Bench press category: how to get it and what they are

Powerlifting is a strength sport in which the main task of athletes is to lift the heaviest weight possible. To find out what path this sport has taken in Russia and the world, read this article.

Everyone who is a fan of the sport of powerlifting knows how spectacular powerlifting competitions are and what kind of strength the athletes embody. We will tell you how powerlifting appeared and what changes it has undergone over its history in this article.

Powerlifting competitions involve performing only three exercises (the second name of the sport is powerlifting): the bench press, squats and deadlifts.

Bench press standards - summary tables of various powerlifting federations with comments

Standards for the bench press without equipment, in single-layer (soft) and multi-layer equipment, are category standards adopted by one or another federation and fixed based on the results of official competitive events (tournaments) of the appropriate level. This means that bench press standards can only be met within the framework of competitions where representatives of one or another sports organization (federation) are present with the right to issue a rank book or certificate.

Bench press standards for masters and masters of masters can be met at regional competitions. Competitions awarding a rank up to MKMS usually have an All-Russian level, or are equivalent to it. The title of “Sports Elite” with a result corresponding to the bench press standards of a particular federation can only be obtained at international competitions (for example, the European Cup or the World Championship).

There are standards for bench presses without doping control and with passing a doping test. Of course, for objective reasons, doping standards are lower. Also, the standards for bench press without equipment are significantly lower than the standards for equipment divisions (after all, even a single-layer T-shirt adds an average of 50-80 kilograms to an athlete’s natural bench press).

However, a key point that beginner athletes often do not take into account is that different powerlifting federations have different standards for the bench press and other exercises. The difficulty here is that in order to fulfill the rank standards within the framework of an event held by a particular federation, you need to be a member of it (sometimes membership is paid). At the same time, some federations prohibit their members from performing at events of other federations (usually violation of this rule leads to the deprivation of all sports titles). All these points must be clarified with the regional representative of the organization before participating in the competition.

Exercise technique

First, let's figure out the exercise technique.

You will be able to lift the weight you choose, regardless of whether you have large pectoral muscles or not, if you try to use all muscle groups during the bench press. By conditioning your back, shoulders, and legs, you'll be able to work harder than ever before, allowing your chest muscles to develop faster.

The bench press exercise page explains in detail the role of each muscle group involved in the exercise. Next, we'll present the optimal strategy for working your muscles together to turn you into a true benching machine.

IPF Bench Press Standards

In the Russian Federation, the international organization IPF (International Powerlifting Federation) is represented by the FPR (Russian Powerlifting Federation). This organization is state-owned, participation in its competitions is always absolutely free. However, the IPF standards are considered the most serious and difficult to implement; they are significantly higher than the standards of other federations. Please note: the IPF/FPR assigns ranks and titles only in powerlifting, but not in its individual elements.

In other words, there are no standards for the IPF bench press, because this federation holds competitions only in powerlifting (bench press, squat, deadlift) and there are only general standards for the sum of results in three disciplines. However, at all tournaments, competition between participants is carried out within each discipline. That is, an athlete can, at his own discretion, perform only one exercise and take a prize in a specific discipline, but in this case he cannot count on being awarded a sports category or title.

On what basis are ranks and titles obtained?

In the official organization of the FPR, official titles are assigned from the 3rd youth category according to the ZMS. However, in alternative federations such as the NAP, the title of “Elite” appeared between the MSMK and the ZMS. As stated above, standards implemented in alternative federations will not be recognized as official.

  • Categories up to the Master of Masters level (inclusive) are assigned at competitions starting from the city level and above.
  • CMS (candidate master of sports) can be obtained at competitions, starting with city and regional competitions.
  • MS (Master of Sports) - the title can be obtained starting from championships at the level of federal districts, zonal competitions and ending with all-Russian competitions. However, the category is recognized as valid only if there are judges who have a category not lower than the All-Russian one and will record your result.
  • MSMK (master of sports of international class) - as is clear from the category, is awarded only at international level competitions.
  • WPC Russia ELITE title - to be assigned a rank you must pass the WPO category.
  • The title of ZMS (Honored Master of Sports) is counted for victory at the European and World Championships.

It can also be mentioned that all AWPC category standards, completed at the level up to CMS, are given for a certain amount of time, most often it is 1 year, after which this title must be confirmed. All standards fulfilled above the KMS are not temporary and do not require annual confirmation of results.

Also, in addition to divisions, there are age categories in which there are nuances for obtaining ranks. For example, the fulfillment of categories, starting with CMS and above, is allowed only from 14 years of age, and assignment of MS and above - from 16 years of age.

WPC and AWPC Bench Press Standards

In the Russian Federation, the WPC (World Powerlifting Congress) is represented by the Russian Powerlifting Organization (OPR), which is also the official representative of a number of alternative federations, including GPC, WPF, WPA and WPU.

Please note: the standards for the WPC bench press are the same, there is no division with or without doping control. That is, doping tests are not carried out at such competitions at all. However, there is a division into divisions without equipment, in single-layer and in multi-layer equipment, the standards for them are different. At the same time, in all federations there is a division in the norms for men and women. Of course, bench press standards for women are always lower, regardless of the presence or absence of a doping test.

Below are the ranking standards that apply to all tournaments held by the OPR as of 2022.

Sports nutrition for effective training

Taking sports supplements - proteins, vitamins, arginine, creatine, and amino acids - will help you increase your power. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve performance in sports and fitness for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights.

Multi-component proteinIt is a source of protein of different origins, which allows you to diversify the amino acid composition and make it more unique. Building material for muscles.
CreatineParticipates in energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. Widely used to increase strength, muscle mass and short-term anaerobic endurance.
BCAAsAllows muscle fibers to recover faster and provides building material for the growth of lean muscle mass.
ArginineFlushes lactate out of muscle fiber and increases performance during training. Acts as a nitrogen donor before muscle growth.
Vitamin-mineral complexDuring intense physical activity, vitamins and minerals are consumed by the body faster. They are also responsible for protein synthesis and are the engine of metabolic processes.
Dough boosterIt will increase the production of your own testosterone, the male sex hormone necessary for the growth and development of muscle muscles.

Unequipped WPC Bench Press Standards


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
52 150 130 112.5 97.5 87.5 77.5 67.5 55 45
56 162.5 140 122.5 105 95 85 72.5 60 47.5
60 175 150 130 115 102.5 92.5 77.5 65 52.5
67.5 195 167.5 147.5 127.5 115 102.5 87.5 72.5 57.5
75 212.5 182.5 160 140 125 112.5 95 80 65
82.5 227.5 197.5 170 147.5 132.5 120 102.5 85 67.5
90 240 207.5 180 157.5 140 125 107.5 90 72.5
100 252.5 220 190 165 147.5 132.5 115 95 75
110 265 227.5 197.5 172.5 155 140 120 100 80
125 275 240 207.5 180 162.5 145 125 105 82.5
140 285 247.5 215 187.5 167.5 150 130 107.5 85
140+ 292.5 252.5 220 192.5 172.5 155 132.5 110 87.5


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
44 75 65 55 47.5 42.5 40 35 27.5 22.5
48 82.5 70 62.5 55 47.5 42.5 37.5 30 25
52 90 77.5 67.5 60 52.5 47.5 40 35 27.5
56 97.5 85 72.5 65 57.5 52.5 45 37.5 30
60 105 90 77.5 67.5 62.5 55 47.5 40 32.5
67.5 117.5 100 87.5 75 67.5 60 52.5 42.5 35
75 125 110 95 82.5 75 67.5 57.5 47.5 37.5
82.5 135 115 100 87.5 77.5 70 60 50 40
90 140 122.5 105 92.5 82.5 75 62.5 52.5 42.5
90+ 145 125 110 95 85 75 65 55 45


— A doping-free federation. For the use of dope - lifelong disqualification.

Class standards WDFPF-RDFPF powerlifting

click on the picture to enlarge

Rank standards WDFPF-RDFPF powerlifting veterans

click on the picture to enlarge

Single Layer WPC Bench Press Guidelines


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
52 157.5 137.5 120 102.5 92.5 82.5 72.5 60 47.5
56 172.5 150 130 112.5 102.5 90 77.5 65 52.5
60 187.5 162.5 142.5 122.5 110 100 85 70 57.5
67.5 210 180 157.5 137.5 122.5 110 95 77.5 62.5
75 232.5 200 175 152.5 137.5 122.5 105 87.5 70
82.5 252.5 220 190 165 147.5 132.5 115 95 77.5
90 272.5 235 205 177.5 160 142.5 122.5 102.5 82.5
100 292.5 252.5 220 192.5 172.5 155 132.5 110 87.5
110 310 267.5 232.5 202.5 182.5 162.5 140 117.5 92.5
125 330 285 247.5 215 192.5 172.5 147.5 125 100
140 345 297.5 260 225 202.5 180 155 130 102.5
140+ 355 307.5 267.5 232.5 210 187.5 160 135 107.5


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
44 80 70 60 52.5 47.5 42.5 37.5 30 25
48 90 77.5 67.5 60 52.5 47.5 40 35 27.5
52 100 85 75 65 57.5 52.5 45 37.5 30
56 107.5 92.5 80 70 62.5 57.5 47.5 40 32.5
60 115 100 87.5 75 67.5 60 52.5 42.5 35
67.5 130 112.5 97.5 85 75 67.5 57.5 47.5 40
75 140 122.5 105 92.5 82.5 75 62.5 52.5 42.5
82.5 150 130 112.5 97.5 87.5 80 67.5 57.5 45
90 160 137.5 120 105 92.5 82.5 72.5 60 47.5
90+ 162.5 142.5 122.5 107.5 95 85 75 62.5 50

WPC bench press standards in multi-layer equipment


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
52 165 142.5 125 107.5 97.5 87.5 75 62.5 50
56 180 155 135 117.5 105 95 82.5 67.5 55
60 195 170 147.5 127.5 115 102.5 87.5 72.5 60
67.5 225 192.5 167.5 147.5 132.5 117.5 100 85 67.5
75 250 215 187.5 162.5 145 130 112.5 92.5 75
82.5 272.5 235 205 177.5 160 142.5 122.5 102.5 82.5
90 292.5 252.5 220 190 170 152.5 132.5 110 87.5
100 312.5 270 235 205 185 165 142.5 117.5 95
110 332.5 287.5 250 217.5 195 175 150 125 100
125 352.5 305 265 230 207.5 185 160 132.5 105
140 370 320 277.5 242.5 217.5 195 167.5 137.5 110
140+ 382.5 330 287.5 250 222.5 200 172.5 142.5 115


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
44 87.5 77.5 67.5 57.5 52.5 47.5 40 32.5 27.5
48 97.5 85 75 65 57.5 52.5 45 37.5 30
52 107.5 95 82.5 70 62.5 57.5 50 40 32.5
56 117.5 102.5 87.5 77.5 70 62.5 52.5 45 35
60 127.5 110 95 82.5 75 67.5 57.5 47.5 37.5
67.5 142.5 122.5 107.5 92.5 82.5 75 65 52.5 42.5
75 155 132.5 115 100 90 82.5 70 57.5 47.5
82.5 165 142.5 125 107.5 97.5 87.5 75 62.5 50
90 175 150 130 115 102.5 92.5 77.5 65 52.5
90+ 180 155 135 117.5 105 95 80 67.5 55

The given standards for living lying down WPC have been in effect since 2012 to the present day. There are no plans to change these standards and correspond to the category standards of international organizations, the representative of which on the territory of Russia is OPR.

The AWPC Federation (Amateur World Powerlifting Congress) is a structural division of the WPC (the prefix “amateur” indicates the amateur level of the competition). Their representative in Russia is also OPR. The peculiarity of the competitions of this organization is that the AWPC bench press standards are lower than the WPC standards (the same applies to other exercises). In addition, all participants in tournaments held under AWPC standards may be subject to mandatory doping testing.

The test is forced on 10% of participants, who are selected impartially by a committee of judges. Important note: if an athlete has fulfilled the standard for Master of Sports or higher, but has not been subject to forced testing, in order to receive the title he must pass the test and pay in full (at the moment (January 2017) this is 7,500 rubles). Otherwise, his result is recorded, according to the result he can take a prize place, but he does not receive a title until he passes a doping test. Failure of the test results in lifetime disqualification.

Russian bench press records

Russian bench press is a fairly young sport; the first competitions in it took place less than 20 years ago. But this makes it no less interesting and spectacular. He already has his own records, which modern athletes strive to break.

Achievements of female athletes

The following results are relevant for spring 2022:

Table: records among girls under 15 years old

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsLast name of the athlete
25 kg97Mozharovskaya D.P.
35 kg91Kostina I.S.
45 kg35Dluzhnevskaya V.S.
55 kg35Dluzhnevskaya V.S.

Table: records among girls under 18 years old inclusive

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsLast name of the sportswoman
35 kg107Doskhoeva M.B.
45 kg35Dluzhnevskaya V.S.
55 kg35Dluzhnevskaya V.S.

Table: records among women

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsLast name of the athlete
35 kg125Zoshchik M.V.
45 kg83Murashova N.E.
55 kg52Zoshchik M.V.
65 kg23Zaugolova Yu.V.
75 kg23Zaugolova Yu.V.

Achievements of male athletes

The following results are relevant for spring 2022:

Table: records among boys under 13 years old

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsAthlete's last name
25 kg123Shilin D.N.
35 kg58Novikov I.V.
45 kg35Novikov I.V.
55 kg10Novikov I.V.

Table: records among boys under 15 years old

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsAthlete's last name
35 kg155Osipov V.S.
45 kg84Tsvetkov A.A.
55 kg81Abakshin M.S.
75 kg42Kudaev A.A.
100 kg20Kudaev A.A.
125 kg8Kudaev A.A.

Table: records among boys under 18 years of age

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsAthlete's last name
45 kg134Efremenko S.N.
55 kg125Andreev E.I.
75 kg59Epikhin I.P.
100 kg33Terekhov M.N.
125 kg13Kudaev A.A.
150 kg10Serbin A.A.

Table: records among men

Bar weightNumber of repetitionsAthlete's last name
55 kg191Pleshivtsev S.M.
75 kg117Galtsov A.V.
100 kg90Galtsov A.V.
125 kg62Galtsov A.V.
150 kg41Galtsov A.V.
175 kg22Galtsov A.V.
200 kg11Larionov O.P.

AWPC Unequipped Bench Press Standards


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
52 127.5 110 95 82.5 75 67.5 57.5 47.5 37.5
56 137.5 120 102.5 90 80 72.5 62.5 52.5 42.5
60 147.5 127.5 112.5 97.5 87.5 77.5 67.5 55 45
67.5 165 142.5 125 107.5 97.5 87.5 75 62.5 50
75 180 155 135 117.5 105 95 82.5 67.5 55
82.5 192.5 167.5 145 127.5 112.5 102.5 87.5 72.5 57.5
90 202.5 175 152.5 132.5 120 107.5 92.5 77.5 60
100 215 185 162.5 140 125 112.5 97.5 80 65
110 225 195 167.5 147.5 132.5 117.5 100 85 67.5
125 235 202.5 177.5 152.5 137.5 122.5 105 87.5 70
140 242.5 210 182.5 157.5 142.5 127.5 110 90 72.5
140+ 250 215 187.5 162.5 145 130 112.5 92.5 75


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
44 62.5 55 47.5 40 37.5 32.5 27.5 22.5 20
48 70 60 52.5 45 40 37.5 32.5 27.5 22.5
52 77.5 67.5 57.5 50 45 40 35 30 25
56 82.5 72.5 62.5 55 47.5 42.5 37.5 32.5 27.5
60 90 77.5 67.5 57.5 52.5 47.5 40 35 30
67.5 100 85 75 65 57.5 52.5 45 37.5 32.5
75 107.5 92.5 80 70 62.5 57.5 47.5 40 35
82.5 115 97.5 85 75 67.5 60 52.5 42.5 37.5
90 120 102.5 90 77.5 70 62.5 55 45 40
90+ 122.5 107.5 92.5 80 72.5 65 57.5 47.5 42.5

Single Layer AWPC Bench Press Standards


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
52 135 115 100 87.5 80 70 60 50 40
56 147.5 127.5 110 97.5 87.5 77.5 67.5 55 45
60 160 137.5 120 105 95 85 72.5 60 47.5
67.5 177.5 152.5 132.5 115 105 92.5 80 67.5 52.5
75 197.5 170 147.5 130 115 105 90 75 60
82.5 215 187.5 162.5 140 127.5 112.5 97.5 80 65
90 230 200 175 150 135 122.5 105 87.5 70
100 247.5 215 187.5 162.5 140 127.5 112.5 92.5 75
110 262.5 227.5 197.5 172.5 155 137.5 117.5 100 80
125 280 242.5 210 182.5 165 147.5 125 105 85
140 292.5 252.5 220 192.5 172.5 155 132.5 110 87.5
140+ 302.5 262.5 227.5 197.5 177.5 160 137.5 115 90


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
44 67.5 60 52.5 45 40 35 30 25 22.5
48 77.5 65 57.5 50 45 40 35 30 25
52 85 72.5 62.5 55 50 45 37.5 32.5 27.5
56 92.5 80 67.5 60 52.5 47.5 40 35 30
60 97.5 85 75 65 57.5 52.5 45 37.5 32.5
67.5 110 95 82.5 72.5 65 57.5 50 42.5 35
75 120 102.5 90 77.5 70 62.5 55 45 37.5
82.5 127.5 110 97.5 85 75 67.5 57.5 47.5 40
90 135 117.5 102.5 87.5 80 70 60 50 42.5
90+ 140 120 105 90 82.5 72.5 62.5 52.5 45

Weight categories in powerlifting

In powerlifting, there are certain weight categories according to which athletes compete among themselves:

  • Weight categories for men
    : 53kg, 59kg, 66kg, 74kg, 83kg, 93kg, 105kg, 120kg, 120kg +
  • Weight categories for women
    : 44kg, 48kg, 52kg, 56kg, 60kg, 67.5kg, 75kg, 82.5kg, 90kg, 90kg +

Powerlifting in the World Games is carried out under the auspices of the IPF federation. Participants are divided not according to the usual weight categories, but according to weight groups. So, for women, the first group includes athletes weighing 44-52 kg, the second 56-67.5 kg and the third over 75 kg. For men, the first group is 52-66 kg, the second 74-90 kg and the third over 100 kg. The winners in each group are determined by the Wilks coefficient.

Bench Press AWPC Standards in Multi-Ply Equipment


Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS I II III I junior II junior
52 140 120 105 92.5 82.5 72.5 62.5 52.5 42.5
56 152.5 132.5 115 100 90 80 70 57.5 45
60 167.5 145 125 110 97.5 87.5 75 62.5 50
67.5 190 165 142.5 125 112.5 100 85 72.5 57.5
75 212.5 182.5 160 137.5 125 112.5 95 80 62.5
82.5 230 200 172.5 150 135 122.5 105 87.5 70
90 247.5 215 185 162.5 145 130 112.5 92.5 75
100 267.5 230 200 175 155 140 120 100 80
110 282.5 242.5 212.5 185 165 147.5 127.5 105 85
125 300 260 225 195 175 157.5 135 112.5 90
140 312.5 270 235 205 185 165 142.5 117.5 95
140+ 325 280 245 212.5 190 170 147.5 122.5 97.5
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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