Is 150 grams of carbohydrates a day too much or too little? Product examples

1500 calorie per day diet

is a meal plan you can try for weight loss. By eating fewer calories and exercising regularly, you can create a calorie deficit, which will help you lose weight.

While factors such as age, gender and activity level can cause caloric needs to vary, consuming 1,500 calories is less than what the average person needs. As a result, this diet may help some people lose weight.

What is a 1500 calorie diet?

Some studies suggest that the average woman can limit her daily caloric intake to 1,500 calories or less to lose 1 pound per week. The average man can consume up to 2,000 calories a day to lose the same amount of weight.

However, other studies show that there is a big difference between people in terms of weight loss using a calorie deficit. Therefore, the principles given should only serve as a rough estimate.

The number of calories needed per day is influenced by various factors, which include:

  • floor
  • height
  • weight
  • activity level
  • age

A one-size-fits-all weight loss method is unlikely to be equally effective for everyone, as each person has different calorie needs. Setting a goal of 1,500 calories per day may be too low for some people, making it unsustainable over a long period of time.


Chum salmon caviar granular31,613,7250
Breakout bream caviar24,64,9144
Pollock caviar, punched28,31,8127
Sturgeon caviar granular28,39,6201
Sturgeon caviar punched36,310,1235

Calorie needs

Calories provide the body with the energy necessary to maintain the body's vital functions. Eating too many calories can cause weight gain, potentially leading to obesity and other medical conditions such as:

  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • stroke
  • type 2 diabetes
  • cholelithiasis
  • infertility
  • gout
  • breathing disorder
  • mental health problems
  • social issues

Eating too little food can also be harmful to your health. With an extremely restrictive diet, the body cannot function normally, which is why conditions such as anorexia and bulimia can be very dangerous.

Everyone needs a different amount of calories to maintain body functions. The following table shows the estimated daily caloric needs of adults according to their age, gender, and activity level.

MenActivity level
Age (years)SedentaryModerateActive
19–2026002 8003 000
21–2524002 8003 000
26–35240026003 000
36–40240026002 800
41–45220026002 800
46–55220024002 800
61–652 00024002600
66–752 00022002600
76 and older2 00022002400
WomenActivity level
19–252 00022002400
26–301,8002 0002400
31–501,8002 0002200
61 and older1,6001,8002 000

To determine how many calories are needed to maintain the body's vital functions, you need to know your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). SEZ is an estimate of how many calories a person needs per day. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than the calculated amount.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) represents the minimum resting energy requirement. Physical activity also contributes to SEZ. To calculate BMR, nutritionists can use the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula:

Men: 10 x weight in kilograms (kg) + 6.25 x height in centimeters (cm) – 5 x age in years + 5

Women: 10 x Weight (kg) + 6.25 x height in cm - 5 x age - 161

Alcoholic drinks

Dry wine65
Semi-dry wine0,32,579
Dessert wine0,520175
Semi-sweet wine0,2588
Table wine0,20,267
Beer 3.0%0,63,537
Beer 4.5%0,84,545
Dark beer0,2439
Port wine13,8167

Foods to be included

If a person's goal is to lose weight or stay healthy, it is necessary to choose foods that are rich in nutrients. Nutritionists recommend including the following foods in your diet:

  • dark green, red and orange vegetables
  • starchy vegetables
  • legumes
  • fruits
  • whole grains and fortified grains
  • low-fat or low-fat dairy products
  • seafood
  • lean meat, poultry and eggs
  • unsalted nuts, seeds and soy products


White fresh3,31,52,432
White dried23,86,830,2277
Fresh oyster mushrooms2,50,56,234
Fresh chanterelles1,512,422
Dried chanterelles227,225,4268
Fresh boletus2,50,71,512
Fresh honey mushrooms2,412,525
Fresh boletus2,11,23,430
Dried boletus23,39,514,4231
Fresh boletuses3,30,43,531
Dried boletuses35,25,433325
Fresh saffron milk caps1,90,72,316
Fresh russulas1,60,81,715
Fresh champignons4,30,91,429

Diet menu for 1500 calories per day (example)

Here is a sample menu that is suitable for those who are aiming for a 1500 calorie limit:

Energy (calories)
1 slice whole grain bread70
half a whole fruit30
half a cup of crushed wheat flour104
1 glass 1% milk102
1 glass orange juice78
1 cup regular black coffee5
2 slices whole grain bread139
50 grams lean roast beef60
1 slice low-fat, low-sodium American cheese46
1 lettuce leaf1
3 slices of tomato10
2 teaspoons low-calorie mayonnaise30
1 medium apple80
100 g salmon in vegetable oil215
three quarters of a medium baked potato with margarine134
half a cup of green beans with margarine52
half a cup of carrots with margarine52
1 medium white dinner roll80
half a glass of cold milk92
Popcorn with margarine120
total amount1,500

Soft drinks

Apricot juice0,90,29,239
Pineapple juice0,20,211,448
Orange juice0,90,18,436
Grape juice0,314,556
Cherry juice0,510,649
Pomegranate juice0,21458
Cocoa with milk241733,1377
Bread kvass0,2526
Coffee with milk0,811156
Lemon juice10,13,218
carrot juice10,16,531
Peach juice0,80,19,137
Non-alcoholic beer4,122
Green tea
Black tea without sugar
Black tea with lemon and sugar (2 tsp)0,80,78,341
Black tea with condensed milk (2 tsp)2,42,919,1112
Energy drink11,447
Apple juice0,50,49,742

Tips and tricks

Doctors also recommend doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. People can get additional benefits by exercising.

Some may feel anxious about stepping on the scale, but research shows that weighing yourself daily can help with weight loss. The researchers found that weighing yourself regularly was not associated with negative psychological outcomes.

Instead, regularly weighing yourself was associated with:

  • increased dietary restraint
  • increased body satisfaction
  • reduction in depressive symptoms

Following a weight loss plan can be challenging for some people. While motivation can temporarily drive healthy lifestyle decisions, long-term goals require permanent changes in habits.

Therefore, to lose weight safely and effectively and maintain a moderate weight, you may need to make long-term lifestyle changes.


The need to count calories applies to all nutrition groups. For example, it is generally accepted that cereals and pasta are complex carbohydrates and do not harm the body in the process of forming a healthy body, but nutritionists warn that eating cereals in large quantities can cause an effect that is completely opposite to losing weight and building a high-quality body. The correct dose of a particular food product can be calculated by calculating the calorie content of your diet.

Barley porridge3,20,522,7102
Millet porridge30,817,292
Rice porrige1,50,217,379
Barley porridge1,40,318,784
Barley flakes9,13,279,7345

How to lose weight faster on a low-calorie diet?

A low-calorie diet allows you to lose weight quickly. However, this result is achieved by burning muscle mass, not fat. Therefore, in order for such a diet to be aimed at results, you need to know the basic rules of losing weight:

  1. Eat properly. When losing weight by reducing your daily calorie intake, you need to consume low-calorie foods. They also need to be rich in protein, as it acts as a building material for muscle tissue.
  2. You need to completely exclude sweets, flour, fried foods, fast food, etc. from your diet.
  3. Drink a lot of water, as water contains necessary substances and microelements that can replace those previously supplied with food.
  4. Perform exercises aimed at building muscle mass and burning fat.
  5. Spend more time outdoors.
  6. Meals should be constantly at the same time, several times a day.
  7. You need to switch to a low-calorie diet gradually.
  8. From time to time recalculate the daily norm. Since when consuming low-calorie foods a person loses weight, also if he wants to lose weight, he changes his lifestyle, which means the daily intake will change.

These tips will help a man lose weight quickly and without problems. With these tips, switching to a low-calorie diet will be easy and hassle-free. The main thing is not to give up, as the first time will be difficult.

Not only women, but also men want to lose weight and have a beautiful figure. Excess weight very often leads to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to consume the amount of calories that the body needs, no more, no less. If a person follows the daily norm and does not exceed it, then there will be no problems with excess weight.

If you already have a problem with excess weight and need to lose weight, then the calorie intake should be slightly reduced. With this diet, you should eat low-calorie and healthy foods. And to lose weight faster, you need to drink more water, walk more often and lead an active lifestyle. This will help relieve not only excess weight, but also many health problems.

For different professions

In relation to calorie intake, a profession is considered from the point of view of its physical activity; the higher it is, the higher the calorie consumption.

  • The physical activity ratio (PAI) of manual workers ranges from 1.6 to 2.5.
  • For mental work - 1.4.
  • Energy consumption per day for people engaged in physical labor is 2500-4200 kcal, and for mental workers - 2100-2450 kcal.

Reducing your calorie intake to lose weight

It is much easier for men to lose weight than for women. And that’s why men rarely use low-calorie diets to lose weight. But they need to more accurately calculate how many calories they need to lose weight. Since such nutrition also involves a decrease in muscle mass. Therefore, to lose weight, it is better for a man to increase the level of physical activity.

The body will also receive energy and all the necessary microelements, but thanks to training it will not accumulate excess.

But if a low-calorie diet is the only way to lose weight or if there is no need to maintain muscle mass, then you need to correctly calculate how many calories the body needs for normal functioning.

In order to find out how much the daily calorie intake is for a man when losing weight, you can use the following formula:

  1. For a man from 18 to 30, the calculation is carried out as follows: mass * 0.63 + 2.9 and the resulting amount must be multiplied by CFA.
  2. From 31 to 60, the norm is determined as follows: mass * 0.05 + 3.65, and the result is multiplied by CFA.
  3. For people over 60: mass * 0.063 + 2.46, and the amount per CFA.

The resulting amount is multiplied by 240.

Or you can calculate the daily rate of weight loss by simply determining the daily rate and reducing it by 20%.

Calorie calculator

To correctly create a daily diet, you need to calculate the calorie intake for the day. It is based on an indicator - basal metabolic rate or metabolic rate, which depends on body surface area (weight and height), age and gender.

In 1919, Harris and Benedict proposed an equation, which was later (1984) improved. However, two new, simpler Muffin-Jeor formulas, which were developed in 1990, are more often used.

They have a 5% higher accuracy and allow you to calculate daily caloric intake for men (1) and women (2):

  • [10 x V] + [6.25 x R] – [5 x VZ] + 5;
  • [10 x V] + [6.25 x R] – [5 x VZ] – 161.

B is weight (kg), P is height (cm) and VZ is age (years). Deviations in a smaller or larger direction are allowed for men by 213 units, for women by 201 units. To adjust the norm, the obtained values ​​are multiplied by the physical activity coefficient.

Frozen foods lose 30–70% of calories

Developing a healthy diet menu based on calorie counting is accessible to everyone. There are freely available calculators on the Internet that, based on weight and name, calculate the calorie content of a product or dish. For convenience, you can keep a food diary using a mobile application.

Why is it necessary to balance the caloric content of dishes?

The human body immediately shows its attitude in situations where the amount of food consumed exceeds the permissible limits. The unspent supply of calories remains in the body in the form of fat, the body begins to “swim”, and unnecessary kilograms are added. The places where fat accumulates the most are the stomach and thighs. But in addition to external aesthetics, health problems appear: the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels), kidneys, liver, knee joints and spine suffer.

Naturally, this process will seem tedious to some, and in this case another option is possible - try to refrain from consuming the following products too often:

  1. Fatty meat and poultry (pork, lamb, duck, goose).
  2. Semolina, oatmeal and rice porridge.
  3. Cakes, muffins and white bread, cookies.
  4. Smoked meats and sausages.
  5. Omelettes and fried eggs.
  6. Dried fruits.
  7. Soda, ice cream and milkshakes.
  8. Pickles and jam.
  9. Alcoholic drinks, since 1 g of alcohol = 7 kcal. Among other things, they lead to an increase in appetite and provoke you to eat more food than necessary, which will cause an energy “overdose”. Vodka and cognac are particularly dangerous in this regard.

How many calories do you need to lose weight?

There are several ways to calculate your daily calorie intake when losing weight. It is worth noting that it is sometimes necessary to introduce amendments to the data obtained during calculation based on the results of practical application. After all, each organism has individual characteristics and needs.

For weight loss to be effective, it is enough to approximately adhere to the results obtained. There is another way to calculate your daily calorie intake for weight loss. From the daily calorie intake calculated earlier, you need to remove 20%. For example, the norm is 1800 kcal. This means that to lose weight, you need to consume 1800-20% = 1440 kcal.

Guaranteed weight loss comes with regular physical activity. In addition, men who want to lose extra pounds should include more protein in their daily diet. This diet helps break down fat reserves and build muscle mass.

Proper nutrition involves eating whole grain products. They are rich in slow carbohydrates, which maintain a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Vegetables and fruits are an essential component of the diet.

What you can and should avoid

In order to properly follow the nutritional system, it is necessary to control the number of calories; they should not be more than 1500 per day.

The 1500 calorie diet is designed in such a way that you can purchase products in any store or market. In this case, you cannot do without excluded products, but for beauty, sometimes it is worth giving up something.

Authorized products include:

  • white chicken meat;
  • lean fish and beef, as well as rabbit;
  • bread made from wholemeal rye flour, diet bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Prohibited foods include:

  • various types of chocolate;
  • sugar;
  • various juices packaged in tetrapacks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • a variety of flour and butter products;
  • fat meat;
  • various types of pasta.

Excess and lack of calories

A person’s well-being depends on how much energy was received from food. If the amount of energy received is very different from the norm, this negatively affects the male body.

With a lack of energy, a man may experience problems such as:

  1. Weakness and fatigue. Lack of energy causes weakness of the body, since many processes taking place in the human body slow down.
  2. Nutrient deficiency. Lack of nutrients affects the entire functioning of the body. And if a man intends to lose weight by reducing his daily calorie intake, he must be prepared to face this problem. In order not to encounter such a problem, you need to include various vitamin supplements containing large amounts of protein in your diet.
  3. Stones. With sudden weight loss, the production of cholesterol increases, which accumulates in the gallbladder, forming stones. And, as you know, the presence of stones in organs leads to pain, nausea and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  4. Nausea. Changing your diet affects the digestive system of the human body and often leads to nausea and vomiting.
  5. Headache. People who want to lose weight quickly always face headaches. Headache occurs due to glucose deficiency. In order to get rid of pain, it is necessary to increase the amount of water consumed.
  6. Decreased muscle mass. If a man just wants to lose weight, then he can do this using a low-calorie diet. Those who want definition should not use this method of losing weight. Since losing weight with a low-calorie diet is always accompanied by loss of muscle mass. This occurs due to the fact that the body begins to consume energy obtained by breaking down muscle tissue.

In addition to all this, a long-term and improper low-calorie diet can affect the functioning of the heart and cause stroke, heart attack and arrhythmia. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse a low-calorie diet.

A man’s health is affected not only by a calorie deficit; an excess of energy also has a negative effect and often becomes the cause of many problems. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the calories you need to consume per day. When losing weight, you can only reduce the daily intake by 20%, otherwise a deficiency will occur.

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