone boosters. The duration of recovery varies, it all depends on the age and severity of the funds. To understand how to take steroids without harm, it is important to study how the body interacts with certain substances. Find the golden mean and you will always be toned and in good shape. Experts recommend taking a break from anabolic steroids at least 3 times a year, that is, taking breaks between uses of 1.5 - 2 months.

So what is sports nutrition and how to fight the “dreaded Protein”?

Now let’s move on to the next question and figure out what sports nutrition and steroids are. Sports nutrition is nothing more than food additives isolated from natural products (meat, plants, fruits, fish, milk, etc.) in properties close to ideal. For example, the same (great and terrible!) protein is just a synthesized protein with a very low fat and carbohydrate content. Creatine is an element similar to protein that affects the “building” of muscles and is found in large quantities in meat, and BCAA is just a complex of amino acids. There is nothing more, no hormonal or other additives of pharmacological origin in sports nutrition.

Its only disadvantage is that it cannot replace normal food, since sports nutrition is just a food supplement that does not contain vitamin complexes and other elements that cannot be obtained otherwise than by eating well. So explain to me, dear citizens and comrades, what’s bad about all this? Nothing, exactly like that, syllable by syllable, because we’ll talk about the “bad” further...

“He came to Jock and asked timidly: Anabolic steroid – is it good? I want a box!

And here it is, the moment of truth, which I dedicate to all the Misses and Misters “will not stand”: unlike sports nutrition, anabolic steroids (anabolics) are a completely different story. They are an artificially synthesized main hormone of male power - testosterone. It must be said that, apart from sports, steroid supplements are widely used in medicine, for example, for people with impaired testosterone production, patients with dystrophy, and so on. But it should also be noted that in medicine very small, “physiological” doses of this hormone are used, that is, in the volumes in which it is produced by a normally functioning body. If we are talking about the “course” and about athletes who have become the ideal of bodybuilding (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Nasser and others), then here we are already faced with a completely different phenomenon. These athletes were able to achieve such a level of mass and proportions due to an increase in the level of male hormone in their bodies, sometimes ten or even a hundred times.

Of course, the question arises: how does the body cope with such loads? Everything is very simple, it simply “turns off” the function of producing one’s own testosterone, which leads in the future, with a long “course” to the complete atrophy of this function and, as a result, after stopping taking steroids, the body, which was gorgeous, very quickly deflates and gains fat mass and becomes flabby. And these are just external indicators! It’s scary to even think about what’s happening to them inside: the load on the heart and kidneys increases, the functions of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland decrease, and immunity decreases. A person whose body does not produce testosterone is not only dependent on it, like a drug, he dies.

On the other hand, as these athletes have repeatedly repeated and repeat: “The price in sports is always equal to what you pay for. And even if someone ruined their health, this someone at one point was the strongest, the greatest on planet Earth, and that’s worth a lot!” So whether to use steroids or not remains an exclusively moral and ethical issue, along with euthanasia.

What should a beginner take on a steroid cycle?

It is very difficult to understand the abundance of sports pharmacology, especially if you didn’t know anything about therapy before. Where to start, how to choose, how to take, what should be a light course of steroids? All these questions confuse young, inexperienced athletes. Before you start therapy, please read some general rules:

  • Decide on the goal, that is, what do you want to achieve: muscles, elasticity and relief or increase strength? Your initial choice will depend on this;
  • If you don’t know which first course of steroids is right for you, you can check out the most popular and popular ready-made courses for beginners
  • Get tested for hormones and make sure that you are not allergic to the components included in the purchased products;
  • Buy only original pharma. It is very important that the first drug is of high quality, so as not to be disappointed in the therapy and get a full result;
  • The weight training course for a beginner is the most popular in professional and amateur sports. It may include only one drug (such as nandrolone, methane) or several anabolic steroids at once. It all depends on the desired result, health and, of course, capabilities. To purchase several products at once in a finished composition, you can follow the link and get acquainted with the full range

Please note that beginners who want to achieve everything at once run the risk of causing a number of side effects. Of course, if you really want to improve your results faster, you can resort to ready-made courses, where drugs are selected in the right dosage. This is the safest route of administration. Experts do not recommend combining drugs on your own.

What to take during a steroid cycle to achieve excellent results

Steroids can be used by those individuals who have been actively building their body for at least two years. When using sports pharmacology, be sure to follow a high-calorie, high-protein diet. From this we conclude that steroids and sports nutrition can be taken together; it is important to competently approach the process of preparing the intake of various drugs.

What medications to take:

  • Testosterone is the best helper. Aged athletes are recommended to use a mixture of omnadren esters - 250 and testosterone enamtate. Men over 50 need to take into account that if they start a course of steroids with testosterone, then it must be continued for the rest of their lives, since there is very little chance that the endocrine system will be able to independently restore the required level of the hormone after the course. Testosterone levels can be increased without steroids by taking tamoxifen for bodybuilding. This drug is truly unique because it allows you to increase the hormone testosterone (since the drug is estrogen) and cholesterol levels without affecting the heart. Previously, tamoxifen was recommended for use by women and allowed timely detection of cancer in the body.
  • Mesterolone (Proviron) – the drug is recommended for use together with testosterone. Increases the level of free testosterone due to its competitive addition to globulin.
  • Growth hormone (somatropin) – it is recommended for older athletes to take it. The product allows you to tidy up the condition of the skin, joints, memory and cartilage tissue. Choose only certified products; there should be no illegal substances or ones ordered from online stores, otherwise you risk your health. Veteran athletes need to take somatropin on a regular basis.
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