Training program from bench press champion Kirill Sarychev

The chapter “Biomechanics of the Bench Press” provides an extensive overview of Russian and foreign publications on this topic. Particular attention is paid to the causes and mechanisms of overcoming the “dead zone” and the work of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

Samsonova, A.V. Biomechanics of the bench press / A. V. Samsonova, N. B. Kichaikina, G. A. Samsonov // In the book: B. I. Sheiko, K. I. Sarychev Bench press for athletes of all levels of training and physical abilities , 2022.- M.- P. 148-197.

The functioning of the human musculoskeletal system and muscle biomechanics are described in more detail in the book:

Biomechanics of the human musculoskeletal system



6.1 Basic concepts

6.2.Biomechanical analysis of the bench press

6.2.1. Phase structure of the bench press

6.2.2. Kinematic characteristics of the bench press Duration of phases and periods when performing bench press Spatial characteristics of the main phases of the bench press Spatiotemporal characteristics of the main phases of the bench press

6.2.3. Dynamics of the bench press in the phase of lowering the barbell to the chest

6.2.4. Biomechanical analysis of the bench press when an athlete overcomes the “dead zone”

6.2.5. Muscular support for the bench press Participation of the muscles of the upper limb and trunk in the bench press Work of the muscles of the lower extremities

6.3. Bench press options


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History of success

Kirill started going to the gym at the age of 15. Over the next year, the athlete gained 90 kg of weight. At the age of 17 he became a master of sports, and at 22 he set a record in the power biathlon - 380 deadlift and 310 bench press. The overall result is 690 kg. The athlete's height is 197 cm.

After this, the athlete delighted fans with records many times. The highest recorded result: squat - 400 kg, deadlift - 410 kg, bench press - 335 kg, the Russian athlete became world champion. Total weight without equipment is 1082.5 kg.

Sarychev's training program contains three five-hour sessions per week. The athlete performs many exercises, the main ones being squats, bench presses, push-ups, exercises with dumbbells, and performs a number of auxiliary exercises. He trains triceps on machines and uses barbells. Uses sports nutrition.

Tips for beginners

Classes are carried out strictly under the supervision of a trainer or experienced athlete. There is a classic 5x5 training scheme. For it, they use such a weight that it can be used to perform five techniques of 5 approaches. The procedure for calculating weight for training:

An athlete benches 100 kg and wants to achieve another 100. To perform 5x5 exercises, you need to use no more than 80 kg. It is necessary for a beginner to train by feeling, but not by force. The first four exercises are light, then one heavy weight. They do three workouts a week, one of which is hard.

Description of classes

Kirill Sarychev’s training contains a set of exercises:

Monday – heavy squats with 90% load of maximum weight. Perform up to 5 approaches in total.

  • Bench press.
  • Squats.
  • Biceps and triceps training.
  • Extension of legs, arms.

Wednesday. A powerlifter performs back exercises:

  • Deadlift – hold a weight between your legs and perform deep squats. Trains the broad back muscles.
  • Exercises for the trapezius muscle.
  • Hyperextension.

Friday program. Bench:

  • Bench press heavy 3x5 sets.
  • After this, squats are performed.
  • Bench press 5x5 sets.
  • Wiring.
  • Pull-ups – 50 times. Can be divided into 4 approaches.

The athlete takes breaks between exercises, sometimes for 10 minutes.

Having achieved his current form, Kirill allows himself to do squats only a few times a week to maintain strength in his legs for subsequent deadlifts. The athlete does not use maximum weight during training, because after overload, muscle recovery takes about a month.

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