Morning exercises for weight loss at home. For beginners, those over 40, 50. Video

Watch the video for a new set of weight loss that can be done by women over 40. By doing these exercises constantly and consistently, you will adjust your weight, strengthen your muscles, and develop joint mobility. This is a good workout for all major muscle groups. Exercise regularly - this is important. You perform classes sequentially, one exercise after another. The pause between exercises is 10 seconds. Having completed a full circle of classes, you rest from 1 minute to three. The minimum number of laps is two. For more prepared people - three, four circles. If for better weight loss or muscle strengthening you want to increase the load, then after a month or a month and a half of your regular exercise you will be able to use weights.

Exercise “Leg Raises”

The first exercise is aimed at working the muscles and losing weight on the front of the thigh. We repeat it 16 times. Hands back, toes towards you. You have to get off the floor. As we exhale, we raise our leg up, and as we inhale, we lower it. The second leg should be tense during the exercises.

Exercise “Leg Abduction”

The second exercise is aimed at working both the front surface of the thigh and the inner surface of the thigh.

Lifting our leg off the floor, we move it to the side as much as possible and inhale. We return the leg back - exhale. After finishing the exercise, we change legs and we repeat the same movement with the other leg.

Selection of methods

Before starting classes, the type of aging and appearance defects are determined. It wouldn’t hurt to at least roughly imagine the anatomy of the facial muscles. Consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist about the condition of your skin, muscle tone, and age-related changes that may not be visible in the mirror. Not every woman will dare to objectively evaluate herself.

Facebuilding is aerobics for the face after 40-50 years, which is indicated for deformational type of aging with symptoms of ptosis:

  • Maggio technique;
  • Dubinina;
  • Baglyk;
  • lymphatic drainage massage Asahi, Zogan.

As a result of the exercises, excess fat, swelling, and jowls will go away.

For the finely wrinkled type of aging, exercises are selected carefully so as not to aggravate facial wrinkles or thin out the weak subcutaneous fat layer, otherwise the thin face will become even more sagging. Gentle techniques are suitable: Kantieneti, Doplito, Runge, French gymnastics, Revitonics with an emphasis on relaxation, harmonization of muscle tone.

You can choose exercises from different gymnastics, create a complex with a combination of static and dynamic exercises, relaxation, massage techniques with a detailed description or explanation of movement, technique, impact, fixation points.

Exercise "Twisting"

Having completed the exercise for the legs, we move on to the abdominal muscles. For this we will use a regular tennis ball. When exercising for weight loss at home, instead of a ball, you can use an apple, orange, tangerine, or any other round-shaped object.

We get down on the floor and take tennis balls in our hands. Hands are suspended. The back is completely pressed to the floor. As you exhale, raise your body to the level of your shoulder blades, exhale-inhale, exhale-inhale. Hands do not fall to the floor during the exercise. We repeat the exercise 16 times, after which we perform a spring for 7 counts. As we descend, we take a deep breath and repeat as we exhale.

Age-related changes

The first expression wrinkles form early in areas with active facial expression: on the forehead, between the eyebrows, “crow’s feet” near the eyes. By the age of 40, regardless of facial expressions, they deepen following age-related changes in the skin: loss of tone, dryness (slow cell regeneration, decrease in elastin, collagen, loss of moisture).

Their actual depth does not change, a fold of skin simply forms around them. Under the influence of gravity, which pulls aging skin down, a clear contour of the face and the angle of youth are lost. At the same time, subcutaneous fat from the cheeks is displaced, forming jowls on a full face. The rings of Venus appear on the neck.

On a thin face, fat packets become thinner, leaving depressions, shadows, and voids in the tear trough and below the cheekbones. The face looks tired, haggard. Sagging of the upper cheeks accounts for 50% of visible aging. The nasolabial folds deepen, the corners of the eyes and mouth droop, the upper eyelid droops due to gravitational ptosis and changes in muscle tone.

The tone of the dilator muscles (levators) decreases, they atrophy and hang down. The tone of the depressors (squeezing the eyes and mouth, pulling the skin down) increases. The muscle, which is constantly in good shape, shortens, contracts, shrinks, tightening the skin to which it is attached. A fold that cannot be straightened is gathered.

This is how vertical, turkey-like cords are formed on the neck, and deep mimic creases on the face. Gradually, degradation of the skull bones occurs, displacement of the jaws due to spasm of the masticatory muscles, malocclusion, loss, and abrasion of teeth. This contributes to aging.

For example, the orbicularis oculi muscle, drying out, wrinkles the lower eyelid, the eyes sink, and the upper eyelid and eyebrow droop. With edema, bags appear under the eyes. When muscle fibers separate, mucous sacs are squeezed out. With age, hernias increase in size, fueled by lymph or swelling.

The reason for the formation of nasolabial folds is muscle hypertonicity or hypotonicity. Facial expression occurs due to spasm of the muscles that lift the upper lip and wing of the nose or hypertonicity of the cheek and zygomatic muscles. Or a spasm of both. A ptotic nasolabial fold is formed due to hypotonicity of the cheek and zygomatic muscles.

Stretching a flabby or pumping up a spasmodic muscle will deepen the nasolabial furrow. Therefore, you cannot do exercises indiscriminately, because there are no universal methods.

Exercise “Oblique twists”

Next we move on to our abdominal muscles. To do this, place one leg on the other. The ball is in the opposite direction of the bent leg. We lower our hands behind our heads. As we exhale, we stretch the ball and place it in our palm, and while inhaling we take the starting position. As you exhale, we pick up the ball, and as you inhale, we return back. Having completed the exercise, we change both the leg and the arm and proceed to perform the exercise on the other side.

Exercise “Lying Leg Straightening”

Let's move on to exercises for the lower abdominal muscles. In order to level out the deflection of the spine in the lumbar region, we cross our legs and place our hands under the buttocks. We remove the lumbar deflection, then bend the legs at the knees. We lower the straight leg down, inhale, and return - exhale. Legs change alternately

Exercise “Horse Raises”

Having finished with the abdominal muscles, we begin training the back muscles. She also needs to be strengthened and she also needs to lose weight. To do this, change the starting position and roll over onto your stomach. In our further exercises we will again use a tennis ball. Place the ball in your hands, bend your elbows, keep your back tense. As you exhale, straighten your arms forward and pass the ball from one hand to the other, while inhaling we lower ourselves. While doing the exercises, your nose is pointing directly at the mat. We do not raise our heads, do not strain our neck muscles, our arms are fully straightened.

An exercise to strengthen the back muscles - also performed with a tennis ball. Again, take the tennis ball in one hand, arms along the body. As we exhale, tensing our torso, we join our hands and pass the ball from one hand to the other. As we inhale, we lower ourselves and pass the ball behind our back, thus making a full circle. After you have completed this gymnastic exercise in one direction, the direction of movement changes.

Regularity, neatness, routine: what is essential for morning exercises?

In order for morning exercises to bring maximum benefits for weight loss, the exercises must be performed in strict accordance with the rules prescribed by specialists.

  • Regularity: if you miss even a day, fitness professionals say, the body has time to wean itself off the gymnastic movements; daily routine is one of the keys to success in the difficult task of losing weight.
  • Accuracy: morning exercises that help you lose weight should not be too difficult to perform for the person doing it, because its goal is not to build a mountain of muscles, but to burn extra calories. Typically, charging lasts no more than 20-30 minutes.
  • Mode: under no circumstances should you have breakfast before charging! If you first devote time to eating, and only then start trying to train the body to lose weight, the desired effect will not be achieved.

Important detail! Morning exercises suggest that rest between exercises performed within its framework should take no longer than 1 minute.

Otherwise, calories will be burned more slowly than necessary for weight loss, and you should no longer expect the desired result.

Exercise “Leg Raises”

Having finished the exercise, move on to the next one. We put our hands forward, we put our head on our hands, we bend one leg at the knee, the other is stretched, tense and torn off the floor. As you exhale, without turning your body, lift your leg up as much as possible, exhale. As you inhale, lower it. We perform the spring 4 times on each side.

Exercise “Bent Leg Raises”

Exercise for the muscles of the buttocks. We move to the starting position while standing, pressing the ball with our foot. As you exhale, raise the bent leg as high as possible, and while inhaling, lower it. After completing the exercises, perform the spring again. In addition to the fact that the gluteal muscle is involved in the work, when performing this movement, the delta of the thigh surface is also activated.

Women over 40: if you want to lose weight effectively, then you need to do stretching exercises. This will give additional trophism to the muscles, stretch them and prepare them for a new range of exercises. Having bent over, we move our head back, relax and remain in this position. counting to myself to ten. When performing exercises, be sure to monitor your breathing. Next, over the shoulder, we direct our gaze to the heels. In this way, we stretch the side surface of the body, count to 10. We turn our gaze to the other heel, again count to 10. We lower ourselves onto the heels and stretch the muscles of the back surface of the body. Breathing must remain free, we are recovering. You have completed the first round of exercises. Then a second one awaits you, and for some, 3 or 4.

The endless benefits of fitness

Don't put off starting classes for too long. Since time flows inexorably like a deep river, a delay due to various circumstances may drag on and not lead to positive results. If by the age of 30 you have not created additional stress on the body, then muscle tissue is reduced by an average of 450 grams annually. While fitness classes for women after 40 years of age are a powerful protection and guarantee of health over the next years. Strength training combined with running or tennis prevents osteoporosis and bone loss, thereby strengthening bones.

Fitness professional Douglas Brooks states that “if you don’t exercise, your muscle tissue will lose weight, even if you run a marathon every day.”

Systematic exercises that include the work of the main parts of the body, such as: legs, arms, shoulders, torso and buttocks, lead to strengthening of muscles, joints and ligaments. It is not so much the variety, but rather the frequency of repetitions that gives a noticeable effect for women after 40 years. It is worth noting that body members should begin to tire between 8 and 15 repetitions. For tangible results, it is advisable to use balls, jumping ropes, and dumbbells. By changing them periodically, you use different muscle groups that directly affect the internal organs.

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