Exercises for elastic buttocks: workouts for home and gym

Few can resist a firm and rounded female butt. Hence the desire for ladies to make their buttocks exactly like this. It must be said that the shape of the buttocks cannot be changed, but it is possible to improve it and make it more attractive. For this, of course, you will have to work hard. First, decide what goal you are pursuing: removing excess fat, pumping up your buttocks, tightening sagging skin, or solving all these problems at the same time. Let's look at how to make your buttocks round and firm, and what you need for this.

Is it possible to make your butt firm and toned?

Of course, it is possible to pump up, increase or improve the shape of the gluteal muscles. It all depends on what result you want to get. It is the elasticity of the buttocks that implies muscle tone, not their shape, not the thickness and volume of muscle fibers. Every girl’s butt can be elastic; this requires regular physical activity. Atrophied, weak muscles will occur if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Even if you get the desired results from your workouts, but if you stop exercising, your muscles will lose their tone again, which means there will be no elasticity.

Another thing is the amount of fatty tissue that covers these muscles. A layer of fat can visually create the appearance of loose buttocks, although deep down the muscles will be quite elastic. Therefore, for the elasticity of the buttocks, it is important not only to strengthen the muscles, but also to reduce the percentage of fat in the body. The drier the body, the denser and more prominent the muscles look. We will talk about all these methods below.

Nutritional Features

Proper nutrition also plays a role in how to make your buttocks firm and toned. The enemies of a beautiful butt, which lead to fat deposits and cellulite, are the following foods:

  • flour products and sugar;
  • fatty food;
  • fast food, semi-finished products;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks.

If you manage to burn excess fat in the butt and thighs, you will emphasize the round and beautiful shape of your buttocks. Nutrition should be balanced, gentle, low-calorie, enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals. You can build your diet on the following products:

  • Healthy side dishes: various cereals, lentils, durum wheat pasta;
  • Lean types of meat and fish;
  • Fermented milk drinks with low fat content;
  • Raw vegetables, fruits and berries.

If you're working hard to get a big and firm butt, be sure to add plenty of protein to your diet. This way the muscles will grow more actively, and you will achieve their volume faster. Sources of proteins are lean meat and fish, cottage cheese, boiled eggs.

It is important not to overdo it with weight loss. Avoid strict starvation diets and sudden weight loss - this will lead to the fact that along with the extra pounds, the skin in problem areas will also sag.

Drink a lot of water - it helps you lose weight more effectively and safely, helps maintain skin elasticity, saturating it with moisture.

How to make your buttocks firmer

  • It is necessary to regularly perform physical exercises for the whole body, including the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Only through exercise, fitness or strength training can you achieve muscle strengthening. Massage, muscle stimulants, walking and cardio training will not give the same results as strength exercises.
  • You need to train 3 times a week, and you also need to provide your muscles with proper rest, leaving at least one day of rest between workouts.
  • Perform a set of exercises that is suitable for you or select a type of fitness that suits your indications and physical capabilities. For these purposes, for example, functional training or a body pump will be better than yoga, since both are aimed at increasing muscle tone.

Raising the pelvis

The so-called gluteal bridge remarkably lifts the buttocks. The severity level is mild. It is simple to implement, but extremely effective. In this case, the gluteus minimus muscle is used to a greater extent, as well as the muscles of the back, abdomen and thigh. To further target your gluteal muscles, perform this movement using a stability ball.

about 6 different types of gluteal bridges and their benefits here.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees, placed at shoulder level and moved as close to the buttocks as possible.
  3. Then the muscles tense and the torso rises parallel to the floor. You should stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

The exercise is performed 10 times in 3 approaches.

More details in the video:

A set of effective exercises for the gym and home


Squats are the most effective basic exercise for toning the buttocks and leg muscles. In the classic version, they are performed with a barbell on the shoulders, and are suitable for girls who do not have problems with the spine. If available, there are safer dumbbell and kettlebell options.

Smith machine lunges

Lunges are one of the most versatile exercises for strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, which can be performed in various variations. In the gym, it is important to perform lunges in a Smith machine, which reduces the load on the back and focuses it on the gluteal muscles due to the inclination of the guides. You can do classic lunges with dumbbells at home.

Hack squats

Another effective exercise machine for the elasticity of the gluteal muscles, which also reduces the load on the spine due to a certain inclination. The exercise can be performed in two versions: legs along the width of the pelvis and along the edges of the platform, that is, wide. The latter option puts more stress on the adductor muscles of the thigh, so you should not abuse this technique. It is better to alternate the placement of your feet. More about hack squats →

Leg press

This option is most suitable for those who suffer from varicose veins. Due to the fact that the legs are located higher than the body, blood flows out, and the pressure on the veins in this position does not increase. By positioning your legs correctly, you can also place more or less stress on your buttocks or thighs. When placing your feet on the top of the platform closer to the edge of the buttocks, they work better, because maximum stretching of the gluteal muscles occurs. Read more about the leg press →

Leg swings in the simulator

“Pendulum” or moving the leg back in the simulator works the buttocks in isolation and in the most concentrated way. When performing the exercise, it is important to stabilize the position of the torso so as not to sway or bend the lower back.


An excellent option for strengthening the muscles of the back of the body, especially the buttocks. And here, too, there is one nuance - the exercise machine must be inclined, that is, the hips in it must be at an angle, and not horizontal. The inclined position will provide the greatest stretch of the buttocks and biceps femoris muscles and, accordingly, will increase the load on them, and not on the lower back. Read more about hyperextension →

Romanian deadlift

The exercise can be performed with either a barbell or dumbbells. Perform the variation with bent knees. Thus, the buttocks are loaded more than the biceps femoris muscles. It is important to transfer your body weight not to your toes, but to your heels.

Gluteal Bridge

The exercise is performed both with additional weights, which are placed on the pelvic area, and with your own weight. It all depends on the preparation and the degree of muscle fatigue. For example, it can be placed at the end of a program to refine muscles. Read more about the gluteal bridge →

Plie squats

Wide foot placement at home can replace hack squats and leg presses. Remember that you should not overload the adductor surface of the thighs. It is best to alternate plies with classic squats.

At home, you can perform almost all the exercises that you can do in the gym, only using available equipment, for example, dumbbells, weights, elastic bands and expanders for squats, lunges, Romanian deadlifts and swings.


Lunges are the second most effective exercise for lifting the buttocks after squats. The degree of difficulty of the exercise depends on the technique of execution. So, with dumbbells and a barbell, training will be more effective. However, for beginners it is better to perform forward, backward and cross lunges without additional load.

About 7 different types of lunges and their effect on the buttocks, see here.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: legs at hip level, feet parallel to each other. The gaze is directed forward, the stomach is tense, the knees are slightly bent, the chest is in a wheel, the back is arched at the lower back.
  2. A big step forward is being taken. The center of gravity should shift to the leg. At the same time, the torso is straightened and a squat is performed on the leg extended forward.
  3. The movement should be performed until the back leg is 1 cm from the floor. Under no circumstances should the knee touch the surface, otherwise the exercise will lose effectiveness.
  4. Then you should return to the starting position. After this, the lunges are repeated alternating legs.

The exercise should be repeated 10 times in 3 approaches for each leg.

After watching the video it will become even clearer:
Important! Lunges with dumbbells will bring the greatest results. It is better if the shells are located along the body. This makes it easier to maintain balance.

Recommendations for training firm buttocks

  • If you want to train with your own weight without having additional equipment at home, perform as many repetitions as possible on each exercise, for example, 20-30 repetitions for 3-4 sets. Perform the exercises until the muscles begin to burn and fail, when the last repetitions become very difficult.
  • When working with additional equipment, select a weight at which the muscles will also not be able to perform more than the planned repetitions, namely 10-15. Rest no more than two minutes between sets. Perform 3-4 sets of each exercise.
  • To strengthen your buttocks, it is enough to perform 3-4 exercises in one workout; you should not perform all the exercises from the list at once. Alternate them.
  • Be sure to warm up your muscles well before training, and end each session with stretching to quickly restore your muscles and prevent them from overtraining.

Swing with the knee bent and the leg straightened

This is an easy exercise. In this case, the gluteus minimus muscle is involved, as well as the back, front, inner and outer surfaces of the thigh.

There are 4 effective types of swings for the hips and legs, we will look at one of them.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: rest on your knees and elbows. The lower back does not sag, the back is straight, the head is slightly lowered.
  2. The leg bent at the knee rises up and down.

Repeat 15 times. After this, the exercise is done for the other leg. Total – 3 approaches. For greater effectiveness, a pause of several seconds is made at the top point. Subsequently, to increase the load, perform swings with weights on your legs or use a tape expander.

More details in the video:
Important! It is recommended to perform the exercises in various variations so that all muscles are worked equally.

Torso bends

This is a common exercise. Included in any school curriculum. It's the simplest. But despite its simplicity, it is very useful. because it allows you to work out a whole complex of muscles. In addition to working the buttocks, it helps improve the flexibility of the spine. The flexibility of the popliteal joints also improves.

To perform the exercise effectively, you need to know the correct technique:

1. Stand straight. 2. Feet shoulder width apart. 3. Keep your back straight. 4. Do not strain your chest.

When bending, do not arch your back. If it is difficult to touch the floor with your hands, you can slightly bend your knees. Over time, it will become easier and easier to reach the floor with your hands.

Perform this exercise in 2-3 approaches. In one approach, up to 10 bends are done. To improve the effect, when performing forward bends, you can take an empty barbell or dumbbell in your hands.

Oh, that cellulite!

“Orange peel” is an exclusively female problem; men do not suffer from it. Mother Nature made sure that a woman could carry a baby even in the most severe conditions. What causes cellulite?

  • unhealthy diet
  • passive lifestyle,
  • bad habits.

This is what gives impetus to the emergence of “citrus”. It turns out that the first thing that will bring you closer to victory is giving up fatty, spicy and starchy foods, giving up smoking and alcohol, and increasing physical activity. It's simple, you don't need to invent a wheel here.

There are a number of procedures that will help you get rid of harmful cellulite. First of all, I would like to mention the bathhouse and sauna. The effect after a course of hiking is visible, but only because the excess fluid has left the body. Clay wraps help, make the buttocks smooth, so if you are struggling, then you should do this procedure at least at home. The most effective remedy for combating “orange”, which women themselves highlight, is honey massage. It needs to be carried out in a course. You can make an appointment with a specialist or massage yourself. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite painful, but effective. In addition to this, you need to make it a rule to do a contrast shower with rubbing with a scrub or a hard washcloth. This way you will disperse the blood, there will be no stagnation.

So, here's how you can deal with cellulite:

  • The basis of your diet should be vegetables and fruits;
  • It’s worth signing up for fitness, if this is not possible, you need to walk as much as possible - refuse the elevator, get off one stop earlier, walk 15-20 minutes before going to bed;
  • Drink alcohol as rarely as possible; you should avoid nicotine altogether;
  • make wraps with clay;
  • sign up for a honey massage;
  • Have a contrast shower with rubbing every day.

Problem: excess vegetation

Doctors do not recommend removing vegetation in this delicate area yourself using wax, much less a razor or depilatory cream. You can get a whole bunch of troubles - from irritation to infection. It is best to undergo a professional procedure in a salon, which will be quick and almost painless.

Expert opinion

— We offer laser hair removal procedure using the Milesman device. This is one of the safest and most effective methods of hair removal. The laser produces a decent amount of energy, which causes the pigment to heat up and break down, which destroys the entire bulb. This modern device is equipped with an excellent cooling system, so in the hands of a competent cosmetologist the risk of injury or discomfort is minimal.

Maria Tatarintseva , dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist at the TORI cosmetology center

Problem: stretch marks

Essentially, a stretch mark is a crack in the inner layer of skin, which the body has overgrown with connective tissue. The appearance of stretch marks is influenced by a lack of moisture and nutrients, hormonal surges, sudden weight changes, lack of protein in the body and non-compliance with the drinking regime.

It is impossible to eliminate this problem completely, once it has appeared. But it can be well disguised or its development can be prevented.

Home care

For home care, choose creams, serums and oils that strengthen the skin, charge it with vitamins, even out the texture, make it firm and elastic. Such products should contain plant extracts, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, peptides, oils, algae, and antioxidants.

SOS body cream from Nivea

Price: from 480 rub.

Face and body oil from BIO-Oil

Price: from 429 rub.

For self-care against stretch marks, CLARINS cream for daily use and Weleda with essential oils, which you can find in the RIVE GAUCHE store, are also suitable.

Cream against stretch marks CLARINS​

Price: from 3760 rub. Order:

Weleda Anti-Stretch Mark Oil

Price: from 1665 rub. Order:

Salon methods

Salon treatments do not completely remove stretch marks, but they help even out the skin. This task is well accomplished by, for example, laser resurfacing, Fraxel, microdermabrasion, and chemical peeling. It would also be a good idea to undergo a course of mesotherapy and biorevitalization injections - they will help strengthen the skin and nourish it with moisture from the inside.

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