Do a newcomer to the gym need supplements and is it really possible to get pumped up without them? Review of sports nutrition with a trainer

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In the context of bodybuilding and CrossFit, muscle growth proteins are sports supplements that are concentrated proteins and provide the basic building blocks for muscle growth. If you look at protein from a biochemical point of view, you will see amino acid chains that form polypeptides.

Expected to be fired

1964 First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev went on vacation to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. On duty and protocol, the first secretary of the CPB Central Committee, Kirill Mazurov, came to see him. A discussion arose. They argued about the system of managing the national economy. Nikita Sergeevich proposed changing everything. Eliminate ministries in Belarus and create economic councils (bodies of self-government of the national economy), as was done in many regions from Altai to Magadan. The main meaning of the proposal is that the villages will be led by some party organizations, and the industry by others. Mazurov objected. As a final argument, he asked: “Do you remember Lenin? He always stood for party unity. And you propose disunity.” This was the last straw. Khrushchev boiled: “You will also teach me!” There's nothing to talk about. I'm leaving immediately." In Moscow, near the train, he told the leaders who met him that he was dissatisfied with the head of Belarus and that he needed to think about replacing him. The state of the BSSR economy looked successful against the general background. Agriculture was not subsidized, unlike in most republics. Everyone understood: Mazurov had a lot to do with this.

In the first half of October 1964, a high Moscow commission was expected, as a result of which it was planned to remove Kirill Trofimovich from his post. One morning, a car with a special communications courier drove up to the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus. Mazurov was handed a sealed package. He was ordered to urgently appear in Moscow for an extraordinary meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus was sure: they were calling to inform him of his resignation.

How to calculate your daily protein intake

It is believed that the daily diet of an adult should contain at least 30% protein. For a more accurate calculation, medicine has developed a formula:

  • 1 gram of pure protein per kilogram of weight (for people without regular physical activity);
  • 2 grams of pure protein per kilogram of weight (for athletes).

So, if you weigh 70 kg and lead a sedentary lifestyle, your body requires 70 g of protein per day. But if you weigh 70 kg and cannot imagine your life without intensive training, then your norm is 140 g of protein per day.

If you are interested in caloric content, you can calculate it as follows: 1 g of pure protein - 4 kcal.

Thus, the daily protein requirement of 70 g is 280 kcal, and 140 g is 560 kcal.

Ectomorphs need to take protein foods more than usual - people whose physiology does not allow them to gain weight quickly and who have difficulty building muscle. Protein is also important for those who burn fat and want to lose weight.

Modern dietetics distinguishes 2 types of protein sources - products of animal and plant origin with a high protein content and sports nutrition (protein). What to choose? Let's look at the pros and cons of each protein food option.

First castlings

Kirill Trofimovich Mazurov was born on March 23, 1914 in the village of Rudnya-Pribytkovskaya near Gomel. My most vivid teenage memory is collectivization. In 1930, the only cow in the family had to be handed over to the collective farm. The mother was grieving. After some time, peasants were allowed to have livestock on their plots. A heifer from the offspring of the previously selected Krasuli was returned to the barn.

In 1933, the young man graduated from the Gomel Automobile and Road Technical School. After serving in the army, he followed the Komsomol line. By June 1941, he headed the Brest regional committee of the Leninist Young Communist League of Youth. After June 22, he helped remove women and children, wounded soldiers and officers from encirclement. Participated in the battles for Brest. With the survivors he went to the east of the country. However, in 1942 he returned to occupied Belarus as a representative of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Until the end of 1943, he served in partisan formations, including in the Minsk region.

After the Victory, having recovered from his wounds, 31-year-old Mazurov headed the Republican Komsomol. The main concern is to restore the capital as quickly as possible. Thousands of children who had grown up and returned from the front were gathered in the villages. They happily went to the city to build automobile and tractor factories. We lived in the suburbs in military tents. After a while, they became full-fledged Minsk residents and made up a considerable part of the residents of the Stalinsky (Zavodsky) district. In 1947, Mazurov moved to the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus (Bolsheviks). By 1953 he headed the Minsk City Party Committee.

After Stalin's death in March, at the next plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, changes in the leadership of the republics were discussed. Beria sharply opposed the first secretary of the CPB Central Committee Nikolai Patolichev. Kirill Trofimovich, having learned about this, proposed to gather members of the Central Committee of the CPB and secretaries of regional committees at the local level. At the meeting they came to the conclusion that there was no reason to release Patolichev. If they are guilty, then everyone should be removed from their positions. The minutes of the meeting were sent to Moscow, where they threw up their hands. Beria was soon arrested, and Mazurov was approved for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Belarusian SSR. To speak out against the center, especially against Beria, seemed akin to suicide. Khrushchev remembered this brave “partisan,” as he called him. After 3 years, Kirill Trofimovich headed the republic instead of Patolichev, who left for a promotion in Moscow.

Photo by BelTA

Rating of the best protein brands: top 10 supplements

  1. Optimum Nutrition. The brand's whey proteins have been in the top sales for many years. The compositions of the cocktails are balanced, the amount of impurities is reduced as much as possible. The approximate cost for 1 kg is from 2500 rubles.
  1. Ultimate Nutrition. A popular sports nutrition manufacturer from the USA, which preserves the quality of the product as much as possible by purifying the protein at low temperatures. Price per 1 kg from 1000 rubles.
  1. SAN The company produces high-quality, easily digestible cocktails that are not destroyed due to cleaning at low temperatures. The price for 1 kg is about 2000 rubles.
  1. Dymatize. A leader among sports nutrition manufacturers, producing 100% hydrolyzed isolate, which is indispensable for drying. Cost per 1 kg from 2000 rubles.
  1. BioTech. The brand pays special attention to a high percentage of quality protein content. The company's protein contains L-arginine hydrochloride, which increases the production of nitric oxide. The cost for 1 kg is about 2300 rubles.
  1. B.S.N. The brand perfectly combines reasonable prices and high quality in its products. Approximate cost for 1 kg from 1300 rubles.
  1. Scitec Nutrition. The brand produces high-quality whey protein concentrates with a high percentage of protein. The approximate cost for 1 kg is from 1150 rubles.
  1. Pure Protein. A democratic sports nutrition brand that produces quality products. The price of whey protein concentrate per 1 kg is about 925 rubles.
  1. SynTrax. The brand is famous for its high-quality whey protein isolates, which undergo high-quality processing. Price for 1 kg from 1820 rubles.
  1. Weider. The products of this brand that are worthy of attention are complex proteins at a competitive price - from 1,600 rubles per 1 kg.

To shed light

Mazurov saw one of his tasks as the rehabilitation of the heroes of the Brest Fortress. Many of them were forgotten or condemned as captured and surrounded. But everything happened before his eyes. He was also concerned about restoring the true picture of the work of the Minsk underground during the war. The fascist provocation* in 1942–1943 against Ivan Kovalev, Vyacheslav Nikiforov, Konstantin Khmelevsky and other organizers of the underground movement led to the fact that little was said about organized resistance to the occupiers in the first post-war years, and only the existence of lone underground fighters was recognized. Mazurov created a commission that investigated the issue. We must not forget that he himself was in a partisan detachment during the war as a leader. Was initiated into the secrets. I was in contact with a large number of underground workers. In the end, if they were alone, who developed the operation to destroy Cuba and acts of retaliation - explosions in places where the enemy was concentrated?

During Mazurov’s tenure, Vera Khoruzhaya, Marat Kazei, Nikolai Goishik and other former partisans and underground fighters were nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, as described in the memoirs, having gone with his deputy Kuzma Kiselyov to pick mushrooms in the Vitebsk direction, he and a colleague discovered a field in the thicket of the forest overgrown with weeds, with chimneys sticking out of it. The name of the destroyed village was suggested by an elderly shepherd he met: Khatyn. Soon Kirill Trofimovich signed a decree on the construction of a memorial there and in the Brest Fortress.

Under him, the industrial and architectural restoration of Minsk was completed. Regions and districts were awaiting their turn. On Mazurov’s initiative, new enterprises began to appear: the Starobinsky Potash Plant, the Polotsk Oil Refinery and the Grodno Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, and the Berezovskaya and Lukomlskaya power plants were built. In fact, a chemical industry that did not previously exist in the BSSR appeared. Gasification of populated areas and electrification of remote villages began.

Possible harm

Let's return to the myth that protein is a “chemical”. This stereotype is the reason why ordinary people believe that protein supplements pose a health threat. In fact, studies show mostly positive effects from taking protein mixtures.

However, taking supplements in excess can have a negative impact on the body's condition. Possible harm from proteins for muscle growth:

  • Skeletal system. Excessive consumption of proteins leads to excessive removal of calcium from the body. On the other hand, additional protein intake increases the bioavailability of calcium and stimulates its absorption.
  • Carcinogenic effect. Research demonstrates the relationship between protein abuse and the development of cancer. In some cases, the statistics are inconclusive, but they cannot be discounted.
  • Kidney diseases. There is a relationship between intake of large amounts of protein and the formation of kidney stones, but this relationship is controversial - experimental data are contradictory.
  • Diabetes. There are studies showing a possible connection between eating a lot of protein (and eating little carbohydrates) and the development of type 2 diabetes, but the exact cause of the disease is unclear - perhaps it lies in a low-carbohydrate diet or other factors.
  • The cardiovascular system. There is evidence indicating a possible connection between the intake of animal proteins and the risk of coronary disease, but statistics showing the dependence of the disease on a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet are unconvincing.

Conflict was brewing

Mazurov was lucky with the historical period of his reign. All his initiatives, the release of Moscow orders that seemed inappropriate to him, if this had happened earlier, would have ended tragically for him. With all the specifics of his character, Nikita Sergeevich maintained the image of a democratic leader if the issue concerned work issues. Therefore, he simply argued with Kirill Trofimovich. Mazurov respected him for his activity, selflessness and readiness for change. True, the latter were often proposed on the verge of maximalism. For example, the leader of the country believed that the villagers had no need for personal plots. They distract from work on the collective farm. A village resident must go to the collective farm, like a worker to a factory, and buy milk and potatoes in the store. The movement to destroy personal farmsteads, which led to the emptying of villages in the country, selectively began. Kirill Trofimovich did not allow the usual peasant life to be destroyed.

In addition to personal plots, there were areas for which we had to fight. Khrushchev longed to catch up and overtake America in everything. However, primarily for the production of meat and milk. Impossible standards for the procurement of these products were imposed from above. Local officials were forced to either demand that farms send breeding cattle to the knife, or engage in registration. Corn is a different story. Mazurov, by hook or by crook, restrained its mass plantings, not considering the culture so universal, in contrast to the position of Nikita Sergeevich. Thus the conflict gradually matured.

Why take protein - its effect on the body and muscles

There are two most common myths regarding proteins:

  • this is “chemistry” or doping;
  • This is a product designed exclusively for muscle growth.

On the first point. Protein is the same “chemistry” as all the chemical substances that make up the human body. All components of protein sports supplements are of natural animal or plant origin. They have nothing to do with doping drugs.

The second myth is no less tenacious and just as far from the truth. Protein is multifaceted and performs a number of functions:

  1. Forms muscles. Entering the body, protein is broken down into amino acids, which almost entirely make up muscle tissue.
  2. Responsible for muscle contraction. Without protein, there would be no talk of any movement.
  3. Maintains immunity at the required level.
  4. Provides stable metabolism.
  5. Affects the shape of cells - forms the cytoskeleton.

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As for purely bodybuilding functions, here too protein works on at least two fronts. With the help of protein, they not only increase muscle volume, but also get rid of fat. Protein affects muscle growth in different ways.

Among them:

  • influence on the RNA of muscle cells and stimulation of the growth of the latter through the intracellular signaling pathway;
  • suppression of catabolism – protein prevents the breakdown of existing “reserves” of protein in the body;
  • suppression of the synthesis of myostatin, a peptide that inhibits and blocks muscle growth.

If protein comes from natural foods, why do we need sports supplements at all? The latter have two major advantages:

  • with them, the athlete does not need to limit himself in the amount of protein, while “natural” protein cannot always be obtained in the required volume;
  • There are several types of sports proteins, differing in purpose and speed of absorption.

Bottom line: Supplements give you flexibility when it comes to nutrition to influence muscle growth.


So, let's start with whey. This is the type of protein you will need to consume most often. If you are new to bodybuilding, then you definitely need to start with whey. The proteins included in its composition are very quickly absorbed by our body and have a complete amino acid composition.

It should be taken before training, about 30 minutes before it starts. This will provide your body with the necessary amino acids that will be used while lifting weights. It also makes sense to take such proteins after training, after about 15-30 minutes. This is necessary for the body to successfully begin recovery processes as soon as possible.{banner_st-d-1}


  • 1 The most important products for a bodybuilder and bodybuilder
  • 2 Sources of protein 2.1 Meat, offal
  • 2.2 Eggs
  • 2.3 Dairy products
  • 2.4 Fish and seafood
  • 2.5 Forgot something?
  • 3 Sources of carbohydrates
      3.1 Beans
  • 3.2 Buckwheat
  • 3.3 Fig
  • 3.4 Millet, oatmeal
  • 3.5 Pasta, bakery products
  • 4 Sources of fiber and vitamins
  • 5 Sources of fats
  • 6 These many faces of potatoes
  • General recommendations for use

    There are no supplements that are 100% protein. Its concentration varies between 50-90%. There are certain preparations in which protein makes up 95% of the total mass of the mixture. And in order to calculate the dosage and introduce the drug into your usual diet, you should take this fact into account and know how to take it correctly.

    The additive is diluted with juice or water. The amount of liquid does not play any role. The only rule to remember when preparing a protein mixture is that you cannot use boiling water. Otherwise, the protein may simply coagulate, that is, become unsuitable for consumption.

    To gain additional muscle mass, you need to take your daily protein supplement in two doses. The mixture is drunk the first time in the morning, and the second time - after training or before an evening meal, if it is a rest day. The amount of protein consumed can be divided into more meals. The main thing is not to drink the entire mixture at once. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the gastrointestinal tract will not be able to cope with such an amount of protein, some of which will not be absorbed.

    When a protein mixture is consumed for the purpose of losing weight, it replaces part of the usual diet, but is not combined with usual meals. The supplement is used instead of snacks, breakfast or dinner. This approach allows you to replenish the protein required for the full functioning of the body, but reduce the calorie content of your usual diet. This will have a positive effect on weight in the direction of reduction.

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