The best articles about sports and fitness in 2022 on Lifehacker

Throw aside unmotivating myths about women's fitness and focus all your energy on the main goal - fat loss. Avoid lies and seek the real truth. Your body can get better.

No matter what lazy and incompetent people say, fitness plays a very important role for women. The idea that strength training turns women into masculine jocks is a mistake. If you love what you do, you'll be more likely to stick with the program and achieve results.

To achieve your goal, you need to take into account every little detail and figure out what is true about women’s fitness and what is a lie.

How to quickly lose what you ate during the New Year holidays

Photo: Alexander Dashewsky / Shutterstock To quickly lose weight, it is enough to cut your diet greatly, but maintaining the results will be problematic.
We'll show you how to change your diet to shed those extra pounds without cravings, and how to exercise to speed up your progress and maintain your results. We’ll also explain what you need to take into account so that weight loss progresses quickly and without problems.

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Chinese Gymnastics

A few words about Tai Chi.

Tai chi gymnastics as a path to health.

What you need to know about tai chi gymnastics for beginners

Where to begin. Qigong exercises for beginners

Tibetan gymnastics Eye of Renaissance as a path to health and longevity

Health Qigong: how to get health and longevity?

Workout of the day: a great start for absolute beginners

Photo: Photology1971 / Shutterstock
The main mistake beginners make is choosing complex exercises and exhausting workouts. In this article you will find a simple and effective 30-minute complex that will not make you choke and curse your desire to exercise. Work at your own pace, rest as much as you need and have fun.

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Can a woman lift weights?

Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Unless, of course, you really want to have a strong, elastic, toned body that is worth looking at. Lifting weights is the only means of complete and very effective muscle development. And elastic, strong enough muscles mean health, excellent well-being, reduced levels of body fat (even if you like to eat), beautiful body lines...

“What if I build up like a bodybuilder?...” Professional athletes spend many years trying to build up at least some muscle. It's all about testosterone again. A woman simply physiologically cannot “pump up”. Yes, the muscles will become denser, more elastic, and slightly increase in volume. But without hefty doses of “chemistry,” you won’t get so pumped up that it becomes too noticeable. Coach's word!

By the way, here (on the right) is a very useful example of universal fitness with dumbbells.

Pumping: 5 exercises to prevent a “wooden” body

Photo: Alexander Starostin / Lifehacker
If you don’t have time for a full workout, try this small complex for 20 minutes. It combines exercises to develop muscle strength with dynamic stretching movements - a combo for maintaining good physical shape. In this case, you do not need any sports equipment - not even a horizontal bar.

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Women's fitness

I’ll say right away that there is no exclusively women’s fitness ! There is effective fitness and ineffective fitness. All the basic patterns of training are absolutely the same for men and women. The only significant difference between men and women in fitness activities is the level of testosterone in the body. In women it is approximately 10 times less. Therefore, women in general are less muscular, have less strength, and are more likely to gain weight.

Therefore, all the newfangled programs with small dumbbells, hoops, gymnastic sticks, miracle exercise machines have nothing to do with real training, which really, in a matter of weeks, changes your body for the better.

I'd be happy to be wrong. But in practice, unfortunately, this is how it is. After spending several (tens) of thousands of rubles and several weeks of time, you will most likely be convinced that I am right. And perhaps you will begin to listen to my words.

What is piriformis syndrome and how to get rid of it

Photo: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock
Burning or shooting pain in the buttocks may occur after exercise or may not be related to physical activity at all. With the help of a rehabilitation doctor, we figure out what the cause of piriformis syndrome is, what measures to take if the problem has already appeared, and how to protect yourself from unpleasant sensations in the future.

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Proper Nutrition

Proper nutrition for fitness.

Nutrition during fitness: before, after, during training.

Supplements for training. Effect of Calcium and Vitamin D.

Pre-Workout Carbohydrates: Is Eating Them Effective?

Metabolic processes and weight loss. Ten important facts.

11 science-based ways to improve your metabolism.

Slow metabolism. 9 factors.

The Best Foods for Your Heart and Why Worry About It.

Protein for beginners: How to choose and not make a mistake...

Food additives: proteins harm and benefit

Products that speed up metabolism that should be in your kitchen

Ten Sodium-Containing Foods to Avoid

Products containing fiber. Leaderboard

Fitness Nutrition: A Beginner's Guide

Evaluating muscle nutrition using fruits

10 health benefits or benefits of sprouted seeds

Types of vegetarians or what is the difference between them

The Best Sources of Protein for Fitness People

Diet for the belly or how to get a flat stomach without exercise

Scientists explain why fats are needed in the human body

Which meat is healthier: white or dark?

Five Green Protein Shake Recipes for Post-Workout Nutrition

What is the 13-day metabolic diet and what you need to know about it

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass with 10 important foods

Great Detox Recipes for Winter

How quinoa is beneficial for the body, its composition and calorie content

Quinoa: how to cook tasty and correctly

All about how to cook quinoa at home

Recipes with quinoa. Broccoli casserole with cheese in the oven

Quinoa dishes. Vegetarian vegetable soup with kale

How to Make Quinoa, Black Bean and Avocado Tacos

10 Health Benefits of Green Wheatgrass

Do detox products really cleanse the body?

What are the benefits of spinach for the body? This is the king of health

The benefits of salmon or what will happen if you eat it every day?

What are the benefits of kiwi for the human body if you eat it regularly?

The beneficial properties of zucchini and can they be eaten raw?

Does walking on your buttocks help you lose weight and pump up your butt?

Photo: nkjunky / Shutterstock
On the Internet you can find many articles declaring walking on the buttocks a super exercise for losing weight, getting rid of cellulite and even infertility. Despite the fact that most of these claims are unfounded, walking on your buttocks still cannot be considered a useless exercise.

In this article, we break down what muscles are actually working when you move across the floor in this weird way, and what you can do with this fun move.

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Features of SMM for fitness brands

There is a huge scope for creativity and new ideas in fitness topics. The topic of sports and a healthy lifestyle has been popular since time immemorial and will always be relevant. So, when promoting your goods and services, you should focus attention not only and not so much on them, but on the topic of a healthy lifestyle in general. This will give you an endless supply of content ideas, generate new leads, and earn the love and trust of your customers.

Publish posts about a healthy lifestyle that feature your product, and you will build a strong association of your brand with health, sports, athleticism, etc. in the minds of your subscribers.

To promote a fitness brand, you should use all types of content (videos, photographs, articles, infographics, etc.) and use all possible SMM channels.

On Vkontakte you can create polls, publish long videos, create collections of audio recordings and documents, which Instagram lacks. Facebook also loses to VKontakte, since the target audience of fitness brands is rarely found there. Thus, VKontakte is the main SMM channel that needs to be used.

However, don't limit yourself to it. Conduct omnichannel SMM marketing - the attention of even a small percentage of the target audience will not be superfluous. In addition to the listed social networks, it is also effective to use Youtube - high-quality expert videos can increase brand authority by several orders of magnitude.

In this article, I looked at popular fitness-related groups and public pages on social networks, analyzed the content they published, and compiled a list of materials for publication, based on which you can easily create your own content plan.

Article outline:

Educational content

  1. Articles;
  2. Pictures and infographics;
  3. Educational videos;
  • Exercises and training;
  • Recipes.

Motivational content

  1. Motivating photos;
  2. Motivational Quotes;
  3. Motivational videos;
  4. Category "Before/after";
  5. Photos of healthy food;
  6. Musical selections for sports;
  7. Inspire by personal example!

Humorous content

Content for brand promotion

  1. Presentation of goods and services
  2. Feedback;
  3. Updates on the site;
  4. Cooperation with other brands;
  5. Weight loss projects;
  6. Demonstration of the internal life of the company.

Additional recommendations

Good header design, high-quality visuals, useful and interesting content form the overall impression and personality of the trainer. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to all details.

Photos and videos

Nowadays, the use of downloaded images from the Internet or faceless banners with text in posts is not encouraged. It is important for social network users to feel somewhat closer to the account owner: at least to see his photographs, and not template pictures.

Seraphim Chursin treats visual content responsibly: “This is always a big problem. It happens that the text is written, but it is difficult to find an image. I rarely take pictures specifically for any post. But since the photographs were needed, and they also had to be thematic, I had to do this. In general, I love being photographed. It also helps that at events there is always a photographer.”


You can manage the account yourself, or you can delegate this task to SMM specialists. Here everyone decides for themselves: someone wants to work on their page alone, while others are either not interested in doing this or don’t have time to study marketing on social networks. Therefore, the correct approach can only be considered the one that is primarily comfortable for the coach, and also which brings greater results.

Alena Reshetova believes that high-quality content can only be written personally: “I have a lot of ideas, and categories under hashtags in my head, and topics. Physically there is not enough time. I live and work more offline.”

Even despite the lack of time, this approach is especially good for trainers with a unique methodology, since clients primarily go to this person to train.

To make your task easier, you can use the SMMplanner service, which allows you to plan stories and posts in advance. It’s easier to devote 1-2 days a week to working on content, writing a new post every day and posting it (and sometimes even forgetting to publish it).

Linking posts to stories

Stories are no less important than posts. With their help, you can play games, do surveys, and notify about new publications. This is a good way to attract more attention to your account.


In any niche, it is important to stimulate activity on your profile: invite subscribers to discuss, offer to like and write comments, participate in polls and games in stories, and so on. You can also hold competitions and conduct live broadcasts to increase coverage.

A fitness trainer's account should be interesting and lively. Since competition is high, the potential client needs to be given the most detailed information about professionalism and approach, and to make this unobtrusive, reputational and educational content is used. It is not necessary to call for training or invite you to marathons in every publication: it is much more important to develop a personal brand on social networks so that the user, even without active advertising, has a desire to become a client of this trainer.

Health and fitness article directory

So that you can feel as comfortable as possible in the gym, articles about fitness are created. As a rule, many authors devote their materials to two topics: training and nutrition. These questions are really interesting for both beginners and professional athletes with many years of experience. Such articles occupy the main places in magazines about fitness clubs.

But not all journalistic works are relevant today. Although recently experts have noted a trend of returning to the basics of fitness and gender-specific training. Gyms with old-school equipment are back in fashion! Recent evidence shows that small group exercises based on old-school exercises produce very good results.

Duration of training

The duration depends on your training goals. Want to lose weight? Remember what we said about the process of burning fat during aerobic exercise? 40-45 minutes of exercise at maximum heart rate will give good results! Well, if you are one of the lucky ones who are satisfied with your shape, then the same 10-15 minutes will be quite enough.

It is very important to monitor your breathing during training. Do not hold your breath and exhale correctly. This is especially important during abdominal exercises. At the end of your workout, do not forget to normalize your breathing by alternating deep breaths and good exhalations.

Most importantly, do not forget about your well-being! Any physical activity, every workout should bring joy and pleasure. Listen to your body, don’t torture it with unnecessary stress if it’s clearly not ready for it.

The most important thing, no matter what goal you choose, when you start training, always remember that exercise should bring joy and pleasure!

Types of training

In general, there are two main subtypes of physical activity: aerobic and anaerobic exercise.


Running, cycling, swimming, aerobics and even dancing are aerobic exercise , meaning our bodies use oxygen to release energy. During aerobic work, the pulse increases, breathing increases, carbohydrates and fats are burned and provide energy to the working muscles. Aerobic exercise is good for your health and overall fitness. The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves and metabolism accelerates.

Lifting weights is an anaerobic exercise. As you know, with the help of weights you can increase strength and muscle size. As a result of this work, lactic acid is released into the muscles and bloodstream.

Health Issues

Where does the benefit end and the harm of vitamins begin?

7 Simple Ways to Detoxify Your Body (No Diets or Juices)

Magnificent Ten: Products containing water

What is healthier: fitness or proper nutrition?

Beneficial properties of rooibos tea. Five interesting facts

10 amazing facts about the benefits of watermelon for humans

Useful properties of pineapple. Ten reasons to include it in your diet

Caffeine level: how much do you need to drink to get a lot?

Seven aphrodisiac foods that will brighten your life

15 reasons to reduce your sugar intake without any connection to weight loss

List of 10 unhealthy foods you should avoid

Determining the best vegetable oil for frying

Are other types of sugar really better for human health?

Ayurveda and Health: Four Ways for Everyone to Benefit

Mate, a tea that is exotic and beneficial

How to brew mate tea correctly, choose and save it

DASH diet: essence, diet, menu and health benefits

Is apple cider vinegar harmful or beneficial to the human body?

How to drink apple cider vinegar correctly or 8 things to consider when taking it

Victoria berry: health benefits and composition

5 healthy berries that should be on your table

How to prepare chia seeds for meals?

What are chia seeds for and what kind of plant are they?

Chia seeds: benefits and harm for women and men. What more?

Goji berries: beneficial properties and contraindications, how to take and where to buy

Coconut oil: benefit or harm to the body?

For those who want to know the benefits of coconut oil for the body

How to use coconut oil for skin benefits

What kind of plant is turmeric and the history of its use

Why turmeric is good for the body: medicinal properties and uses

How to take turmeric correctly or what is curcumin?

Where to add turmeric for cooking and to what dishes

What is the word quinoa, what does it mean and what kind of plant is it?

How I chose Glucosamine and Chondroitin for joint health

Health benefits and matcha tea. What common?

What kind of berry is gooseberry and how is it beneficial for the human body?

Honey for the skin can work wonders. How to try?

This is what will save your day. 22 products for immunity

Matcha tea: what is it and how to prepare it

How to get rid of migraines: from yoga to yarrow

10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Cinnamon

19 Foods That Will Help You With Selenium

Fennel tea: Your new health drink

How do our emotions affect our body?

Beauty school: what does propylene glycol do in facial cosmetics?

3 most popular latte recipes that will warm you up morning, afternoon and evening

Six reasons to use a massage roller and reap the benefits

What are the benefits of lavender? Use it to relieve anxiety

Muscle cramps after exercise? Try These 15 Life Saving Foods

Manganese in the human body: what happens when there is a lack of manganese and how to avoid it

16 benefits of oolong tea that make it not only delicious, but also healthy

The Best Foods to Relieve Stress and Live a Happy Life

24 scientifically proven ways to increase your body's energy and performance

The amount of salt per day for a person: how much is too much?

What are the benefits of aloe vera for your skin? Read now

Why and how Icelandic moss is used, which few people know about

Beneficial properties of castor oil for weight loss: truth or myth?

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Omega 3: which types are important and what are their benefits?

Are phytoestrogens not so bad? 13 Foods That Contain Estrogen

Herb Buplerum is a plant that is known all over the world.

What kind of microelement is zinc: benefits and sources

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