Standards for Russian bench press. Rules and regulations for an athlete in the Russian bench press.

Most strength sports are based on one principle - the athlete must lift as much weight as possible per repetition, while respecting the technique, rules and requirements. However, this approach is not the only one. Russian bench press is a special type of sport in which the athlete must lift a certain weight for the greatest number of repetitions. Accordingly, competition rules, standards and methods of training athletes are somewhat different due to existing features.

  • What is a Russian bench press? Principles of the Russian Press
  • Differences between the Russian press and other types of press
  • Rules and regulations of the Russian bench press
  • Rank standards for men
  • Table: bar weight 35 kg
  • Table: bar weight 55 kg
  • Table: bar weight 75 kg
  • Table: rod weight 100 kg
  • Table: bar weight 125 kg
  • Table: bar weight 150 kg
  • Elite Russian bench press
  • Rank standards for women
  • Table: bar weight 35 kg
  • Table: bar weight 45 kg
  • Table: bar weight 55 kg
  • Table: bar weight 75 kg
  • Elite Russian bench press
  • Russian bench press records
  • Achievements of female athletes
  • Table: records among girls under 15 years old
  • Table: records among girls under 18 years old inclusive
  • Table: records among women
  • Achievements of male athletes
  • Table: records among boys under 13 years old
  • Table: records among boys under 15 years old
  • Table: records among boys under 18 years of age
  • Table: records among men
  • Video: technique, rules and basics of the Russian press

Standards for Russian bench press. Rules and regulations for an athlete in the Russian bench press.

Not so long ago, the Russian press was just one of the strength exercises. The Russian bench press became a completely independent sport with its own rules and regulations relatively recently - in 2000. Then the first official competitions took place. How does the Russian bench press differ from a regular bench press, and what is the interest of the competition?

We should start with the fact that in the Russian bench press athletes do without special equipment.
As a rule, when performing such exercises, special shirts called press shirts are used. Here we are dealing with a completely naked torso. And if most strength competitions are designed specifically for lifting a certain weight, then in this case the emphasis is on quantity. The weight of the bar can vary from 55 to 150 kilograms. There are three competitive types of Russian bench press: “Devil's Dozen”, “classic Russian press” and “marathon press”. Each of these variations is designed for athletes with different strengths. But perhaps the most interesting rules are in the first option. During Devil's Dozen competitions, the athlete can change the weight of the barbell according to his capabilities. But the trick is that the result does not depend on how many repetitions the athlete does. The rules and regulations of this type of Russian bench press competition require you to do at least eight repetitions. However, this figure should not exceed thirteen. In total, participants do three such approaches, after which the athlete’s total tonnage is divided by his weight. This coefficient will determine the winner. Only if the result is equal, the “Gold” is taken by the one who has mastered the greatest weight. In the “Classic Press” everything is much simpler. There is only one approach, the weight of the projectile is fixed. The one who did the most repetitions did well. Those who made less than eight are not counted. However, in this type of Russian bench press, the selection of participants depends not on their weight, but on their age. All competitors must be approximately the same age. The winner of the “Press Marathon” is calculated in exactly the same way as in the “devil’s dozen”. But, as you can guess from the name, the athlete can bench press as much as he or she wants. And, of course, how long the chest can bear. At the non-professional level, the Russian press has gained wide recognition among those who are attracted to a variety of cardio workouts. In addition, this sport perfectly builds muscles without creating “over-pumping”.

Will I shake?

The second rank will look like a more realistic goal for our athlete. The first one is questionable. After another year of training, the barbell with the first category will be pressed about 10–15 times. It will be possible to think about the CCM and take a swing at the MS. That's just two years of proper preparation. Two years - and you compete in city competitions.

Bench press standards without equipment 2015-2016 allow you to aim for a decent result after just a year of productive training. Most of the regular customers of basement rocking chairs are already dischargers. They just don't know about it. In my memory, a man clearly weighing up to 100 kilograms bench pressed 200 for 6 reps.

When asked by the coach to confirm his MS, or even MSMK, he waved it off and stated that “he has nothing to do except prove something to a bunch of judges.” This is the most ordinary fitness club. There are many athletes involved in it who don’t even know that they are performing some kind of exercise. These are not always people with 6-10 meals a day, ideal genetics and enormous financial capabilities. One of my friends only has enough money for cottage cheese. The main sources of calories are potatoes, cereals and bread. Despite this, he is the CCM in bench press with 4 years of experience.

Of course, becoming a MSM in the bench press without equipment is a difficult task. But consistent work on the main upper body exercise works wonders.

Standards for Russian bench press Rules. Russian bench press rules

In order to determine the leader in the competition, it is necessary to derive athleticism coefficients from the ratio of the athletes’ masses to the total weights lifted. And based on these indicators, the winner with the highest score is determined. Taking athleticism coefficients into account, athletes are assigned different ranks.

At competitions, the weight of the equipment starts from 55 kilograms, so even a beginner can take part in the event. Performances come in 6 different categories, depending on the weight of the barbell in kilograms:

  • 55.
  • 75.
  • 100.
  • 125.
  • 150.
  • 200.

One approach is completed in 5 minutes. During execution, a break is allowed by holding the projectile on the chest.

Athletes cannot use special equipment and various bench press shirts that allow them to lift heavy weights.

For competitions, you need to dress in ordinary tights and T-shirts, or leave your torso naked.

Of course, the participant’s weight category has some significance in this sport, but there are still no strict restrictions on body weight. And, since there are no special prohibitions, the Russian bench press is accessible to everyone. It is very democratic, and veteran athletes and disabled people can participate.

Sports stars

In conclusion of this article, I would like to briefly talk about famous record holders who have been or are doing the Russian bench press. First of all, I would like to highlight Andrei Galtsov, who is the chairman of the technical committee of the Russian Bench Federation. He holds the title “Russian Elite” in the Russian bench press discipline. The records he set are in different categories, and some have not yet been broken.

It’s also worth mentioning Andrey Galtsov, one of the best trainers in Russia, as well as the developer of the Russian bench press training methodology. Also known is Vladimir Kravtsov, who is a record holder in the weight category up to 125 kg.

In 2012, an athlete from Ivanovo set a new world record in two weight categories at once: he pressed a barbell that weighed 75 kg 63 times, as well as a barbell that weighed 55 kg 108 times.

National bench press standards 2022. What is Russian bench press? Principles of the Russian Press

The Russian bench press is a special type of strength sport that involves pressing a fixed weight barbell for a number of repetitions. That is, it is assumed that the best result will not be pressing the heaviest weight, but pressing the greatest number of times.

In Russian bench press competitions, one main movement is used - the bench press. It is performed as follows:

  1. The athlete lies down on a horizontal bench equipped with special racks on which the barbell is located.
  2. The athlete chooses a grip that is comfortable for him and removes the barbell from the racks.
  3. Different powerlifting federations may have their own characteristics, for example, lifting the barbell can be carried out by an assistant on the team.
  4. The athlete lowers the barbell, touching the chest with the bar. On command, the barbell is raised.
  5. The bar does not return to the rack after each movement.
  6. In some federations, the athlete independently places the barbell on the racks, in others you need to wait for a special command. The exercise is valid even if the barbell was not returned to the rack during the last movement.

When performing a bench press in powerlifting, the strongest athlete wins. Winning the Russian Press will require a combination of strength, endurance, and even tactics.

Sports nutrition for effective training

Taking sports supplements - proteins, vitamins, arginine, creatine, and amino acids - will help you increase your power. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve performance in sports and fitness for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights.

Multi-component proteinIt is a source of protein of different origins, which allows you to diversify the amino acid composition and make it more unique. Building material for muscles.
CreatineParticipates in energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. Widely used to increase strength, muscle mass and short-term anaerobic endurance.
BCAAsAllows muscle fibers to recover faster and provides building material for the growth of lean muscle mass.
ArginineFlushes lactate out of muscle fiber and increases performance during training. Acts as a nitrogen donor before muscle growth.
Vitamin-mineral complexDuring intense physical activity, vitamins and minerals are consumed by the body faster. They are also responsible for protein synthesis and are the engine of metabolic processes.
Dough boosterIt will increase the production of your own testosterone, the male sex hormone necessary for the growth and development of muscle muscles.

Russian bench press training. First (preparatory) phase – 14-9 (inclusive) week before the competition

Duration – 1.5 months. Three sets of exercises are performed per week.

Complex No. 1:

  1. Warm-up (5-7 minutes of stretching exercises)
  2. Raises of arms with dumbbells lying on an inclined 30 degree bench, 3x12
  3. Bench press (bar weight - 70% of 1 RM - maximum weight for 1 repetition), 5-6 sets at the maximum number of repetitions, standard style, without pauses on the chest or at the top point
  4. Head pull while sitting on a high block, 2x12
  5. Dips with weights, 2x12
  6. Standing bent over dumbbell raises, 2x12
  7. Standing barbell curls, 2x12
  8. Bench leg press on a machine, 2x12
  9. Pullover with dumbbell across the bench, 2x12

Superset of exercises 8 and 9

Complex No. 2:

  1. Warm-up (5-7 minutes of stretching exercises)
  2. Bench press on a 30 degree incline bench, in interval mode. The weight of the barbell is 20% higher than the weight with which the competitive movement will be carried out. The interval mode is that the athlete must do sets of 1 repetition with a training weight, place the barbell on the racks of the bench and, without rising, wait for the next repetition. The repetitions at the beginning of the cycle are separated by 20 seconds. The number of approaches depends on your maximum number of presses without pauses, in a continuous mode. For example, if you are able to do 20 reps with a competition weight, then you should start with a set of 20 reps. You should add 2 reps each week. The pauses between these sets-repetitions at the beginning of the cycle are 30 seconds, and starting from the second week, in each subsequent week you should reduce the pauses by 5 seconds. That is, by the fourth week, sets and repetitions should be carried out by you with a pause of 5 seconds between them. The weight of the barbell is reduced by 5% each week, so that by the end of the month you are working with the exact weight that you will lift in competition.


The bench press in bodybuilding allows you to:

  • Build a powerful torso. The entire pushing muscle group is included in the work. Pectorals, triceps, deltoids, forearms;
  • Accelerate muscle growth. When working large muscle masses, anabolic hormones are released, which are the basis for strengthening muscles in a natural. Without working on the hormonal system, a natural bodybuilder is not able to build muscle mass;
  • Increase the rate of fat burning. The bench press is a basic exercise that requires significant energy expenditure. This has a positive effect on the speed of weight loss;
  • Construct a proportional figure. Without training the pushing muscle group, you can forget about the correct proportions. The bench press is the best exercise for working the pecs, triceps and anterior delts in a complex manner.


And thirdly, the federations for which we will consider the bench press standards (it should be noted that there are too many of them, so we will consider the standards from several of the most popular at the moment):

IPF – International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) is the oldest and most authoritative international federation, founded in 1973.

WPC – World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) is the oldest and most authoritative of the international alternative federations. Founded in 1986 by Ernie Frantz

  • no doping control
  • Monolift use is allowed
  • multi-layered equipment, including those made of tarpaulin and denim; open back bench shirts; overalls with Velcro; knee bandages up to 2.5 m; Briefs are allowed (reinforcing shorts made of rigid fabric, worn under overalls)
  • the bare-knuckle division appeared much earlier
  • specialized exercise bars

AWPC – Amateur World Powerlifting Congress, WPC division for competitions with doping control, created in 1999.

Bench Rating Standards 2014 WPC – Single Layer Equipment


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior

WPC bench press category standards - multi-layer equipment (2014)


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior

WPC category standards bench press - without equipment (2014)


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior

A little history

Before considering the Russian bench press training program, you should familiarize yourself a little with the history of its appearance. Let's start with the fact that this is a very young sport. The first time such competitions were held in Russia was recently in 2000. These competitions were largely entertaining and symbolic in honor of the 55th anniversary of Victory in World War II. However, currently this sport has become one of the full-fledged disciplines of powerlifting.

The Russian bench press training program has approved regulations. And also its own federation. Today this is one of the most popular types of bench press, almost like an athletic one.

A little history

Before considering the Russian bench press training program, you should familiarize yourself a little with the history of its appearance. Let's start with the fact that this is a very young sport. The first time such competitions were held in Russia was recently in 2000. These competitions were largely entertaining and symbolic in honor of the 55th anniversary of Victory in World War II. However, currently this sport has become one of the full-fledged disciplines of powerlifting.

The Russian bench press training program has approved regulations. And also its own federation. Today this is one of the most popular types of bench press, almost like an athletic one.

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