Gym training program for girls

Gym workouts for girls can be aimed at both losing weight and gaining muscle mass. But to a greater extent, nutrition plays a major role in obtaining results. Otherwise, women's training will have its own characteristics and differences from men's. How to correctly create a program at each stage of training: at the beginning of the journey, for weight loss and relief, or increasing muscle volume? Let’s take a closer look at the features of training for girls, what results and what loads can be expected from, and how to develop further.


  • Any set of workouts in the gym for women should include leg exercises in every session. Firstly, this will allow you to spend more energy, because training the largest muscles requires more strength. Secondly, it contributes to the formation of the correct forms, relative to the female constitution, and the burning of fat in this area, since the female body tends to accumulate fat there.
  • The duration of the workout should not be more than 1.5 hours, including cardio, cool-down and warm-up. Training for two hours will not give the best effect, but on the contrary, it will lead to overwork, and no results will be obtained from the training.
  • Don't focus on the problem area, be it the stomach or thighs. Exhausting one muscle group with more than three exercises will not improve your fitness or speed up results. This is because fat is not burned locally, it is better to pay attention to all muscles, then the correct body proportions will be maintained and fat will be lost evenly.
  • Do not perform full-body workouts two days in a row; large muscles will not have time to fully recover during the day, and constant stress on overworked muscles is stress for the body.

What should cardio workouts be like?

Cardio on machines

If your body mass index is higher than normal, you should not run on a treadmill: this will put too much stress on your joints. Instead, choose a brisk uphill walk (you can adjust the incline on the treadmill), exercise bike, elliptical, stepper or airbike.

Perform cardio at a moderate intensity so that you can last without slowing down. The main thing is to increase your heart rate and keep it at this level for the right time.

If long, monotonous cardio makes you sad, try doing it with headphones. If this doesn't help, choose intense circuit training with your own weight. They are also suitable for those who cannot go to the gym five times a week.

When will the result be visible?

As for beginners, the first thing that happens to their body is the strengthening of muscles and ligaments, that is, the body is prepared for full loads. Atonic muscles begin to thicken and get used to power work. This process takes approximately one to two months. At the same time, the muscles change shape, begin to tighten and decrease in volume, and not only due to fat burning, but due to the density of muscle fibers and lymphatic drainage, which removes excess water from the muscles.

During this period, with the help of strength training, you can lose from 3 to 5 kg, but everything will depend on the metabolic rate, weight, age and quality of training.

Principles of nutrition

In addition to physical activity, proper nutrition plays a huge role in losing weight. By following simple nutritional rules, you can increase the speed and effectiveness of the result by 70%. An unbalanced diet, full of calories and sugar, will hide beautiful forms under a layer of fat.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss:

  1. We remove sweets and flour products from the diet;
  2. We consume complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day;
  3. Do not exclude fats, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of unrefined oil (olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame);
  4. Fruits are allowed until 16.00;
  5. Proteins and vegetables are allowed for dinner;
  6. We consume a lot of water, up to 2 liters per day;
  7. We don’t overeat at night; dinner is 3–4 hours before bedtime.

Example of a daily diet

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, tea or coffee;
  2. Snack: 20 g of nuts, apple or banana;
  3. Lunch: rice with steamed vegetables;
  4. Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir;
  5. Dinner: baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad with olive oil.

This is only an approximate weight loss nutrition program for girls; at the link you will find several menu options.

How to continue training?

After one or two months of training, only the first results are visible - the muscles become elastic, excess weight disappears, the body gradually acquires distinct and beautiful female shapes. But you shouldn’t stop there, even if you are completely satisfied with the result. The effect will not persist if you stop exercising, and continuing training will either maintain the result or improve it if necessary.

Next, you need to change your training program. First you need to change the exercises, this will give new muscles a boost, and progress will be obvious. If the load is not increased over time, even if the training previously bore fruit, then after a while it stops working, since the body is accustomed to it. The same applies to increasing working weight. Muscles become stronger over time and they need corresponding load. This does not mean that such training will lead to an increase in huge muscle mass. No, the female body is not predisposed to this. On the contrary, they will constantly improve their feminine form through adequate strength training.

After mastering fullbadi training, you can switch to three-day split training, during which you will work not the whole body at the same time, but two or three muscle groups. For example:

  • Day 1 : 4-5 exercises for legs, 2-3 for deltoids and 2 for abs.
  • Day 2 : 2-3 exercises for the back, 2-3 exercises for the chest and 2 for the abs.
  • Day 3 : 2-3 triceps exercises, 2-3 biceps exercises and 2 abdominal exercises.

You need to perform the exercises 15 repetitions in three approaches.

Read more about split training →

What should strength training be like?

Regardless of the program, every strength training begins with a warm-up. It must be done in the following order:

  1. Joint warm-up. Rotate the joints of your arms and legs 10 times in each direction, bend and turn your body and neck.
  2. 5-10 minutes of light cardio. Any suitable exercise machine will do: treadmill, stepper, ellipse, exercise bike. If everything is busy, jump rope.

In addition, before each exercise with a large weight, you need an additional warm-up with a small one. This will prepare the target muscles for work and protect you from injury. For example, if you are going to squat with a 50 kg barbell, do 5 reps with the bar, then 3 reps with 30 kg and 3 reps with 40 kg. Only then proceed to the main load.

Select the working weight so that the last repetitions of the approach are difficult, but without changing the technique: jerks, twisted back and unnecessary bends. If they appear, take lighter weights or reduce the number of repetitions.

Rest 60–90 seconds between sets and 1–2 minutes between exercises.

I strength training

Ab crunches

Filming location: Tabata Drive gym.
Works out the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Raise your body so that your shoulder blades lift off the floor and your lower back remains pressed. Do not put pressure on your head with your hands, your fingers only touch the back of your head, the movement is made by tensing the abdominal muscles, not the neck.

Perform 3 sets of 15–20 reps.


Pumps up the back extensors, buttocks and back of the thigh.

Place your feet on the hyperextension machine and place your hands behind your head. Keeping your back straight, lower your body and then lift it up. At the top, look at the wall in front of you. Avoid jerking and sudden movements, perform the exercise smoothly and under control.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps. In the future, you can increase the number of repetitions to 20–25.

Back Squats

Loads the hips, buttocks and core muscles.

Place your feet slightly wider than straightened shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together, turn your toes slightly to the sides. Move your pelvis back, bend slightly at the lower back and inhale into a squat. Keep your back straight and look forward.

Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If your heels don't come off, your knees don't curl inward, and your back remains straight, try squatting lower. If your back is rounded, return to the previous position, that is, again make your thighs parallel to the floor.

Exhale as you come out of the squat.

Start with a 15 or 20 kg bar and gradually increase the load. Keep an eye on your equipment at all times.

Block pull to the chest

Pumps up the back muscles.

Sit on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Grab the handle with a straight (back) or reverse (biceps) grip. You can change them every week. Squeeze your shoulder blades, lower your shoulders, straighten your back. As you exhale, pull the handle until it touches your chest. The body does not lean back, the shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are brought together.

Return the pen and repeat the exercise.

Hip raises with barbell

Good load on the buttocks.

Prepare the barbell, sit next to the bench and place the bar on your feet. Lean your back on the bench, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Supporting the barbell with your hands, place it on your pelvis. Lift it off the floor, distribute the weight between the fulcrum on the bench and your feet on the floor.

By tensing the gluteal muscles, push your pelvis up until the hip joint is completely straightened. Lower yourself and repeat.

Bench press

Pumps up the pectoral muscles and triceps.

Lie down on a bench press with your feet flat on the floor. Using a straight, shoulder-width grip, grab the barbell. Remove it from the racks, lower it until it touches your chest and squeeze it back out.

Standing Dumbbell Flyes

Strengthens the shoulders.

Stand straight, raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level and lower them back. Keep your elbows slightly bent so as not to overload the joint.

II strength training

Reverse crunches on a bench

Pump the rectus abdominis muscle with an emphasis on the lower part (lower abs).

Lie down on a bench and grab its edge with your hands. Raise your legs and bend your knees.

Raise your legs even higher and lift your pelvis off the bench. Return to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.


Do 3 sets of 15 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.

Lunges with dumbbells in hands

Pumps up the legs, buttocks and core muscles.

Hold the dumbbells at arm's length. Lunge forward, touching the floor with the knee of your back leg. Make sure your front knee does not extend beyond your toes.

Stand up and lunge with your other leg. You can do these exercises while moving or, if the gym is crowded, on the spot.

If you want to additionally target your core and shoulders, try another variation: overhead dumbbell lifts.

Do two sets on each arm.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Loads the back muscles.

Place your left hand and knee on a support, such as a bench or box. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders and arm with the dumbbell, bring your shoulder blades together.

Pull the dumbbell to your waist and lower it again. It is very important to pull towards the belt, and not to the chest, not to raise your shoulders or spread your shoulder blades. Otherwise, you will shift the emphasis from your arms to your back muscles.

Barbell deadlift

Pumps up the buttocks and back extensors.

Stand close to the barbell so that the bar is above the laces of your sneakers. Squat down, moving your pelvis back. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Raise the barbell, fully extend your hip joint, then return to the starting position.

Lying dumbbell flyes

Pumps up the pectoral muscles and loads the shoulders.

Lie down on a bench, press your feet to the floor, raise the dumbbells in front of you so that your palms are facing each other. Raise the dumbbells out to the sides, keeping your elbows slightly bent to protect your joints. Turn your palms toward the ceiling at the lowest point.

Bring your arms together and repeat.

Reverse push-ups on the bench

Loads the triceps.

Find support: a box, a bench, a stack of steps. Turn your back to her, place your hands on her, straighten your knees. Do a reverse push-up until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower. Return to the starting position.

Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

III strength training

Ab crunches

Perform 3 sets of 15–20 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.


Do 3 sets of 15 reps. The technique is described in the first strength training.

Sumo squats with dumbbells

Loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks, pumps the inner thigh well.

Take one dumbbell or kettlebell in your hands. Place your feet so that they are twice as wide as your shoulders and your toes point to the sides. Move your pelvis back, bend slightly at the lower back.

Do a squat, spreading your knees out to the sides. Do not bend your back: it should be straight and tense throughout the entire exercise.

Bent-over barbell row

Pumps up the back muscles and biceps of the shoulder.

Take the barbell with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width, tilt your body until it is parallel to the floor. Bend your arms, bring your shoulder blades together and bring the projectile to your waist, and then lower it. Do not straighten up until you finish the exercise: the body should be parallel to the floor or close to it.

Standing chest press

Works the chest, triceps and shoulders.

Raise the barbell to your chest, bring your elbows forward a little, lower your shoulders, bend your lower back slightly. From this position, squeeze the projectile upward and move it behind your head.

Look straight ahead at all times. When the barbell passes your face, do not lift your chin. Instead, pull it in.

Romanian deadlift

Pumps up the extensor muscles of the back, buttocks and back of the thigh.

The Romanian deadlift differs from the classic deadlift in that you bend your knees minimally and at the lowest point you do not place the barbell on the floor, but bring it to the middle of your shin. The back remains straight throughout the entire exercise.

Leg abduction in crossover

An effective exercise for pumping up the buttocks.

Turn your face to the exercise machine, put a special belt on your leg and attach it to the lower block. Take your leg back and return it back.

Try something new

You've probably tested yourself in just a couple of sports or workouts (some didn't even go beyond one). How do you like the idea of ​​trying something new? Think about what you've always dreamed of doing and finally allow yourself to do it.

Did you imagine as a child how you would become a figure skater? Then you're off to the skating rink. Have you dreamed of playing football? Well, buy a ball and start playing today. Didn't have time to make a career as a dancer in your youth? Who's stopping you from dancing now? Experiment - this will make life more interesting, and your physical fitness will always be at its best!

Get physically stronger

An increase in muscle strength makes any woman much less dependent on outside help in the most ordinary everyday situations. There is no need to move furniture - the new features will be useful for daily homework. According to various estimates, even moderate strength training can increase muscle strength in women by 30-50 percent

Myths about strength training

This type of activity is still considered a purely male occupation. This is due to persistent myths. Find out why you shouldn't trust them.

Do muscle coordination and synchronization exercises

As we have already said, with age, the conductivity of nerve impulses deteriorates, which is why coordination of movements is impaired, and muscles react less well to incoming signals from the brain. To negate such changes, train your vestibular system and work on synchronizing muscles of different groups.

Any exercises where you need to balance on an uneven surface, crawl, climb or jump will help with this (a trampoline, walking on a plank, a climbing wall, a rope course, dancing will suit you). In addition, perform different movements with your legs and arms at the same time, or do one movement with one hand and another with the other (same with legs). When you get the hang of it, you can complicate the set by involving your shoulders, neck, head, and body in the movements. Your task is to ensure that the brain effectively sends commands to different muscle groups, and they can catch and execute them in time.

Monitor your heart rate and overall health

In order to avoid overload, you need to monitor your heart rate during training. This can be done using a heart rate monitor (they are built into most modern fitness bracelets). However, even if you don’t have a measuring device at hand, rely on your feelings.

If you can’t speak after stopping, speak intermittently, feel short of breath, it means your pulse has accelerated too much, it’s time to pause and wait for your breathing to normalize. Try to train in the heart rate zone in which you are comfortable. Not everyone can withstand intense exercise, so don't torture yourself beyond measure.

Rely only on your feelings, and not on who is training next to you. Your task is not to show the best result among others, but to achieve improvements in your specific case. Therefore, go towards your goals systematically, without unnecessary haste and records.

If you feel tired - take a rest, your eyes are darkening or you feel dizzy - perhaps the load is too high, or your blood sugar level has decreased (hypoglycemia), your joints hurt - change the exercises, reduce the load, consult with a trainer about the technique of doing the exercises or get advice with a doctor.

Improved well-being during and after training can be achieved with the help of proper balanced nutrition. Sometimes joint and muscle problems occur as a result of a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet. With increased physical activity, these problems immediately made themselves felt. Contact a specialist who understands nutrition. There may well be such a person in the fitness club.

And if you want to learn all the intricacies of sports nutrition yourself, you can take training in this area at the Wellness Consulting Academy. Our course “Dietetics in Fitness and Sports” will teach you the nuances of creating a menu taking into account your workouts.

First steps to perfection: training program

Sedentary work and minimal mobility during the day lead to muscle tissue significantly atrophying and losing elasticity.

Such factors lead to weight gain and the formation of excess fat deposits, which negatively affects not only the figure, but also the general health and functioning of internal organs.

It will not be possible to quickly restore all the properties of the muscles necessary for further body plastic surgery without surgical intervention; to do this, you need to start from the first steps:

  • work on simulators and with equipment for general development of the muscular frame;
  • reducing the level of injuries and proper distribution of efforts of any type;
  • development together with an instructor of a complex for implementation in the gym or at home.

Girls can easily reproduce proper strength exercises at home on their own after several sessions in the gym.

It is important to maintain a regular training regimen and ensure proper and effective load distribution, combining fitness, aerobics and crossfit to enhance the visual and practical effect. This will ensure that you perform training that is guaranteed to recruit the maximum number of muscles and help you achieve your goal.

The most effective exercises for burning fat

The more muscles and joints an exercise involves, the more effective it is for weight loss. Thus, the body spends more energy than when isolating one muscle. Exercises should be performed with free weight: barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells.

The more the body needs to maintain balance and overall tone, the more calories are burned. Such exercises can use additional equipment - fitball, medicine ball, bossa. All exercises should be performed as many times as possible, from 20 to 30 repetitions per set.

Basic and isolation exercises

  • twisting at an angle;
  • lunges with weights, wide deep steps with weights (can be made more difficult by connecting steps in a chain);
  • extension, bending of legs;
  • push ups;
  • weighted arm raises;
  • leg lift;
  • hyperextension;
  • barbell squats;
  • push-ups on the legs or knees;
  • squats, plie squats, on one leg;
  • run;
  • exercises on an exercise bike, ellipse;
  • jumping using a skipping rope;
  • swimming;
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • pull-ups;
  • block thrust;
  • barbell bench press;
  • deadlift, Romanian;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hyperextension.

Anatomy of loads: why a woman needs them

The synergistic action of muscle tissue unites the muscles in the process of movement, ensuring the interaction of the abs and back, hips and buttocks.

This relationship allows you to include in one lesson several movements necessary to strengthen the program and gradually increase its intensity.

That is why it is necessary for girls to practice such strength exercises in the gym, which will help bring their figure closer to the ideal and acquire attractive shapes:

  • full, side and reverse planks with variable execution, carried out under the supervision of a trainer;
  • climber and lifting the pelvis with force on one leg, to engage the buttocks and pelvic joints in training.

Weight loads allow you to involve different muscle groups in the work process and work out each muscle in a comprehensive manner.

This approach will provide the opportunity to control body parameters and shape it through efforts and stress, which are important for the overall health and well-being of every woman.

Working on yourself will bring psychological pleasure and will allow you to increase your level of endurance, providing mobility and the opportunity to strengthen the general condition of the body and immunity.

Women's motivation

As I wrote above, the beauty of a girl is a sign of her success under the conditions of natural selection. This speaks about her health, her ability to give birth to healthy offspring, as well as her adaptability to environmental conditions.

It's no wonder that all girls want to be beautiful. No matter what anyone tells you, every girl dreams of a sexy body and attention from men.

Women's motivation is an amazing thing. She is able to help them endure colossal loads, but, like any human body, girls are also susceptible to laziness, because... the brain tries to minimize energy expenditure. But physical, muscular activity requires a lot of it, and is not beneficial to the body.

This is where this strange paradox comes from. Girls want to be beautiful, but, in most cases, they do the wrong thing. They spend hours twirling hula hoops, kicking their legs in all directions with bandages on their foreheads, going to step classes, oxy-size classes and other ineffective activities.

At the same time, their appearance remains unchanged for years and then, without losing a single gram of fat, they give up this useless activity. After all: “I tried, but apparently that’s just my constitution.”

What could be more logical: to get a beautiful body, you need to remove excess fat, and then, when you don’t look like a chocolate-covered candy, look at your problem areas and build up muscles in the right places.

All! But no. I want to be sexy, but I don’t want to strain my butt for this. And not only the fifth point. After all, you will have to control your nutrition, really train, and not think that you are training.

But girls are not always to blame. On every corner, as well as the entire Internet, various completely useless state-of-the-art products for instant weight loss and muscle building are flooded. And a person wants to believe that he will spend a minimum of energy and get the maximum result.

That’s why various belts, teas and coffees for weight loss, bracelets for “unreal” muscle pumping that allow you to eat everything and lose weight, meal replacements, etc. appear.

After all, it’s profitable! Manufacturers earn millions from their products. More precisely on human laziness. How much you give is how much you receive. I talked about this in my cool article: “How to get pumped in a week.”

Various myths about bodybuilding also add fuel to the fire. Photos of masculine women have flooded the World Wide Web. Girls are afraid of becoming like men and losing their main criterion for success - beauty.

As a result, it turns out that there is desire and motivation, but the path to achieving the goal is completely crazy. There is no clear understanding of the correct, most effective training.

As a result, due to the lack of results, motivation disappears, and girls give up their studies without any hope, because we do not like to invest energy in something that does not bring results. This applies to all areas of our lives.

Women's motivation comes from the desire to produce offspring more adapted to environmental conditions, and for this they need the best man, with excellent genes and good support resources, to ensure better survival for their child.

To get the best man, you need to have a highly competitive resource, which for women is their beauty. No need for illusions.

A man’s success can be measured by other indicators (for example, the amount of money in his account), but if a girl is not beautiful, then it will be very difficult for her to attract a worthy man.

The best sport for girls

With the guys everything is simple, as usual. But not many people know how a girl can become physically stronger. It is difficult for a woman to choose the right sport that will not harm her health and will only emphasize her natural beauty.

Here is a list of 10 activities that are best suited for the gentler sex. So, sports for girls:

  1. Crossfit.
  2. Yoga.
  3. Team sports (volleyball, football, basketball, handball and others).
  4. Athletics.
  5. Gymnastics.
  6. Tennis.
  7. Figure skating.
  8. Dancing.
  9. Cycling.
  10. Acrobatics.

They all have their own characteristics, but in any case they do not have a detrimental effect on women’s health, but only strengthen it and give excellent well-being.

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