2022 standards for the national bench press without equipment

"People's Press"

– bench press on a bench of a barbell of a certain weight equal to the athlete’s own weight, in accordance with established rules, in the maximum number of repetitions, without the use of press shirts.

The weight on the barbell at all “People’s Bench Press” competitions is determined in kilograms.

Initially, the discipline appeared in the WPC federation, and since 2010, tournaments of all levels are regularly held throughout Russia. Official rules have been approved and standards have been developed. Now it is being developed by several powerlifting federations. In particular: WPC, ASM Vityaz, NAP and SPR/Russian Powerlifters Union.

Don't forget about calories.

Every time you want to complain to your friends that you can’t gain weight or get stronger, think about your diet - are you getting enough calories and nutrients?
There is one simple truth: if you decide to gain weight or build muscle in a short time, then you need to get enough calories every day. If you don’t feed your body with “building material,” then your muscles won’t grow and your weight will remain the same.

The number of calories needed is different for everyone, but usually it is somewhere around 3 thousand per day. This may seem like too much, but in reality it may not even be enough. There are many stories of people who could not gain weight at all until they started consuming 4-4.5 thousand calories per day. And every day, including days free from training.

This happens due to the fact that in some people the body burns calories too quickly in the process of life and, especially, during training. So such people need calories in huge quantities, otherwise there will be no gain in muscle mass and weight.

Just be more careful about your diet - if you eat everything, then, of course, there will be enough calories, but along with them you will get fat, which you will then have to get rid of.


Typically, training programs do not include various “non-traditional” methods due to the lack of confirmation of their effectiveness. But one such method is still worth experimentally including in training - it’s called “rest-pause.” Its essence is this: you perform some exercise “all the way”, until muscle failure. The moment you realize that you physically cannot perform another repetition, you take a short rest. Then you return to doing the exercise again, and again train until muscle failure. Then everything goes in a circle.

This technique also comes from powerlifting, and numerous studies have confirmed that it actually helps in increasing strength and will help you press more on the bench press.

It is best to include “rest-pause” in training with heavy weights (80%-90% of 1RM). If you are using approximately 80-90% of your 1RM, you should rest no more than 30 seconds between sets. If 90% or higher is used, then you can rest for up to 60 seconds. In addition, it is not recommended to perform more than 3-4 such sets in one workout, since they require significant effort.


National bench press awpc standards: official category standards (requirements) for the national bench press (awpc)
And thirdly, the federations for which we will consider bench press standards (it should be noted that there are too many of them, so we will consider the standards from several of the most popular at the moment) :

IPF – International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) is the oldest and most authoritative international federation, founded in 1973.

WPC – World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) is the oldest and most authoritative of the international alternative federations. Founded in 1986 by Ernie Frantz

  • no doping control
  • Monolift use is allowed
  • multi-layered equipment, including those made of tarpaulin and denim; open back bench shirts; overalls with Velcro; knee bandages up to 2.5 m; Briefs are allowed (reinforcing shorts made of rigid fabric, worn under overalls)
  • the bare-knuckle division appeared much earlier
  • specialized exercise bars

AWPC – Amateur World Powerlifting Congress, WPC division for competitions with doping control, created in 1999.

Bench Rating Standards 2014 WPC – Single Layer Equipment


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior

WPC bench press category standards - multi-layer equipment (2014)


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior

WPC category standards bench press - without equipment (2014)


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior


Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSIIIIIII juniorII junior

2022 standards for the national bench press without equipment

Fizkult-hello, for starters! We will talk about such a truly popular sport as the bench press.

National bench press standards

WPC category standards for bench press, Men




Bench press 1/2 body weight (WPC)

Men boys 13-19Women
Cat.I juniorII juniorIII juniorCat.KMSIIIIII

AWPC category standards for bench press


Bench press 1/2 body weight (AWPC)

Men boys 13-19Women
Cat.I juniorII juniorIII juniorCat.KMSIIIIII

If you are satisfied, or even more accurately dissatisfied, with your own body proportions, have a beer belly and weak hands, then read the article carefully and quickly make the necessary unit.
Why is it necessary to tinker? But because for daily training in this strength sport, you don’t have to spend money on an expensive gym membership, adjust your own schedule to travel and other frills. Of course, you can buy a bench press bench, but it will be much more interesting to make a “working place” and supports for the barbell yourself from unnecessary materials. By the way, in order to avoid any troubles in the form of injuries or accidental slippages of the weights, it is better to purchase the barbell itself. At a flea market, you can bargain for it profitably or ask if your friends/relatives have a barbell gathering dust. The drawings are widely available on the Internet, you just need to take the time to type the necessary words into a search engine. We're not making rockets! In any sport, gradual loading is important. If you start to imagine yourself as Bruce Willis from the movie “Invincible” (by the way, I advise you to watch the film), in which he constantly increased the load to several hundred kilograms in one sitting, then at best you will simply lose all interest in the bench press and curse your advisor. But if you are ready to understand that a sculpted body is the fruit of serious training, then you will get not synthetic biceps, and loving looks from girls. Any idiot can inject synthol into the arm, then get sick and hello! It’s better to do exercises on the barbell every day, or at least once every couple of days, starting with loads that are comfortable for the muscles, and then after a year move on to hardcore. It’s not good to exhaust yourself, because in addition to microtraumas, you can end up with longer downtime, if you know what I mean... Motivating music for classes will be useful, and even forgotten photos of Schwarzenegger will be good for motivation. Self-esteem, believe me, will increase if family or friends watch this process. If they don’t lift weights either, they will respect you much more. The nickname “jock” is not offensive. But the main benefit, of course, will not come from showing off, but from constant hardening of the body. Most likely, you will also become less sick, and your breathing will also get better after a few months. You can also look up the standards (the number of full lifts at a time) on the Internet, so you can assess your real level and evaluate your progress. Of course, for the latter, it is advisable to purchase scales (if you don’t have them).

Of course, championships, championships, and various Cups are held in the folk bench press, which will also encourage self-improvement. It's always nice to receive a certificate! And, what’s important, you don’t need any special sports equipment here. After some experience, you can invest in press shirts, but this is not necessary to begin with. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about proper nutrition, without it you can’t build muscle mass, but that’s another interesting topic. Be healthy!

constant hardening of the body. Most likely, you will also become less sick, and your breathing will also get better after a few months. You can also look up the standards (the number of full lifts at a time) on the Internet, so you can assess your real level and evaluate your progress. Of course, for the latter, it is advisable to purchase scales (if you don’t have them).

Of course, championships, championships, and various Cups are held in the folk bench press, which will also encourage self-improvement. It's always nice to receive a certificate! And, what’s important, you don’t need any special sports equipment here. After some experience, you can invest in press shirts, but this is not necessary to begin with. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about proper nutrition, without it you can’t build muscle mass, but that’s another interesting topic. Be healthy!

Execution technique

Bench press standards (without equipment)

If you are going to participate in competitions or receive a rank in this sports discipline, you must understand that the technique of performing the exercise will be slightly different. During a normal workout, you perform the exercise at a fairly fast pace. Perhaps, through trial and error, you found the optimal position of your hands and the trajectory of your elbows that is comfortable for you. However, the awpc approved prone technique will be different from what you are used to.

Awpc is a power sports federation. It establishes category standards for various strength exercises. This federation is amateur. Its standards are much lower than in other professional strength federations. For this reason, it is much easier to get a sports rank here than in other federations. The standards here are different, but the technique of execution is the same as in professional strength federations:

  1. Lie down on the bench. Your shoulders and buttocks should be touching the surface of the bench.
  2. You have the right to choose your own head position. However, it is better not to move her, because this can lead to injury.
  3. The feet should rest firmly on the floor. It is allowed to place discs from barbells under your feet.
  4. The grip width is determined by the athlete independently. At the bottom, your arms should be bent at an angle slightly less than 90 degrees. The main thing is that the grip width does not exceed 81 centimeters.
  5. The participant must have from two to four belayers. They have the right to help him remove the barbell from the racks. After which, the athlete can begin the approach.
  6. The bar should begin to move down after the “Start” command. The judge sits behind the head of the competitor, from where he can clearly see all the mistakes that the athlete makes.
  7. At the lowest point, you need to hold the barbell for 1 second. The main thing is not to put it on your chest. This is a gross violation of the rules, because of which you simply will not be counted for this attempt.
  8. After the athlete has completed the maximum possible number of times, he needs to fix the barbell at the top point. You must wait for the “Stand” command from the judge. After that, you can install the bar on the racks.

When working for one repetition, the bench press is performed according to the same principle. During competitions, the pace of execution is much slower than during normal training. Moreover, the judge closely monitors the technique.

What is a folk bench press?

Bench press standards without and with equipment (2020)

The essence of the folk press is that athletes squeeze a barbell while lying on a bench, but in this case their task is not to lift the maximum weight, but to do the maximum number of repetitions per approach. The weight of the barbell is equal to the weight of the athlete himself, who is weighed a day before the competition.

For girls and boys 13–19 years old, the weight of the equipment can optionally be equal to half the athlete’s body weight.

When performing the exercise, the athlete can rest for no more than 5 seconds, holding the squeezed barbell with outstretched arms.

wpc and awpc standards

Standards of the World Powerlifting Congress (wpc) - a non-profit international organization of powerlifters, uniting 30 member states.

With its own weight

There are separate standards for the category of athletes 13–19 years old.

With 1/2 of your weight

Standards of the Amateur World Powerlifting Congress (AWPC) - an amateur league, the standards of which are much softer, but at the same time there is doping control at competitions.

With its own weight

The AWPC also sets separate standards for working with half an athlete's body weight.

With 1/2 of its own weight


I would like to note several records.

WPC Records:

  • Among boys under 19 years of age, we can note Maxim Chursanov, who set a record with a weight of 60 kg, squeezing the barbell 51 times in 2016 at the World Championships.
  • Among the men, Silkin Alexander distinguished himself, who at the Russian Championship in 2016 pressed the weight of the barbell 112.5 kg 42 times.
  • At the 2016 World Championships, Anastasia Chernousova set a record, pressing ½ of her body weight (25 kg) 52 times.

AWPC Records:

  • At the 2022 World Cup, Nikita Sizonov, who was only 15 years old, set a record of 49 repetitions with 27.5 kg (½ weight).
  • Among girls under 19 years old at the World Championships in 2016, Natalya Markushina set a record by pressing a barbell 40 times weighing 30 kg (½ her own weight).
  • At the Asian Cup in 2016, Evgeniya Chekanova distinguished herself in the age category of 40–49 years, setting a record of 42 repetitions with a projectile weight of 32.5 kg.

Multi-repetition bench press technique

Before describing the training programs directly, let's look at the technique of the most high-repetition barbell press, adjusted for the division rules.

For a repetition to be counted in competition, you must work in full amplitude: touching your chest at the bottom and fully straightening your arms at the top.


  1. You need to lie on a horizontal bench on your back, with your shoulder blades, shoulders and buttocks pressed tightly to the surface. You cannot lift your pelvis off the bench while performing the exercise.
  2. The feet should also not be completely lifted off the floor or touch the bench in any way.
  3. The bar should be in front of your eyes.
  4. At competitions, at least two people provide insurance. The spotters can be asked to help remove the barbell; in this case, it will be held at outstretched arms.
  5. If you want to lift the bar yourself, use a closed grip to hold the bar. You can use a forward or reverse grip. The distance between hands should not exceed 81 cm.
  6. After removing the bar from the racks, exhale and bring it to your outstretched arms above your chest.
  7. After this, you can start doing the exercise. At competitions, this is permissible to do only after the senior judge’s command to “press.”
  8. As you inhale, lower the barbell until the bar touches your torso. As you exhale, squeeze out.
  9. In competition you will only have one approach.
  10. The judge will count the number of repetitions. If the countdown starts again, it means that an error was made in the previous repetition.
  11. You can rest with the barbell on your arms, as we noted earlier, for no more than 5 seconds. The judge monitors this and, after time has expired, repeats the command “press” again. If the command fails, the approach is terminated.

The athlete must wear a non-supportive single layer tights. It is acceptable to use a belt to protect the lower back. Socks are allowed. The athlete must also wear shoes. If necessary, you can use bandages or wristbands for your hands.

Age categories[edit | edit code]


  • YOUNG/GIRL from 13 to 19 years old (inclusive).
  • JUNIORS/CIs from 20 to 23 years old (inclusive).
  • OPEN from 24 to 39 years of age (inclusive).

1) from 40 to 49 years (inclusive).

2) from 50 to 59 years (inclusive).

3) from 60 years of age and older

In relation to athletes who have reached the age of 13, the following condition applies: the athlete must reach the age of 13 by the day of the competition. On the day a youth turns 20, he is no longer eligible to compete in the youth category. On the day a junior turns 24, he is no longer eligible to compete in the junior category.

Bench ranks AWPC

Qualifying for this exercise can be done in combination with two others. If you add deadlifts and squats to the bench press, you get a full-fledged powerlifting competition. The method of conducting such competitions is as follows: three approaches are performed, one repetition in each of them. Three attempts are given to the athlete in order to provide him with the opportunity to cope with a large weight, according to which the AWPC (bench press) ranks will be assigned.

An exercise in this federation has lower criteria for obtaining a qualification category, for example, a candidate for master of sports. So, with 52 kg, it is necessary to perform the exercise only with a projectile of 82.5 kg, and not 97.5 kg, as required in other organizations.

It is also worth noting that both men and women can take part in these competitions. The female half, naturally, has its own standards for receiving any category. To receive the title of Master of Masters, for example, an athlete weighing 52 kg must perform an exercise with an apparatus weighing 82.5 kg. Women's competitions are held separately from men's. By the way, each federation has its own requirements for performing the bench press.

2022 Raw Powerlifting Standards: AWPC

Features of the AWPC category:

  • Doping control. Mandatory testing of 10% of competition participants for the use of prohibited drugs;
  • Disciplines: powerlifting, bench press, deadlift;
  • Divisions: no equipment, single-layer equipment, multi-layer equipment;
  • Restrictions in the multi-layer equipment division: overalls and shirts - no more than 3 layers, knee bandages - length no more than 2.5 m, wrist straps - no more than 1 m long, belt - no wider than 10 cm;
  • Weigh-in - one day and 2 hours before the start.
  • Equipment: monolift, specialized bars for bench press, squat and deadlift.

Bar weight[edit | edit code]

The weight on the bar is set equal to the athlete’s own weight, recorded at the weigh-in. Weight must be a multiple of 2.5 kilograms. If the athlete's weight is not a multiple of 2.5, then it is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 2.5 kilograms.

For women and boys, if desired, the weight of the barbell can be equal to ½ of its own weight, also a multiple of 2.5 kilograms. Such women and boys compete in a separate division from women and boys, respectively, who compete with a barbell weight equal to their own body weight.

Rules and regulations of the Russian bench press

The official Russian Bench Press Federation establishes the rules and regulations in accordance with which competitions must be held:

  • Competitions must be held on a 2.5 by 2.5 meter pedestal or other surface that must be level, stable and non-slip.
  • Equipment used that meets the requirements for powerlifting or weightlifting.
  • The bar must have special locks weighing 2.5 kg each.
  • The racks must be at least 1 meter apart.
  • The length of the bench is at least 120 cm, and the width is from 28 to 32 cm.
  • The athlete can place rubber mats or discs under his feet.
  • Competitors cannot apply greasy or slippery substances or designs to their backs.
  • The athlete must wear sportswear that does not contain additional inclusions such as spikes. Bench shirts are prohibited.
  • The use of bandages or wristbands, as well as athletic belts, is allowed.
  • The use of special prostheses for disabled people is allowed.

When performing the Russian bench press, fewer demands are placed on athletes regarding sports form. Male athletes have the right to perform with their torsos open.

The result is calculated using a special formula: the weight of the barbell must be multiplied by the number of repetitions performed. The resulting figure is divided by the athlete’s weight. The winner is the participant who received the most points calculated according to the formula.

Rank standards for men

The minimum weight of a barbell for competition is 35 kg, the maximum is 150 kg.

Table: bar weight 35 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 youth3512
2 youth3514.5
1 youth3519.5
3 sports3526.5

Only boys up to 15 years old, inclusive, participate in competitions in this category.

Table: bar weight 55 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 youth5510
2 youth5512
1 youth5516.5
3 sports5522
2 sports5527.5
1 sports5534.5

CCM, MS and elite - the athlete's weight is no more than 75 kg.

Table: bar weight 75 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 youth758
2 youth7510
1 youth7513.5
3 sports7518.5
2 sports7524
1 sports7530.5

Table: rod weight 100 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
2 youth1008
1 youth10011
3 sports10015
2 sports10020
1 sports10025

Table: bar weight 125 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 sports12512
2 sports12515.5
1 sports12519.5

Table: bar weight 150 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 sports1508.5
2 sports15011.5
1 sports15014.5
Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)

Table: bar weight 35 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
2 youth359
1 youth3513
3 sports3518
2 sports3523
1 sports3529

Table: bar weight 45 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
2 youth458
1 youth4511
3 sports4515
2 sports4520
1 sports4525

Table: bar weight 55 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 sports5512.5
2 sports5517
1 sports5521

Table: bar weight 75 kg

Dischargebar weight (kg)Athleticism Quotient (AC)
3 sports558
2 sports5510.5
1 sports5513

Standards[edit | edit code]

WPC standards[edit | edit code]

Body weight bench press


Bench press 1/2 body weight

Boys 13 - 19Women

SPR standards[edit | edit code]

Folk press without doping control with your own weight


Folk press 1/2 body weight without doping control

In the national bench press, for boys under 19 years of age and masters over 60 years of age, sports standards up to and including the Master of Masters are met with half the athlete’s own weight, and there is also the option to fulfill the sports category standards and standards of MS, MSMC and Elite with a barbell equal to the athlete’s own weight, a multiple of 2.5 kilograms. male standards

Boys and Masters

In the folk bench press for women, sports standards up to and including the CMS are met with half the athlete’s own body weight. The MS, MSMK and Elite standards are performed with a barbell equal to the athlete’s own weight, a multiple of 2.5 kilograms.


People's bench press with doping control


Folk press 1/2 body weight with doping control

In the national bench press, for boys under 19 years of age and masters over 60 years of age, sports standards up to and including the Master of Masters are met with half the athlete’s own weight, and there is also the option to fulfill the sports category standards and standards of MS, MSMC and Elite with a barbell equal to the athlete’s own weight, a multiple of 2.5 kilograms. male standards

Boys and Masters

In the folk bench press for women, sports standards up to and including the CMS are met with half the athlete’s own body weight. The MS, MSMK and Elite standards are performed with a barbell equal to the athlete’s own weight, a multiple of 2.5 kilograms.


Russian press training

Just as it is impossible to simultaneously achieve great results at short and long distances in running, it is very difficult to perform equally successfully in both the heavy and light categories of the Russian bench press. For this reason, the athlete will have to decide on one or maximum two categories. The entire training process must be structured taking into account the characteristics of the category in which the athlete is going to perform. For obvious reasons, Russian bench press training methods for different categories have their own characteristics.

To achieve results in the heaviest category, the training is practically no different from the training program for representatives of powerlifting or bench lifters. Approximately one month before the start of the competition, the athlete should approach the bench press as heavy as possible. Then, for 3 to 4 weeks, he will have to work with weights ranging from 90 to 110 percent of the maximum. There is no need for aerobic exercise.

The most difficult of all is preparing athletes to participate in competitions in the 150 kilogram category. It should be noted that it is also considered the most popular. This is largely due to the fact that for a successful performance an athlete must have high levels of strength and general endurance.

The method of training the Russian bench press, which will be discussed below, is largely advisory in nature. Athletes should independently create their own training program, taking into account individual characteristics and, if necessary, use today’s advice.

And now we should pay attention to the Russian bench press training method itself. To increase your strength, you need a competent training system.

During the first two months you need to progress in this parameter. The bench press itself can be performed once for 4 or 5 days with a working weight of 170 to 190 kilograms. Once over two weeks you should increase the weight to 200 or 205 kilograms. The number of repetitions in the first case should be from 10 to 6, and in the second - from 2 to 4.

You should also pay attention to additional work on the deltoids and triceps. Very good exercises for this are dips, close-grip presses, and 45-degree angle presses.

When performing these movements, the number of repetitions can range from 6 to 12.

You should not go out for a one-time bench press and there is an explanation for this. Firstly, the athlete may get an unfortunate injury and miss the competition. Secondly, such training involves a large load on the central nervous system, which leads to its exhaustion, and this also should not be allowed. And thirdly, this will not lead to improved results in competitions.

When the strength-building phase described above is completed, you can move on to working with weights of 205 and 190 kilograms, performing 3 and 6 repetitions, respectively. It should also be mentioned that during the period of gaining strength it is necessary to consume proteins and creatine. This can significantly speed up your progress.

When there are a couple of months left before the start of the competition, attention should be switched to strength endurance training. During the week, do 2 workouts, working with weights from 130 to 170 kilograms

Once every two weeks they should be increased to 180-190. Of the additional movements, you can only leave the bench press with a narrow grip, performing from 12 to 20 repetitions.

National bench press programs

Since the folk bench press is slightly different from the usual sports activity, the training needed, accordingly, is different. Over the eight years that this sport has been developing, many different programs have appeared from record holders and finalists of various competitions. Based on their results, we can judge that these schemes are working, so let's look at them in a little more detail.

Training methodology - Luchkov Andrey

Andrey is a master of sports of international class WPC, who has set several current records. Today he is 52 years old and continues to perform.

His training plan consists of two workouts per week, one of which is dedicated to the folk press.

This type of training begins with a good warm-up, followed by three sets of bench presses. The weight is fixed, just like in competitions. The goal is to do the most repetitions. At the same time, the athlete emphasizes that it is important to rest well between approaches for 5–10 minutes. Andrey writes down the resulting amount to control changes.

The second training follows a different scenario. For the bench press, there is only one approach, and it is important to work out a specific technique, for example, squeezing with rest at the top point.

After the bench press approach is done, Andrey carefully works the triceps and pectoral muscles with a small weight, but for a large number of repetitions.

This is what one week of training looks like. The goal of each subsequent week is to increase the amount of repetitions. This is quite easy at first, as you can increase the number of repetitions in the second and third sets. When it is not possible to do more, Andrey loads the barbell with heavier weight and repeats the program from the beginning.

Video: Barbell press 150kg x 21 times, Luchkov Andrey

Training scheme - Shapovalov Alexander

Alexander’s preparation plan is more thorough and is divided into several stages.

  • The first stage is preparation, which includes both strength and general development exercises. This stage can last about two months. It improves the athlete’s performance, improves technique and works on mistakes.
  • The second stage is competitive. The intensity of training is of greatest importance.
  • The third stage is recovery, it takes place after the competition, at which time the athlete’s loads are briefly reduced.

Approximate lesson plan for the preparation stage

The training takes place 2 times a week.

First day: The bench press is combined with general physical training

The workout begins with a good warm-up.

You need to set a goal, for example, to bench press 120 kg for 30 reps. This means that the weight that the athlete can already squeeze for this number of repetitions is selected. This is done for 3 approaches with an available weight. It is important to take a good break between sets and fully recover.

While you're resting, you can exercise your legs.

This is the first part of the training. After it is completed, you can proceed to the second part depending on how you feel. The muscles of the chest, arms, and back are trained for a large number of repetitions, 2-3 approaches.

Training goal for the next week: increase the weight and perform the same number of repetitions.

The training is strong and difficult, so the athlete must rest for three to four days. Cardio exercise is acceptable during this period.

Day two: After good recovery, the second training session of the week takes place.

There is a good warm-up.

After this, several exercise options are selected, they change every week. This could be an interval press, a slingshot press (equipment for benchers), or, for example, a version of the power press for a small number of repetitions with a heavy weight.

The second part of the workout consists of exercises for the chest (for example, “butterflies”), triceps, and abs, if desired.

Training scheme - Romanovsky Alexander

Alexander works according to a slightly different scheme and believes that it is important to pay attention to the joints, since with a large number of repetitions a high load is placed on them.

Based on this, in his opinion, you should not perform forced repetitions, that is, “shock” the muscles and “hammer” them to failure so that you cannot squeeze out the last repetition.

For the same reason, negative repetitions should be excluded. The essence of training with “negatives” is that in the positive phase (the phase of muscle contraction, in this case this happens when squeezing the barbell), your partner helps you, and you strain less, and in the negative phase (muscle stretching, in this case, lowering the barbell) you do it yourself. This approach allows you to work with more weight and stimulate muscle growth.

Alexander is also against long breaks between exercises and approaches. He himself rests for no more than a minute.

The essence of the program is the cyclic repetition of exercises. For example, bench press for 20 seconds, then biceps for 20 seconds, press again, biceps again, and so on for several circles.

The training itself takes place 3-4 times a week.

Example option:

  • Day 1 - 100 kg for 100 repetitions in total;
  • Day 2 - 60 kg for 150 repetitions;
  • Day 3 - 80 kg for 120 repetitions.

Alexander Shapovalov's program

A well-known fitness club trainer recommends training in stages. The first period is preparatory, lasting up to two months. 2 workouts per week are recommended. Be sure to take breaks to fully restore strength in the body.

Approximate diagram for an athlete in the 100 kg category:

1 option

  1. Warm-up – different weights, different number of repetitions;
  2. Press 80*40;
  3. Mandatory rest of 10-15 minutes, during which you can do 20*30 calves, neck or squat;
  4. Press 80*40
  5. Rest 10-15 minutes, repeat calves 20*30, neck, squat;
  6. Press 80*40;
  7. Rest 10-15 minutes, calves 20*30, neck, squat.

This is the first part of the workout, its goal is the maximum total number of repetitions (we have 120). If the planned amount is easy, the next time you should add weight, for example, 5 kg and try to repeat the workout with it.

Option 2

  1. Warm-up – different weights, different number of repetitions;
  2. Press at intervals of 15-20 seconds (100*40);
  3. Triceps 2*20;
  4. Butterfly for chest 3*10;
  5. Shoulders;
  6. Press.

Instead of bench presses with intervals, there can also be a push-up from a 10 cm bar, in a slingsheet (110-125 kg) or a power 5*5.

The second period of training according to Shapovalov is competitive. The scheme is more intensive. Period – a month, 4 workouts per week. Weight calculation is strictly based on formulas.

The third period is transitional. Intensity and volume are reduced. Then we begin the preparatory period again.

Andrey Luchkov's program

Andrey Luchkov is the President of the Russian Press Federation, record holder and bench press champion.

He trains only 2 times a week. The first training session begins with an intensive warm-up. Then he performs 3 sets of bench presses with 10-minute breaks. Approaches are worked out with a fixed weight, trying to do the maximum number of repetitions. At the end, writes down the sum of all repetitions performed for 3 approaches.

The next day, he performs 1 approach, this can be a chest press or with a pause at the top, then he does a good general warm-up and separately works the biceps, triceps, and pectoral muscles with a small weight.

The goal of the third workout is to increase the total number of repetitions done in the first. The fourth is the same as the second, but on the fifth he again tries to increase the total number of repetitions. When the amount cannot be increased, then you should add weight to the bar. And try to start the calculations all over again.

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