What is Taibo and is this mixture of aerobics and martial arts suitable for women + photos of training results

Greetings to all connoisseurs of health, physical development and adherents of an active lifestyle. Today I will tell you about an exclusively female type of training that will allow you to achieve any goals, no matter how ambitious they are.

Taibo for women is the Holy Grail in building a perfect figure, and it is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, this is one of the most functional and vital types of fitness existing today. So, everything about taibo from A to Z.

What it is

There are many types of aerobics and fitness, which include elements of other sports. Crossing fitness and dance styles is especially popular: such hybrids provide invigorating and exciting workouts. There is also a type of training that combines elements of aerobics, gymnastics and several martial arts. Tae Bo is a direction that transfers the philosophy of martial arts into fitness.

Such an unusual tandem allows not only to ensure almost record-breaking fat burning (in terms of speed and calorie expenditure), but also harmoniously develops the muscles of the whole body. Taibo is also an excellent type of “soft martial arts”, where fighting techniques are practiced more like choreographic elements. Despite this, taibo has been proven to be great for improving self-defense skills for women - a very useful bonus for building an ideal body.

I would like to note that this is an incredibly complex and intense type of training. Only those women who already have experience in fitness or other sports will be able to fully train without prior preparation.

This does not mean that access to taibo is closed for beginners. In all sections there are initial groups where women without any preparation can easily get involved in taibo, master the basic elements, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat. As a rule, for beginners this is the first stage, leading to subsequent hardcore training at full strength, where there are no concessions for either women or men.

I want to immediately draw a line between taibo as a form of fitness for women and Thai boxing. Despite the similar name and the presence of many striking techniques from Muay Thai, Taibo cannot be called a martial art. It is more of a type of “combat choreography”, like capoeira, for example, where there is no direct contact with the opponent even during sparring.

A Brief History of Taibo

Taibo as a fitness technique primarily for women was created by Billy Blanks, a famous actor and professional athlete with an impressive number of awards. The program itself appeared in the 90s, although it gained worldwide popularity only in the 2010s. The reason for this was the popularization of functional types of fitness and aerobics, which are simultaneously suitable both for creating an ideal body and for developing endurance, strength, mobility and other abilities.

It is not entirely correct to call taibo exclusively training for women; more precisely, the technique was originally created for men as well. But most often, men choose not fitness with elements of martial arts, but the martial arts themselves, that is, Thai boxing, karate, taekwondo and others. But for women, the lack of direct contact has become a huge advantage. Taibo appeals to both those who want to improve their striking techniques and those who want to lose weight and tone their muscles.

History of origin of tae bo

Billy Blanks
The Tai Bo technique was developed in the late eighties of the last century by Billy Blanks, a seven-time martial arts champion. As is usually the case with the creators of the best fitness methods, Billy was weak as a child, or rather, he was born with an abnormality in the hip joint. The guy began his sports career only at the age of eleven, but quickly caught up with his peers and won many awards, among them: five black belts in various martial arts, victory in seven world karate championships. In the eighties, Blanks worked in Hollywood as an actor and fight director. In 1989, he opened his own sports center, where he taught his new development - tai bo. Soon the number of fans went beyond America thanks to Blanks' video training, and his brainchild was adopted by most fitness clubs around the world.

The essence and meaning of training

If you have ever seen the physical training of professional MMA fighters, then taibo will not be something new and unknown to you. All classes are conducted in a similar mode, although the group training format leaves its mark. First of all, this manifests itself in more gentle loads and a slower pace. Women do not need to train their endurance in the same way as men do in the ring. In addition, nature initially endowed them with much greater endurance than men.

The peculiarity of taibo is the intensity of training. Most of the exercises are performed in series, which can be combined into entire complexes. They combine both percussive elements and gymnastic and aerobic movements. Taibo also includes strength exercises, although they are in the minority. They are adapted to completely different conditions: they are performed at a faster pace, often have an explosive nature and minimal rest between approaches. Mainly used to fill long gymnastic or percussion series.

Visually, taibo is very similar to other types of aerobics for women. The focus is on the instructor, who sets the pace and demonstrates the movements. The rest of the athletes duplicate them to rhythmic music.

Tai Bo in fitness – what is it?

Tae bo (tae bo) is a type of aerobics, which is based on the fighting elements of Thai boxing, taekwondo, boxing, karate in combination with basic aerobics steps collected in bundles. As in classical aerobics, tai bo is learned from simple elements to more complex ones, which during the lesson are assembled into a bunch of movements performed to rhythmic music.

A Tai Bo class is divided into main parts: warm-up, aerobic part, strength part and cool-down.

  1. Warm-up is a mandatory part, which includes both basic aerobics steps and stretching exercises.
  2. In the main part of Tai Bo aerobics, elements are learned that are gradually combined into a whole block and repeated continuously at an intense pace. At this stage, the process of fat burning occurs, since the load at this moment is aerobic.
  3. The strength part of tai bo uses additional equipment: body bars, dumbbells, balls or your own body weight. This block is reserved for working out individual muscle groups. The strength part is given from 10 to 15 minutes, in which the exercises are performed repeatedly with rest between each new option.
  4. At the end of the lesson, 5-7 minutes are devoted to stretching the muscles and normalizing breathing.

What muscles work

Without exaggeration, I can say that if after training a woman does not feel tired in some muscle group, then either the technique was violated, or the class was taught by an inexperienced trainer. One of the most important advantages of taibo is the evenly distributed load on all muscles.

Firstly, this allows you to improve blood circulation (which in itself prevents many diseases and strengthens the cardiovascular system), and secondly, it avoids excessive muscle acidification (which leads to the destruction of fibers and the lack of visible progress). The latter often happens in the gym when a muscle group receives more stress than it should.

There are no such disadvantages in Taibo, and even strength athletes with large muscle mass can practice Taibo without losing their volume. Moreover, this type of “combat gymnastics” allows you to use a number of muscles that are almost not included in the work in a fitness room. We are talking about deep muscles, stabilizer muscles and others.

I also want to add about an important advantage of taibo - sufficient load on the back muscles. As practice shows, women in the gym do not work this muscle group enough, even if they have training experience. In taibo, most of the movements involve the back muscles, which not only improves posture and strengthens muscles, but is also ideal for the prevention of intervertebral hernias and protrusions.

What you need to practice tai bo

Tai bo, like any active training system, requires freedom of movement and good grip on the floor.

Clothes for tai bo should be loose, providing freedom to all joints when performing combat elements, especially with the legs. Also, the material of clothing should not contribute to unnecessary overheating of the body, so choose sportswear made from artificial materials that can allow air to pass through and remove moisture.

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If you want to additionally work out all muscle groups that are not sufficiently loaded in the aerobic part, you can purchase dumbbells or cuffs for the arms and legs to perform strength exercises with additional weights. You can also use water bottles, expanders, elastic bands and other improvised means for your home, and you can also create an exercise plan with your own weight, then you won’t have to spend extra money.


There are some misconceptions and confusion regarding the types of taibo that I want to clear up. The truth is that there are no types of taibo. Taibo is a ready-made and long-formed technique, equally suitable for women and men. Naturally, there is no strict sequence of exercises, established strict frameworks and rules. As a result, many coaches bring something of their own to taibo, but they take elements for this from the general arsenal:

  • Gymnastics.
  • Dance aerobics.
  • Thai boxing.
  • Kickboxing.
  • Taekwondo.
  • Karate.

Energy and bonus from martial arts

In terms of the energy that reigns on the court, Tai Bo cannot be compared with any other type of intensive training. Of course, in a dance class, in a step dance class, or in a cycling class, we all experience a certain rise in emotions, but only this type of fitness can give an outlet to all the negative energy, while you are charged with positivity from the instructor and other students. If, for example, it is better to be alone in yoga or Pilates, then Tai-Bo is a group program. A special atmosphere is created by specific rhythmic music and various combat paraphernalia in the form of gloves and punching bags.

It should also be noted that Tai-Bo will also allow you to acquire certain self-defense skills. Of course, no one promises you a black belt, but you will definitely be able to fight back. In some cases, training may include interaction between students.

Indications and contraindications

The list of indications and contraindications for taibo is not very different from other types of aerobics. That is, if fitness, aerobics and other similar types of exercise suit you, then taibo will most likely be available. If we highlight the main indications for classes for women, I will note:

  • Weight correction.
  • Improved muscle tone and increased lean mass.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Improving posture and strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  • Treatment of depression, insomnia and any other disorders.
  • Increased endurance.
  • Prevention of a number of diseases.
  • Development of coordination, reaction speed and balance.
  • Improving self-defense skills.

Regarding the last point, I note that although taibo is a peaceful sport and does not contain a contact element, practicing striking techniques is still one of its main points. Therefore, it combines not only medical, but also everyday benefits for women - the use of training experience.

Contraindications include:

  • Any chronic diseases at the acute stage.
  • The period of breastfeeding or pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Excess weight (at least 40% excess body fat) and poor physical fitness.
  • Scoliosis.

In the case of the last two points, there is no direct ban on training, but you should only practice taibo after consulting a doctor. It is also not advisable for women to exercise during the first trimester of pregnancy.

The effectiveness of combat fitness

You will begin to feel the beneficial effects of combat fitness classes after three to four weeks of regular training. Of course, much will depend on your individual characteristics and perseverance. But you will definitely feel many of the following positive results:

– increased flexibility, mobility and strength of joints;

– improved posture, which will give your movements a certain smoothness and grace; by stretching your spine, you may even “grow up”;

– a sense of self-confidence and inner peace;

– increasing efficiency in the work of internal organs;

– improvement of general well-being, since exercise, improving oxygen metabolism, accelerates the release of endorphins (“hormones of happiness”);

– strengthening the functioning of the immune system, which will lead to stable resistance to many diseases;

– improvement of skin and hair condition.

Benefits and harms

Let's look at the main pros and cons of taibo and why this type of aerobics is considered one of the best for women. It provides almost the highest possible intensity among all types of fitness and aerobics. That is, taibo classes are as intense as possible, which allows you to spend a huge amount of calories and stimulate a hormonal response (the main factor for muscle growth and fat burning during the rest period), and this is important not only for men, but also for women.

If we highlight the main advantages, then I will note:

  1. Maximum productivity in building an athletic body (taking into account fat burning and muscle building).
  2. You will never gain excess volume (the main horror story about strength training for many women).
  3. The heaviest load falls on the muscles of the back, legs and abs. It improves the waist, posture and overall aesthetics of any woman's figure.
  4. Fun workouts.
  5. Pronounced effect on the immune system.
  6. Train for explosive speed, coordination and balance.
  7. No compression effect on the spine.

I also want to note an important advantage of taibo - the so-called benefit for the face, which will always be intact, unlike martial arts. You can practice taibo without fear of injury: all techniques are practiced in the “shadow boxing” mode, that is, without sparring as such.

Benefits for the shoulder girdle

An important advantage of taibo is its high efficiency in developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle. In this type of training, the shoulders and arms work much more than in fitness. This is extremely important considering that many athletes do not train their back enough. I want to remind women: you can and should train your shoulders. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to narrow your waist and make your figure more toned and proportional.

Benefits for the torso

A huge number of movements in taibo are performed involving the muscles of the chest, abdomen and back. An even load on these muscle groups allows you to avoid an imbalance in muscle development and a number of unpleasant consequences (for example, worsening posture if a woman works her pectoral muscles more than her back). In taibo, all movements are complex, that is, they involve several muscle groups at once.

Benefits for the waist

The waist plays a vital role for women, and in this regard, taibo can provide no less benefits than fitness. During training, the oblique abdominal muscles work especially well, which make the sides more toned. Moreover, in taibo there is no risk for women to increase their waist size, which can be easily achieved in a regular gym by doing “wrong exercises”, such as bending the body with dumbbells.

Benefits for the hips

The benefits of Thaibo for your feet are incredible. During training, the lower body is involved in work in almost all series and exercises, so a woman will be one of the first to notice progress on her hips. Also, an abundance of plyometric, strength and gymnastic exercises help to quickly eliminate fat on the legs in women and improve muscle tone.


Not so long ago, programs similar to those presented in this book were considered an elite type of training, a closed system accessible to a few. But combat fitness could not remain in the shadows for long, since in essence these programs are mass programs that are suitable for most people. Combat fitness will help you globally change yourself and your body. By regularly practicing our method, you will return harmony and balance to your body. Your body will begin to move as it was programmed by nature. A strong, trained body and relaxed movements will ensure that not only your musculoskeletal, but also your cardiovascular and lymphatic systems work effectively. Your psyche, under the influence of combat training, will be able to actively resist stress. But it’s no secret that stress means excess weight, early aging, wear and tear of the body, and a whole bunch of diseases. A skeptical reader may ask: “What is so special about this training system?” The answer is quite simple: combat fitness as a system for managing your body and psyche leaves nothing unattended. By learning to listen to and manage your body, developing coordination between body and mind, you will gain the ability to manage your body as a whole. Combat fitness is valuable because it allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the body - not a single part of the body is left without attention. This is a complete and harmonious method of physical training. All exercises and techniques complement each other and provide your body with strength, agility and balance.

How to practice at home correctly

If you have chosen the “home path” and decided to practice taibo at home, then you need to approach your training with the utmost seriousness. I want to assure you that if you do the same amount of work at home as you do in the gym, the benefits will be the same. Women need to eliminate all shortcomings that can reduce the effectiveness of training. This is distraction from normal everyday activities, poor discipline, long rest, etc. Let's take a closer look at the basic rules of training.

Necessary inventory and equipment

I divide the equipment for women into “minimum” and “maximum” programs. The first category includes regular clothing (shorts, sneakers and a T-shirt). You don't need anything else to practice taibo. This is how they conduct training for girls in 95% of all clubs where there is taibo, and I can assure you that working with your own body will be enough. However, for women who want to get the most out of this type of aerobics, I advise you to add cycles with strength exercises. In this case, you will need a “maximum taibo program”; for women it includes:

  • Dumbbells or weights for arms and legs (maximum 1-2 kg, no more).
  • Two rubber bands with low tension force.
  • Training pole with soft handles (usually 60-70 cm in length).

I also want to deliberately warn against unnecessary spending, which women often do due to existing stereotypes. You don't need any gloves for taibo. You will neither work with heavy weights, which can damage the skin of your palms, nor hit a punching bag, so this element of equipment in taibo is 100% superfluous.

Nutrition and supplements during exercise

When practicing taibo, following a strict diet for women is optional. Working out burns a huge amount of calories, so it’s enough just to eat right and not overeat. But, if you want to speed up the result, you can reduce the caloric content of your diet, especially through fatty foods and fast carbohydrates. Remember that taibo requires energy, so you should not strictly limit your diet. This will impair performance and reduce the rate of weight loss for women.

Protein should be given first place among supplements in order to fully replenish the increased need for protein during weight loss. BCAA will help to protect muscles, but only before or during training. The rest of the time they will be almost useless for the taibo. I also recommend that women take vitamin-mineral complexes and Omega-3 fats (in courses one month after another).

Where to start first

I advise you to start by familiarizing yourself with all the exercises. You must not only know how to perform them correctly, but also do them technically correctly. This applies not only to the striking part, but also to aerobics, gymnastics and strength movements in taibo. After that, it’s just practice, practice and more practice.

Number and duration of training

It is optimal to do 3 workouts per week. This is a standard in taibo that is great for women. This schedule allows you to quickly burn fat, build aesthetic muscles and not overtrain. If you can’t do 3 workouts a week, you can limit yourself to two sessions. This is especially true for women who have a lot of household chores.

What time to train

I usually recommend that women practice tai bo during their peak hours of physical activity, that is, 3 hours after waking up and 5 hours before bedtime. For those women who train at home, I recommend training at any time when you can devote 45-60 minutes to training. It is very important not to stop studying and not to be distracted.

Techniques for performing various elements of martial arts

As practice shows, the main difficulties for women in taibo are the striking elements. Unlike regular gymnastics exercises, they cannot be learned from pictures. Therefore, we will consider all the techniques that are used in taibo.

Initial stance

The classic taibo stance is the boxing stance. The body is slightly turned, the pelvis, arm and leg protrude forward. That is, a woman should not stand straight, but with her body slightly turned to the side. The legs are also not in line.

In taibo, a woman needs to be guided by her leading hand. Right-handed people should stand with their right hand slightly behind them. Lefties are the opposite.

Left hand straight punch

The “straight left” for a right-handed person is carried out with the front hand (which is in front and slightly higher than the level of the right). The movement is accomplished by straightening the elbow and throwing the fist forward. The blow is accompanied by a step forward of the left leg. It is worth remembering that the blow must be performed at the level of the chin, not lower or higher.

Right hand straight punch

The technique is performed by extending the elbow joint of the right hand. Depending on the stance (left-handed or right-handed), the striking technique will differ. For right-handed women, the movement of the right hand will be accompanied by a slight turn of the body and leg, with support and rotation on the toe. For a left-handed stance - with a step forward.

Left hand side kick

The blow is performed in an arc, at shoulder level. Unlike a straight punch, the elbow hardly straightens (maintaining an almost 90° bend). The movement is carried out through the shoulder joint, the work of the elbow is minimal. The return of the hand, in contrast to the main first phase of the movement, occurs in the same way as with direct strikes. The leg movements are identical.

Right hand side kick

The kick is performed with the right hand with the leg rotating on the toe and the body turning. Apart from the blow in an arc from the right, at shoulder level, the rest of the technical features are similar to direct blows.

Cross right

The technique is something between a side and a direct blow. It is performed with a sharp upward throw of the elbow (the elbow is above the level of the hand), but not in an arc, but along a straight path. Also, unlike a direct blow, the cross is performed slightly above the level of the chin, at the level of the nose.

Leaving bias to the left

It is performed in the form of a “dive” to the side, simulating dodging a blow. The center of gravity is transferred to the left leg, the right one performs a rotational movement on the toe. At the moment of incline, the hands are pressed closer to the body, fists at chin level. Along with the transfer of the center of gravity, the body turns and tilts in the direction of the slope.

Care bias to the right

Performed in the same way as a left slope. There are no changes in the front stance; in the side stance, everything depends on the position. I would like to remind you that if you are not working in a front stance (which is very rare), all techniques are mirrored.


Taibo kicking is great not only for losing weight and improving muscle tone, but also for developing coordination and balance. A nice bonus for women is that when holding the body on one leg while the other is in the air, the core muscles actively work and the abs are additionally loaded.

Right knee strike

The taibo movement is performed with the weight transferred to the left leg. The right leg bends at the knee and is thrown forward. Hands are in a classic stance.

Left knee strike

Mirror image of the move with the right knee. I would like to remind you that regardless of the position of the body, the knee should move strictly forward. Also, during the impact, you need to remember to have a straight back. For women, taibo allows you to raise your leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor, although the higher you can raise your knee, the better (as long as you don't break your technique).

Kick back

Performed from the starting stance. The striking leg is pulled back, striking in a straight line. At the same time, the body leans forward to maintain balance. It is important to always keep your back straight.

Kick forward

This technique is very similar to the knee strike in the first phase, but with the difference that the knee must extend during the movement. The movement is divided into two phases, like most leg techniques: raising the knee until the thigh is almost parallel to the floor, and extending the leg. Women often neglect technique, especially at the end of training, when fatigue increases. But the better your technique, the greater the impact will be both in terms of fat burning and muscle development, endurance, coordination, etc.

Kicks towards the ronda and side kicks

A side kick is performed by transferring the center of gravity to the supporting limb with the leg abducted to the sides. Try to keep your foot in a horizontal position, this will help maintain the correct position of the leg. The hand on the side of the supporting leg remains pressed to the body. The arm on the side of the striking leg is straightened forward to maintain balance. The body leans back, in the opposite direction from the movement of the leg.

Rond is performed in the same way as a side round, but the leg moves in an arc. These techniques are considered the most difficult for women.


Bundles of elements

If you watch Billy Blanks's training videos, you will immediately understand that in Tai Bo no technique is performed individually. Yes, there are quick series of similar movements, for example, alternating straight lines in a front stance, but this rarely happens. In most cases, taibo involves a series of strikes. Most often they are combined with striking techniques. For example, a combination of straight arms and bringing the knee forward. Or more complex combinations, alternating 3-5 techniques.

Gymnastic movements are also performed in series, but exercises of the same type are often combined.

Sample workout program at home

Let's look at an example of a ready-made program for women that will allow you to practice taibo both at home and in the gym.

For beginners

  • Warm up.
  • Alternate straight lines – 2 minutes.
  • Knee extension – 1 minute.
  • A combination of straight kicks and punches – 2 minutes.
  • Changing stance while jumping – 1 minute.
  • Side impacts – 1 minute.
  • Back strokes – 1 minute.
  • Lunges – 1 minute.
  • Burpee - one minute.
  • Static load (holding a position with wide legs in a stance) – 1 minute.
  • A bunch of techniques: knee, straight, back.

For advanced

  • Warm up – 5 minutes.
  • Jumping jack – 1 minute.
  • Knee strike – 1 minute.
  • Changing the stand (a series of side and front changes, one minute for each part).
  • Quick run in place – 30 seconds.
  • Side arms – 1 minute.
  • Kicks forward and to the sides - 1 minute.
  • Connection: cross, side kick, cross, straight leg kick – 1 minute.

Repeat the entire cycle. At the end, add abdominal exercises and stretching. Women with a high level of physical fitness can perform 3 cycles.

Self-control during combat fitness classes

An important factor determining the effectiveness of combat fitness classes is the intensity of physical activity, determined by heart rate. The zone of health-improving effects of physical activity corresponds to 60–80% of the maximum heart rate for each age. You can determine the maximum permissible load yourself by subtracting your age from 220.

To monitor the level of physical activity several times during an activity, you need to count your pulse for 10 seconds. This should be done at the beginning, at the end of the session and after the most intense exercises. Based on the data obtained, you can make adjustments to the content of classes or receive individual recommendations on increasing or decreasing the load. Well-being is an indicator of load tolerance. The appearance of a feeling of fatigue, expressed in a reluctance to perform normal work activities and sleep disturbance, is a signal to review the volume and intensity of workload.

Reviews and results

“Margot: Signed up for taibo at a local club. Some kind of ki bo be or something similar. Did not impress. Slowly, the exercises were stupid, in general, I left there. Then I downloaded Billy Banks’ training books and practice them at home. Nothing to do with what is in fitness clubs, much cooler and healthier. So if you are disappointed with taibo, it may well be the fault of an incompetent coach.”

“Zafira Ermolaeva: For the first time in my life I was able to lose 9 kg and also tighten my muscles well. I went with a friend, but in the end she hasn’t been going for a long time, but I’m studying. Taibo is the best that can be from different types of aerobics.”

Photos before and after

Nothing will speak about the effectiveness of taibo for women better than real photos. They demonstrate changes in your figure over a specific period, serve as an impressive motivator and allow you to evaluate the result you will get. I would like to remind you that the constitution of women may differ, so any results must be assessed taking into account the specific type.

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