Sustanon after 40 years. Optimal choice of steroid course

Find out how to properly take a long course of steroids and why many athletes resort to such hormonal courses.

The topic of use by athletes is very relevant today. Thanks to the capabilities of the Internet, these drugs have ceased to be the privilege of only professionals and AAS are used very actively in amateur bodybuilding. We now want to talk about what an eternal course of steroids is. It should be recognized that this is a very extensive topic and a detailed discussion will require a lot of time. For this reason, we will focus only on the main points so that beginning builders have an idea about such courses.

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Already from the name it becomes clear that an eternal course of steroids involves the use of appropriate drugs over a long period of time. However, this does not mean that you should simply use one of the standard sets of AAS, say, Sustanon, Methandienone and Nandrolone Decanoate. You must also understand that during the eternal course you will face a large number of obstacles and not everything is as good as many assume.

Good day, friends! Today I will touch on an incredibly broad and equally interesting topic, namely: An eternal cycle of steroids.

In fact, the topic is so vast that even a day would not be enough to talk about it, so in this article I will take you on a brief excursion into the hormonal game, it will be very interesting!

So, what is a “Forever Cycle of Steroids”? It is not difficult to guess that this is the use of steroids over a very long period of time, or throughout life. However, as many people think, this is not the standard “sust, sound, methane” for life, not at all. And on the eternal course, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance; there are a lot of pitfalls along the way.

First of all, the basis of the eternal course is testosterone, any ether convenient for you. When starting an eternal course, you need to come to terms with the idea that you will use testosterone in its various esters and dosages all your life, there is no going back and there will never be, you will never return to the previous level of hormones after 3-5 years on the course, and after beyond the condition obtained on the course, you will no longer be able to live with normal hormone levels.

Despite the fact that the basis of any eternal (and any other) course is testosterone, the drugs should be changed every 3-6 months, if that is what you want. It is recommended to make the following transitions, for example: enanthate - cypionate - propionate - sustanon and again. Now, let’s look at all aspects of the eternal course in more detail.

The use of steroids on an eternal course

A continuous cycle of steroids involves taking anabolic hormones continuously for several years or even decades.

This “know-how” is used only in competitive bodybuilding.

For comparison: for medical purposes, anabolic steroids are used in small concentrations and for a short time.

The course of treatment is 4-8 weeks, followed by a break in hormonal therapy for a period of 1.5-2 times longer.

This duration of taking hormones and further rest from them are designed to minimize the risk of developing numerous side effects.

In professional bodybuilding, medical dosages and periods of taking steroids are exceeded several times.

As a result, even among amateurs, the norm has taken root to practice steroid courses for 12-16 weeks.

Well, the pros decided to go even further, taking anabolic steroids all year round, without interruption.

Some professional bodybuilders claim that they have been on steroids for 8-10 years.

Bodybuilding world

In this article we will look at what a perpetual course is, its positive and negative sides, and why athletes generally resort to it.

The issue of using anabolic steroids is very relevant and controversial. If previously such drugs were the prerogative of professional athletes, then with the advent of the Internet and the relative ease of purchase, amateurs and everyone else also had the opportunity to use them.

The topic is extremely broad and it will be simply impossible to give comprehensive answers to all questions in one article. Therefore, we will consider only the main points.

I would like to remind you right away that the eternal course is a rather serious step and can have very disastrous consequences. And if you are not a professional athlete, but just want to pump up for the summer or keep your body toned, then it is better to look for other, safer methods.

What is a perpetual course?

Already from the very name - “Eternal” course, it becomes clear that taking anabolic steroids (hereinafter AAS) will be long. The basis of such courses is the use of testosterone in various variations or Sustanon. Thus, the testosterone produced by the body is replaced with testosterone obtained from the outside. Due to this, it is possible to control the level of the hormone in the body and significantly increase its level in comparison with natural values.

Professional athletes at a competitive level can stay on the course for 6 months or more. There are those who can stay on the course for years. We must also not forget that there may not be a way back, although this does not happen as often as opponents of hormonal therapies claim. You will also need constant monitoring of tests from the appropriate doctor.

Basic principles of application

Most often, the usage pattern looks like this:

  • from 6 to 12 weeks a powerful drug is used (Trenbolone, Oxymetholone, Nandrolone)
  • from 6 to 12 weeks a weaker drug is used (Danabol, Winstrol, Masteron)
  • a "bridge" is being carried out

The bridge is the period when they take a break from high-intensity training, high-calorie nutrition and the use of powerful AAS. During the bridge period, testosterone is used in small doses. But it is worth mentioning that not all athletes make a bridge; some only alternate between phases 1 and 2 of taking medications.

Positive effects
  • Significantly increases strength and muscle mass in a shorter period of time. It will be much more difficult for a straight person to achieve the same results, and sometimes it is simply not possible.
  • Stimulates anabolic and suppresses catabolic processes.
  • The action of anabolic steroids is to increase the permeability of cell membranes. At the same time, trophic processes are activated, oxygen transport is improved, and metabolism is accelerated. Under the influence of steroids, the synthesis of creatine phosphate and ATP, the main high-energy compounds that ensure the process of muscle contraction, is enhanced.
  • You can do harder and longer workouts.
  • Reduction of fat deposits.
  • Good mood and burst of energy.
Side effects of the “eternal” course

As mentioned above, in order to minimize risks and side effects, you need to undergo examinations by a qualified doctor before starting the course and throughout the course. But even this will not give a hundred percent guarantee that everything will go perfectly.

Here is a list of the main side effects:

  • overtraining and overfatigue are very common among athletes who are on an eternal course. To identify it, you need to take tests for the level of cortisol and progesterone, since without tests it will be very difficult to identify the problem.
  • Increased bad cholesterol and hypertrophy of the heart muscle. These problems also cannot be excluded and preventive work must be carried out. Cardio and omega-3 intake will help as prevention.
  • Adrenal fatigue and testicular atrophy. These organs are responsible for the secretion of hormones, most notably the testicles. As a result of the constant supply of testosterone from outside, the testicles stop working as unnecessary, and the only thing that can help you from their irreversible atrophy is the use of hCG (gonadotropin).
  • The higher the dosage and the longer the course duration, the more difficult and longer it will take to restore natural hormonal levels.
  • Problems with libido and potency. It does happen, but if the course is structured correctly, the problem is rare.
  • Infertility. No one can give a one hundred percent guarantee that after completing the course a similar problem will not arise.
  • Gynecomastia, fluid accumulation, pressure, acne, hair loss.

It is very important to purchase drugs from a trusted seller in order to avoid the chance of buying a counterfeit.

Recovery after the course

One day the moment will come when you will have to finish even the eternal course. After it, the athlete will need to restore his natural hormonal levels. The principles of recovery are almost no different from recovery after a regular course of steroids. The difference for the most part is only in the duration and intensity of recovery. We will consider it in detail in a separate article, since this is also a rather voluminous topic.

Basic rules

The Eternal Course is used exclusively in professional bodybuilding and has no scientific or medical basis.

The information that comes to the media about this is the personal experiments of professionals on their own bodies and their subjective conclusions.

However, the idea of ​​continuous use of steroids arose due to certain medical observations.

True, all conclusions were made about sick people who underwent hormonal therapy. But more on that later.

In the world of bodybuilding, there are recommendations for an eternal course of steroids. How professional and competent these councils are is a big question.

We provide these basic rules for guidance only:

  1. There are “solo” and combined courses

During “solo”, only 1 type of anabolic steroid is used, while in combination, several drugs are used at once, or they alternate.

  1. The first and most important rule of the eternal course is low (medical) or medium dosages of steroids

Constant high concentrations of hormones negatively affect all body systems.

  1. Constant change of drugs

This is done to reduce the body's addiction. For example, 1 month of “Boldenone”, a month of “Sustanon”, a month of “Primobolan” - a combined course.

  1. Preference is given to oil-based injectable preparations

They practically do not put any strain on the liver, which is very important for long-term use.

Course Sustanon 250 solo

People who have no contraindications to the drug and who have reached the age of majority can start taking this steroid. The drug is taken on its own for 6-8 weeks. A longer period requires additional administration of gonadotropin. Maintaining a constant high concentration of testosterone in the blood requires daily injections. The recommended dosage varies between 250-500 ml.

Aromatase inhibitors begin to be taken from the eighth day of the course and are stopped after completion after one to two weeks. 21 days after stopping the use of Sustanon 250, post-cycle therapy (PCT) begins in order to restore the process of producing its own testosterone in the body. The hormone returns to its usual level approximately 30 days after consuming boosters. Diet and specialized sports nutrition can improve results.

Side effects

The risk of side effects from anabolic steroids is directly proportional to the dosage of the drug and the duration of use!

The longer you use steroids, the more likely you are to experience negative effects.

The sad experience of professional bodybuilders confirms this.

Many of them have serious health problems at the end of their competitive career. Most often this affects the heart, sexual function, liver and kidneys.

According to the pros themselves, one of the main factors of these diseases is the continuous use of anabolic steroids for decades.

The medical instructions for these drugs list the following side effects:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Acne
  3. Decreased production of your own testosterone
  4. Problems with potency
  5. Gynecomastia – female-type breast development in men
  6. Load on internal organs and body systems - heart, liver, kidneys
  7. Increased aggression

And these negative consequences can occur with normal dosages and a course of treatment of 4 to 6 weeks!

If consumption rates increase by 3-5 times, and the duration of the course goes to infinity, this will definitely not pass without leaving a trace on the body.

Plus, many people forget that a number of common drugs in bodybuilding are not intended for humans at all! That is, veterinary drugs are used.

The most popular among them are Boldenone or Equipoise and Parabolan (trenbolone acetate).

No one knows what effects await a person taking such drugs, because no one has conducted research on this topic.

Steroid profile

  • The anabolic and androgenic activity from taking the drug is 100% of testosterone.
  • There is marked suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
  • The mixture has no effect on the liver.
  • Possible detection time in a doping control test is up to three months after the last dose.
  • The drug is available in the form of injections.

History of use in medicine and sports

Sustanon replaced testosterone drugs, which were already used for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the mid-20th century.

The pharmaceutical company Organon took on the development of Sustanon. The company's goal was to develop a new drug based on several testosterone esters that could provide all their benefits under one product. After successful trials, the drug went on sale in the early 1970s under the trade name “Sustanon 250” and at the same time the drug quickly gained particular popularity in the world due to the use of the steroid in sports.

How to maintain maximum results after a course of steroids

    Start PCT on time. To do this, you should monitor your tests (total testosterone).
  1. Monitor your PCT hormones: estradiol and prolactin, their blockage will greatly interfere with recovery.
  2. Influence the reduction of the catabolic phase: use protein, complex amino acids, this will help reduce the rollback phenomenon.
  3. Change your nutrition program to avoid becoming fat.
  4. Change your training cycle; workouts during recovery should be gentle. If possible, keep only basic exercises.

Only by following the above methods is it possible to achieve minimal setback after the course. Always put your health first. And after that: sporting achievements in one sport or another. The information is provided for informational purposes only , without a call to action.

“Everyone goes to Asia for steroids”

Athletes say that ordering a drug banned in Russia through an online store is not a problem, if only you had the money. According to doctors, the main problem with such drugs is that it is most often impossible to determine their composition and manufacturer. Especially when it comes to dietary supplements that pass pharmaceutical control.

Nevertheless, Asian drugs are becoming increasingly popular among Russian athletes. Some even specially fly to Thailand, where steroids are freely available, and send them by parcel to Russia in their name.


— Athletes travel to Asia to take a course or simply improve their health. Asian doctors are well versed in what should be done, how it should be, and how to correctly formulate a course. If we talk about Russia, our market for steroid drugs is not developing, because these drugs are banned. In Yekaterinburg, everything is even worse: the market here is artisanal.

Photo: Sergey Loginov for 66.RU

Online stores recommend starting with something simple and advise choosing a course starting from 15 thousand rubles.

Anton, athlete:

— The drugs are prohibited by Russian law, but with the development of the Internet, nothing complicated can happen. Compared to some other drugs in pharmacies, steroids are cheap in online stores. Of course, everything depends on the quantity and quality of drugs, but people with average incomes can easily afford pharmacology. On average, the price per month is from 5 thousand rubles. For professionals, these numbers are very high.


— You can buy fierce chemicals for 5 thousand rubles, but you can not save on your health, and then the course will cost 50–100 thousand rubles.

The athlete adds that there is no problem getting the right drug in Yekaterinburg. As a rule, every fitness club has a person with the right connections. The main question is to draw up the right course to avoid side effects.

Combination of Sustanon with other steroids

Since Sustanon is a mixture of testosterones, and testosterone is an important hormone that you would not want to keep near zero for the entire period of the steroid cycle, it is logical to combine it with other anabolics throughout the entire period of their use.
Moreover, without testosterone injections, it is generally not recommended to take courses of anabolic steroids, since they help to reduce testosterone production against the background of hormonal changes during this period and at the same time get all the consequences of such a drawdown one-to-one. One of the most common combinations is the use of sustanon with any tablet drugs and nadrolone decanoate. Depending on your preferences, you can combine a course of Sustanon with drugs that have a fast and long half-life.

As such, there are no strict combination rules and you can combine any drugs with Sustanon if your soul asks for it and your hands itch. And if you strive for a more logical and competent use, then it is advisable to plan the course from 10 weeks, and select drugs equal in duration of action to sustanon (based on esters enanthate, decanoate, undecanoate, etc.), where in addition you can also add drugs with a short half-life . An example of a combination is as follows: Sustanon 500 mg/week. 1-12 weeks + masteron enanthate 600 mg/week. 1-12 + turinabol 40 mg/day for 5-12 weeks. Or create a course only based on Sustanon, where the first half of the course is combined with tablet versions (17-alpha), and the second half of the course includes injections with a short period of action (Masteron propionate, nadrolone phenylpropionate, trenbolone acetate). For example, Sustanon 500 mg/week. 1-12 weeks + Danabol 40 mg/day. 1-6 weeks + masteron propionate 100 mg. h/day 7-13 weeks.

* Important! Always keep in mind that Sustanon contains long testosterone esters, which can leave the body from four to six weeks, which in turn will affect the start of PCT, which makes no sense to start as long as androgens are in the body.

Instead of sustanon, you can use other testosterone esters: propionate, enanthate, cypionate, etc. Sustanon, however, is for more experienced people who have tried several esters separately.

The use of Sustanon and other anabolic steroids should be supervised by a specialist or doctor who is familiar with the use of pharmacology for sports purposes. Only in this case will it be possible to minimize the negative consequences and obtain the expected result.

Medicines to stimulate muscle cell growth

Drugs for gaining muscle mass are divided into 2 groups: anabolic steroids, androgenic hormonal drugs.

Anabolic steroids include the following drugs:

  • Boldenone;
  • Methenolone;
  • Nandrolone;
  • Oxandrolone;
  • Stanozolol.

Androgens are considered:

  • Testosterone;
  • Oxymetholone.

Agents with intermediate properties of both groups:

  • Methandrostenolone;
  • Turinabol.
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